The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 41


Under the action of the drug, Lu Shang slept directly until the next morning. When he woke up and opened his eyes, he saw a faint morning light slanting in from the window. Finally, the darkness was no longer in front of him. He calmed down a little and habitually touched the people around him. location, is empty.

Li Sui was not there, and there was no temperature in the quilt. He hadn't slept all night at all.

Lu Shang sat up and found that the furniture beside the bed had been emptied. He was stunned for a while, thinking that there was a thief in the house, but then he thought that even if there was a thief, he should go to the safe and steal his furniture. was removed.

He changed his clothes and went downstairs, stunned as soon as he entered the living room.

Overnight, the large and small tables, chairs, cabinets, and corners in the living room, all the protruding sharp corners were carefully wrapped with foam, and several fragile fish tanks and decorations were also removed and placed in A height beyond reach.

At this time, if someone who doesn't know enters the door, he probably thinks that there are children who are just toddlers at home. Lu Shang stood there and looked around, obviously feeling a slight tremor in his heart somewhere. Li Sui hadn't slept all night, so he was probably busy with this.

There was breakfast on the table, packed in an insulated box. It was his favorite pancakes, and it was accompanied by boiled eggs and shrimp porridge. Aunt Lu was usually not meticulous enough to peel off the eggshells, so Li Sui must have cooked breakfast. Standing in the room, Lu Shang touched the corner of the table wrapped in foam with his fingers, and his heart was tumbling for a while, and he couldn't tell what it was like. Sometimes he didn't know whether he treated Li Sui as a child or Li Sui treated him as a child.

There was a sound at the door, and Li Suichen ran back with a towel around his neck. Seeing him, he was obviously startled, and stared straight into his eyes, as if confirming something.

Lu Shang looked at him and smiled lightly: "Morning."

Li Sui's expression moved slightly. I don't know if it was because of staying up late. His eyes looked a little red and swollen. Lu Shang kept smiling. He saw Li Sui walked past him, walked to the drawer, took the medicine, and put it in front of him silently. Went upstairs to take a shower.

The meaning is obvious, let him take the medicine, but he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. Lu Shang looked at Li Sui's back, his smile faded, and he felt a headache. I thought it would be better if I was angry for one night at most, but it wouldn't be overnight, but I didn't expect that this time, Li Sui was really angry this time.

The two of them have always gotten along naturally, but now one of them deliberately ignores them, and Lu Shang was a little overwhelmed for a while. He probably used all his eloquence in the workplace, and was simply clumsy in coaxing children.

After finally reaching the point of sleep at night, Lu Shang waited in bed for about half a day and no one came, and gradually felt a bit of a sense of loss. Li Sui was deliberately avoiding him and not going to sleep with him.

He didn't know what to do, so he decided to get out of bed to look for it, but his body hadn't recovered yet, and he couldn't see clearly at night. This time, he really became blind, and Lu Shang stood by the bed and dared not move easily, for fear of crushing his glasses, so he could only squat down and grope on the ground at a loss.

As a result, before his hand touched the carpet, someone grabbed it first, took it with his body, and hugged him tightly.

"What are you doing..." Hugren's emotions fluctuated violently, his chest trembled violently, as if stimulated by the scene where he picked up his glasses, "What are you doing..."

Lu Shang was hugged so tightly that his arms even hurt. He froze for a long time in confusion, until he felt the heat on his shoulders, then he gradually recovered, and Li Sui cried.

It seemed that a giant whale had turned over under the water, causing a silent tremor, Lu Shang raised his hand and touched Li Sui's head, opened his mouth, and felt that any words were superfluous. He didn't forget that his little turtle never cried. Even if he was beaten by the Li family and was on the verge of desperation in the protected forest area, he never shed a single tear.

"I'm sorry." Lu Shang closed his eyes, touched his head, and sincerely apologized.

Li Sui just hugged him, his arms tightened even more, as if he couldn't hold back after holding it for a whole day, tears kept pouring out and rubbed randomly on his shoulders.

Lu Shang's heart trembled because of his crying, so he hurriedly stretched out his hand and patted him on the back, coaxing him: "Okay, are you wronged? Don't be mad at me, okay?"

"...I'm not mad at you," Li Sui choked and swallowed the uncomfortable stuff in his throat, grabbed his hand and pressed it against his chest, "I feel bad."

There was a strong beating heart in the palm of his hand, and the sound of the skin sounded into his body. Lu Shang couldn't help pantothenic acid in his nose. He wanted to open his shoulders to touch his face, but Li Sui held him tightly: " Don't look."

Lu Shang slowed down, forgiving his small face, and relaxed his body for him to hold.

It was late at night, and the wind was blowing outside the window, blowing the evergreen trees in the courtyard. Li Sui's voice buried on his shoulders gradually subsided, and he stepped back a little. Thinking that Lu Shang couldn't stand for long now, he carefully placed him on the bed, took off his clothes, turned off the light and hugged him from behind.

