The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 46


"Mom." He called again.

"Go away!" The woman in front of her was stimulated by the name, and suddenly shouted and shook off his hand.

Xiao Li Sui was taken aback, and hurriedly reached out again, grabbing the hem of the woman's skirt: "Mom, don't leave me behind."

"How many times have I told you! Don't call me mom, call me Auntie Li!" The woman glared.

Xiao Li Sui was very scared, he didn't understand why, his mother is a mother, everyone else has a mother, why can't he call her mother, but even reluctantly, he changed his words timidly: "Aunt Li."

The woman seemed to be relieved and turned around to go into the house. He hurriedly took three steps and trotted two steps to follow.

This is a courtyard with a large area. There is a pond in front and a garden in the back. There is a big tree surrounded by three people in the middle. The outermost is a high courtyard wall. The residence was tightly enclosed and cut off from the outside world.

Ever since Xiao Li Sui had memories, he had been living in this high courtyard and rarely went outside. Occasionally, when he went out a few times, he would always sit in the car with "Mr. Xu".

Mr. Xu is a tall man in his fifties. He is a bit fat. He always wears a suit that doesn't fit well, like a man in a jacket.

When he was very young, Mr. Xu often came to see him, taught him to read and write, bought him a little candy man, gave him toys, and took him out to see lanterns. That was the happiest time for Xiao Li Sui. , Whenever the sun goes down, he sits on the threshold, waiting for Mr. Xu to come and pick him up.

In his opinion, although Mr. Xu is not as young and good-looking as other people's fathers, he is more easy-going than other people's fathers. He neither forces him to do homework, nor beats or scolds him, and even takes him in a car. When Mr. Xu came to pick him up one time, Xiao Lisui asked him in a low voice, "Are you my father?"

"I am your father."

"Then can I call you dad?"

Mr. Xu smiled and said, "Yes."

Xiao Li Sui slipped off him, ran quickly to the front, and said, "I have a father!"

When he got home that day, Xiao Li Sui couldn't wait to tell his mother about it. Unexpectedly, when his mother heard it, she was furious and threw all his little candy and toys into the lotus pond, even his favorite Sun Wukong. Did not let go.

"Let me hear it one more time, and I'll throw you in too, do you hear it?!"

Xiao Lisui held back her tears, tears welling in her eyes.

From that day on, he rarely saw Mr. Xu again, and he didn't even come over during the Chinese New Year. Later, he grew up and became sensible. After listening to the old woman who was cooking, he mentioned it intermittently, and finally he gradually pieced together the whole story.

His mother was a great beauty in a town in another province, and his father, Mr. Xu, was a high-ranking official. One time, when Mr. Xu was visiting the town with the leader, he fell in love with his mother. Mr. Xu already had a family at that time, but he couldn't stand the loneliness. He wanted to seek some excitement. He repeatedly hinted that he had no results, so he simply robbed his mother, took his mother away, and locked him in this yard. closed for eight years.

Although his mother was not from a big city, she was outstanding in appearance and highly regarded Xiang from her. How could she be willing to suffer this kind of humiliation, but unfortunately her family had no power and power, so she could only swallow her anger and dare not speak out. In the beginning, she committed suicide, but she was rescued many times in exchange for intensifying humiliation. Later, she gradually became tired, so she simply stopped talking and sat in the house all day long without going out.

Within two years, Li Sui was born. He looks good, and his eyes are very similar to his mother. He is obviously a loving face, but for some reason he is often not seen by the people below. In this high courtyard wall, apart from Mr. Xu's occasional almsgiving, even his own mother felt that he was a testimony to shame and did not want to get close to him.

Xiao Li Sui grew up until he was six years old in this complicated environment. One day, the iron door outside was suddenly smashed open, and a large group of men in uniform rushed in, kicking and kicking the door of the courtyard. . At that time, Xiao Lisui was in the backyard with his mother, and when he was nervous, he heard someone clamoring outside that Xu Daguan had been sacked, and his assets would be liquidated and the illicit money would be confiscated.

