The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 44


Bit by bit until the early morning, Lu Shang woke up and found that he was being held in his arms, his back was tightly pressed against a warm chest, and the bursts of strong heartbeats poured into his body like vitality, which was reassuring. .

Li Sui sensed the sign that he was about to wake up, and gently let go of his arm, and his body also retreated.

Wen Wen left, Lu Shang frowned, and reflexively stretched out his hand to hold Li Sui back when he got up. This subconscious move made both of them startled.

The genius was bright, and the room was still dark. The two of them looked at each other for a long time, but they were both silent. Li Sui didn't know how much Lu Shang remembered last night, so he obediently returned to the quilt, hugged him from behind, and reassured him softly, "Go to sleep, I'm not leaving."

With the effect of the hangover and drugs, Lu Shang had an unbearable headache, his head rested on Li Sui's arm, and he gasped in pain. Li Sui was so distressed that he wished he could share the burden for him. While bowing his head and kissing him, he gave him a careful massage for relief.

When it was dawn, Lu Shang finally fell asleep again, his face extremely pale. When he was so insecure, Li Sui would never leave at this time. After calling Uncle Yuan and explaining some business affairs, he turned off his phone and stayed in the ward to accompany him at ease.

The corridor outside the ward has already started a busy day, but fortunately no one has bothered them. Lu Shang slept until noon before gradually waking up, his eyes opened and closed again, and after several repetitions, he seemed to have fully reacted, and turned his head to look at the person above his head.

Li Sui thought it was a little funny. He had never noticed that Lu Shang, who woke up drunk, was like this, like a vigilant little animal, without the usual calm and seriousness.

"Wake up? Does your head still hurt?" Li Sui pressed on his temple.

Lu Shang glanced around in the ward: "...Why am I here?"

"You drank too much and your heart rhythm is irregular," Li Sui reminded, "Forgot?"

Lu Shang gave a vague "um": "I'm thirsty."

Li Sui got out of bed and poured water for him, took the time to sneak a glance at Lu Shang, and saw that he kept rubbing his brows, he couldn't help asking, "Is it hard?"


There was still a trace of alcohol in the room. Li Sui waited for Lu Shang to finish drinking water, and called the doctor to check it. During this period, Lu Shang cooperated like never before, and asked him to take off his clothes and undress. It's like people are grabbing the handle.

Li Sui was both funny and distressed. Seeing that he pretended to be amnesia and pretended to be serious, he had to cooperate and pretend to be unaware. Lu Shang was afraid of being preached again, Li Sui thought, he couldn't get angry anyway, so he might as well just let the story go.

After he was discharged from the hospital, Li Sui went to drive the car, waited for Lu Shang to get on, fasten his seat belt, and warned, "Doctor Liang said, next time you are in trouble again, he will hit me with a gas can. , if you have an entertainment in the future, you must remember to take me there, okay?"

Lu Shang paused: "It's okay, he can't beat you."

Li Sui put his hand in his palm and controlled the steering wheel with the other hand: "But if he beats me up because of you, I won't fight back. Your boyfriend will have to be beaten by then."

Lu Shang was amused: "He dares."

Seeing that he finally laughed, Li Sui calmed down a little.

Soon came the official opening day of Jinsha Coast, Li Sui packed the luggage of the two and flew to the island with Lu Shang. The hardware facilities here were built six months ago. For safety reasons, they conducted a trial operation for half a year, and only after confirming that the safety factors were up to standard, they were fully opened for business.

On the opening day, the scene was extremely overwhelming. The gimmicks of online novels and the advanced and unique equipment, these two major selling points attracted horror element lovers from all over the world. The surrounding hotels were declared full on the same day, and the manager in charge of reception was sweating profusely. A batch of tents were temporarily purchased and rented to tourists to spend the night on the beach to barely meet the needs of customers.

In the evening, the project department held a celebratory banquet in the hotel, and representatives of all parties requested to attend and accept high-level awards. As the presenter, Li Sui changed into a suit early. His eyes didn't always open round when he was young. Because of his height, he was accustomed to looking down slightly when looking at people, which made him look particularly deep.

Time has clearly precipitated on this young man, and the edges and corners polished by the years are even more edgy under the background of a black shirt.

Lu Shang did not enter the venue. This time he came as a pure family member. He only asked for a seat on the second floor.

