The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 43


The peaceful time always passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was autumn, and it was getting dark earlier. When Li Sui came home from get off work, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Lu Shang sitting in a wheelchair, reaching for the book on the floor, hurriedly walking. Go and help him pick it up.

"It's so early today." Lu Shang heard the voice and touched his hand.

Li Sui immediately grabbed his hand, aware that it was a little cold, pulled the blanket up, and said softly, "Aunt Lu has returned to her hometown. I'm afraid you will be bored at home alone."

Lu Shang gave a "uh" and warned, "Don't delay your work."

Li Sui didn't listen to him, got up and walked to the back of the chair, put his hands on Lu Shang's temple and pressed lightly, and asked, "Are you feeling better today?"

Lu Shang squinted his eyes in comfort: "Well, much better."

Last month, there was a strong wind. Lu Shang went fishing by the river and got a little rain. When he came back, he caught a cold and had a high fever for several nights. Li Sui was angry and impatient. He was afraid that he would not take his medicine on time, so he took a leave of absence to take care of him at home for a few days, and then went back to work after the fever subsided.

The past few years have been very smooth, and Lu Shang sometimes almost forgot that he was a patient. This time, he had a fever, and it seemed that the root of the disease in his body was suddenly alarmed. After the cold was cured, the resistance was obviously much weaker, and people had There is no energy, and the little flesh that finally grows quickly disappears.

Uncle Yuan mentioned several times to recruit a few nurses and keep them at home, in case Lu Shang could know in time what happened, then Lu Shang was disgusted after hearing it: "I haven't reached that stage yet."

Just this sentence, Li Sui shut up and never mentioned it again.

People who are sick all the time are probably a bit weird in temperament. Lu Shang is already very mild-mannered, but in this matter, he is just too stubborn. Li Sui said that he couldn't tell him, forcibly violated his intentions and was afraid of making him angry, so he could only be more careful at ordinary times.

When Dr. Liang came to see the patient, his face was not good, but he didn't say much. He only told Lu Shang to reduce the amount of activity and strictly control the intake of salt. Li Sui couldn't help worrying. Although Lu Shang's heart had not had any major problems in the past few years, he was always concerned. Li Sui knew that even if he took good care of him, Lu Shang would still be more ill when he got sick. Ordinary people are much more serious, mainly because the heart function is not good, and the physical foundation is poor.

Li Sui pressed his temple for a while and pushed him to the fireplace: "Whatever you want to eat at night, I'll make it for you."

Just as Lu Shang was about to speak, Li Sui added, "You can only eat bland food."

So Lu Shang stopped talking, and looked as if he had lost interest in dinner. Li Sui thought that he had been drinking porridge for most of the month, and felt unbearable, so he eased, "I'll grill a fish for you."

Lu Shang has always had no objection to what he made. Li Sui cleaned the live fish, marinated the fish with ginger slices to remove the fishy smell, drizzled the sauce, wrapped it in spices and put it in the oven. He was busy when he turned around and asked him: " Has Liu Xingtian been doing anything recently?"

"He's been very busy recently and has been working with several old shareholders. I guess he can't wait any longer." Li Sui moved his hands skillfully and suddenly stopped, "By the way, he went to Mengmeng a few days ago. Miss's mansion."

Lu Shang paused and was slightly surprised: "Xinyou?"

Meng Xinyou married the year before, and her husband's family was a young and promising politician whose surname was Xu. Liu Xingtian must have gone to find not Meng Xinyou, but the well-known Xu official. The Meng family owns nearly 20% of Dongyan's shares. Although it belongs to pre-marital property, with Meng Xinyou's rational and pragmatic personality, Lu Shang really has no 100% certainty on which side she will stand on after marriage.

This is indeed a very tricky matter. If Meng Xinyou changes to support her husband's family, then they will lose a strong ally. Liu Xingtian has caught the key this time.

"Don't think about it, eat something first." Li Sui moved the wheelchair to the table.

Although the grilled fish did not contain chili sauce and salt, it was very delicious and the sauce was full of flavor. Lu Shang couldn't see it clearly. Li Sui was afraid that he would be caught by the fishbone, so he fed him piece by piece with chopsticks.

"Is it delicious?" Li Sui especially liked watching Lu Shang eat what he made, and always had a very happy feeling.

Lu Shang nodded, obviously not thinking about the food, and asked, "How is your border plan going?"

Speaking of this, Li Sui's heart flashed a little regret: "I discussed it with Xiao Sima and decided to give up foreign trade and only take the domestic route."

Lu Shang was a little surprised: "Why, once your plan is successful, you can immediately gain a firm foothold in Dongyan."

Li Sui took out a piece of paper and wiped the corners of his mouth: "Everything else is easy to say, we have no way to bypass the customs, which requires the government's approval, and Liu Xingtian is interfering with it. This matter is too difficult to handle."

