The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 47


Liang Zirui's heart skipped a beat, and Li Sui's question was completely clueless, but he actually understood it and comforted in a low voice, "Your nervous system is stimulated by drugs, it's all hallucinations, don't take it seriously."

Li Sui put the back of his hand over his eyes and shook his head. He was very sure that what he saw was not a hallucination, but a past that he had deliberately forgotten. He can even contact the memory behind him. Later, he was rescued by fishermen and sent to the rescue station. When he woke up, he didn't remember anything except his surname Li. The staff of the rescue station went to inquire about his life experience, but found nothing, not even his birth record, so he had to be sent to the orphanage. After that, he was adopted by someone, lost and sold, and traveled until he met Lu Shang again.

Liang Zirui poured him a glass of water, waited patiently for him to calm down, measured his blood pressure, and performed various tests to avoid drug residues.

"The threshold has been measured, do you feel any discomfort?"

Li Sui just shook his head, his mood was low, and he obviously hadn't come out of his hallucination.

"Don't think too much, eat something and get a good night's sleep, and then forget everything." Liang Zirui patted him on the shoulder.

"How much do you know about what happened seventeen years ago?" Li Sui raised his head.

Liang Zirui looked at him and was silent for a while, knowing that it was impossible to escape, he sighed in his heart, and asked, "What do you want to ask?"

"My mother, is she still alive?"

"By the time she went to you, the cancer had already spread and the bullet had gone through the lobe of her lung, and despite the doctors trying to save it, it was..."

"Where is she buried?"

"In your hometown, you have to ask Lu Shang for the exact location."

Li Sui lowered his head and became discouraged: "He obviously knows everything, why won't he tell me?"

"Li Sui, think about it carefully, you know it now, but isn't this a secondary injury? Since your brain chose to seal this memory, how could he take the initiative to reveal it, not to mention, you It's different from before, you have him now."

Li Sui did not speak, and Liang Zirui said again: "I was not in the country back then, and I heard many things from my elders. After you were taken away by the river, they went to the lower reaches to find you, but unfortunately it rained too much and found nothing. , they always thought you were dead.

"Lu Shang's father has always been very guilty of Lu Shang, and he didn't give him a healthy body, so he knew that his death was coming, and he wanted to use you to make up for him, but he didn't expect things to turn out like this in the end. , his father also regretted intervening in your life later, and he has been brooding about it, so much that he ended up regretting it.

"It's hard for me to say what Lu Shang himself thinks about this matter, but seven years ago, I saw him treat you so carefully, I guess, in fact, his guilt is no less than his father's, it's just that he didn't say it. Li Sui, what kind of person Lu Shang is, you should know best. He is strong to outsiders, but he is extremely soft-hearted towards you. I believe he never wanted to hurt you, otherwise things would not be like this. situation.

"Oh, maybe this really is life..." Liang Zirui sighed deeply.

Li Sui fell into silence. He had never believed in such illusory things as fate, but he had never thought about it. It turned out that at such an early age, the fates of him and Lu Shang were already entangled together, so that the seven The re-encounter a year ago was so coincidental that it seemed like it was deliberately arranged by God.

"Do you want to rest? I'll bring you something to eat?"

"Let me be alone for a while."

Liang Zirui glanced at him and knew that it would be useless to say more. Such a sudden influx of information did take time to digest. As a doctor, he could only treat diseases, but not psychological trauma. But Liang Zirui was not worried, Li Sui was already an adult, he had his own independent thinking, and he was trained very well by Lu Shang. Even if so many things happened, he would not forget what he wanted.

He left the space for Li Sui, and opened the door himself to go out. Leon was writing a report outside, his fingers cracking on the notebook.

"how is he?"

"The drug stimulated his memory area and he remembered things from his childhood."

"Really?" Leon looked incredulous. "This is really a bonus, and I'm going to put it in the report."

Liang Zirui didn't answer. He was taught by Leon. He knew that medical madness and ordinary people's thinking were fundamentally different. Leon probably couldn't understand their delicate nerves. He could only do medical analysis.

"Professor," Liang Zirui's eyes showed rare confusion, "In medicine, are physiological factors really more important than emotional factors?"

"That depends on how you define them, my boy."

"Three years ago, I consulted Lu Shang and found that all his physical data were normal. I originally thought that he would not survive for a year without surgery, although I knew it was probably just temporary dopamine. Magic, but I think, can something like emotion affect a person's condition to a certain extent?"

"An interesting topic, just like the placebo effect we often say, in fact, we often see such cases in clinical practice. People with advanced cancer are miraculously cured, and people who are on the verge of death succeed at the call of their loved ones. Get your heart back, honey, you need to understand one thing."

Liang Zirui cast his gaze.

"If a person tries his best to survive, God will make way for him."

Li Sui had been blowing the wind on the roof of the hospital for a long time, and when he came down again, nothing could be seen on his face. During this period, Lu Shang called him, and when Li Sui saw the missed call, he looked back with the same expression, and his tone was calm as if nothing had happened.

