The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 25


He has performed special missions and is a senior officer. After thinking about it, it can only be Lu Shang's father. So this military card is still a relic left by his elders, but he gave it to him so casually, and gave it to an unidentified person. Li Sui thought it was unreasonable for people related by blood, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Li Sui, gathered!"

"Come on." Li Sui carefully put the military badge into the collar, the cold texture was close to the skin, and the mixed thoughts in his mind gradually calmed down.

After going out this time, Li Sui thought, after going out this time, he must ask Lu Shang for clarification.

"A group of two people, a bag for each person, which contains food, water, tents, lighters, maps, emergency medicines, flashlights and signal cigarettes," the instructor said, "In addition to these, you can also choose a self-defense weapon. "

"Tomorrow at five o'clock in the afternoon, find the marked treasure chest, take out the contents, come back here, even if you pass."

"Remember, don't step over the protective net. If you encounter a situation that you can't handle, you must remember to light the signal cigarette, and someone will pick you up within ten minutes."

In order to avoid accidentally hurting people, most of the weapons prepared were cold weapons with low lethality. Li Sui picked a dagger and put it in his bag. Sima Jingrong thought it was too heavy, so he didn't take anything.

The two went out for a while, and met Wang Wei halfway. It turned out that he knew that personal belongings were not allowed on this mission, so he deliberately packed his backpack and threw it here, waiting for him to pick it up.

"Almost enough, I think the instructor is quite prepared." Li Sui said.

"No, you must bring it. The food and water in your backpack are only enough for a day. If you don't want to be hungry, take it with you. Boss Lu said, it doesn't matter if the task is not completed, and people must not be in trouble."

Hearing that it was Lu Shang's explanation, Li Sui immediately compromised: "Then let me put things into one bag."

Sima Jingrong was stunned after listening to their conversation, but didn't respond for a while: "What are you talking about, what is Boss Lu?"

Li Sui ignored him, lowered his head and pulled out a gun from his bag, startled: "Why is there still this?"

Wang Wei touched his hair a little embarrassedly: "I'm used to it. I always feel insecure without a gun when I go out, so I prepared one for you."

Sima Jingrong was shocked and said, "Really, a real gun?"

"Of course not. This is an air gun. It mainly deals with animals. Hey, don't aim at people. Be careful of accidental injury."

"You, what do you mean, these days, when you are with us every day, you are carrying this thing on your body?"

Wang Wei smiled.

Sima Jingrong beat his chest fiercely, with an overly frightened expression on his face.

"Thank you." Li Sui put away his things and nodded at him.

Wang Wei looked at him as if he had something to say, but because of Sima Jingrong's presence, he probably felt that some words were too bullying, so he just waved his hand, turned and disappeared into the woods.

"Let's go too."

"Wait a minute, first clarify what happened to Wang Wei, and why did the sadist in your family shoot you?"

Li Sui strode forward: "Lu Shang is not a sadist, my injury has nothing to do with him, he treats me very well, so he arranged for Wang Wei to follow me, do you understand when I say this? ?"

Sima Jingrong didn't say a word, and after a while, he leaned forward to pick up his backpack.

"What are you looking for?"

"He's so well prepared, I'll look for dog food."

"… "

On the first morning, the harvest was not great, the crowd did not disperse, and there were several groups of students along the way. Sima Jingrong found a treasure chest in a bird's nest, but unfortunately it was opened, indicating that the area has been searched. You have to go deeper.

At noon, the two rested for a while by the stream, ate some compressed biscuits, and filled the water bottle. The results of a month's training were reflected at this time. After walking on the mountain road all morning, they didn't feel too tired except for the sweltering heat. While looking at the scenery, I rummaged around. If it weren't for the fact that the road under my feet became more and more difficult to walk, and the woods on both sides became more and more lush, I would have thought that I was out for a hike.

"After searching for a long time, I can't even see a shadow. Where did they put this treasure chest."

Li Sui has been paying attention to the movements around him. Hearing the words, he said, "No one has come to look for this area. If you search carefully, it should be nearby."

"How do you know that no one came looking for it?"

"Footprints," Li Sui pointed to his feet, "No human footprints were found."

"Makes sense."

Sima Jingrong held the binoculars in one hand and fiddled around with the branches in the other, but unfortunately, except for dead branches and leaves, he found nothing. After looking for it for a while, he lost his patience and began to grind foreign workers while humming a song.

