The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 36


When Li Sui first arrived in the United States two years ago, he learned at an event at school that there was such a charitable organization, which provided matching services for people in need of organs all year round. Although he knew that Lu Shang had already looked for it all over the country, he still submitted it. A piece of demand data, even if it is a 1 in 10,000 chance, he doesn't want to let it go.

Unfortunately, two years later, the miracle did not happen.

Li Sui left the airport with his luggage. The company's car was already waiting on the side of the road. He opened the door and found Xiao Zhao, an acquaintance.

"I came last week," Xiao Zhao didn't have any change because of his status change, and treated him as a friend, which made Li Sui a lot relieved, "Boss Lu originally planned to come by himself, but the result was that there I'm too busy to say that someone will be sent over to take over, who am I?"

"I'm afraid I'm going to trouble you for a while."

Xiao Zhao waved his hand: "Small thing."

Only two years later, the city has undergone new changes. Li Sui did not go directly to the hotel, but went to the construction site to take a look. He and Lu Shang had been here before, but they were familiar with each other. The surrounding area of Jinsha Coast has also gradually developed, and there is a tendency to form a commercial circle. The beaches that were not seen before are crowded with tourists, and everyone can see that this piece of land is becoming more and more valuable. After the completion and opening, I don't know what kind of lively scene will be.

All of this is largely based on a series of long-term strategies of Lushang. The policy comes first, the interests are lured, and both the soft and the hard are used. Even the villagers in the nearby fishing villages have consciously built the village into a tourism and cultural village. At a glance, you can see several seafood cities. .

The news that Li Sui came to supervise the project quickly spread throughout the entire project team. Many people here have seen him. At that time, he was just an ordinary young man with Lu Shang. Now two years later, he has turned into theirs. boss. Lu Shang has not publicized his identity to the outside world, but living in the same house, eating and sleeping together can't be concealed, the rumors are rumored, and the people below know a little bit.

At first, most people didn't think he could make it happen. At most, he just walked through the motions and gave the boss and shareholders an explanation, so they didn't take it seriously, but soon everyone found out that Li Sui was not just here for inspection, he was completely take over.

From the finance to the construction team, he has spared almost none of the people in the chain of interests, and strictly implemented the handover according to the contents of the list. Lu Shang gave him a good start. The rectification two years ago still affects the project. Many people still dare not neglect it, and the small actions have been restrained a lot, and he has taken over a lot more smoothly.

Obviously, the foundation and land business of this project have already laid a solid foundation for him, and it is up to him how to play in the future.

Li Sui was very devoted at work, and when he was busy, he had a tendency to stop. After dark, he looked at his mobile phone and found that there was a missed call from Lu Shang, so he rushed back to the past.

After only one ring, he was connected. Lu Shang should have fallen asleep, and there was a hint of laziness in his voice: "Are you still busy?"

"Just got off work," Li Sui turned off the computer, put his things in his bag and walked out, "Are you asleep?"

"Well, there's nothing to do." The other end of the phone should have turned over, and the sound of rubbing clothes came through the receiver. Li Sui's heart tickled when he heard it. He could almost feel that when Lu Shang turned over, the quilt was brought out. The hot air seemed to be able to pull him into his arms as soon as he reached out his hand.

"Lu Shang," Li Sui walked out of the building. There were cars coming and going on the street. Pedestrians were talking and laughing. He stopped in place, raised his head and chuckled, "I'm starting to miss you."

The person on the other end of the phone also smiled faintly, and a nice voice came: "What do you think, let's hear it."

"I want to... hold you in my arms and wrap my arms around your waist," Li Sui put her phone on her phone and whispered, "Kiss your eyes, nose, mouth..."

"and then?"

"Then, put your hand into your clothes," Li Sui smiled, "From the shoulders to the chest, and then to the lower abdomen, stroking it inch by inch..."

Lu Shang's low laugh came from the other end of the phone: "Well."

"Hold again... stroking... a little softer..."

The voice on the other end of the phone changed, and the laughter was obviously not steady, even with a breath.

"Press and hold the front end, then release it," Li Sui said in a hoarse voice, looking up to see a cafe, and walked in without hesitation, "Are you comfortable?"

"Well..." panting heavily, "you can go a little faster."

"Then two hands together..." Li Sui pushed open the door of the cafe and walked straight to the bathroom, "Relax your body...don't stop..."

The gasping sound was far away from the receiver, probably because the phone was thrown aside, Li Sui closed the bathroom door, looked at his lower body in a bad condition, and his breathing was all messed up.

"Lu Shang, give me your hand," Li Sui bewitched, "Can we be together?"

"...for you." said hard.

Li Sui closed his eyes, painted a familiar face in his mind, and began to move his hands.

The jazz music of the cafe was whispered from the overhead speakers. It was the middle of the month. The moonlight outside the window was thick and there were no clouds.

Li Sui panted lightly, and gradually became quiet after hearing a low murmur on the other end of the phone, and asked, "Lu Shang, are you asleep?"

There was only regular breathing, very light.

Li Sui kissed the microphone and said softly, "Good night."

He hung up the phone, glanced at the place where he was still exaggerating, and sighed lightly.

