The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 21


Li Sui didn't sleep well that night, always dreaming that someone came to harm Lu Shang, and his ability was limited, not only did he fail to protect him, but he also lost his life. When he woke up in a daze, he found that it was already bright outside, and the morning reading time had already passed, so he quickly got up.

"Why didn't you call me." Li Sui hurriedly went downstairs, while Lu Shang, dressed in black, sat at the dining table and served a bunch of cornflowers.

"Run slowly, there is water on the ground," Lu Shang stared at his slippers, "I don't read today, go and change your clothes, I'll take you to visit the grave."

Li Sui was startled, seeing that Uncle Yuan was also dressed in black, he hurriedly responded.

They went to the cemetery in the suburbs. Lu Shang didn't speak all the way. Influenced by the atmosphere, Li Sui also fell silent. When he got out of the car, he was faced with a long bluestone stair. He looked up and couldn't see the end. Ordinary people were out of breath when they climbed this stair. Li Sui was worried that Lu Shang's body would not be able to support him, so he stayed behind him every step of the way.

The second half of the steps began to steepen, and Li Sui simply grabbed Lu Shang's hand, for fear that he would fall unsteadily. The further up you go, the fewer tombs nearby, and the more open you are. When Lu Shang stopped, there were very few tombstones around.

The cemetery was swept clean, and in front of the stone tablet stood the same cornflower as Lu Shang's hand, apparently someone had come. The man in the black and white photo is seven or eight similar to Lu Shang. This is Lu Shang's father.

Uncle Yuan had offered incense to Father Lu, but retreated to give them all the space.

Lu Shang didn't show a sad expression, he was still indifferent, he bowed and put the flower in front of the stone tablet: "I've come to see you, I'm still alive this year." There was a hint of luck in his tone.

Li Sui, who was beside him, trembled almost invisible when he heard the words.

Lu Shang turned his head to Li Sui and said, "This is my father's tomb, you can put incense sticks."

He obediently went over, lit incense, and bowed respectfully.

During this period, Lu Shang didn't speak. He just stared at the tombstone in silence. Li Sui always felt that he was speaking with all his heart in mind.

"You asked me if I was mixed race," Lu Shang helped him up, "I really can't answer you, I'm a test-tube baby."

Li Sui was shocked for a while, and Lu Shang continued: "My father is a soldier. He once concealed his heart disease history and entered the army to perform a special mission. Later, the mission was successfully completed. He returned to the city with all his injuries and illnesses, and formed a team with a few comrades in arms. The company started business, that was the earliest Dongyan."

"He passed on me two genes, one for heart disease and the other for sexual orientation. Well, so does my father." Lu Shangxiang smiled, "At that time, the technology of IVF was not very mature, and this was also my father. He has always felt guilty about me. He originally wanted me to be healthy. In fact, I was indeed healthy in the first few years of my birth, but since I was four or five years old, my body gradually showed some heart problems. There is no escape."

"I don't have a deep relationship with him. We haven't seen each other a few times since I went abroad to recuperate and he passed away." Lu Shang reached out and wiped the dust on the photo, "He has always had a wish, hoping to find a kind of A once-and-for-all solution will allow me to live a healthy life without the never-ending threat of heart disease."

"In the years when I was away from China, he made a lot of attempts, and some of them were not even humane. Maybe the method was wrong. His wish has never been successfully realized, and he could only regret his death in the end." After Lu Shang finished speaking, he slowly Looking at him slowly, "Li Sui, can you understand what he's doing?"

Li Sui didn't know why Lu Shang suddenly said this to him, he was silent for a while, and replied, "If I were him, I would do the same."

Lu Shang stared at the tombstone and showed an ambiguous smile.

The way down the mountain was much easier to walk. Even so, Lu Shang still felt uncomfortable, with a dull pain in his chest and numbness at the tips of his fingers. Uncle Yuan had already been waiting by the side of the car. He had just answered a phone call. At this moment, he looked at Lu Shang with an expression that he had something to say, but he couldn't say it directly because of Li Sui's presence.

"Come on, it's fine." Lu Shang opened the car door and sat in.