Lu Shang fell silent after hearing this.

"It doesn't matter, we have other projects, not bad for this one," Li Sui smiled indifferently, "The Jinsha Coast has been completed and is ready to open. I'm afraid I will be on a business trip at the end of this month. Would you like to go with me?"

Lu Shang turned his head from the silence and smiled lightly: "Okay."

In the evening, when Lu Shang fell asleep, Li Sui walked to the terrace and made a call from abroad.

Over the past few years, he has expanded his search scope, and has left information about needs in almost all places that can match heart donors. He will go to ask every few months, and he is waiting for the miracle with the most pious heart, but unfortunately Always failed to do so.

The phone was connected, and Li Sui communicated with the other party, but still only got a frustrating reply.

"I see, thank you." He hung up the phone and sighed heavily while holding his head.

Across the door, the person on the bed was already asleep, his pale cheeks pressed against the pillow, and Li Sui looked at him through the glass, his expression softened a little, but at the same time he couldn't help feeling a sore nose.

Li Sui used to think that no matter how unlucky a person is, as long as he repeats this incident a hundred or a thousand times, he will always succeed once, but he didn't. It seemed that God had used up all the miracle shares in his life when he met the person in front of him.

Sometimes he couldn't help but think that if the time was reversed, he would rather not be with Lu Shang, even if he traded his life for him, to give him a healthy body. day.

People who have never been sick will never know how hard it is to get sick. Lu Shang never said or revealed many things, but Li Sui knew in his heart that he would actually be afraid of pain and suffering. I'm afraid that one day I will fall asleep and never wake up again. Whenever night fell, when his eyes could not see clearly, he always liked to sit quietly on the chair without moving. Sometimes Li Sui looked at him and couldn't help but wonder, what was he thinking

People in the world often say that good people have good rewards, but Li Sui felt that this was sadly false, because he had never seen anyone better than Lu Shang.

Because of his health, Lu Shang basically doesn't go to the company when he is free now, and Li Sui takes care of it all. Only occasionally when there are important decisions, he will bring it home with two people to discuss it.

It's been a while since work today, and before Li Sui left, he rummaged through an old document with Uncle Yuan in the archives. Since he took over Dongyan three years ago, Lu Shang sent Uncle Yuan to him, leaving only Xiao Zhao to help him drive.

The two were sorting out the information when Uncle Yuan's cell phone rang suddenly.

The archive room was very quiet, and the two were not far apart, so it was easy to hear the voice from the other end. Li Sui sounded a little familiar, and when Uncle Yuan finished answering the phone, he cast a questioning look at him.

Uncle Yuan immediately showed a touch of embarrassment on his face, and said apologetically, "I have to go first."

Li Sui nodded: "If you have something to do, just go and find it myself."

When Uncle Yuan put down the sorted documents and went out, Li Sui suddenly remembered something, stopped him again, and asked, "Is it Xiao Tang who called just now?"

"Uh, yes..." Uncle Yuan hesitated.

Xiao Tang was the little girl who asked Lu Shang for help at the shareholders meeting a few years ago. Li Sui was quite impressed with her. He noticed that Uncle Yuan's expression was different, and he couldn't help but care, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Uncle Yuan's embarrassment became even more embarrassing. After hesitating for a while, he told the truth: "...It's Mr. Lu."

Li Sui's hand holding the file trembled unconsciously.

"Mr. Lu took three people to socialize with the government in the afternoon, but they were all forced to lie down, even the driver didn't let go, but Xiao Tang was still a little conscious, so he called me and asked me to pick it up. people."

Even the driver was forced to lie down, how much the fuck did he drink!

Li Sui's face suddenly became terrifying, he got up immediately, dropped two words, and walked out the door quickly over Uncle Yuan.

"I go."

Along the way, Li Sui was trying his best to control his emotions. He couldn't get angry, lose his temper, or use violence. Although Lu Shang ran out without saying hello, even though he was a heart patient, he still drank without telling him. Drunk, even though... Li Sui closed his eyes and took a deep breath, but he couldn't hold back. He slammed the steering wheel hard, wanting to bite his teeth.

He gritted his teeth and became angry all the way, and Li Sui even thought about how to question Lu Shang, but when he opened the door of the private room and saw the people curled up on the sofa, all his emotions were gone, only worry was left.

"Lu Shang?" He walked over and patted lightly, but didn't respond.

The house was extremely drunk, the guests had already left, and only a few accompany guests were left lying on the side. Li Sui shook Xiao Tang, but the girl was still awake, but she was so drunk that she could not walk steadily. His eyes were dazed for a long time before finding his position.

"Can you go? Where do you live?"

