The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 38


During the holiday at the end of the month, Li Sui originally wanted to accompany Lu Shang to go fishing, but he received a temporary notice that there was an exchange symposium on future economic development in the city. , drive by yourself.

Lu Shang mentioned twice to transfer Xiao Zhao to be a full-time driver for him, but Li Sui refused. Others are always more comfortable than driving by himself. Besides, he has not yet reached the level of a driver, so it is better to keep a low profile, lest Realize the population.

Lu Shang stopped talking about it, got up early and lay on the bed, seeing Li Sui standing in front of the mirror wearing a tie, he couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Sui looked at him in the mirror.

After exercising too much the night before, it is customary for Lu Shang to lie down for a while, rest his arms behind his head, and beckon to him, "Come here and give me a kiss."

Li Sui smiled, his eyes were curved. Over the past few years, he has changed almost every day, only one pair of eyes, as deep and bright as when they first met.

He leaned over and bit Lu Shang's lips lightly for a while, separated in time, and touched his nose: "Okay, I'm going out, you have a good rest at home."

"Yeah." Lu Shang nodded and saw him striding to the backyard to drive with his long legs, his movements were dashing and full of hormones.

Being young is good. Boss Lu sighed in his heart, got up and rubbed his sore waist. He didn't know what to think, then lowered his head and laughed again.

The purity of the young man attracted him, but it was the charm of a mature man that really made him fall in love.

After breakfast, Lu Shang rummaged in the closet for a while. Since Li Sui began to take over his work gradually, he had a lot of free time. He hadn't stayed up overnight or worked overtime for a long time. . In the past, when Aunt Lu ironed his clothes, he would put the clothes he was going to wear the next day at the front. I don't know when it started, and all Li Sui's clothes were placed in that position.

It took him a long time to tell his own from the shirts that were almost indistinguishable, and when he was ready to go out, Uncle Yuan had already parked his car on the side of the road.

"Go to Bamboo Garden." He closed the doorway.

The day before, it had rained a while, and the mountains were full of fresh bamboo shoots. There was a pressing cold in the air, and there was white mist in the breath. Lu Shang got out of the car at the door, crossed the martial arts hall, and stepped on the dead bamboo leaves all over the floor to the tea room behind the house.

A slender woman at the door was lighting a fire. Seeing him, she quickly wiped off the stains on her apron and said with a smile, "Boss Lu is here."

"Well," Lu Shang smiled at her and looked into the tea room, "Is Zuo there?"

"I'm here, I'll call him for you."

"No, I'll go in and talk to him for a while."

"Then I'll make tea for you."

Lu Shang nodded: "It's work."

He changed his shoes at the door, opened the curtain and walked in. Zuo Chao had obviously heard the conversation outside the house, and he sat cross-legged and sat beside the desk.

Before Lu Shang had passed, Zuo Chao raised his hand first and interrupted him hastily: "Don't persuade me."

"Who said I was here to persuade you," Lu Shang sat down next to the case, "I'm here to congratulate you on your promotion as a father."

Zuo Chao was stunned: "What did you say?"

"Sister-in-law wasn't feeling well a few days ago?" Lu Shang said, "Zirui gave her a physical examination yesterday. It's been a month since her early pregnancy."

Zuo Chao's face suddenly turned from red to white, and then to red again, as if he had just reacted, and slammed the table: "Are you serious?!"

At this moment, someone lifted the curtain at the door and came in. Zuo Chao raised his head and ran over. As soon as he grabbed his wife's hand, he was so excited that he couldn't say a word: "Wife, I... I'm a father?!"

The woman's face turned red all of a sudden, with a girlish shyness on her face, she avoided Zuo Chao, put down the tea cup and went out.

Zuo Chao was so happy that he didn't know what to do, wandering around the house, wanting to go out to find the child's mother, but he was afraid that he would appear to be too restless.

"Sit down," Lu Shang just smiled, "She is a little weak, and she has to go to the hospital tomorrow to have Zi Rui do a detailed examination. She should make up for what she should make up, and she should quit if she should."

"Okay..." Zuo Chao kept nodding his head. He was so excited that he didn't know where to put his hands for a while. He habitually touched the cigarette on his ear. Then he thought of Lu Shang's words to quit, and immediately threw it into the bamboo basket. : "Quit! Quit smoking, quit today!"

Lu Shang put the tea cup away and poured a cup on his own: "You're going to be a father, so think more about what you do in the future, and set a good example for your children."

Zuo Chao rubbed his hand on his leg: "Yes, you are right... I was too reckless before, I promise, this is the last time."

"Also, you have to think about making a decent living. If your child asks in the future, you can at least tell what your father does." Lu Shang added.

