The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 23


The wild stream in the mountain stream is very clear and naturally pollution-free. Because it is located on the shady side and lacks sunlight, the water temperature and groundwater are the same. The four of them soaked in the water for a while, and most of the fire in the morning dissipated, and they felt relieved and relieved.

Li Sui glanced at the scars on his chest in the rippling reflection. It used to be the most sensitive and darkest part of his past, but now he has become accustomed to coexisting peacefully with them and has become a part of his life experience. Li Sui couldn't even remember how long it had been since he hadn't had nightmares again. Since he had a familiar body temperature around him, no one else appeared in his dreams.

The ancients often used the method of changing names to eliminate disasters, avoid diseases, and escape the number of lives. Li Sui often thought that maybe the person who gave him a new name would also give him a new life.

"This water is so comfortable, Wang Wei, can this vine work?"

Wang Wei swam over, grabbed one and pulled it hard: "It can be possible, but there are thorns on it."

"Who is underweight, climb up and try first?"

As soon as Sima Jingrong finished speaking, Sima Yan, who was next to him, was stunned for a moment, then glanced at him with a displeased expression, and consciously swam to the edge of the waterfall, grabbed a vine, wrapped it around his wrist, and kicked out with force. water.

He's lean, nimble, and looks like a good rock climber. Li Sui cautiously approached the small waterfall and looked up. From the shore, he didn't think it was high. When he got closer, he realized that the rocks were covered with moss. Those who didn't have a lot of skill really couldn't get off the ground. Fortunately, there was a pool under the vines. It won't cause serious injury.

"Slow down." Wang Wei stared at him with a nervous tension. He wasn't worried that Little Sima would fall, but because the rock wall was hit by water all the year round, some of the stones were loose and looked precarious.

Sima Yan's movements were fairly steady. His waist was very strong, and he quickly climbed to the top of the rock wall. The higher the water flow, the stronger his vision was. The wet vest was attached to him, Li Sui raised his head, and found that his calf was shaking slightly.

"How are you? Come down if you can't do it, don't be brave." Li Sui hurriedly swam under him, ready to respond at any time.

Sima Yan wiped his face, didn't know what to say, his voice was drowned in the sound of water, he replaced a thicker vine, kicked his right foot and climbed up another half a meter, almost reaching the top.

However, at this moment, Sima Jingrong, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly shouted, and the tone was a bit eager: "If you have a stone, let go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that a stone that had been loose a long time ago was overturned by the current, mixed with waterfall water, and smashed directly at Sima Yan's head from a height.

At the same time, Sima Yan let out a "tsk", loosened the vines in his hands, stepped on the rock wall to kick his body away, and then "thumped" into the water with his back on the ground.

Immediately, a circle of water splashed on the surface of the water, Li Sui swam over quickly, grabbed his arm and pulled him up.

"Cough cough..." Sima Yan choked on some water, and hung on Li Sui's body, his face flushed from coughing.

"Are you hurt?" Wang Wei also leaned over.

Sima Yan was speechless with a cough, and only waved his hand.

"Go ashore first." Li Sui frowned.

His body was covered in water, and his tank top and shorts were sticking to his body wetly. He was probably frightened. Sima Yan's face was still a little pale, like a soaked chicken. Only then did Li Sui realize that he was really thin. This weight was probably not as good as that of a tall girl.

"It's almost..." Sima Yan said unwillingly, recovering from the violent cough.

"Safety is the most important thing." Li Sui patted his shoulder.

"If you can't do it, don't go, you will be in the limelight." Sima Jingrong threw a piece of dry clothes over.

Sima Yan didn't pick up his clothes and sneered, "You're disappointed that I didn't get hurt, right?"

Sima Jingrong didn't reply this time, and even showed a look of guilt on his face, which was surprising. Li Sui and Wang Wei looked at each other with surprises. It seems that the relationship between these two brothers is not theirs either. Think so badly.

"I took a look before I jumped down," Sima Yan wiped the water off his face, stood up, pointed to the high place, "There is a water pool on it, and there are trees next to it, I can't see if there is a watermelon."

