The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 33


The sky was as dark as ink dyed, low pressure. It's New Year's Eve soon, and all the people who go out to work have returned home. The streets are getting deserted day by day. It snowed heavily a few days ago, and in the corner there is a remnant of the snowman left by the children.

Li Sui took the suitcase out of the car and stood on the side of the street, thinking in a trance that at this time the year before last, it was also such a cold night, Lu Shang drove him all over the street to find a mobile phone store. At that time, they were still very harmonious, but now two years later, the relationship between the two has been made this way by himself.

Uncle Yuan got out of the car and handed him his passport and ticket: "Let's go like this? Why don't you tell him?"

Li Sui showed a shallow wry smile: "He probably won't want to see me, he's not in good health, I don't want to make him angry anymore."

Uncle Yuan didn't know what to persuade, so he just said: "I have arranged for someone to pick up the plane there. If you have any questions after the past, call me."

"Thank you Uncle Yuan." Li Sui said.

As if he knew what Li Sui wanted to say, Uncle Yuan said again, "If you want to know his current situation, you can also call me, but don't do it too often."

Li Sui cast a grateful look at him, nodded, picked up his things and went up the escalator.

As the escalator ascended, the familiar streets gradually disappeared from view. Li Sui looked back and suddenly felt a strong reluctance. He always felt that if he really took this step, he would never see him again in his life. Land business.

Lu Shang woke up in the middle of the night, but there was still no one around. There was a faint light in the ward, and he could vaguely see that it was snowing heavily with goose feathers outside the window.

Getting used to having a little wolf dog by his side and lying alone in the ward, Lu Shang was very uncomfortable for a while. Li Sui didn't know where he went. According to his past habits, he shouldn't have gone too far. It was rare that he didn't see anyone after waking up for so long.

His chest was fixed on the bed, and his range of movement was limited. Lu Shang stretched out his hand and struggled to reach for the phone next to him. At this moment, Uncle Yuan just knocked on the door and came in.

"Why are you?" Lu Shang subconsciously asked, and immediately responded, "What's the matter?"

"The person sent him away." Uncle Yuan said succinctly.

Lu Shang was slightly startled, and after a long time he said, "Oh..."

"...Let's go." Lu Shang lay back, his eyes darkened.

It was indeed his arrangement to let Li Sui leave, but he learned from Uncle Yuan that Li Sui had really left.

Maybe it's because as people get older, it's always difficult for people to have strong likes or strong dislikes when they become adults. Sometimes they express their love one second, but the next second they seem to be completely discarded, as if all love and hate It's all an illusion, they're just cool bystanders. However, all of this is actually just because you haven't met the eye-catching. When you meet one day, you will know that the calmness and open-mindedness you thought before can be subverted.

The heavy snow continued for a whole day, and there was no sign of stopping. Lu Shang's postoperative reaction was very serious, and the whole person was groggy. Liang Zirui saw that this was not the way to go, so he forced him to wake up and talked for a while, but Lu Shang not only didn't appreciate it, but also vomited at him.

The next afternoon, Uncle Yuan came over in a hurry, seeing that Lu Shang was resting, it was not easy to wake people up, he was in a dilemma, Lu Shang seemed to have a feeling, and suddenly opened his eyes: "What's the matter? "

"The person who picked up the plane contacted me and said that there was no one. I went to check the passenger information and found... He didn't get on the plane at all."

Lu Shang pondered for a while and asked, "Did you make a call?"

"It's turned off, and I didn't go home. Shall we send someone to look for it?"

Lu Shang lowered his eyes, Li Sui must not want to leave, and was afraid of being driven away by him, so he had to hide. This child is not a person with no sense, and should not run out of the Lu family's boundaries.

"Let Ah Zuo look for it, and call me when he finds it."

Uncle Yuan went to do it immediately. Unexpectedly, Zuo Chao was stunned on the phone just after he explained: "Xiao Lizi? He was still here with me just now, just ten minutes ago."

Lu Shang heard this, frowned, and answered the phone: "What is he looking for from you?"

"Didn't you arrange it? He came to ask for Li Yan's address, and said he had something to ask him." After speaking, Zuo Chao also noticed something strange, "Wait, didn't you ask him to ask?"