No matter how stupid Zuo Chao was, he heard what Lu Shang meant this time, scratched his hair, and said frankly, "I'll be honest with you, I don't really want to show my face to Xiao Lizi. , it's just that he can handle it... I really don't think about it. This car factory is big or small, and I also run it. He said it was closed and it was closed. When I came out, I didn't see any of my brothers. Well, this... this is really hurtful."

"He's a child, what do you care about with him?" Lu Shang poured him a cup of tea, "Besides, he is also for your own good."

Although Lu Shang didn't say it on the surface, he agreed with Li Sui's approach in his heart. Taking a crooked road may be a good thing for a while, but once the wind direction changes, it will collapse the fastest. is the best example. Society is gradually improving, and everything is gradually becoming standardized. This is a trend. Those who always take advantage of opportunities and speculate will fail sooner or later.

Because this is an era of the rule of law after all, all non-compliant things will be gradually eliminated and replaced. Any group wants to grow and develop, and there is only one way to go.

Although Li Sui's approach was ruthless, it was not wrong. It was just too direct. With Zuo Chao's temperament, it was reasonable that he could not accept it.

"He's already over twenty years old, you still treat him as a child..." Zuo Chao laughed.

Lu Shang disagreed: "He will always be a child with me."

Zuo Chao stared at him for a while, then tentatively said, "You've identified him in your life? Don't want to find someone in your life?"

"Me?" Lu Shang chuckled and shook his head after speaking, like a wry smile and self-deprecating, "If you live like me, you will suffer when you are born."

Zuo Chao was stunned for a moment, and persuaded: "I can't say the same thing. Didn't Mr. Lu give birth to you back then? People, you can only know what sense of responsibility is when you become a father. Look, I was angry that Xiaolizi put me The factory was closed, and now that I think about it, he really didn’t do anything wrong, maybe God asked me to do something else.”

Lu Shang laughed: "You have only been a father for a few minutes, and you have taught me." After a while, he added, "Having him is enough."

Zuo Chao saw that he had a firm mind and said with emotion: "When you brought him here for the first time, I really didn't expect today..."

"You figured it out, if he comes to you again, don't avoid it," Lu Shang put down his teacup and said bluntly, "I look distressed."

Zuo Chao was embarrassed for a while and waved his hand: "It's my fault, I'll invite him to drink alone tonight."

The two chatted some more, and Lu Shang saw that his mind had already flown to the child's mother, so he didn't stay any longer, got up and left.

"I dug up fresh bamboo shoots and brought them home for you to decorate?" Zuo Chao followed him out the door.

"Next time," Lu Shang pointed at the blue peacocks in the front yard, "Is that delicious?"

Zuo Chao nodded immediately: "Add some frosted radish and stew it spicy, the meat is particularly fragrant."

Lu Shang took a deep breath: "Keep one for me, and kill it next time." He turned around and emphasized, "Don't let Li Sui see it."

"to make."

Zuo Chao escorted him out of the yard: "The depot is gone, my manpower is a little short, and those who should be followed will not relax, but you have to be more careful."

"Well, wait for the sister-in-law to stabilize in two months. Go to open an auto repair shop. I will ask Uncle Yuan to help you with the procedures," Lu Shang said. "The other—"

He suddenly stopped, his body swayed, he gasped sharply, and squatted down on the ground, holding his head with one hand, pressing the center of his eyebrows tightly, and his eyebrows were wrinkled into a ball.

Zuo Chao was frightened by him: "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

Lu Shang made a gesture of refusal, closed his eyes tightly, shook his head, waited for the paleness on his face to subside a little, stood up laboriously, and barely stood still while holding on to a bamboo by the roadside.

Zuo Chao was afraid that he would faint in the next second, so he said anxiously, "Does it matter? Don't be brave."

Lu Shang waited for his breath to calm down, and said weakly: "...It's okay, let Uncle Yuan drive in the car, I can't walk."

Uncle Yuan got out of the car and was surprised when he saw his face like paper. The two of them helped him into the car: "Slow down."

Zuo Chao was not at ease when he left: "Does Xiaolizi know?"

Lu Shang leaned on the back seat, his lips were pale and his eyes were a little slack, he whispered but solemnly: "Don't tell him, I will tell it myself."

Zuo Chao seemed to have something to say, but felt that it was someone else's family business that was difficult to say, so after hesitating, Lu Shang had already closed the car window and let Uncle Yuan drive away.

"Do you need me to call Dr. Liang?" Uncle Yuan asked from the front seat.

Lu Shang looked out the window absentmindedly, his mood was extremely low, he rarely showed such a helpless expression, after a long while, as if resigning his fate, he made a muffled "um".