"The guy in the prison, the relationship is open, and his sentence can be reduced, but it will cost a little money."

Lu Shang squeezed his brows and commanded, "Go do it."

Li Sui couldn't help but wonder, "Who?"

Looking at each other, Lu Shang looked at Li Sui, his eyes were quite meaningful, but he didn't answer him, he just said to Uncle Yuan, "Go home."

It was useless for Li Sui to ask what he didn't want to say, so he could only shut his mouth angrily. He didn't know if it was because of the anniversary of his death. He always felt that today's Lu Shang was a bit unusual.

Back at noon, Lu Shang slept without eating lunch. Li Sui thought he was in a bad mood, but when he saw his pale face, he realized that he was unwell, so he hurriedly called Liang Zirui.

"It's okay, the blood supply is insufficient, it's an old problem," Liang Zirui said after listening to the symptoms, "he has a red medicine bottle in his drawer, you can give him two pills, get some oxygen, keep his lower limbs warm, and get a good night's sleep. All right."

Lu Shang slept in a daze, didn't cooperate well with taking the medicine, and spilled it several times, Li Sui was helpless, who would have thought that the cold-eyed Boss Lu, who was killing all directions outside, was afraid of hardship, so he could only coax and turn off the light for him. Warm the bed and cover the legs.

After tossing to the middle of the night, the quilt warmed up, and Li Sui was sweating. After rubbing against Lu Shang's lap for a long time, his skin touched, and his lower body reacted long ago. Li Sui sat beside the bed for a while, couldn't help stealing a kiss, and then lightly went to the bathroom to clean himself up.

When Lu Shang got up the next day, his face really improved a lot, but Li Sui was still worried that he would go out alone and had to follow him. Lu Shang didn't plan to take anyone, but after thinking about it, he took him with him when he left.

"where are we going?"

"Shooting range."

The location is very remote, almost driving out of the edge of the city, getting out of the car, there is a golf course in front of them, the waiter led them to turn left and right, and entered a glass room. The middle-aged man inside had just fired a shot and looked sideways. Glancing at him, he took off the earmuffs.

"Mr. Yue, it's a pleasure to meet." Lu Shang reached out and shook his hand.

"Xiao Ke told me to introduce the friend, so it's you." The middle-aged man smiled, and his eyes shifted to Li Sui.

"This is Li Sui." Lu Shangdao said only his name without introducing his identity.

Li Sui only felt that this person was familiar: "Boss Yue is good."

Yue Pengfei's eyes wandered between the two for a while, his eyes were unclear, he turned his head and asked the waiter to bring a revolver over, and raised his eyebrows at Lu Shang: "I heard that your marksmanship is good, Bibi?"

Lu Shang readily agreed: "I can't ask for it."

There were ten bullets in total, all of which were polished brightly. Li Sui glanced at it, and was shocked to find that it was a live bullet. Yue Pengfei is a veteran, obviously he has already warmed up, and he is skilled with bullets on the ground, posing a posture that is bound to be won.

Lu Shang wiped his hands with a hot towel, and put on the first shot without any hassle. He has a narrow waist and long legs. With one hand raised, his shoulders and waistline are drawn into a beautiful arc, and his head is slightly tilted. It was pressing, even a little careless, but standing beside Yue Pengfei seemed no less inferior.

Li Sui couldn't help but stare at Lu Shang's waist. He couldn't help but imagine how it would feel if he reached out and hugged him.

The two of them stood still, obviously it was just a shooting action, and it just stood out as a swordsman competition.

The surroundings were extremely quiet, and there were two "bang bang" sounds. The bullets were fired one after another. At almost the same time, flowers bloomed on the distant target.

Lu Shang took off his earmuffs: "As expected of President Yue."

Yue Pengfei shook his head and smiled: "You're not bad."

The electronic scoreboard jumped out their respective values, Li Sui glanced at them, Yue Pengfei scored 9 points, and Lu Shang scored 8 points.

Then came the second shot. This time, Li Sui's attention shifted to his marksmanship. Lu Shang had ten slender fingers, and he held the gun very firmly in his hand.