Lu Shang sighed and hung up the phone directly.

"Why did he go to Li Yan?" Uncle Yuan was surprised.

What else could be done, of course, to find Li Yan's trouble. Lu Shang thought in a complicated mood, this child is not young, but he is not small. Li Sui probably wanted to solve the problem of Li Yan for him. But Lu Shang couldn't really let him do this kind of thing. This is not what he wants to see. Besides, it is Liu Xingtian's territory. No matter how good Li Sui is, he can't beat people with real knives and real guns. .

Thinking, Lu Shang went back to Zuo Chao: "Does Liu Xingtian know?"

"I don't know yet. He doesn't like Li Yan either. He only provided him with a place to stay and sent a few bodyguards to him. I didn't care about anything else. Xiaolizi didn't drive. I guess he took a taxi. I'll go after him now. I can catch up. The only problem is that if I just take people there, I'm afraid I will inevitably have a head-on conflict with Liu Xingtian's people."

Lu Shang rubbed his temples. His body hadn't recovered yet. After thinking about things too much, he became dizzy. He picked up the oxygen inhalation tube on the side and took two breaths before he recovered. Uncle Yuan helped him put a pillow behind him, and Lu Shang leaned on it. After thinking for a while, he flipped through the phone and found a number that he had almost never called. He hesitated and dialed it.

"Mr. Liu, how about we make a deal?" Lu Shang didn't say much, and got straight to the point, "Have you always wanted the right to operate the Guankou Trade Zone?"

Hearing this, Uncle Yuan was stunned by the side.

Sure enough, he hesitated.

"What do you want?" Liu Xingtian asked.

"Li Yan."

The snow was still falling outside the window, and he looked confused from the window. Lu Shang hung up the phone and stared at his phone: "Today's New Year's Eve?"


Lu Shang pulled out the needle in his hand, lifted the quilt to get out of bed, but Uncle Yuan hadn't opened his mouth to stop him. Liang Zirui came over at some point, leaned against the door, and put his hands in his white coat: "What are you doing?"

"I'm not worried." Lu Shang said.

"It's still snowing outside at night, are you crazy?"

"Li Sui won't listen to Zuo Chao, so I can only go."

Liang Zirui was so angry that he almost turned his back: "You are my patient, can you listen to the doctor's advice once?"

Lu Shang looked at Liang Zirui pleadingly: "Ari, let me go, I can't do it without him."

He seldom showed weakness. Liang Zirui knew that Lu Shang was deliberately trying to pinch him, but he couldn't help feeling it.

He hurried all the way, afraid that he would come and see Li Sui doing something out of the ordinary. When Lu Shang arrived, Zuo Chao's people had already surrounded the door of the factory.

"What about people?"

"It's all inside."

Pushing the door and entering, there are piles of messy goods around, and scattered household garbage on the ground, and the smell is not very good. There were several people kneeling on the ground near the door, all tied with backhands. In the dim light, it could be seen that the faces were painted with color. It should be Li Sui's masterpiece. Zuo Chao's people rarely beat people and watched. visible place.

When Li Sui saw that it was him, he was obviously a little nervous, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet. Lu Shang's eyes only stayed on him for two seconds, confirming that he was okay, and then moved to Li Yan who was sitting on the ground.

"With such a big battle, I think who is here." Li Yan obviously didn't get any benefit from Li Sui. No one could have imagined that this young master of the Li family, who had been arrogant for half his life, would have such an embarrassing day.

"Come on, you surrender yourself now, and you can still get a light sentence." Lu Shangdao.

"Surrender?" Li Yan laughed, "Lu Shang, don't forget, I still have a big gift in my hand. As long as my people deliver it to Liu Xingtian, guess what he will do against you?"

Lu Shang was expressionless: "I'm afraid, you don't have this chance."

Li Yan looked at him coldly, and Lu Shang said again: "This is Liu Xingtian's territory, how do you think I got in?"

The veins on Li Yan's forehead jumped, and his voice became cold: "... He betrayed me."

"You are a raccoon dog, so you don't have to separate each other," Lu Shang said. "If I were you, I would sell this news to Liu Xingtian as soon as I found him, instead of keeping it as a life-saving handle."