On such occasions, Li Sui is now at ease, showing his confidence and personal charisma in every gesture. Taking advantage of the interval between speeches, he even gave Lu Shang a look in the blink of an eye.

Lu Shang raised the corner of his mouth, raised his chin, and accepted it generously.

After Li Sui finished speaking, he and the master of ceremonies invited each partner to take a group photo in turn. Lu Shang reached for the tea cup on the table, his body stagnated, and his heart suddenly tingled, and there was a sudden feeling of blood returning.

"Boss Lu, are you alright?" The waiter on the side came over to ask him when he saw him leaning over suddenly.

Lu Shang frowned and glanced downstairs, seeing that Li Sui was chatting with people with his back to him, he didn't notice this, he reached out to the waiter: "Help me down."

The waiter panicked to touch the walkie-talkie, and Lu Shang said with difficulty, "Don't call anyone."

After Li Sui took a photo with several partners, he habitually raised his head to look at the location on the second floor, and found that it was empty, and his heart dropped. At this time, someone came over to make a toast. He touched the glass with the other party, drank it, and then bowed politely: "Sorry, excuse me."

Backstage, Li Sui grabbed a passing waiter and asked, "Where's Mr. Lu?"

"Well, he said it was a little noisy and went to the room to rest."

Li Sui was faintly worried, and handed him the empty glass in his hand: "I'll go see him."

In sharp contrast to the hustle and bustle outside, Li Sui walked into the room and felt uncomfortably quiet.

Lu Shang was half lying on the sofa with his eyes closed and a glass of water next to him. Feeling someone approaching, he opened his eyes gently and showed a small smile: "It's over?"

"Not yet, are you uncomfortable?" Li Sui sat down beside him.

"It's a headache." Lu Shang said.

Li Sui noticed something was wrong with his face, so he hurriedly probed his forehead, but he didn't have a fever, but his breath was not stable: "What's the matter, have you taken your medicine today?"

Lu Shang took his hand, pulled the man to his side, leaned his whole head on it, and pretended to be depressed: "There's no electricity."

Li Sui was tickled by him, pressed his backhand, squeezed his chin and kissed him, then asked with a smile, "Are you alright?"

"Well," Lu Shang smiled, "much better."

There was still a group of people waiting outside. Li Sui couldn't leave for too long. Only this time, there was one less person watching, and he was obviously not thinking about the banquet. After several important processes, he left without attending the reception.

The crowd outside the hall was very lively, but Li Sui took off his suit, put on an apron, borrowed the hotel kitchen, and personally cooked a bowl of porridge and some digestible pastries. When he brought it back to his room, he found that Lu Shang was already asleep.

With a soft cry, Lu Shang didn't wake up, and Li Sui didn't force it. He took a shower and hugged him to sleep.

He slept in the middle of the night, and the sound of vomiting came from the bathroom, which woke Li Sui up. When he got up, he saw Lu Shang propped up by the pool, his chest heaving violently. He hurried over to pat him on the back and poured him another glass of water. gargle.

"What's the matter? Is the climate here unsuitable?" Li Sui looked solemn.

After Lu Shang vomited, he seemed relieved, and he fell to one side without any strength. Li Sui hugged him gently, made him lean on him, patted his back for a while to comfort him, and carried him to the bed.

When Lu Shang was coaxed to sleep, Li Sui couldn't sleep anymore, as if there was an uneasy ink drop in the clear water in his heart, which gradually dispersed.

It can't be dragged on any longer, Li Sui thought while stroking Lu Shang's brows.

The Peach Blossom Island had been initially built, and Li Sui wanted to take Lu Shang to take a look after it was over, but he noticed that he was not in good health and never mentioned it. The two flew back to Lu's house just after the opening ceremony.

As soon as he landed, Li Sui hurriedly contacted Liang Zirui and wanted to take Lu Shang for a body check. Unexpectedly, the phone never got through, so he turned to ask someone at the hospital, and was told that he had gone far away and would come back anytime. uncertain.

"Did he not say anything before he left?" Li Sui asked.

"No, Dr. Liang left in a hurry and didn't explain anything, but according to his habit, he shouldn't leave for too long, or you should wait a few days to see."