Li Sui remembered what he said, "There is a pool of water, which means that it is easy to accumulate water. The soil here is so viscous. Can watermelons be grown in this environment?"

"Damn, that instructor is playing with us?"

Li Sui had a clue in his heart, but he didn't worry anymore, and sat down: "It's strange that we don't play."

Although Li Sui had never been in contact with the army, Li Sui also knew the strict discipline of the army. People like them who blatantly flouted discipline and were arrogant and unrepentant would naturally become the first choice for killing chickens and setting an example.

The instructor's whistle was heard in the distance. Hearing the sound, it should be the start of the morning training. Sima Yan put his feet in the water: "Isn't it better not to train? Who cares?"

Li Sui always felt sorry for Lu Shang when he came here. The only one who could help him here was Wang Wei, but at the moment he was sitting on the shore motionless, with his eyes closed and he seemed to be asleep.

"Since I can't find it, why don't I go back and report it directly to the instructor. If he wants to be punished, he can't escape." Li Sui tried to persuade.

When Sima Jingrong heard that he wanted to go back and be punished, he immediately quit. He is the eldest young master at home, and only others have always treated him badly. It's already a face for the instructor that he hasn't had an attack for so long here. He, don't even think about it.

"I won't go back and see what he can do with me."

Sima Yan didn't say anything, but he also had a reluctant expression on his face. Li Sui knew in the end that these two were the habits of the sons of aristocratic families. At this time, he finally realized the gap between him and Lu Shang. No matter what the occasion, that person's words will always be highly executed to the people around him, as if his leadership ability is innate.

Several people played leisurely in the water, holding their heads and watching the oblique shadow under the sun from long to short, then long, and teasing each other at first, but later they all lay on their stomachs and didn't want to move. There is no way, if you don't sacrifice to the temple of the five internal organs, you can't raise your strength at all. You are all at a young age. Usually, you will be very hungry if you don't eat a meal, let alone one night in advance.

"Are we going to soak in the water for a day? If we don't go back, we won't be able to make time for dinner." Wang Wei wondered.

Given his early years of experience, Li Sui was already starving, and even he felt that his limbs were weak and his feet were vain, not to mention the big and small Sima who had been spoiled since childhood.

Before he came, Sima Jingrong brought snacks, but unfortunately his father did not know where to find out, so he directly asked the deputy team to enter the dormitory and searched them away, and specially instructed the housekeeper not to give him any more. When someone mentioned it at this moment, I suddenly remembered that the cupboard of instant noodles, biscuits and chocolate was long gone, and his face changed suddenly, and he muttered: "But the instructor made it clear that he wants to punish us, and he has to think of a way to pass him first. what."

Li Sui glanced at the gradually sinking sunset in the distance, stood up and patted his pants: "You all go back to the dormitory, I will go back alone to receive the punishment."

"How about that?" Wang Wei immediately stood up.

Sima Jingrong held grass in his mouth and sighed, "Li Sui, you, everything is fine, you just follow the rules."

Li Sui was taken aback by what he said. Sima Jingrong got up from the ground, looked around on the ground with a cat on his waist, and dug up a green shoot that had just broken through the ground, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "There!"

"What is this?" Wang Wei asked.

"Watermelon seedlings."

"Watermelon seedling? This leaf is not as big as a mung bean. How did you recognize it?"

Sima Jingrong smiled proudly: "Who said this is not a watermelon?"

"Just make fun of people, and don't implicate us when you look back." Sima Yan was disdainful.

Sima Jingrong walked ahead holding the seedling with a smile: "Don't worry, my brother will take you to eat and drink spicy food."

The training ground was almost scattered, and only two male students were left doing plank support, which also seemed to have made a mistake. The instructor was standing by the side with a timer in his hand.

"Instructor, we found it!" Sima Jingrong ran over as if offering a treasure.

The instructor looked gloomy and stared at them coldly.

"Here, watermelon." Sima Jingrong stretched out his hand and smiled.

