The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 29


After the internship, Li Sui began to concentrate on preparing for the exam. He has a high level of understanding, and he has already been in contact during the internship period.

Lu Shang cultivated him intentionally, and occasionally asked Uncle Yuan to assign some simple tasks to Li Sui to cultivate his sense of leadership. The content of the work is not difficult, such as proofreading documents and typos, sending reply letters to subordinates, etc. In the process of doing it, Li Sui can easily find that these things seem simple, but the details contained in them are far beyond him. His imagination, for example, after typing out a reply email to a subordinate, the entire content is basically imprinted in his heart. Over time, he can gradually use a different tone and tone to deal with different people.

When I woke up in the morning, it was cloudy, like it was going to snow.

"Has the cooperation agreement I said to be changed yesterday changed?"

"It has been changed, and it has been stamped with your name and sent to Secretary Yang."

Lu Shang said "uh": "We have to organize a meeting to discuss next year's budget."

Li Sui followed him out of the room: "Uncle Yuan mentioned it to me. I used last year's template to list the details. Take the time to see if there are any changes to be made."

Lu Shang smiled: "I'm doing things more and more meticulously."

Li Sui didn't say anything, just looked at his smiling face, and his mind flew out of the sky.

"It's eight o'clock, aren't you going to the cram school?" Lu Shang looked at him at the door.

Li Sui came back to his senses: "I have an exam today."

Lu Shang remembered: "Do you want me to send you?"

"No, I'll drive by myself." Li Sui took the car keys and put them in his pocket. He was not at ease when he left, and explained, "It's cold outside, it might be snowing, so don't go out."

Inside the house, Lu Shang answered vaguely, not knowing whether he heard it or not.

Before the car arrived at the examination room, the snow had already started to fall, and the cold wind was blowing. Most of the students who came to take the exam were nearby college students. Among the people of the same age as Li Sui, almost none of them came by their own cars. Therefore, Li Sui suddenly became the center of attention. Temperament, for a while, many people thought it was a rich second generation.

There were three exams in total, two in the morning and one in the afternoon. The time was so close that Li Sui didn't go back at noon, so he bought a lunch box outside the exam room to solve it.

He studied well, and he basically didn't have to worry about his test scores. He sat on the side and listened to English with headphones. On the opposite side were a few little girls who were taking the exam together. They probably lacked self-confidence and were still holding a book before the exam. Seeing Li Sui coming, he covered his face with a book, and pushed and shoved each other while laughing.

Li Sui didn't care, and was staring at the phone in a trance. One of the girls slowly moved over, blushing, and said, "Handsome guy, can you leave a phone number?"

When Li Sui was approached by someone, he didn't react for a while, staring at her, his eyes wandering around behind her, and a polite smile appeared: "Sorry, I have someone I like."

The girl was stunned for a moment, without much entanglement, she waved her hand generously and left, returning to the group.

There was a faint sigh from the opposite side, Li Sui put on his earphones again, looked at the snowy scenery outside the window, suddenly thought, lowered his head and sent a text message to Lu Shang.

"Boss Lu, someone asked me for my phone number, do you want to give it or not?"

There was no reply from the other end. It was probably during a nap. Li Sui turned off his mobile phone and entered the examination room with his heart.

Although he was confident, Li Sui breathed a sigh of relief when he actually finished the exam. Not only him, but the atmosphere around him was obviously more relaxed than before the exam. As soon as the door of the exam room opened, everyone rushed out cheering.

Li Sui didn't need to crowd the car, he simply stood on the stairs for a while, and when the peak crowd had dispersed, he walked to the parking garage with his long legs.

It was still snowing outside, and there was an icy smell in the air. As soon as he walked downstairs, he saw a man standing under a dead tree outside the examination room, wearing a black coat and a cashmere scarf casually hanging around his neck. Seeing him, he raised his head and smiled.

He walked over quickly: "Why are you here? Didn't I tell you not to come out?"

Lu Shang smiled and said, "I have nothing to do, I'll pick you up."

Li Sui felt his hands were cold, and he felt distressed immediately, and hurriedly led him to the car: "How long have you been waiting, did Uncle Yuan send you here? It's so cold outside..."

"It's okay, just arrived," Lu Shang said. "You are here, I asked him to go back first."

Li Sui escorted him into the car, and the air conditioner turned on the warm air.

"How was the test?"

"It's alright, the questions are quite simple," Li Sui rubbed his hands together, trying to warm them up, "It's snowing in the future, don't come out and walk around, you're not in good health, what if something happens to you? manage?"