The two were evenly matched, and the score was tight. Lu Shang used one hand for the first few shots, but from the fifth shot, he used the other hand to gently assist. Li Sui hadn't touched the gun, but he knew that shooting had recoil. Although the gun's caliber was not large, it would still shock his wrist somewhat.

At the end of the round, Lu Shang handed the gun back to the waiter, turned his sour wrist, and said lightly, "General Yue's marksmanship is really good, and this junior is willing to give in."

Yue Pengfei's competition was hearty. He rarely encountered opponents. Even if they did, they would deliberately lose to him because of their status. Although Lu Shang was two points behind him, this attitude of trying his best to compete with all his heart. Let Yue Pengfei feel more useful.

"Where is it, I've been practicing for half an hour before you came." Yue Pengfei laughed. He obviously wasn't enjoying himself. He kept staring at the sniper rifle on the wall and asked the waiter to take it down for him.

At this time, a woman who looked like a secretary came in, knocked on the door, and said, "Mr. Yue, the young master is here."

Yue Pengfei said "oh", put the gun back in disappointment, and patted Lu Shang's shoulder: "I'll go out for a while, you guys play first."

Li Sui took the opportunity to grab a hot towel and put it on Lu Shang's wrist: "Does it hurt?"

Lu Shang shook his head and said with a smile, "Would you like to try it?"

"I do not know."

"Take it, I'll teach you."

The real gun was much heavier than he had imagined. Under the guidance of Li Sui, he loaded the bullet and raised the gun with a straight face.

"Put this finger here, with your arms up and elevated." Lu Shang stood beside him, wrapping his waist with one hand and his wrist with the other. The two were so close that they could almost feel each other. heartbeat.

"Relax, concentrate, and don't shake your body," Lu Shang leaned against his ear, as if smiling, "Hold firmly." After saying this, he put the earmuffs on Li Sui and gently backed away . Li Sui stared at the target tightly, and pulled the trigger with a "bang".

The target shook, the scoreboard jumped out a "1 point" at the right time, and Li Sui showed a surprised expression.

"The first shot, not bad," Lu Shang said behind him, "don't just stare at the target, pay attention to the angle of the gun, come again."

Probably every man is born with an indescribable enthusiasm for guns and weapons. After the first shot, Li Sui felt that the blood in his body was boiling. Before Lu Shang could finish speaking, he fired the second bullet and raised the gun with both hands. .

Having learned the lesson from the last time, this time he turned his body slightly, his legs were one after the other, and he painted a picture of Lu Shang holding a gun in his mind. He focused his eyes and held his breath to aim. When his body was completely silent, he pulled the trigger decisively. .


Electronic scoreboard jump, "6 points".

There was applause behind him, Li Sui took off his earmuffs and turned around, seeing Lu Shang smiling at him: "Yes, you have talent."

Li Sui was overjoyed when he received the compliment, he almost had a tail swaying around, someone outside the glass wall locked the door, Lu Shang saw that it was Yue Pengfei, knew that the other party was looking for him to say something, and said, "You are practicing here. ."

The sound insulation effect of the glass walls is very good. Li Sui watched two people talking in the corridor, and pricked up his ears to listen, but he couldn't hear anything, so he could only give up and practice guns with peace of mind.

"Dongyan is a good company, but your internals are too complicated, I don't want to get involved with it." Yue Pengfei said bluntly.

Lu Shang expressed his understanding: "What if it is holding shares on behalf of others?"

"Stock holdings?"

"Not in my name, nor in Dongyan's name, but the money to inject capital into Musheng will not be less."

Yue Pengfei really hesitated: "I don't know who Boss Lu will find to hold shares on his behalf."

Lu Shangxue gestured to the glass room with his eyes: "That child."

Yue Pengfei was surprised: "As far as I know, he has no legal relationship with you, right? You are not afraid of what he thinks in the future and runs away with money? Eighty million is not a small amount, Boss Lu, I hope you will consider it carefully. "

"You can rest assured about this," Lu Shang said, "I've been in business for more than ten years, and I won't do business at a loss."