After a day of worrying about it, Lu Shang was actually very tired, but he didn't want to fall asleep right now, so he clasped Li Sui's hand, shook it again and again, and was reluctant to let go.

Li Sui leaned over and kissed his eyes, lying in his ear and whispering, "Lu Shang, I hope you understand that whether you are sick, blind, or unable to walk, I don't just love health. When you are, I love all of you, and I will always be with you for the rest of your life, in life, old age, sickness and death, don't block me, okay?"

In the darkness, Lu Shang's breathing stagnated, and he rolled over and hugged him: "Silly..."

The ancients said that gains and losses are determined by heaven, happiness and sorrow always go to fate, knowing God knows fate, and keeping it is fortunate. Lu Shang thought, God probably had it right. He took away a healthy heart from him, but gave him such a good lover. Maybe this is the so-called fate. He didn't believe in fate before, but now he has to thank God, how lucky he is in his lifetime.

The short two-day vacation ended soon, and Lu Shang's health was still up and down. Li Sui was really worried about him going to the company. He was afraid that something like the last time would happen again, so he simply moved all his work back home.

Although the shareholders meeting had come to an end, the outcome of the discussion was not reached. Li Sui refused to let him participate in the meeting alone. He personally drew up a series of meeting procedures, and invited the board of supervisors to supervise the whole process.

I don’t know if I knew the reason why Lu Shang invested in Musheng. When the meeting was held again, the shareholders’ wind direction was obviously deviated. Several old shareholders who were unwilling to pay for their lives before smelled the smell of fishing for big fish on a long-term basis and let them go. step, signed his name on the resolution.

Liu Xingtian did not show any dissatisfaction on the surface, but the angry blue veins on his forehead betrayed him, knowing that his existing shares could not change the direction of the wind, so he simply signed the words. In this way, an open and secret shareholders meeting finally came to an end with the result of withdrawing 40% of the provident fund.

When the work came to an end, Li Sui immediately pushed all the schedules and concentrated on taking care of Lu Shang at home. It's probably because he is in a good mood and has enough rest. Since the last time, Lu Shang's eyes have never been temporarily blinded, and only occasionally can't see clearly at night. After wearing glasses, it has improved slightly, but he still can't see outdoors in poor light. is enough.

Li Sui hardly interfered with his actions, but his eyes never left his body. When encountering unevenness or obstacles, he would warn him aloud, and would silently follow behind him when necessary.

After the new year, the weather was getting warmer, and Li Sui was relieved. Winter was a big test for Lu Shang. Too cold weather would always make blood flow to his limbs stagnant. The situation will be much better.

On the eve of Qingming Festival, Li Sui took Lu Shang to the hospital for an examination. After reading the examination report, Dr. Liang finally did not go into a rage like in previous years. Instead, he showed a somewhat satisfied look.

"It's not bad, keep doing it like this, and the dose can be reduced next year." He finished flipping through the report and touched his chin, "It's amazing, I thought he wouldn't be able to make it through this year. It seems that there is a connection between dopamine and the heart. It's bigger than I thought."


Liang Zirui smiled mysteriously and explained: "A magical substance secreted by the human brain, its secretion will increase when people have lust. In medicine, it can enhance the contractility of the heart muscle and dilate blood vessels. medicine."

Li Sui was stunned for a moment: "So, I'm with him... um, I mean, is it good for his body when I'm with him?"

"Of course," Liang Zirui teased, "the human body does not lie. Judging from the results, he has secreted a lot of dopamine to you in the past few years."

Li Sui was inexplicably embarrassed by what he said, and then heard Liang Zirui mutter: "It's a pity, such a good case study, if only my teacher was here."

"Your teacher is still studying this?"

Liang Zirui made an "um" without raising his head: "His name is Leon, he is Swiss, and he is the top cardiologist in the world. Almost all of the cardiac surgeries he has done can be included in difficult lesson plans, but he has a bad habit. , likes to smoke marijuana, and even smoked in school. Later, when someone reported him, the school dismissed him. After that, he ran around the world and didn't know what he was doing. I asked him once before and wanted him to help me analyze Lu Shang’s case, but he rejected me and went to the deep mountains to do research, I haven’t seen him for a long time.”

After listening to Li Sui, he couldn't help but feel a pity that there was such a person, but he couldn't be used by them: "Is he hard to find?"

"An old smoker with a quirky temper, is it difficult to find." Liang Zirui sorted out the report and took out the medical record book from the desk beside him. "Tell me about his diet and sleep."

These Li Sui have long been familiar with them, and without thinking about them, they answered them one by one.

Liang Zirui lowered his head and made a note in the medical record book: "Frequency of intercourse."

"once a week."

Liang Zirui looked up and said, "A false report will hinder my diagnosis."