Lu Shang just smiled: "I heard someone asked you for your phone number? Is it a man or a woman?"

Li Sui couldn't help laughing and crying: "Don't make fun of me."

After a while, he whispered again: "I can't tell if it's a male or a female. There are only two genders here, one is you and the other is someone else."

Lu Commercial stared at him with probing eyes for a while, then laughed, as if he couldn't stop, his shoulders were shaking slightly.

"why are you laughing?"

Lu Shang seemed to be in a good mood. He bent his mouth and said, "I don't limit your freedom of making friends. It's not a bad thing to make a few friends properly."

Li Sui couldn't help but laugh at him, so he forced the topic aside: "I'm not going to class from today, let me help you."

"No hurry," Lu Shang closed his smile and coughed twice, "Go back."

There were many students on the road, and many people ran into the driveway with umbrellas. The speed of the two of them was comparable to the speed of a turtle. Li Sui didn't honk his horn to remind him, and he drove out slowly in the crowd of students.

Lu Shang looked at the bright faces outside the window, as if remembering something old, and said, "When I was in school in the United States, every time I finished my exams, other people's parents came to pick me up. At that time, I always hoped that my own Family members can also come, but unfortunately it has never been realized.”

Li Sui rarely heard him mention the past, and turned to ask, "Did you live alone at that time?"

"And servants and doctors."

Li Sui thought for a while. At that time, Lu Shang should have been very young. He lived alone in a foreign country so far from his home, and only had servants as his company all day long. Maybe that's how he developed his cold personality.

While talking, Lu Shang's cell phone rang, and it was the driver Xiao Zhao.

"Mr. Lu, can I send you the document you just asked for tonight?"


Xiao Zhao hesitated and seemed embarrassed: "I promised my girlfriend to go out for the holidays..."

Lu Shang took off his phone and glanced at it, realizing that today is Christmas Eve.

"It's okay, let's deliver it tonight."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu!"

The days are over, Lu Shang has always been insensitive to festivals, not to mention Li Sui, no wonder the streets are so lively today, with discounts everywhere.

"What's wrong?" Li Sui saw him thinking.

Lu Shang put down his phone, smiled and said, "Let's go, I'll take you somewhere."

On the top floor of the skyscraper, the revolving restaurant.

Li Sui didn't expect that Lu Shang would bring him to such a commercial place.

"This restaurant has been open for almost ten years," Lu Shang poured a plate of mutton into the stone pot. "Try it, it tastes good."

The soup is a rich and spicy hot and sour soup with bubbling bubbles in the stone pot. The lamb slices are put in and rinsed, dipped in sesame sauce and sesame oil, and stuffed into the mouth while it is still hot. The taste is amazing.

Li Sui had never eaten such soft and tender mutton. It melted in the mouth. The sour and spicy flavors complemented each other and blended very well. The mutton didn't even need to be chewed, and when the tongue touched it, the meaty aroma was released, mixed with the soup. Down, the taste stimulation hits the forehead.

"It's so different from Aunt Lu," Li Sui said, "It's delicious."

Aunt Lu usually focuses on maintaining health and taking into account the taste. Most of them are light, and they will not get tired of eating them every day, but they lack a little excitement.

Eating it now, a few plates of mutton soon came to an end. For the first time, Li Sui knew that Lu Shang liked spicy food, but it was only because of his health that he had been strictly abstaining from it for so many years.

The mutton was not enough. After that, some tofu and mushrooms were served. Lu Shang put down his chopsticks halfway through the meal, and put the milk glass in his mouth. Li Sui raised his head from the steaming pot, and through the white mist, he found that the corners of his eyes were all red, and he couldn't help but feel very amused.

Compared with the cold and taciturn man who has been sitting in the office all the year round, he prefers the current Lu Shang, who is fresh, ordinary, and has the senses and preferences of ordinary people.

"Mr. Yue called me today. At the end of the year, you may be required to attend Musheng's annual meeting." Lu Shang said casually.

Li Sui: "Musheng? Isn't that the company of the Sima family?"

"I bought the shares with the money you gave me," Lu Shang said with a smile, "I asked Xiao Zhao to bring it to you at night for the shareholding contract."

