The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 52


Li Sui didn't know what was wrong, since he left the Lu family, his heart was like a fish out of water, anxious and restless, all the cells in his body were clamoring to go back quickly, as if if he didn't go back immediately, he would just go back. He will miss something that he will regret for the rest of his life.

Li Sui has always been an extremely rational person, but this time, he decided to disobey Lu Shang once because of the impulse.

That night, he flew back to Lu's house with a ticket. It was late at night when he left the airport. He didn't know what he was in a hurry. Home away from home.

On the way, the driver saw that he was full of anxiety, and couldn't help but wonder: "Little comrade, what are you doing at the Lu Family Courtyard? I heard that something happened there this morning."

Hearing this, Li Sui immediately became concerned: "What's the matter?"

"I don't know, it seems that someone has a sudden illness, and two ambulances came to take them away."

Li Sui was stunned for a moment, and his hands trembled to touch the phone. Because the shaking was too strong, he slipped off twice. He finally got through, but no one answered. He called the landline at home, but no one answered. .

"No... how could..."

Li Sui's breathing was stagnant, and cold sweat broke out on his back. He was so nervous that he couldn't say anything, "Teacher, Master, drive faster, drive faster."

The driver was also frightened by his reaction, he didn't dare to say more, and stepped on the accelerator with one foot.

Li Sui got out of the car, threw the money and ran to the house, rushed into the yard, it was a mess, the lawn at the door was pressed with two wheel marks, and the tires did not look like the family car. His brain was buzzing, and he ran upstairs like crazy. The house was the same as usual, but it was dark and there was no one. Lu Shang's commonly used wheelchair was crooked in the corner of the living room, and it was empty.

"Lu Shang..." Li Sui shivered all over, threw away his luggage, and drove to the backyard to run towards Rigg.

Along the way, his eyes widened and he stared blankly ahead. He didn't remember how many red lights he had run, or whether he had gone retrograde. All his consciousness was intercepted by the news of Lu Shang's accident.

The hallway was dead silent, so silent that the ticking of the clock could be heard.

There were a lot of people standing outside the operating room, Uncle Yuan, Aunt Lu, several familiar nurses... Even Zuo Chao and Xu Weilan were there, all with solemn expressions.

The elevator door slammed open, and everyone turned around. When they saw Li Sui coming, they subconsciously took a breath of cold air. Aunt Lu avoided her eyes and couldn't bear to see the picture.

"Where's Lu Shang?" He asked blankly, glancing at everyone.

"It's still being rescued inside." After a long while, I don't know who broke the silence.

"He..." Li Sui choked so much that his voice trembled, "what's wrong with him..."

"He's in cardiac arrest, he's still resuscitating, he's in worse condition than expected and may be..."

The man didn't say any more.

Li Sui looked at him, and took a long time to digest this sentence. He turned to look at the people in the corridor. After a while, he suddenly burst out laughing inexplicably, his eyes were red with laughter: "So... you all know..."

"I don't know..." He smiled, standing alone in the middle of the corridor, tears fell.

Xu Weilan couldn't stand it any longer, and walked over to comfort him: "Calm down, he doesn't want you to worry either."

"Why did he drive me away at such a time, I'm like a fool..." Li Sui shook his head, unable to listen at all, and the emotions he had suppressed all the way suddenly burst out, his eyes were bloodshot, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out.

"Little pear, don't do this." Zuo Chao also advised.

"How come I didn't see it..." Li Sui was overwhelmed by the strong self-blame, squatted down and hit his temple with one blow, "Why didn't I see it..."

He recalled the strange look on Lu Shang's face last night, and the reluctance and nostalgia in his eyes at night, and even before going out in the morning, Lu Shang's voiceless call, obviously he should pay attention, obviously he should seen. It's not remorse, it's goodbye.

The operating room door was suddenly opened, and Liang Zirui came out with a frosty face and blood on his hands. When Li Sui saw him, he regained his senses and hurried forward: "How is he..."

Liang Zirui was astonished and had a headache. He remembered that Lu Shang had separated Li Sui, but he didn't know why the child came back.

"His heart is no longer functioning properly, and we are trying to find a way." Liang Zirui was also anxious for a while.

After Li Sui listened, he looked at him for a moment, then fixed on himself, and anxiously pointed to his heart: "Here."