"All right… "

Li Sui hung up the phone, turned to look at Lu Shang, who was sleeping on his shoulder, reached out and touched his face, and sighed softly.

Liang Zirui's actions are quite reliable. Usually, he would not do such things as leaving without permission. He must have encountered an emergency. Although Li Sui was in a hurry, at this time there was no other way but to wait patiently. Lu Shang's condition was complicated. It's dangerous, and he really doesn't worry about handing it over to others.

Soon, his time for even this worry was squeezed. The border plan that Lu Shang negotiated for him began to start, and the news that Dongyan and Mu Shengqiang joined forces to create a new mode of transportation soon made news. The measures have almost crushed the cumbersome and inefficient domestic logistics enterprises, and with government support, the competitiveness is evident. As soon as the news came out, even Liu Xingtian couldn't sit still.

"What method did Lu Shang use to actually let him do it? Didn't Secretary Yang say that he would not approve it?"

"I heard that it was Sun Mao who led the way. I don't know what benefit it gave the other party." Fang Miao was also annoyed, "What should we do now? Do we secretly stumble them?"

Liu Xingtian shook his head: "I can't do it now. Making a stumbling block at this juncture is equivalent to fighting against the government, which is not good for us."

"That… "

"Go to Meng Mansion with me tonight," Liu Xingtian said, "I don't believe that 20% of the shares can't be won."

It was getting colder, and at night, the road would occasionally get frosty. In the early stage of the new model, several high-level executives were young people, and they were always very motivated to do their work. The whole project team was motivated, and the working atmosphere was very good. In addition, there was no obstruction from the government. The plan went quite smoothly.

After Li Sui was busy with his work, he realized that it was late at night. He was busy packing his things and preparing to leave. He opened the door of the office and found that Sima Yan worked harder than him, so he brought his sleeping bag with him. I lay there for a while and didn't go home.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Sima Yan was awakened, and stuck his head out of his sleeping bag: "Is it still going back?"

Li Sui closed the door and smiled lightly, with a rare softness in his eyebrows, and explained, "There is someone at home."

Sima Yan remembered and nodded clearly: "I'll be watching tomorrow, you can go back."

Li Sui thanked him and went downstairs to drive.

When he got home, Lu Shang was already asleep. He was so busy these days that he didn't have time to accompany him, so he could only hug someone for a while before going to bed.

Lu Shang slept deeply, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, Li Sui hugged him for a while, and realized that something was not right. Lu Shang's breathing was too heavy, as if it was very difficult. He hurriedly broke the man over, and saw that his face was red and his lips were tightly pursed, obviously lack of oxygen.

Li Sui was startled, turned over and got out of bed, and quickly plugged in the oxygen generator, unbuttoned Lu Shang's collar, and placed the oxygen inhaler between his nose. Come and sit on the bedside on a stool and massage the Neiguan acupoint on his wrist.

When it was almost dawn, Lu Shang's breathing gradually calmed down, and his brows stretched out. Li Sui was so tired that his eyes were astringent, but he didn't feel sleepy.

He just watched silently until it was daylight outside. In his sleep, Lu Shang felt someone watching, gradually opened his eyes, stretched out his hand from the quilt, held Li Sui's gently, and opened his mouth: "...Come up."

Li Sui rubbed his hand against his face, his voice hoarse because he had not slept all night: "I'm not sleepy."

Lu Shang refused and pulled him to the bed, Li Sui had to clamber onto the bed obediently, the two lay face to face, Lu Shang stretched out his hand and touched the bottom of his blue eyes twice, his eyes showing distress: "The dark circles are all coming out. "

"I'm fine," Li Sui put his hands under the quilt, "what's the matter with you recently? The lack of oxygen last night, do you remember?"

Lu Shang recalled: "I just remember having a nightmare, being chased by monsters, and running very tired."

"When Dr. Liang comes back, shall we go to the hospital to live there?" Li Sui was worried, his tone was almost coaxing, "I'll accompany you."

Lu Shang didn't speak, stared at Li Sui's dark blue eyes and beard stubble on his chin for a while, and nodded.

Although Lu Shang agreed, Li Sui felt that he was still a little resistant. For some reason, Li Sui kept thinking of what Liang Zirui said over and over again these days. Lu Shang felt his illness and thought of him. Li Sui always felt distraught when she resisted going to the hospital so much, as if a cancer patient resisted facing the test results.