For a time, there were people in the yard, and everyone was scrambling to move things. Xiao Li Sui had never seen so many savage strangers. Remember, when they reacted, they had already run into the forest park on the outskirts.

It was getting dark, Xiao Li Sui ran for a long time and was exhausted for a long time. When he was not careful, he tripped over a tree root on the ground and fell on his horse. His hands were suddenly empty, and his mother paused and glanced down at him.

It was when the lanterns first came on, the cold moonlight fell from the gaps in the leaves and reflected in the eyes of the two of them. Li Sui lay on the ground and raised his head with difficulty. The moment he met his gaze, he flashed past the other side. He ruthlessly read his mother's intentions, she didn't want him anymore.

The next second, there was the sound of adults running fast in the forest. Li Sui looked at the person fleeing alone in front of him, an indescribable fear arose in his heart, almost instinctively got up from the ground and ran after him, crying and running.

But he was so small, how could he outrun adults, he couldn't catch up in a few seconds, and fell to the ground again.

Xiao Li Sui cried out of breath, and shouted hoarsely to the back: "...Mom!" He has no relatives, and only one mother is left. Even if the mother treats him badly, that is the mother.

The echo rang in the grove, and the woman in the distance suddenly stopped when she heard the name, and turned her head and glared at him fiercely.

Xiao Li Sui was frightened and helpless, trembling uncontrollably, lowered his head to wipe away tears, and was hit on his head in a cold manner. Gotta ring.

The head was beaten again: "What's your name, I told you, what's your name?"

Xiao Lisui was stunned for a moment, then stammered, "Li, Aunt Li..."

"Hey, what are you doing over there, kidnapping and selling children?!" Two patrolmen appeared beside the grove at some point, probably attracted by the cry, and suddenly swept over with a flashlight.

Both of them were startled, thinking that someone was going to take them back, but they escaped while they were in the chaos, so they didn't dare to stay any longer and left in a hurry.

When the two left, they had nothing on them, no money, no phone, or even an ID card. After being imprisoned for too many years, Mama Li has long been out of touch with the outside world.

When the door was broken open, her first reaction was to escape, but she really escaped recklessly, but she had no clue. Only then did she realize that it was not only this high wall that had imprisoned her for the past eight years. , and a heart wall.

For the sake of safety, she decided not to call the police and took Xiao Lisui directly back to her hometown.

Without money, she had to beg all the way, for fear of being discovered by the Xu family, she did not dare to go to places with many people, and only went to the nearby villages and towns to ask for food and travel expenses. Here are some countrymen with backward and conservative ideas. A man saw her beauty and gave birth to bad thoughts, and wanted to arrest her to sell her for money. Fortunately, she was rescued by a few simple villagers passing by, and she was safe.

Li's mother was frightened, and fled with Xiao Lisui overnight, and did not dare to go to other people's homes to ask for things. They just walked and stopped along the route they remembered. When they passed through a village on the edge of the provincial line, they finally ran out of change and food. Mama Li was also seriously ill. She kept coughing and could no longer walk.

Xiao Lisui was so anxious that he asked for help everywhere. The barefoot doctor in the village was a good man. Seeing that their mothers were pitiful, he gave his mother a brief inspection, which was incredible.

"It's not a cold, it's a lung disease. I suggest you go to a big city to take a film." The doctor said.

Li's mother just shook her head after hearing this, and Xiao Li said childishly, "But we don't have any money."

The barefoot doctor was also embarrassed, so he had to show them a way, "There is someone selling blood at the entrance of the village, and the price is quite high. I think you should ask."

Li's mother hesitated for a while, and took Xiao Li Sui there. There are still many people who come to sell blood, all of them are villagers nearby. It looks like a black blood station, and there is not even the most basic sanitary conditions. One needle is used by several people.