Seeing Liang Zirui ignoring him, he pulled Liang Zirui's hand firmly on his chest, and his tone was almost pleading: "Use my heart, use my heart to do a heart transplant for him..."

"It's too late." Liang Zirui pulled out his hand, showing a look of pity.

Li Sui didn't seem to understand, and stared at Liang Zirui for a long time, with sharp questions in his eyes.

"He has signed Leon's consent form for surgery," Liang Zirui said, "and made a statement in his will that if I use your heart, all of Rigg's research funds will be withdrawn."

"Will?" Li Sui caught the key words, his lips trembled, staring at him, repeating word by word, "Will, testament?"

Liang Zirui frowned, and his headache got worse. Why did he miss out.

"When did he even make a will..." Li Sui was deeply shocked.

"Li Sui..." Liang Zirui felt uncomfortable and called him twice, but Li Sui's eyes were dull, as if he was completely immersed in his own world and lost his response to the outside world.

"I..." Li Sui bowed and hugged his head, clutching his hair desperately, gritted his teeth, as if he was suffering great pain. This reaction was really scary. Uncle Yuan was about to step forward to comfort him, when Li Sui leaned over and took two steps forward, and suddenly vomited violently against the corner of the wall.

"Oh, this..." Aunt Lu hurried to get water.

Liang Zirui's expression darkened.

After he finished vomiting, he was just leaning against the wall to stand firm, when a strong wind flashed past his ears, he only felt a pain in the back of his neck, and he passed out as soon as his eyes darkened.

Li Sui fell to the ground with a muffled sound, and everyone looked at Liang Zirui behind him in astonishment. The latter retracted his knife, shaking his hand in pain, and said solemnly to the nurse beside him, "Peace him."

Uncle Yuan was worried and stopped him: "Doctor Liang."

Liang Zirui frowned and explained patiently, "He is overstressed and has caused a physiological reaction, so he must be stabilized."

There was a lot of noise around, people were going in and out all the time, and there were still people arguing. Li Sui seemed to have just climbed up from the deep sea, with a severe headache and heavy eyelids.

Over the years, he has had a dream repeatedly, dreaming that Lu Shang left, or that Lu Shang died on the operating table. It is often said that dreams are an insinuation of what a person desires or fears the most. In Li Sui's heart, who was repeatedly tormented by nightmares, Lu Shang's illness had already become his inner demon.

He hides this demon, and he is worried every day, even in his sleep, he does not dare to relax. He smiled and concealed it perfectly, but he forgot to leave an outlet for himself, so that when this demon became a reality, he couldn't bear it, and his spirit was on the verge of collapse.

Li Sui opened his eyes from the chaos. There was dazzling light shining in from outside the room. He narrowed his eyes, feeling like he had another nightmare. He closed his eyes as usual and rolled over.

One after another was the flood of memories, constantly breaking through the cage of thinking, pouring into his head in large swaths, Li Sui gradually felt a throbbing pain in his heart, shook his hands and hugged his head, trying to fall asleep again. Just like countless nightmares before, as long as you fall asleep and wake up again, all bad things will dissipate.

"It's useless to escape." A voice suddenly sounded in my ear.

Li Sui was shocked, opened his eyes, and looked at him absently.

Liang Zirui leaned over to look at him and said sternly: "Listen, Lu Shang is very dangerous, his heartbeat is very weak, I have used all resources to rescue him, I can't take care of two people alone, if you want me to Put all your energy on him, and take care of yourself."

After listening to Li Sui, he blinked, propped himself up and sat up, shaking his head.

It could be seen that he was trying to adjust his emotions, but Liang Zirui was actually a little unbearable, Li Sui was still a child at his age. In the years that he has been with Lu Shang, he feels exhausted as a doctor, not to mention the bedside person he gets along with day and night. Now that so many things have happened, it is really embarrassing for him to accept them all at once.

He couldn't help slowing down his tone and comforted: "It's not time to go to the funeral, the good news is that Lu Shang has a strong sense of survival, my uncle and I are trying to help him stabilize the situation, and Leon is also coming to China. On the way, he is not alone in this matter, we will all help him."

After Li Sui heard this, his eyes rolled with emotion: "What can I do?"

"Take care of yourself and the Lu family."