After washing his hands and coming out, he passed the bar, and a waiter glanced at him, probably as a pedestrian borrowing the toilet, Li Sui simply walked over, bought a cup of Americano, and packed it back to work overtime.

He was very sure that he couldn't wait for a month, so he had to hurry up and finish work early and go back.

Thanks to his experience in helping Lu Shang deal with documents, Li Sui quickly got on the right track. He knew Lu Shang's work habits very well. When many things were put in front of him, he could see what was going on at a glance, and he could save money virtually. a lot of time.

It was only after he took up his post that he understood how important orthodox learning is to a manager. Many seemingly indifferent details contain key turning points. It is precisely because he has learned these knowledge in advance that he can avoid a lot of losses. . It is no wonder that Lu Shang insisted on letting him study abroad. The more knowledgeable people are, the wider their horizons will be, and they will be more comprehensive and forward-looking when considering problems. On the other hand, having a first-class education is also more persuasive when managing subordinates.

Two weeks later, Li Sui was already familiar with the environment here. On this day, he and a group of management went to the construction site to inspect the site, during which he chatted with a designer.

"The environment of Jinsha Coast is really good. In my opinion, it would be even better if Taoyuan Island could also be included under the banner. The selling point of going out to sea for treasure hunting alone can attract a lot of tourists."

"Taoyuan Island?" Li Sui asked.

"It's the uninhabited island 30 nautical miles away. The contract right is open. Before, a wealthy businessman contracted it to be an experimental base. As a result, half of the development was bankrupt. After that, it changed hands a few times, all of which failed due to various reasons. , anyway, it hasn't been taken down yet."

Li Sui fell into silence. He heard Liu Xingming and Lu Shang talk about this island last year. A few people were going to board the boat to see it, but they didn't make it. Now that people mention it, he can't help but feel a little curious: "Can you go up and see it?"

"Yes, there is a boat tomorrow morning, and I will accompany you."

Early the next morning, Li Sui went to the island with a few evaluations. The island is not large, but the environment is very good. An artificial river was dug in the middle, and many tropical trees were planted on both sides. The large-scale buildings seem to be experimental bases and villas.

They looked around each other for a while before the intermediary hurried over: "Boss, I'm late, I'm sorry, there just happened to be a big boss who came to see the island today, and I neglected you all."

"Your place is quite popular." Li Sui said.

The agent wiped the hot sweat on his forehead: "How can you, there are a lot of people watching, and you can make an affordable price..." He compared a "zero", "this number."

"Is it expensive?"

The intermediary let out a laugh, and said the number with his ears. Li Sui's expression changed slightly: "This price is too outrageous."

"You don't know, this number is not only the island, but also the nearby marine resources. The contract period is long, which is actually cost-effective. It's just that ordinary people can't afford this price, and those who can afford it are reluctant to take this risk."

Li Sui felt that it was a pity, this place is really beautiful, and the temperature is pleasant. There is no winter, which is very suitable for Lu Shang's physique who is afraid of the cold. He also likes fishing. If he can buy it, he will build a small villa, open up a wasteland, and plant some flowers and plants. Vegetables, sleep and fish every day, take a walk by the river and look at the sea when you have nothing to do, not to mention how pleasant it is.

Just thinking about it, the intermediary picked up a phone call. I didn't know what was said there. The whole person jumped up and said excitedly: "What, he wants to buy it?!"

The whole group looked at each other in dismay. The intermediary hung up the phone, holding Li Sui's hand tightly: "You, you are really my lucky star. This island has been idle for more than two years, and it is finally sold today."

Li Sui said, "Who wants to buy it?"

"It's the big boss who just boarded the ship today. Come on, I'll take you to see him."

Driven by curiosity, Li Sui followed. Who knew that as soon as the door opened, he saw the legendary "Big Boss", his eyes met, and he blurted out almost at the same time, "Why is it you again?"

Sima Jingrong was stunned for a moment, then laughed immediately, put on Li Sui's shoulder, and introduced, "My brother, a life-threatening friendship!"

"What are you doing here?" Li Sui frowned.

"Buying an island, my dad just gave me a sum of money. I thought about it and had nowhere to spend it, so I wanted to buy something. I just came here to dive. I saw an island for sale here, so I decided to buy it."

Li Sui couldn't help but sigh, "You can buy whatever you want, does your dad know?"

"He doesn't care about me, he only cares about my brother."

Li Sui noticed that he no longer called Sima Yan by his first name, but instead called him "my brother".

"Why did you buy the island?" Li Sui asked.

Sima Jingrong rubbed his hands together: "I don't know, I haven't thought about it yet, maybe it's a rental."

Li Sui: "…"

Sima Jingrong saw his expressionless expression and asked, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Yes," Li Sui said, "I suggest you rent it to me."

Sima Jingrong thought about it and patted him on the shoulder: "Good idea!"

"I contribute money, you contribute, and we will share the money equally!" The more Sima Jingrong thought about it, the more he felt that this was a good idea, "I don't have to worry about it, you don't have to worry about money, it kills two birds with one stone!"