Although she has been isolated from the world for so many years, she still has the most basic knowledge of disease prevention and control. She is worried about infectious diseases.

It stands to reason that the blood of a sick person can't be used, but at this moment, she can't control that much. If it goes on like this, they will probably die in this village before they return to their hometown.

I got 400 yuan for 600ml of blood, which was only enough to travel expenses. Mama Li's eyes fell on Xiao Li Sui, who seemed to sense something and stretched out her arm.

The fake doctor who drew blood looked at him and said in surprise, "This child is too young, are you sure you want to draw?"

Li's mother was cruel: "Puff."

Another man who was taking blood turned around and said, "I'm so eager to ask for money. It's okay to have a blood test. Let's do a test first. We can't afford this responsibility in case of an accident."

So Xiao Li Sui was taken into a dark room with several men and women. During the whole process, Xiao Li Sui was at a loss. He only knew that he had been put into various instruments, and there were strange things in his ears. Beep sound.

After the examination, the fake doctor drew 100 milliliters of blood, and Xiao Li Sui felt a little dizzy. His mother took the money and took it with him to eat something.

After a night of rest, they were about to go to the village for a motorcycle ride. As soon as they reached the entrance of the village, a couple found them. Both of them were wearing masks, and they didn't look like good people.

"Are you selling it, son of a bitch?" The man went straight in.

Li's mother subconsciously pulled Xiao Li Sui closer to herself: "Who are you?"

"Don't care who we are, just ask you if you sell this brat, we'll pay one million."

Mama Li was startled for a moment, and her hands suddenly loosened.

Xiao Li Sui hurriedly squeezed her mother's hand, for fear that she would sell herself, so she whispered "Mom" with innocent eyes open.

Li's mother looked down at him. Although she didn't have much love for the child, and even always felt that he was a stumbling block in her life, she hesitated for a moment.

"Not for sale." She pushed the two away, hugged Li Sui and ran away quickly.

Hiding all the way, I finally bumped back to my hometown. I opened the courtyard door and saw that the people of my hometown had long since moved out. Li's mother was at a loss, and she asked an old lady in the courtyard to find out that there was a flood three years ago, and the houses and crops were flooded. In order to survive, the people in the hometown moved out of the city to seek life. Exactly where it was, she couldn't tell.

Mama Li was in despair. She had been looking forward to it all the way, and the only belief that supported her was that she could go back and be reunited with her relatives. At this moment, her hope was in vain. She couldn't bear it and fell to the ground.

"Aunt Li." Xiao Lisui hurried to help her.

She looked at Li Sui absentmindedly, her eyes gradually changed from despair to cruelty, her hands were shaking with anger, Xiao Li Sui was instinctively afraid, and took two steps back. Mother Li's illness was not getting better, and she was stimulated by this , spit out a mouthful of black blood and fainted.

Xiao Li Sui was terrified. Fortunately, a middle-aged uncle came from outside the hospital to deliver charcoal fire. Several people hurriedly carried him to the health center. The doctor here is a volunteer doctor from a big city with rich experience. Li's mother's illness, she concluded with a solemn expression: "Lung cancer."

When the adults heard this, they couldn't help but gasp. Xiao Li Sui still didn't understand what kind of disease it was, but he knew how to look at other people's faces. Yet?"

The doctor didn't answer his question directly, but said, "Prepare a sum of money to go to the city hospital for treatment. It may take a few years."

Several adults looked at each other in dismay, and avoided their eyes one after another. They were happy to help out with some strength, but when it came to money, they could only be grateful. I can't blame the villagers for being cold-blooded. This disease is a bottomless pit, and there are still some that have no return. The town has only been flooded for a few years, and the rich have already moved out. The remaining households, They all eat subsistence allowances, how can there be money to help them.

Li's mother stayed in the hospital for two days. She couldn't afford the hospital bills, so she had to move out. Fortunately, the old lady in the yard was kind-hearted and packed two unoccupied rooms for them to live in.