Xiao Tang patted his forehead. Fortunately, he was still awake. He waved his hand and said, "No, you can help open a few rooms upstairs. You can pick up Mr. Lu back, he drinks too much..."

Li Sui turned to look at Lu Shang, and saw that his brows were wrinkled, his hands were tightly covering his chest, and his heart was hanging to the tip of his throat: "How much did he drink?"

"Bright white, at least four cups."

Li Sui's eyes fell on the glass on the table, his fists clenched tightly.

Fortunately, there were guest rooms upstairs. Li Sui opened three single rooms and sent the drunk ones in one by one. He called room service to take care of them, and then the Lu Shang went out of the hotel.

Lu Shang's alcohol intake was not too bad, but because of his health, he was almost insulated from alcohol. No one in Dongyan dared to drink him. He was so drunk that he was completely unconscious. This was the first time Li Sui had seen him.

After leaving the hotel, he carried him into the back seat of the car, and Li Sui climbed up to open Lu Shang's eyelids and checked it carefully. He was still worried and planned to take him to the hospital, but he just let go of his hand to open the car door. He was suddenly grabbed by someone.

When Li Sui turned around, he saw a pair of bottomless eyes staring at him faintly. He was drunk, and his eyes were covered with a layer of water mist. The parking lot was dimly lit, the wind poured in from the exit, and the surroundings seemed to be echoing.

"Don't go." Lu Shang moved his lips, his voice hoarse.

These simple words instantly brought up the tumultuous emotions in Li Sui's heart, Li Sui's throat was sore, he swallowed hard, and lowered his head to look at him: "Do you think that I can do anything you do? get angry?"

Lu Shang stared at him, and when he heard the words, he gradually showed an uneasy look, rubbed the back of his hand, and said, "Don't be angry..."

Li Sui's eyes were sore, and he slowly pulled out his hand, not looking at him.

Unable to touch, Lu Shang seemed a little aggrieved, and a pair of wet eyes chased after him: "I've negotiated your border plan for you, aren't you happy?"

"Who told you to go?" Li Sui's eyes were red, tears welling in his eyes.

"You want to," Lu Shang stretched out his hand towards him, but he was helpless, and he lowered his expression sadly, "...I know you want to."

Li Sui closed his eyes, opened them again, and saw Lu Shang's pleading eyes looking at him, he finally gave up, resigned his fate, leaned over and hugged him into his arms: "I just want you to be healthy, what are you doing? not understand… "

He had to admit that Lu Shang made the right bet again, and he really couldn't be really angry with him. This person's every move, every frown, and every smile has long affected his heart. Even if he knew that Lu Shang was doing it on purpose, he couldn't be cruel to him.

Part of punishment, part of worry, Li Sui ignored Lu Shang's objection and sent him to the hospital. Being drunk like this, it was inevitable that Dr. Liang would scolded him. Li Sui knew that he had not fulfilled his responsibility as a guardian, so he took it silently.

The results of the inspection were not satisfactory. Alcohol was very harmful to the heart. Lu Shang had a severe cold some time ago, and his body had not recovered well. This move would only make things worse. After Li Sui heard Liang Zirui's words, his heart clenched. After prescribing the medicine, Li Sui fed him it, and after pouring some water, Lu Shang couldn't resist the sleepiness caused by the medicine, so he curled up at the head of the bed and fell asleep.

Li Sui covered him with the quilt, stared at him for a moment, then turned and went to Liang Zirui's office.

"Doctor Liang." Li Sui knocked on the door.

Liang Zirui was writing a report in front of the computer, when he heard this, he turned to look at him.

"Tell me honestly, is Lu Shang hiding something from me again?"

Liang Zirui was surprised: "Why do you ask that?"

"I don't know, I always have a bad premonition." Li Sui sighed wearily.

Liang Zirui paused: "It doesn't really look like the inspection results. I can guarantee you this, but..."

Li Sui raised his head and heard Liang Zirui frown and said, "He knows his physical condition very well, many times he even surpasses me as a doctor. He knows when he can not treat and when he should treat. When I prescribe medicine for him, he won't force him even if he doesn't take it, and that's also the reason, when it's time for treatment, if I don't tell him, he will come to me on his own initiative."

"In other words, if even he starts to pay attention to his condition, then you should really pay more attention." Liang Zirui asked, "Why, did you find something abnormal?"

Li Sui shook his head: "No, I just feel very uneasy."

"Don't think too much." Liang Zirui comforted.

Li Sui nodded and said nothing.

The border plan is indeed a good project with a firm foothold. Once obtained, it is equivalent to having a government background. This will be a strong backing for Li Sui, even if Liu Xingtian will take all Dongyan's shareholders under his banner in the future. , he still has enough capital to compete.

But at present they have not reached that step, and this is not the only solution to this matter. Lu Shang was so anxious to pave the way for him, but he felt a little apprehensive.