There was only a handful of black soil and a seedling that could not be distinguished from the species in his hand. The instructor stared at it, as if staring at some thousand-year-old strange flower, without saying a word for a long time. This time, not only Li Sui, but the other two also broke into a cold sweat, for fear that the instructor would kick Da Sima out with a roundabout kick in the next second.

"Watermelon?" The instructor's expression was uncertain, as if he was about to laugh or get angry, "Your watermelon looks like this?"

Sima Jingrong changed his usual laughter and said seriously: "Instructor, although this is not a ready-made watermelon, it is a watermelon seedling, but it is still too small now, and I can't see why, when it grows up, Why don't you produce watermelons?"

The instructor laughed angrily and asked, "Then how do you prove it's a watermelon seedling? You didn't just get it from anywhere to fool me?"

Sima Jingrong seriously referred to the deer as a horse: "It's simple, we plant it, and we won't know when it grows up."

By the time the seedlings grew up, they would have already left the training camp. Li Sui listened to the conversation between the two, and couldn't help but sigh in admiration. Although Sima was not a formal person all day long, he had to admit that his thinking was indeed very active, and his brain circuit was different from that of ordinary people. Another point was that he The skin is thick enough.

This is the biggest difference between the two of them. Sima Jingrong is used to being lazy, and he is a bit lazy. The rules and routines of others are like mustards in his eyes. Next.

But Li Sui was different. Before he learned to survive, he first learned one thing, and that was to obey the rules. Not abiding by the rules means having no food to eat and being beaten. Subconsciously, he is always used to taking the rules set by others as his spiritual shackles, which even includes Lu Shang. Lu Shang asked him not to leave his sight, but he really never left for half a minute. Lu Shang asked him to just warm the bed every night, and he really lived in peace for so long, never breaking the rules.

Standing in the same place, Li Sui suddenly realized that for so long, he was like a person who only knew how to walk around the wall. Sima Jingrong's words made him suddenly see the scenery outside the wall. The door of my heart, which had been locked for 18 years, was slightly loosened for the first time in such a twilight twilight.

The instructor's face was heavy and he was obviously deflated, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of refuting his words, so he had to let them run a few laps to eat in frustration.

"Li Sui, why are you so stunned?" Sima Jingrong couldn't help but ask him after he came out of the cafeteria.

Li Sui: "I was thinking, what if that seedling grows too fast and we are recognized before we leave?"

"Hey, I thought you were thinking," Sima Jingrong waved his hand, "I'll sneak out at night and smash it to pieces, or it's over, and then there's no proof, what can he do to us."

Li Sui: "…"

"Oh, have I eaten too much today?" Sima Jingrong patted his stomach and leaned on Li Sui, "Good brother, carry your brother back."

Li Sui shook off his hand in disgust: "What's the matter with you?"

"I suddenly felt a little dizzy and felt a little nauseous."

Li Sui looked sideways and saw that his cheeks were indeed a little red, it didn't seem like he was pretending, so he hurriedly went to check his temperature and said in surprise, "Fever?!"

As soon as he called, Wang Wei and Sima Yan also turned their heads: "What's wrong?"

"Isn't it because of soaking in water to catch a cold?"

"How long has it been soaking in total? Sima Yan is fine on such a hot day. Am I the kind of person who catches a cold easily?"

Sima Yan ignored him, pulled off his collar, and his face turned pale: "What is this on your neck?"

The skin seemed to be stung by a wasp, one pimple after another, looking red and swollen. Sima Jingrong glanced down and didn't care: "I was bitten by a mosquito last night, aren't you the same?"

Sima Yan tugged up his sleeves. The place where he was bitten last night has been healed, and there is only a small red spot left. Li Sui and Wang Wei are in better condition, they are almost invisible.

"We both have the same blood type and similar physique," Sima Yan frowned, "Did you take that medicine last night?"

When he mentioned it, several people remembered. After being bitten yesterday, all three were sprayed with medicine. Only Sima Jingrong didn't pick it up because he was angry.

"Go to the infirmary." Sima Yan dragged him away.