Li Sui was stunned. Of course Lu Shang was joking. With his little money, he couldn't even buy a desk in Musheng. He suddenly remembered the matter of going to the protected forest area with Sima Jingrong for training half a year ago. Most of this matter was finalized at that time, but Lu Shang didn't mention it to him, so that he didn't even have a shareholder of Musheng. Know. This move of Lu Shang is a bit like buying an official with money in ancient times, which is equivalent to giving him half of the company directly.

"You trust me so much? Aren't you afraid I'll run away?" Li Sui said.

Lu Shang smiled lightly: "I can't run."

Li Sui's heart moved, and he wanted to ask something, but he was hit back with a stick by these three words.

"Musheng is a good company. In the future, you should manage it well. Be careful about everything. In the shopping mall, many things affect the whole body. Don't just consider the immediate interests." Lu Shangdao, "Especially In the face of things that you only have one chance to choose in your life, you must be rational and not be swayed by your own feelings.”

But Li Sui thought of something else from this sentence: "Is that so?"

Lu Shang was silent for a while for some reason, and then lowered his head and said "um".

After two snowfalls, the grand event came as scheduled in the blink of an eye. Musheng is indeed the company of the Sima family.

Li Sui changed into her dress and entered the arena with Lu Shang. They had different identities. One was a shareholder and the other was a business partner. It stands to reason that they would not be placed at the same table. Probably which supervisor took care of them and did it deliberately and considerately. arranged.

Lu Shang had caught a cold recently, and he was not in good spirits. He had not moved since he was seated, and Li Sui had been blocked when someone came to toast.

Sima Jingrong was still the same old man, with a cynical expression on his face. He looked like a dog in a suit, but he looked a lot better than before. His younger brother had obviously become the backbone of the family, and followed Yue Pengfei to toast around. In this way, Sima Jingrong didn't show any impatience on his face. Instead, he looked like a fluke who was happy and leisurely, just like an idle prince.

The opening is to make a speech. First, several important leaders made a summary, and then the shareholders made a speech. Li Sui was sitting in his seat, and when he saw four or five cameras on the stage, he couldn't help swallowing.

The manuscript has been prepared long ago, and you only need to go up and back on stage, but with so many people watching, you will still be somewhat nervous. When the host read his name, Li Sui's heart tightened and he glanced at Lu Shang subconsciously.

Lu Shang smiled lightly on his pale face: "Look at what I do, you are now Musheng's shareholder."

Li Sui's shoulders loosened, and he got up and walked towards the stage.

He is tall and has long legs, and he walks with an air of majesty. Lu Shang looked at his back and felt very emotional for some reason. A few years passed before he knew it, and Li Sui now has almost no trace of the past on his body. When he was brought back in the first place, who could have imagined that he would be today.

Being both a newcomer and a young man, Li Sui was poured a little harshly during the banquet, and he had already blocked a lot of alcohol for Lu Shang before, and the whole person began to be in a trance. This was his first official entertainment, and Lu Shang didn't care at all. Sitting in the corner watching him shake hands with the people around him, he felt a little bit of letting go.

"Boss Lu, don't you care? He will definitely get drunk if he drinks it again." Sima Jingrong sat down while eating a plate of peanuts.

"In the future, there will be a lot of entertainment. He always has to get drunk once before he knows how to stop drinking next time." Lu Shang said calmly.

Sima Jingrong was dumbfounded by his simple and rude way of education, and after thinking about it for a while, it made sense.

"Although our company gave it to my brother, the money has been given to me. If you are short of money in the future, you can come to me." Sima Jingrong looked righteous.

Lu Shang was amused in his heart, raised his glass and touched him, thinking that this child has a good life, and he was born with a leisurely life, and others would not envy him.

The banquet continued until midnight, and when Li Sui left, he was almost unconscious, lying by the door and refusing to get up. Lu Shang was helpless and called him twice, but Li Sui was fine, he just hugged his waist and didn't move, he was still muttering something, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

Uncle Yuan's car was inconvenient to drive in, and it was parked outside the garden. Lu Shang pulled Li Sui's two hands without pulling it. He squatted down and rubbed his head: "Then I'll carry you, okay?"

There was a reaction to those words, Li Sui let go of his waist and leaned on his back instead.

The snow on the ground has not yet melted, and the weight of the two people added together, making a creaking sound when they stepped on the snow. Li Sui's weight was not too light, so it was hard for Lu Shang to bear it on his back, but he still gritted his teeth and carried him back all the way despite the discomfort.

As soon as she entered the house, Aunt Lu hurriedly came to pick him up: "How much did you drink? Do you want to call the doctor to have a look?"