Li Sui endured the discomfort, nodded, and after a while he couldn't help but ask, "Does Lu Shang know that the success rate of the operation is only 10%?"

Liang Zirui: "He knows."

Seeing Li Sui looking at him deeply, he added: "The consent form for the operation was signed when he fully knew the risks of the operation. The reason why he gave you away is that he didn't want you to do things that would hurt yourself for him. Do you understand his intentions?"

Li Sui listened to his words, her eyes reddened, she held back her tears and nodded.

The painstaking words were finally not in vain, Liang Zirui felt relieved for a while, walked over and gave him a hug: "Good boy, Lu Shang really wants to live, and he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, so he will bet on this. 10%, even he is working so hard for the future of the two of you, from now on, you will stop thinking about heart transplantation, okay?"

Li Sui choked up and nodded: "...Okay."

A nurse knocked on the door: "Director Liang, Director Liang asked you to replace him."

"Just come."

Before leaving, Li Sui stopped him: "You will do your best, right?"

Liang Zirui smiled and straightened his white coat: "Of course, this is our doctor's duty."

Although it is easy to say, Liang Zirui still felt very difficult in the face of Lu Shang's serious illness.

He summoned several experts, and after some discussion, he decided to give Lu Shang a membrane lung to maintain his life. However, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation could only win him a few days, and if surgery is not performed in time, his life will not be able to continue after a few days.

The plan was finalized. Several doctors took turns to fight. They tried their best to rescue him in the operating room for a whole day. Finally, the situation was stabilized when it was dark. After the operation, Lu Shang had to be placed in the CCU for 24 hours of observation, because he was in a deep coma. , unable to communicate with the outside world.

"Is Leon here?"

"Already on the plane, tomorrow."

Only then did Liang Zirui breathe a sigh of relief, and when he turned his head to look, he saw Li Sui standing outside the CCU, staring at the glass window with mixed feelings.

His line of sight was blocked, and he could only see the monitor screen on the bedside from the window, but no one could be seen. Li Sui asked the nurse, and the nurse told him that family members of the intensive care unit were strictly prohibited from entering, and even medical staff had to swipe their permission card to enter.

He didn't dare to trouble Liang Zirui any more, so he just stood guard outside the door, and when he was tired, he leaned against the door for a while. Probably because he was frightened this time, Li Sui couldn't leave for half a step, always worried that what would happen to him as soon as he left Lu Shang.

After nightfall, the corridor fell silent, and the sound of "di-di" from the heart rate monitor in the room could be faintly heard. The sound in Li Sui's ears not only made his heart skip a beat, but also made him feel at ease.

Liang Zirui came over in the middle of the night and found that Li Sui was still there. He just sat on the ground and fell asleep by the door of the CCU. He looked soft-hearted for a while, and paused for a while, then turned to get a thick coat. and an antibacterial suit, then wake him up.


"Shh." Liang Zirui interrupted him, looked back at the nurse on duty, made sure she was going to the room, and handed Li Sui her clothes, "Wear it, one hour, no more, don't make a sound, and also Don't let my uncle see it."

After speaking, he secretly opened the door for him with his permission card.

Li Sui thanked him gratefully, and wrapped himself tightly and slipped in. Even though he was fully armed, when he entered the door, Li Sui still felt a familiar aura coming towards his face. He couldn't help but slow down, as if he was afraid of disturbing the sleeping person.

Lu Shang was lying on a specially made hospital bed, with various instruments all over his body, an oxygen mask on his face, his eyes closed, his face pale, and he was not angry at all. If it weren't for the flickering lights at the head of the bed, he wouldn't be sure whether it was a living person or a corpse.

Li Sui didn't dare to hold his hand, only using the antibacterial gloves, he gently touched Lu Shang's fingertip with his index finger, a delicate touch came from the end of the nerve, and the feedback from his brain told him that he touched Lu Shang's fingertips. is not an illusion, but a real entity. At that moment, Li Sui wanted to cry for some reason. He shrank his body and calmed down for a long time with the sound of "DiDi" before he could endure the sourness in his throat.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at Lu Shang's pale cheeks, all kinds of emotions rolled over in his heart, a mouth seemed to have a thousand words stuck in his throat, but what he could say was the simplest and the most desired word. : "Don't leave me..."