Li Sui: "... four times a week."

Liang Zirui closed the book with a snap: "I remember I told you, at most twice a week."

Lu Shang just pushed the door in and interrupted, "When did you even take care of this?"

"I'm doing it for your own good," Liang Zirui said angrily, "If you come again, be careful to die on the bed!"

"Huh?" Lu Shang's eyes lit up, "Dead in bed? Sounds good, it's much more chic than dying in a hospital bed."

After he finished speaking, he pulled La Lisui's hand, tilted his head and said with a smile, "Let's go back and try?"

"You..." Liang Zirui knew that he couldn't do Lu Shang, so he turned his head and got angry at Li Sui, "He's making a fool of yourself, so you can let him make a fool of yourself?"

Li Sui's face was complicated, and he glanced at Lu Shang, who was pretending to be a rogue, and thought that I wanted to endure it, but can't I bear it at all

In the evening, the two of them took a bath together in the bathtub. Li Sui foamed Lu Shang's hair and rubbed it carefully.

Lu Shang noticed that he had something on his mind and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Sui smoothed the foam and said slowly, "I'm thinking, Dr. Liang is right."

Lu Shang disagreed: "Don't pay attention to what he said, my father was killed by his father's doctor."

Li Sui was startled, and Lu Shang probably felt that this was a slander, and changed his words: "Well, as a heart patient, my father's longevity is considered to be fifty years old, and I may not be as good as him."

Hearing this, Li Sui slowed down his movements and said seriously, "Do you remember before, when the Jinsha Coast plan was just finalized, you said you wanted to reward me, and you owed me a request."

Lu Shang looked at him and motioned him to speak with his eyes.

"I'm asking you to promise me now that you want to live a healthy and healthy life, not to mention a long life, at least until the two of us can't walk, then I'll leave with you, okay?"

Lu Shang smiled lightly: "It's too boring to walk, and it's been too long. I try to live until we can't make love, eh?"

Li Sui was amused. He washed the foam on his hands with water and applied the body lotion for him. The two of them kissed each other's skin. It was easy to feel the changes in each other's bodies. Li Sui couldn't help but reach out and squeeze his chin when he was half-washed. , leaned up and pecked. When the lips parted, the four eyes met each other, and their eyes were a little emotional.

Lu Shang spread his legs apart and sat on his lap. The two embraced and kissed each other. They couldn't part with each other for a while. Li Sui dipped a bit of lubricant on his fingertips next to the bathtub and probed into it. The atmosphere was so good that Li Sui couldn't help himself for a while. After entering successfully, he slightly bent his legs and pushed up a few times.

The two quickly got into a state and stroked back and forth together. Lu Shang was obviously comfortable, and his toes were curled up. Li Sui helped him relieve him for a while, then he couldn't stand it and let it out, so tired he leaned on his shoulder. Panting.

Li Sui kissed him, then withdrew from the lower body and solved it by himself, rinsed the two of them with a spray head, and leaned on the bed to blow their hair.

On Lu Shang's birthday, Li Sui took him to fly to the island. He couldn't wait to show him what he had carefully prepared. Since Lu Shang suffered a brief bout of blindness at the beginning of the year, Li Sui had a feeling in his heart. The sense of urgency must be faster, whether it is the speed of his growth or the speed of the completion of this gift.

"You planted these?" The two talents just landed on the island, and Lu Shang looked at the neat and straight tropical trees on the artificial river bank with a rare surprise on his face.

"Yeah," Li Sui nodded, "but before it grows, this row will bloom. The tree farmer said that it is a white flower, and the petals will become transparent when it rains. Then I will find a craftsman to make a canoe. We go boating on the river to see flowers, and we can go fishing.”

Lu Shang's expression was moved, his eyes fell on several buildings by the river, Li Sui followed his line of sight and explained, "This used to be an experimental base, I discussed it with a few experts and decided to convert it into equipment. Nursing home with sophisticated medical equipment, many things are readily available, it doesn’t cost a lot, and…”

Li Sui glanced at Lu Shang and seemed embarrassed, "If you want, we can retire here."

Hearing this, Lu Shang stared at him sideways, as if he was looking for something. Li Sui was embarrassed by him and asked, "What's wrong, if you don't like it, I can change it again."

"Who said I don't like it." Lu Shang smiled lightly, and it was obvious that he was very happy, with a nice curvature at the corner of his mouth, he used to hold Li Sui's hand and walked to the beach, "Come with me to the beach for a walk."

The blue sky in the distance was like washing, the seabirds swirled low, and the waves rushed ashore in waves, making a clattering sound. The hot wind blew his hair, and the air smelled of sea water. Li Sui was holding the man in his hand. When he looked up, the red light of the setting sun shone down from the clouds and reflected golden light on the beach in front of him. At that moment, he didn't realize it. He clenched Lu Shang's hand firmly, as if he was holding the whole world.