"It's okay, I checked it out, get him some honey water." Lu Shang put him on the bed and rubbed his sore wrist.

"Okay, come right away."

Lu Shang is not experienced in taking care of drunk people, but fortunately, he has been a medical doctor for a long time, and simple care is not a problem. Li Sui's wine tastes good. He saw this when he went to Zhuyuan for the first time. Although he is not very sober, he is very obedient and can do whatever he wants. Lu Shang wiped his face, fed him some honey water, and let him go to bed by himself, and he really took off his clothes and went to bed by himself.

Lu Shang took a shower and just took the medicine and lay down when Li Sui suddenly turned over and sat up, staring at him faintly.

"What?" Lu Shang laughed.

Li Sui didn't speak, he leaned down and put his chin close to his neck, like a wolf dog sniffing prey, he buried himself in his neck and exhaled a few breaths of heat, ready to move. Lu Shang pressed his forehead, backed away a little, and squinted to see if he was awake.

The bedroom did not turn on the lights, and could only vaguely see a pair of deep eyes in the darkness, full of desire.

The person being held down seemed extremely dissatisfied, and suddenly stopped Lu Shang's hand and rushed over to lick his neck. The scorching breath mixed with the smell of alcohol lingered by the bed, and Lu Shang groaned, but in the end it was useless to push him away. Licking and licking, Li Sui's movements slowed down, and changed from eagerness to indistinct provocation.

The atmosphere in the room gradually changed. There was an inexplicable ambiguous factor constantly stirring and expanding in the air, mixed with high temperature, which made both people's brains cloudy.

Li Sui sucked and licked reluctantly, his tongue flexibly rolled up, up his neck, and licked towards those tightly pursed thin lips. Lu Shang frowned slightly and tried to push him away, but Li Sui drank too much and was very strong, but he didn't push him away for a while. He could only passively kiss him and stir in his mouth. Zhang Fa, but kissed softly and seriously.

The room was silent, only the sound of rubbing the fabric and two chaotic gasps. The kiss lasted for an extraordinarily long time. Li Sui seemed to have suppressed the grievances for hundreds of years. His lips would not let go.

His lips stirred, the sound of water tsk tsk, Lu Shang pushed him at first, but gradually lost his strength and put his hand on Li Sui's shoulder loosely. teeth. The teeth of the two were fighting on the top, and the bottom was rubbing against each other. Noticing that Lu Shang's breathing was starting to become unsteady, Li Sui finally backed away and kissed the back of his neck instead.

Lu Shang was panting heavily, and moved his body to avoid him and rolled over into a ball. Li Sui stubbornly reached out to hug his waist, accidentally touched something, and there was a noticeable stagnation in his wrist.

It was too dark to see the expressions of the two of them, but at that moment, the air suddenly became quiet for two seconds, and Lu Shang's body trembled inadvertently, and then he struggled and tried to get out of bed.

"Don't move." Li Sui held him down, and suddenly he made a sound that was hoarse.

The room was so silent that you could hear needles falling, as if they were trying to endure something. Both of them were panting. Li Sui paused for a while, then went in with his right hand along the hem of Lu Shang's clothes, and went straight to the key point: "I'll help you."

With the heat swept in his ears, Lu Shang's body stiffened and he secretly resisted, but was restrained by Li Sui, he could only close his eyes, frown and bury half of his face in the pillow.

Li Sui lowered his head and kissed the corner of his eyes, stroked Lu Shang's stiff front end, and moved slowly and regularly.

The scent of lust was so strong that it was like ink dyed, mixed with the smell of alcohol, and it quickly melted in the heated room. The surroundings were completely quiet, and only a few suppressed groans and gasps were heard.

The madness was concealed in the darkness, and it came and went silently.

Sweat soaked his back, and both of them seemed to be fished out of water. Li Sui's breathing became heavier and he loosened the thing that had leaked once, but he did not let go of Lu Shang. Biting his shoulder, the action is very aggressive, and it gradually has the meaning of losing control.

"...Li Sui." Lu Shang said, his voice shaking violently, but with an unquestionable warning.

Li Sui's movements were stagnant, as if he had just woken up from a dream. He released him, his Adam's apple moved, and his voice was hoarse: "I... I'll go to the living room to sleep."

The bedroom door was closed with a soft click, Lu Shang opened his eyes in the dark, his eyes were out of focus for a long time.

The cold wind whistled outside the house, and across a wall, both of them stayed up all night.