From that day on, Xiao Li Sui began to learn to make a fire to cook, and to take care of his mother. During the day, he went to the mountains to pick up firewood before dawn, and at night he went to other people's fields to help pick up rice for some rice. It didn't take long for Li's mother to take it anymore. Without the help of medicine, the clutches of the disease began to destroy her. In just two months, she lost 30 pounds and her cheeks were sunken.

Xiao Lisui watched her lose weight day by day, and was so anxious that he couldn't help it. At this moment, someone came to him.

Li Sui looked at the man with a scar on his face, and recognized that this was the man who stopped his mother at the village entrance in other provinces a few months ago. He instinctively felt vigilant: "You are a bad person."

"Boy, you're right," the man said in a local accent, "I'm indeed a bad guy, but I have money. Do you want to come with me? As long as you come with me, I can treat your mother."

Xiao Lisui was moved, he hesitated for a moment, and asked, "There are children in other people's homes, why do you have to buy me?"

The scarred man smiled with a cigarette in his mouth, thinking that this little brat is quite smart, and said: "Who wants to chase you all the way, I'm not afraid to tell the truth, there is a big boss who wants to buy your heart, you Follow me, it's a dead end, but I can promise to find the best hospital for your mother."

Xiao Li Sui was skeptical of his words. He wasn't completely without judgment. God knows if this man will help his mother heal when he is gone.

The scarred man saw his doubts and said: "Don't worry, I will do what I say, and besides, I don't pay the money, it's all the boss's intention, the decision is yours, the boss said, you want it yourself That's fine, he won't do anything that damages Yin's morality."

Xiao Lisui hesitated for a while and didn't speak, and the scarred man was not in a hurry. He was smoking a cigarette and waiting for him. When it was getting dark, Xiao Lisui finally made a difficult decision: "I'll go with you."

That night, Xiao Li Sui got on the scarred man's face. He watched the doctors carry his mother into the hospital in the car, his little hands clenched into fists.

"Can you go?"

"… Um."

The small face was bumped, swayed left and right, and made a harsh rumbling sound. Xiao Li Sui was nervous and reluctant, and looked back frequently, but the car never stopped, and everything in his hometown gradually disappeared from his field of vision.

After a long journey, the scarred man drove him all the way to a hospital in a big city. After getting off the car, the doctor gave him a detailed physical examination and arranged for him to stay in a special ward for a few days.

One day, Xiao Li Sui woke up from a nap and found someone talking outside the door. He pricked up his ears, and vaguely heard someone outside saying, "The matching is very successful, but he is too young. It is recommended to send it to a place where conditions permit. raising" and so on.

Xiao Lisui vaguely felt that the other party was talking about himself, and sure enough, a group of people came to the ward the next day, went through the discharge procedures for him, took him out, and sent him to a welfare home.

There were many children in the orphanage, most of whom were deaf and mute. Xiao Lisui tried to communicate with them at first, but gradually found that these children couldn't understand what he was saying at all, and he seemed to be isolated.

From the initial discomfort to the later habits, maybe he grew up in a lack of caring environment. When he came here, living with so many deaf and mute children, he felt a lot more relaxed. It is almost responsive, and food and clothing are also taken care of to the extreme.

After half a year, Xiao Li Sui learned a lot in the orphanage, and he became healthier, but he still hadn't seen the legendary big boss, and no one came to ask for his heart. He was put on hold in the orphanage. , as if forgotten.

However, all this peaceful life finally came to an abrupt end on a thunderous night.

That night he was about to climb into bed when the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, a dark figure ran in, covered his mouth, pulled him and ran away.

Xiao Lisui was frightened, and was about to break free from the hands when he smelled a familiar smell in his nose, and couldn't help but startled: "Mom?"

"Mom? Is that you?" he asked again as he ran.