Liang Zirui was eating a boxed lunch and sighed that this person's acting skills could almost apply for an Oscar. Leon hurried out of the laboratory and went to the bathroom. Liang Zirui knew that he was probably addicted to smoking again. Sure enough, after a quarter of an hour, he washed his hands refreshed and his eyes lit up.

"Professor, shouldn't you be addicted to smoking during surgery?" Liang Zirui worried.

"Do I look so unreliable?" Leon touched his chin and added: "You should still worry about your friends, you two better prepare yourself mentally, the success rate of this operation may be very low. ."

Hearing this, Li Sui cast his eyes: "What?"

"I have calculated that we will cut the great saphenous vein from the patient's leg, find the good blood vessels at both ends of the diseased coronary artery, attach this vein in the middle of them, suture the blood vessels, and remove an aneurysm. The operation, the whole process, it is almost impossible for the aneurysm not to rupture, and the trauma to the heart will be very large.

Li Sui's hand trembled involuntarily. Although he had already prepared in his heart, this operation would definitely not be easy. If it were easy, Liang Zirui would have done it for Lu Shang long ago, but from what Leon said, his feelings were still different. : "...what are the odds of a successful operation?"

Leon just shook his head: "Judging from recent cases of the same type, the success rate of aneurysm resection is less than 10%."

The room was silent for a few seconds, and Li Sui slowly sat down on the chair, his face pale.

"Are you… going to do it for him?"

Li Sui didn't answer, his trembling palms clenched, loosened, and clenched again.

No doubt he hesitated.

10%, it was almost a near death, Li Sui didn't even dare to think about it, if Lu Shang couldn't survive, how would he face this result? He could do anything for Lu Shang, but he didn't dare to risk his life.

"Wait a minute... let me think about it..." Li Sui frowned.

It was late at night, the lights in the hallway were turned off, and the whole hospital seemed peaceful and quiet.

Li Sui lingered outside the door for a long time, but still knocked on the door of the laboratory.


Leon was writing a report, and it didn't seem surprising to see him come in: "You're here."

"You knew I was coming?" Li Sui asked.

Leon smiled vaguely: "Say, what do you want to ask?"

Li Sui looked at him and knew that Leon had seen through his thoughts long ago, so he simply didn't hide it: "I want to know, if a heart transplant is to be done, what preparations should I do as a donor?"

"Young man, why do you want to kill yourself?"

Li Sui lowered his head and looked very sad: "I can't help but watch him go to this 10% blog. I hope he can live well, even without me."

Leon didn't speak, after a while, he got up and patted his shoulder.

When Li Sui returned home, the light in the bedroom was still on. Lu Shang was sitting beside the bed and turning over the bedside table. Li Sui glanced at his reddish eyes and knew that he had just vomited, and asked in a low voice, "Are you uncomfortable?"

"No, it's much better today." Lu Shang lowered his head and quietly and skillfully turned out the tablet and sipped it into his mouth.

Looking at his actions, Li Sui felt extremely uncomfortable, and asked, "Is it bitter?"

Lu Shang shook his head, raised his head and smiled lightly. Dr. Liang had prescribed all bitter medicines to him recently, and he had tormented Lu Shang's afflictions.

Li Sui stepped forward to hold his hand, and said solemnly, "After winter is over, we won't need to take bitter medicine anymore."

Early the next morning, Li Sui came over to draw blood. After Dr. Liang confirmed that there was no serious problem, he felt relieved and handed him a bottle of trace elements: "You take this, and if you feel uncomfortable when you go back, you can take one."

Li Sui answered it silently, and stuffed it into his pocket.

Seeing that he was very worried, Liang Zirui thought about it and felt that something was wrong: "Didn't you tell him last night?"

Li Sui bowed his head in silence, then shook his head for a while.

Liang Zirui was surprised: "Are you going to tell him?"

"It's over when I was a kid. As long as he doesn't mention it, I won't mention it. You're right, he's my lover now, and I choose to trust him. In addition, about the surgery... don't tell him for the time being, He's been in bad health recently, and I'm afraid he'll think too much."

Liang Zirui didn't make a statement, and Li Sui asked again, "Does Professor Leon have any plans next? If not, I hope he can stay."

"His visa is about to expire, and he has to go back to China to deal with it. He said, if you think about it, he can come at any time."

Li Sui nodded: "Tomorrow I will bring Lu Shang over for a routine inspection."

Liang Zirui put his hands into the white coat: "Why, is he in a bad state?"

Li Sui: "It's still those old problems, but this time it's much more serious and lasts longer than before. I'm a little worried..."

"Seven years," Liang Zirui seemed to have expected it long ago, and sighed, "Since he brought you back, he has dragged on the operation for seven years, which is already exceedingly high for him, his time, One day less, you'd better make a decision sooner."

Li Sui lowered his eyes, turned and left in silence.