One move short of chess, losing the whole game, Li Yan's face was ashen, and his face was full of colors for a while. He is a stubborn rich second-generation, different from Liu Xingtian's old fritters who have been in the world. Without his father, he has only a despicable character. He thinks too much about everything but has a shallow vision. , and finally got himself in.

And Liu Xingtian has really been in the dark. What he sees is actual interests. Even if he wants to harm others, he must be self-interested as the premise. In Liu Xingtian's eyes, Li Yan's actions were nothing but petty troubles. He asked Liu Xingtian for protection, which was indeed a trouble for Lu Shang. However, in the face of interests, Liu Xingtian would sell him without hesitation, which was also expected. among the things.

"Let's deal with it," Lu Shang didn't want to talk to him any more, and turned to Zuo Chao. "When he is healed, send him to the police station. Don't make trouble for yourself." After speaking, he handed Li Sui a Eyes, turned to go out.

It was dark, and on New Year's Eve, it was snowing heavily, and the streets were almost deserted. Walking on the green brick road, I could occasionally hear a few bursts of laughter wafting out of the window.

Lu Shang's footsteps are not fast, and his body has not recovered well. When he came out, he took in some cold air, his whole body was shaking, and his breathing was not stable. Li Sui followed behind him step by step, keeping two arms apart, as if he was obviously blaming himself but afraid that he would blame him and didn't dare to apologize.

The two of them walked like this, neither of them spoke first.

Since when? Lu Shang couldn't remember, he was actually a pessimistic person in his bones. Because of his health, he always felt that everything in the world was full of boredom. After meeting Li Sui, he gradually began to feel that life was not bad, and he even thought about it more. Live two days.

Lu Shang sometimes thinks that Liang Zirui is really a crow's mouth, and everything makes him right. At the beginning, he warned him not to let him keep tigers, but he didn't keep tigers, so he directly raised the loyal dog Hachiko, sent it away and ran back by himself, Dr. Liang Da seemed to have warned him not to get caught in it. , he really didn't sink in, he fell straight into it, and was so content that he didn't want to climb out at all.

He lived for twenty-six years, and he used to think that his fate should be the same as his father, guarding his own one-acre and three-point field, living as an ascetic for half his life, and then leaving alone in the silent night. At this time, he looked at the two shadows stretched by the street lights on the snow, and couldn't help but feel a little curious. If he tried a different life, he wondered if his fate would be a little different.

The two walked to the side of the car, Lu Shang paused, turned to look at Li Sui, and said, "I ask you, do you want to be with me?"

Li Sui was startled: "Yes."

"But I have a heart attack and may die at any time, are you afraid?"

Li Sui stared at him, unswervingly: "Don't be afraid."

"I can't travel, have sex, and enjoy food with you like ordinary people..."

"It's ok."

"I can't even accompany you for the rest of my life, I may leave in just a year or two, and the rest of your life will live in my shadow..."

"I would."

Lu Shang closed his eyes: "Come here."

Li Sui took two steps forward, and Lu Shang said to him, "You asked me if I love you, but now I'll give you the answer."

Li Sui was shocked, and before he could react, his shoulders sank, and something soft and warm was pressed against his lips. Li Sui's eyes widened, less than a centimeter in front of him was exactly what he was thinking about. Man, at that moment, he even forgot to close his eyes.

The soft tip of the tongue was like honey flowing out of a beehive, and spread between his lips in an instant. Li Sui went from amazement to disbelief, to ecstatic, and finally, in the lingering of the lips and tongue, it turned into a pool of slightly bitter. honey water.

The snow was still falling, and it covered this vast land. In the distance, there were New Year's fireworks blasting in the sky.

As soon as the kiss was over, Lu Shang breathed out and let go of him, turned his head: "You biting, it's not called kissing, that's what it's called, remember?"

Li Sui didn't seem to be able to breathe anymore, he was so choked that he couldn't speak, his lips trembled, he just felt that all the cells in his body were so happy that they were about to run away from home. After a long while, he nodded ruthlessly, stepped forward and pressed Lu Shang against the door of the car, holding the back of his head.