The person who pulled him didn't answer, just led him into the rain. Xiao Li Sui instinctively trusted him, followed closely, and took advantage of the sound of thunder to pass through the corridor of the orphanage and ran to the gate. The security room, which had always been guarded, was no one at any time. They rushed out through the narrow gate until they ran to the river. The person in front turned around, slapped him hard, and shouted: "You run out. If you don't go home for half a year, you still have the face to call my mother!"

Xiao Lisui was stunned, the rain dripped down her hair, and her face was hot. He even forgot to cry, and looked up at his mother with grievances in his eyes.

Lightning flashed and thundered overhead, and the rain poured down. Mama Li was gasping for breath, gasping for breath, but tears fell. She hugged him and started crying: "Mom has been looking for you for half a year..."

The whimper continued to echo in the rain, and Xiao Lisui was surprised and shocked. He thought his mother would not come to him. After all, in the years of getting along with him, she always showed only disgust towards him.

When the two of them got rid of the uncontrollable emotions of their reunion, there was a round-faced man by the river. He was holding something in his hand and wrapped it in a plastic sheet. The shape looked like a weapon.

Mama Li noticed something was wrong and asked quickly, "What are you doing? Didn't you say help me find him?"

The round-faced man smiled grimly, "Yeah, I came to him for you, without you, how could he take the initiative to run away from you, how could he escape from the protection of the Lu family, how could he escape? It will just fall into my hands."

"What are you doing, you—"

Before he could finish speaking, the man lifted the plastic sheet, and at this moment, a lightning bolt struck down, illuminating what was in his hand, and it turned out to be a gun.

"Stupid woman, do you really believe me when I say help you?" The round-faced man loaded his gun and moved his gun to Li Sui, "My little friend, I'm sorry, it's not that I want to kill you, it's that your heart is a heartbreaker to us. There is a big hidden danger, we and the Lu family have to rely on you to vent our anger first."

After saying that, he raised his hand and was about to shoot. Li's mother's eyes widened. She didn't know where the strength came from, and she rushed up and scuffled with him, while shouting at Li Sui, "Run! There is a wooden boat over there, run!"

Xiao Lisui's mind was in chaos. His small head couldn't handle such a large amount of information for the time being, so he could only follow his mother's words mechanically, turning his head and running to the river.

Just as he ran to the river and loosened the rope of the wooden boat, there was a harsh sound of gunshots behind his ears. Xiao Lisui turned his head and saw his mother fell down slowly, without moving any further, the blood gradually on the ground. It spreads out and is washed away by the rain.

Seeing this scene, Li Sui's eyes couldn't turn, he seemed to have forgotten to be sad, he climbed onto the boat stiffly and kicked hard. It rained heavily, and the river rose so high that as soon as the rope was loosened, the wooden boat floated out a great deal.

The round-faced man ran over with a grim face, stood by the river, aimed at the position of Li Sui's head, and raised his hand to shoot. At this moment, several off-road vehicles drove at high speed from the shore, and an armed man jumped out of the car and shot him in the foot almost at the same time as the round-faced man fired.

The round-faced man swayed, and the bullet deviates from the set trajectory and shot out. Li Sui didn't have time to dodge and was shot in the shoulder blade. The whole figure seemed to be frozen and fell straight down.

The rain was still falling, mercilessly hitting the face, the wooden boat gradually drifted away, and there were loud shouts from the shore. Xiao Lisui opened his mouth, turned his head with the last ounce of strength, and tried his best to cast his gaze towards the shore. Before he completely lost consciousness, he saw a young, but very familiar face on the off-road vehicle headed by him—the one The face is clearly Lu Shang in his youth.

Stimulated by this picture, he was shocked, suddenly broke free from the illusion, and slowly opened his eyes.

The voice in his ears gradually became clear, Li Sui was panting with sweat dripping from his body, and he heard Dr. Liang pat his forehead and kept asking him something.

Li Sui raised his hand, only to realize that his face was full of tears. He had no time to deal with it. He reached out and grabbed Liang Zirui's white coat, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Does he know, Lu Shang... he always knew that I was Who is it?"