Yue Pengfei didn't say any more: "Since you said so..."

"But I have a condition," Lu Shangdao said, "He only holds shares, not a legal representative, and does not participate in the board of directors. Any flaws in your company's future operations have nothing to do with him."

Yue Pengfei looked uncertain: "It seems that you don't trust me either."

Instead, Lu Shang smiled: "It's serious, as a parent, I always have to think more about my children, I hope you can understand."

Yue Pengfei pondered for a moment and looked at Li Sui in the glass room: "It's not impossible, but I have one condition."

The electronic scoreboard jumps, showing a "0".

Li Sui took off his earmuffs and glanced out uncontrollably. Outside the glass wall, Lu Shangzheng was chatting and laughing with others, which made him feel inexplicably anxious.

"Sir, do you still need bullets?" the waiter asked.

"No, thank you." Li Sui handed him the gun and opened the door to go out.

"Tired of playing?" Lu Shang asked with a smile when he saw him come out.

"Well," Li Sui pretended to rub his wrists, "what are you talking about?"

Lu Shang glanced at Yue Pengfei and said, "Your Uncle Yue just mentioned a field training camp, and he wanted to get the big and small Sima to exercise, but he was worried, because he was afraid that the two of them would lose face in the fight in the training camp, so he wanted to find someone Follow along. I thought about it, and thought you could try it. They are all young people, and they can communicate better. What do you think?"

Li Sui was taken aback: "Training camp?"

"This is a project of Musheng, and it is still in the internal testing stage. It is mainly about life experience in the military camp, which lasts for one month." Yue Pengfei explained, "My two children were pampered since they were young, and they couldn't bear the slightest bit of hardship. There is no manliness at all, especially the boss, who knows how to play temper all day."

When he mentioned his son, a burst of anger surged on Yue Pengfei's face, and when he realized his gaffe, he coughed twice, and said to Li Sui, "If Xiao Li is willing to go, I'm really relieved. I heard Jing Rong say that before. You rescued him in Hainan, so I really want to thank you."

Only then did Li Sui realize that this Mr. Yue was Yue Pengfei, the father who Sima Jingrong said was stealing his mother's inheritance from his son, and hurriedly said, "You're serious, I... didn't do anything." He just scolded him a few words. , not very good.

Lu Shang looked at the two of them and said with a smile, "That's settled then, I'll send him here."

This is how it was settled.

On the way back, Li Sui was not very happy and sat in the back seat, not saying a word.

Lu Shang patted his hand: "Angry?"

Li Sui turned his head and said sullenly, "Do you think I'm annoying?"

Lu Shang held his hand and made a comforting gesture: "You go to exercise, there is no harm, there are instructors inside, who will teach you some boxing skills."

"In that case, I won't be able to go home for a month, and my homework will also be put on hold." Li Sui said, and he didn't say anything - he won't be able to see you for a month.

"It's okay, you can bring a few books to read." Lu Shang said.

Entering the training camp is not a big deal. Yue Pengfei just wanted to take this opportunity to investigate Li Sui's character. Musheng is the company he built and will be handed over to the big and small Sima in the future. That is to say, Sima's partner in the future, as a father, it is also reasonable to want to personally check on his two sons.

"As long as he can successfully graduate from the training camp, Musheng shareholders will have his seat."

When Yue Pengfei just mentioned this matter, Lu Shang had already made up his mind to let Li Sui go, and the two of them could be said to hit it off. Not long ago, in the online live broadcast room, Lu Shang heard the cases of many parents. Before, he only thought that Li Sui was too good, and he had a precocious maturity beyond his age. Later, when he compared with other children's children, he realized that there was something wrong with Li Sui. He is too clingy to him, he has to follow him wherever he goes, his eyes are always on guard against anything approaching him, and he is too possessive. Lu Shang wasn't bored, but he was born gay. Although he had few desires, he couldn't resist such a strong offensive.

Li Sui stopped talking, his eyes were clearly "I can't bear you".

Lu Shang smiled lightly and said, "Go, there must be someone in our family who can fight."