"It's not ashamed, I was bitten by a mosquito and I went to the infirmary. I'll have a good night's sleep. It's a big deal." Sima Jingrong shook his hand impatiently.

It was difficult for others to intervene in the matter of the two brothers. Li Sui's persuasion didn't work, so he had to go with him. He had some antipyretics in his small medicine box, so he could go back and give him two pills.

There were night runs and theory classes in the evening. A few people had been lazy during the day, so they were still full of energy and barely ran down. The others were not so lucky. The muscles that had been ravaged for a day protested violently, and they almost dragged their bodies to run. The only two girls cried out directly, but were ignored by the instructor decisively and indifferently.

No hot water was provided at night, so Li Sui poured the water from the boiled water bottle into the bucket, and took a bath with cold water. As soon as he went out, he saw Sima Jingrong threw himself on the bed and didn't move.

"Don't sleep, go take a shower." Li Sui kicked him, and seeing that he didn't move, he went to check his body temperature, but it wasn't burning, but the body temperature was obviously cold.

Sima Yan happened to come out as well, and was stunned for a moment: "What happened to him?"

"The body temperature is a bit cold." Li Sui opened the medicine box, and there was some antipyretic medicine, but he didn't have a fever yet, and he didn't know if he could give it to him.

"There is something I don't know if I should say it..." Wang Wei was reading a book on the bed, and at this time he pushed down his glasses and said, "He has the symptoms of hot and cold, and he has a precedent for mosquito bites. I said, should I? Could it be malaria?"

As soon as he said that, Sima Yan's face changed. He pulled out Sima Jingrong's tablet on the bed and checked it in the library. The more he looked, the worse his expression became. Although this disease is far away from the city, it is not uncommon in this deep mountain and old forest, and the symptoms are consistent with each other. Sima Yan pushed Sima Jingrong's body. The latter didn't know whether he was asleep or fainted, but he didn't move at all. He became anxious and called out twice. Now even Li Sui and Wang Wei couldn't sit still. If it is really malaria, it must be taken to the doctor immediately, and a dangerous attack can be fatal.

"I'll take him to the infirmary." Sima Yan carried him and ran out.

He looked thin and small, but he didn't know where he got so much strength. The weight of an adult man was pressing on him, and it was very difficult for onlookers to watch, not to mention Sima Yan himself. Li Sui was about to go up to help, but was stopped by Wang Wei and made a "shush" gesture.

Li Sui was confused, Wang Wei smiled and said, "It's alright."

The infirmary was quite a long distance from the dormitory, and the road was not easy to walk, but Sima Yan gritted his teeth and carried him over on his back.

"Doctor, emergency!"

The doctor on duty was an old man who seemed to be experienced. After listening to Sima Yan's narration, he comforted him for a while, then picked up the stethoscope to listen, pressed it on his stomach, and finally opened a list to let him go to the pharmacy next door. Take medicine.

"That's it?" Sima Yan frowned while holding the list, "Can malaria be cured just by taking medicine?"

"What malaria?" The doctor was amused by him. "He's suffering from heat stroke and overeating."

Sima Yan was still worried: "You did the diagnosis wrong, right? Are you sure it's not malaria?"

"I hope I get malaria so much, what are you at ease..." Sima Jingrong had woken up at some point, and said quietly on the sofa.

Sima Yan turned his head and saw that his face had softened a lot, and there was even a playful look on his face. He couldn't help but feel angry, and suddenly felt that he had been tricked, and said angrily: "You are sick, you, you didn't hear me just calling you that way. ?!"

"You called me? I'm sorry, I'm too tired to hear." Sima Jingrong rubbed his eyes and sat up, only to realize where he was. Looking left and right, only Sima Yan, Li Sui and Wang were familiar. Wei didn't come at all. After presuming, the only person who can bring him here is the angry person in front of him.

Sima Jingrong paused for a while, with a rare embarrassed look on his face: "You came here on my back?"

"The ghost came on your back!" Sima Yan threw the coat on his face and walked away angrily.