Li Sui originally wanted to entertain him, but he didn't expect him to be serious, so he was speechless for a while. Sima Jingrong made up his own mind on the side, determined that Li Sui would not let go of the victim, and greeted, "That's it, that, the agent, come to sign the contract and make a payment."

By the time he got off the island, Sima Jingrong's enthusiasm had not subsided, and he continued talking all the way. Although this amount of money is a lot, it is really nothing to the Sima family, but after all, it was spent because of his few running words. Li Sui felt a little bit uneasy, and said seriously, "I'll rent it now and pay the rent on an annual basis. , After two years, wait for the facilities on the island to be built, and then re-evaluate, and you can sell it to me."

"What are you doing to me?" Sima Jingrong was puzzled. "You are also a shareholder of Musheng. Last year's dividends were more than this amount."

He didn't mention that Li Sui had forgotten that he still had shares in Musheng, which was an investment made by Lu Shang in his name the year before. Lu Shang didn't mention the dividend to him, but since it was Lu Shang's decision, he naturally wouldn't ask more.

"Thanks in advance." Li Sui said to Sima Jingrong.

The friends got together, and the two of them went to eat hot pot together at noon. Sima Jingrong ordered the mutton, and Li Sui was stunned as soon as the pot was served. He remembered that this was Lu Shang's favorite.

"Eating seafood for a few days makes me sick to death," Sima Jingrong brought the flavor plate over and put it on the table, "Why are you stunned, you can even be stunned after eating."

Li Sui returned to his senses, staring at the big chili peppers in the flavor plate, puzzled: "It's all chili peppers, how do you eat this?"

"There's nothing you can't eat, it tastes good when it's spicy, and I don't like spicy food." Sima Jingrong poured the mutton into it, thinking it was funny, "It's the first time we've faced each other, but it's not just for the sauce. "

Li Sui recalled the old things, and felt a little emotional: "I thought Lu Shang didn't like spicy food at that time, but later I found out that he can't eat it."

"Hey," Sima Jingrong remembered talking about Lu Shang, "what happened to the two of you later? Did you do as I said?"

A smile appeared on Li Sui's mouth, and he nodded: "I gave him a fishing rod, he liked it very much, and he couldn't put it down."

"Oh, I'll just say it," Sima Jingrong laughed, patted his chest and boasted, "How is it, buddy, is it okay?"

Li Sui just laughed, only he knew that Lu Shang didn't forgive him because of a fishing rod, but he never blamed him.

Halfway through the meal, Li Sui answered a phone call from Uncle Yuan. As soon as Li Sui saw the number, his heart sank, and a bad premonition floated up.

"Uncle Yuan," he hurriedly got up and walked to a quiet place, "What happened to Lu Shang?"

"It's not him," Uncle Yuan said, "it's Zuo Chao."

"Brother Left?"

"Yes, Zuo Chao took people to the trade area to collect the car this morning, and met Liu Xingtian's people. There was a conflict between the two sides, and the police were called there. Zuo Chao was too straight-tempered and directly resisted arrest, and was escorted away by the armed police. , now they are in the detention center." Uncle Yuan said, "Mr. Lu should be taking a nap. I called and he didn't answer. You are all familiar, so I want to ask your opinion first."

"What did lawyer Xu say?" Li Sui asked.

"I went to negotiate at the first time, but Qianglong couldn't suppress the local snakes, and things were very difficult to handle. Liu Xingtian has been waiting for today's opportunity for a long time, and he will not release people so easily."

"Isn't the Lu family in charge of the trade area before?"

Uncle Yuan was stunned for a moment: "Uh, yes... It used to be our site, and then Mr. Lu sold it to Liu Xingtian."

Seeing the difference in his tone, Li Sui suddenly remembered that the day he went to see Li Yan two years ago in the outer suburbs, Lu Shang seemed to have said something, and his heart trembled: "Is it... it has something to do with me."

He didn't use the tone of the question, and Uncle Yuan didn't deny it, he just said: "Zuo Chao is used to being in the trade zone, and now it suddenly becomes someone else's territory, he naturally can't swallow this breath, the most important thing now is that he has a lot of criminal records, and it hurts the world. He really never did, but he injured a lot of people with black fists in his early years, and if he really wants to be sentenced, I am afraid it will be difficult to come out."

This matter is really tricky. Liu Xingtian will not attack Zuo Chao for no reason. This incident is obviously premeditated for a long time. Zuo Chao is Lu Shang's right-hand man. Everyone knows that he does this to break Lu Shang's sharp claws . Liu Xingtian's power is not small, and he is not someone who can be dealt with casually. He is also a shareholder of Dongyan. He and the Lu family have some overlapping backgrounds, resulting in many acquaintances sharing it. To put it bluntly, this is a tug of power. war.

Li Sui weighed it and said, "I'll explain this, and I'll fly back right away. I'll be there at about nine o'clock in the evening."

"Should I tell Mr. Lu about this first?"

Li Sui thought about it for a while, but he couldn't hide it, and with his ability and connections, he couldn't compete with Liu Xingtian at the moment. In the end, Lu Shang had to come forward.

"Tell him, but also tell him I'm working on it, so he won't be in a hurry."