"It's windy." Li Sui stopped in the forest.

"It looks like it's going to rain, find a place to hide."

There are frequent rainstorms in summer, which usually come and go quickly. Sima Jingrong found a lush tree and was about to put up a tarpaulin. Li Sui raised his head and looked at the lightning that was flowing in the depths of the dark clouds, and said complicatedly: "You This will become a target of thunder, and you have to find a cave."

On the way before we came, I happened to see one. The two hurried back and just hid in. There was a flash of thunder and lightning outside, and the pouring rain poured down. In an instant, the whole forest was full of the sound of rain hitting the leaves, like countless gongs and drums. At the same time, it sounds like it is very harsh.

At this time, it was not dark, but the forest gradually darkened, and the rain washed away, and a layer of white mist appeared around.

Li Sui picked up some dry wood in the cave and lit a fire with a lighter.

"There is too little firewood to burn at night," Li Sui said, controlling the fire to a size just for lighting, "When the rain is a little lighter, let's go pick up some dry firewood and come back, and stay here for the night."

The depth of this cave is unknown, and at first glance it is dark, as if something will run out at any time. Sima Jingrong's face was ashen. He was extremely reluctant to spend the night here. Rather than face the unknown darkness, he would rather go to the tree to be in the company of spiders. However, it was raining too much outside, and he couldn't think of a better way. He stared at the cave for a while, but couldn't see why, so he had to talk to Li Sui to divert his attention.

"Hey, tell me."

Li Sui took out the canned meat that Wang Wei gave him, tore the package, added some water and put it on the fire to boil: "What do you say?"

Sima Jingrong winked at him: "You and Lu Shang."

Li Sui glanced at him: "What's there to talk about, don't you know everything?"

If Li Sui had also gone to school and had contact with domestic students, he would have known that the expression on Sima Jingrong's face, mixed with secret, shyness and excitement, was commonplace in late-night discussions in boys' dormitories. It can be completely referred to "where have you and your girlfriend developed".

"Tsk, why are you so boring," Sima Jingrong approached and asked mysteriously, "Have you... had sex? Men and men, how do you do it?"

Li Sui was stunned for a moment. For some reason, the scene of Lu Shang's topless body flashed through his mind when he changed his clothes. His face stiffened uncomfortably for two seconds, and he frowned, "The canned food is ready, do you want to eat it?"

"Eat, eat, don't fall!"

After walking for a day, the two of them were hungry, and they ate a can of beef, and there was no soup left. Sima Jingrong began to feel sleepy after eating, but he was a little afraid to sleep in the dark cave, for fear that something would crawl out of it and eat him.

"Go to sleep, I'll keep watch." Li Sui took out the dagger and gun and put it into the close-fitting leggings.

"Why are you embarrassed," Sima Jingrong scratched his head and said, "I can't bear to sleep for a while, and I'll be replaced in the second half of the night."

Having said that, he still felt unable to sleep when he lay down. After all, it was not a camp bed, and the ground was uneven, so he felt groggy no matter how he slept.

"You said, have the other teams completed their tasks?"

Li Sui added some firewood to the fire: "There shouldn't be any."


Li Sui didn't answer, he only looked up at the still majestic heavy rain outside the cave. I don't know if it was caused by the dark environment, he always felt very uneasy in his heart.

If Wang Wei finds the treasure chest, he will definitely bring it to him after he gets it, but it has not appeared so far, which means that he has not found it either. Wang Wei was a soldier, and he is the strongest among them. Even he There is no movement, let alone others.

"Go to sleep now."

The rain outside the cave was still unabated, and a slight snoring sounded in the darkness. Li Sui got up and walked to the entrance of the cave, listening to the sound of wind and rain not far away. It was late at night. At this time, he would miss Lu Shang especially, his eyebrows, his voice, and his body temperature. Especially after knowing that we could meet tomorrow, he could hardly hold back the heart that was beating so wildly that it was about to overflow.

The military card on his chest has been rubbed by him thousands of times. Li Sui felt that he must be crazy. Sima Jingrong's two questions about Lu Shang actually caused him to be unable to control himself. It seemed that the crack in the cracked wall was suddenly pried open, and a wide road suddenly appeared in front of him, letting him know that the original road could still be walked this way.