In the evening, Li Sui was called to drink by Zuo Chao, and when he called Lu Shang and said that he would not come back for dinner, the voice on the other end was very excited, as if the haze of many days had finally dissipated, obviously very happy.

"Drink less." Lu Shang was infected by him, smiled softly, and urged.

After hanging up the phone, the room became quiet again. Lu Shang sat on the sofa and felt a chill all over his body. He didn't dare to move, so he wrapped the blanket tightly.

I don't know how long it took, just when he was about to fall asleep, there was a sound of parking in the yard, then the door opened, and Liang Zirui walked in in a hurry: "What's the matter with you?"

Lu Shang shrank his body and said with a smile, "It's nothing, please have a meal."

"Stop talking nonsense, we've known each other for so many years, it's too late for you to hide from me. When did you invite me to dinner?" Liang Zirui was probably hungry, so he picked an apple from the coffee table and shoved it into his mouth, "Tell me, Where are you uncomfortable?"

Lu Shang seemed a little hesitant, and seemed to not know how to speak.

"My eyes," Lu Shang said, "... there seems to be something wrong."

Liang Zirui suddenly stopped, his face changed: "What did you say?"

"I can't see where you are now, the surroundings are very blurry," Lu Shang stretched out his hand and stroked the air, "You can only tell where you are based on the sound."

Liang Zirui's expression turned serious, and he took out his flashlight and shook it in front of him: "Can you feel it?"

Lu Shang nodded: "There is light."

Liang Zirui opened his eyelids to check carefully, turned off the flashlight, took a deep breath, and asked, "When did it start?"

"Not long after Li Sui left the country the year before, I felt that my eyesight had deteriorated, but wearing glasses would be better, so I didn't care. About half a year ago, a double image suddenly appeared in front of my eyes while driving at the gate of the hospital." Lu Shang recalled, trying his best to Clearly stated, "It has also appeared several times since then, mostly at night, lasting five to twenty seconds each time, for a long period of time like now, and during the day, today is the first time."

After Lu Shang finished speaking, after waiting for a long time for Liang Zirui to reply, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. He was not quite able to adapt to life without vision: "Are you listening?"

"Yes." Liang Zirui squeezed his shoulder with his hand to soothe the patient, "I'm recalling your medical records... Logically, it shouldn't be like this."

"Is it because of the heart?"

Liang Zirui sighed lightly: "Yes, there is no problem with your eyes, the only explanation is that the blood supply to the eyes is insufficient due to the decline of the heart function."

"Is there a way?" Lu Shang asked.

Liang Zirui's expression was solemn, and he did not answer the question, but said, "Lu Shang, when you decided to give up the heart transplant two years ago, I told you that there will be many complications in the terminal stage of heart disease, even if I am today If your eyes are cured, you may lose your hearing tomorrow, and that's the price of giving up, you understand?"

"Really?" Lu Shang lowered his eyes and laughed instead, "Sounds terrible."

Liang Zirui took a deep breath, and his tone was a little unbearable: "The heart is slowly failing, and the process will be very painful."

The two fell into silence. There was a crackling sound from the fireplace in the corner. Lu Shang rubbed his eyes and said, "Since I have chosen this path, I am willing to bear the consequences. Sui should be back."

"I can prescribe some medicines for you, but these can only cure the symptoms but not the root cause. They can only be temporarily relieved and cannot be cured, because your main cause is still in the heart," Liang Zirui said, "Also, don't keep trying to hide this. You can't hide it from him."

Lu Shang looked confused, followed the voice and looked at him. He lowered his eyes and said, "Ari, to be honest, I am very disappointed in myself. I thought I could stay healthy with him for a few more years."

"Don't talk about it." Liang Zirui interrupted. He couldn't stand Lu Shang's softening attitude the most. As the attending physician, he has been watching Lu Shang stumbling over for so many years. In this world, apart from Lu Shang himself, I am afraid no one is better than him. Learn more about how difficult it is for this man to sit here today.

Lu Shang is such a strong person, when did it come when he took the initiative to compromise and ask him for help.

"I don't give up, and you don't give up either," Liang Zirui pinched his shoulder. "There is always a way. I originally estimated that you would die if you didn't have a heart transplant within a year. Isn't it okay now?"

"Well, you also estimated that I would not live to be twenty years old." Lu Shang smiled.

"So what are eyes," Liang Zirui comforted him, "only one thing, don't hide it from Li Sui, as a family member, he will know sooner or later."

"I'm just afraid of him..."

Liang Zirui interrupted him and warned: "Listen, this is not a small problem, if something happens it's not a joke, you need to take care of it."

"...Don't talk about it," Lu Shang sighed and said with difficulty, "I will find a time to talk to him."