In order to prevent the recurrence of illnesses and undetected cases, Li Sui moved all those who could be moved home from work, and all those who could not be moved were dealt with together. Li Sui felt very apologetic for the small burden. Sima Yan didn't say anything. Instead, he patted his shoulder to show his understanding. When he turned around, he took his useless brother Sima Jingrong to the project department and worked as a strong man for a few days, citing the lack of manpower.

Lu Shang is now without an official and light-weight. When he has nothing to do, he collects jade, appreciates antique calligraphy and painting, and occasionally raises turtles and fishes. These are the lifestyles of the elderly.

The time between the two of them was like an upside-down scale, with a 180-degree turn. Li Sui was busy every day now. The company was running from both ends of the house. Get it. Only recently there was a little incident in the port, and he had to run around. Every day when Li Sui came home, he was so tired that he didn't want to talk much, and he fell asleep.

Lu Shang was making up his sleep when he was fine during the day, but he began to lose sleep at night. Seeing Li Sui busy going in and out, holding the phone to negotiate with the other party, he was so idle that he couldn't help but tease him. Li Sui gave him a meaningful look, turned around, took the phone and walked away, ignoring it.

It was the first time that Lu Shang was ignored, and he didn't know how to react for a while. He lay back on the bed and flipped through the idle book. The drug reaction came up, and he gradually fell back to sleep with the book on his head.

He slept until midnight and was awakened by the sound of rain outside the house. He opened his eyes and couldn't see anything, and he didn't dare to move in the dark. After all, he slept too much during the day, and it was difficult to fall asleep again without the help of medicine. There was a quiet and regular sound of breathing in his ears. Lu Shang couldn't bear to wake Li Sui, so he had to lean on the head of the bed and listen to the rain.

He was immersed in memories, and in the darkness, heat suddenly rushed from the back of his neck, like a wild wolf sniffing softly behind him, causing him to get goosebumps.

The slowly approaching person obviously did not make a sound on purpose. Lu Shang's body froze for a while, but then he relaxed again. He let those familiar hands peel off his pajamas from his shoulders, caressed his chest, and kissed his neck. the weakest part.

There was no sight or sound, all senses were maximized, Lu Shang lay on his back on the bed, his legs were lifted, and he panted very disorderly as he contradicted.

The man on his body was obviously determined to punish him, neither making a sound nor touching him, only the position of intercourse moved violently, like a hungry wolf who had been waiting for an opportunity for a long time.

Lu Shang felt very uncomfortable. The sex between them had always been gentle and slow. Such Li Sui made him feel unfamiliar. Maybe it was because of the deprivation of vision. He even suddenly became uncertain and reached out to touch Li Sui's body. Face.

The hand stretched out was not received, Lu Shang's body suddenly stiffened, and his waist shrank back, meaning to escape.

Li Sui just didn't make a sound, but his eyes didn't leave Lu Shang's blurred eyes. Seeing his expression of resistance, he couldn't help but stunned, and secretly screamed badly, he probably overplayed.

Immediately grabbing that hand, he leaned over and hugged the person into his arms, and his movements were gentle. Li Sui kissed Lu Shang's cheek sideways, and reassured him softly, "Don't be afraid, it's me."

Lu Shang was panting heavily. Hearing this, he brought his face up and eagerly exchanged a kiss with Li Sui.

After the kiss ended, Li Sui patted Lu Shang's almost sweaty back while panting, "Can you sleep now?"

The person in his arms did not respond, and Li Sui backed away a little: "Lu Shang?"

He turned his head and saw that Lu Shang had fallen asleep.

The sound of the rain outside the house was gentle and long. This kind of weather was the most suitable for sleeping at home with the person he liked. However, Li Sui was not sleepy. He traced the outline of Lu Shang with his fingers, over and over again, reluctant to let go.

The two were very close and could feel each other's heartbeats. Li Sui listened and couldn't help but put his hands on the position of his heart, closed his eyes, and carefully felt its rhythm. This is something that everyone has, but not everyone can appreciate its preciousness. He wants Lu Shang to live, not just talking about it, he is really willing to give his life in exchange.

As long as Lu Shang agreed to the operation... Li Sui guessed that it would be a success, because this beloved loved the person in front of him even more than his original owner.