He vaguely knew what men and men did. When working as a waiter in a bar, he accidentally crashed into a same-sex couple who were courting. Ever since he started thinking about Lu Shang, he packed up those obscure memories and threw them into a closed room, always thinking that it was against Lu Shang's cultivation of him. But now, he wanted to get close to the door again and spy on everything inside. He couldn't help but start to think about what would happen if the protagonists of the picture were replaced by him and Lu Shang.

The darkness gave him courage and an infinitely inflated desire. He painted it in his head with blasphemous guilt. Li Sui never knew that just a little indulgence in his thinking could bring him such a strong feeling. stimulus. The rain outside the cave was getting heavier and heavier, gradually becoming a terrifying trend. A cold wind was blowing in from outside, and the flames kept shaking. This time, not only Li Sui felt abnormal, but Sima Jingrong was also woken up.

"Why is it getting bigger and bigger?" He got up in a daze, "What time is it?"

"Two o'clock."

"It's been seven hours?"

Li Sui let out an "um" and shielded the only light from the fire with his hands.

Sima Jingrong saw that the dry wood on one side had almost been burned, and turned to the other side to pick up some hay. Although they have a flashlight in their bags, in this extreme weather, there is still a warm fire that makes people feel more secure.

Just bending over to fold the hay branches on the ground into a pile, Sima Jingrong suddenly froze, took two steps back, and exclaimed, "Ah!"

When Li Sui looked over, his scalp was numb, and he saw a pair of bones lying in the pothole under the hay.

"Don't scream." Although Li Sui was also horrified, he still forced himself to calm down, pulled out his dagger, walked forward, and poked at the pile of bones.

"It's okay, it's an animal," Li Sui breathed a sigh of relief, "Look, there are claws there."

Sima Jingrong's soul was so frightened that it took him a long time to regain his senses. Having said that, the two of them were still not at ease, and it was not necessarily a good thing to have animal bones, at least it meant that there must be some unknown danger here.

"What, what's the sound? Did you hear it?" Sima Jingrong turned pale and asked Li Sui with a trembling face.

At first, Li Sui thought that he was overly frightened and stimulated, and he was a little scared, but gradually he realized that something was wrong. There was a strange sound around him, as if countless people were whispering in his ears, and the sound became more and more serious. Big, getting closer and closer, as if close to the ear.

"Okay, it seems to be from the cave..." Sima Jingrong stepped back unconsciously.

Li Sui reacted suddenly, grabbed his arm and ran: "Come on!"

"Bag... BAG!"

"It's too late! Go!"

"What is that?"


The two people rolled and ran out of the hole, and the sound had turned into a distinct rumbling sound, like hundreds of trucks rushing over at the same time dragging a heavy stone.

"There's a stone platform there, jump!"

Li Sui felt that he had never run so fast in his life. It was purely his survival instinct that stimulated his physical potential. He ran out of the hole in one breath and jumped onto a stone platform opposite. During this period, he looked back and found that the cave where he had just slept was instantly buried by gravel. If they were one step later, both of them would be dead.

It was the first time that he was so close to death, Sima Jingrong was so frightened that he couldn't help himself.

The tumbling sand and stones rolled past and instantly razed the trees to the ground. The horror of the scene made people fear the nature. The location they were in happened to be a safe area. The raised stone platform separated the direction of the debris flow. Ten meters away, the rolling sand and gravel mixed with the soil roared and invaded down the mountain. In contrast, they are all pale.

The heavy rain was still falling, washing his face, and his vision was blurred. After the scene just now, the rain was nothing. Li Sui rubbed his face fiercely and heard Sima Jingrong crying.

"What should I do, my backpack is buried, I want to go home..."

Li Sui thought of something else. When he first went up the mountain, he observed that the soil here is too loose, and landslides and mudslides are very prone to occur. It was late at night.

Coincidentally, the reason why they were able to escape was fortunately chosen to spend the night in the cave, and the skeleton that appeared in the pothole helped them raise their vigilance invisibly. The speed of the debris flow is too fast, and the speed of human ears cannot keep up with the speed of escape, but the geological movement at high places is very easy to perceive underground, and the sound waves on the surface are transmitted into the cave, causing changes in the airflow, which sounds like the depths of the cave. Like someone is talking. It was this hidden warning that bought them a critical few seconds of escape time.

"I don't know how Sima Yan is doing..."

Li Sui's heart was heavy, he bent over and pulled the dagger out of the leggings, held it in his hand, turned his head and greeted Sima Jingrong, "You can't stay here for long, let's go."