The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 57


Hearing the news that Lu Shang had passed the dangerous period, Li Sui couldn't wait to go to his side. His whole body was bloodied, and he completely kicked Liu Xingtian and his henchmen out of shareholders in just two days with unprecedented efficiency. meeting. At the same time, the company cleaned up the next meal, and all those who had a corpse meal were dismissed. The employees who had been maliciously expelled before were recalled to work. For those who had found new jobs and did not want to come back, Li Sui specially allocated a part of the funds to provide them with material compensation.

Xu Weilan seized this opportunity and killed Liu Xingtian by surprise, so that he didn't have time to fight back against Li Sui, and he first fell into a crisis. Murder was arrested by the police.

In this incident, Dongyan, as Liu Xingtian's shelter, was more or less affected, and was ordered to rectify by his superiors. These Li Sui had already prepared, so don't worry too much. To get rid of the pests, it is inevitable that the tree trunk will be hurt, but as long as the roots are healthy, I believe that after a period of sunshine and rain, everything will recover.

The original legal representative of the company was Lu Shang, who would have been implicated in the first place, but because he was legally dead and Li Sui was the newly appointed director, he was exempted from the summons for questioning by the public security.

Four days later, Li Sui finally broke free, handed over the company to Uncle Yuan, and flew to the island by himself.

He applied for a two-week vacation last year. Many people know it, but he has not been able to realize it. This time his departure did not attract too many people's attention. Most people have the right to think that he is going to relax.

When he disembarked from the boat and landed on the island, Li Sui felt timid about being close to the country for a moment, but was quickly overwhelmed by a strong feeling of longing.

Liang Zirui and Leon hugged a big coconut, lying on the beach by the door, talking and laughing, basking in the sun. When they saw him coming, they raised their hands to say hello. Unexpectedly, Li Sui ignored him at all and ran into the ward after losing his luggage.

"Huh, this kid." Liang Zirui scolded with a smile.

Li Sui gasped heavily, stood at the door for two seconds, relaxed his shoulders, and gently pushed open the door of the ward.

The light in the room was very good, the bay window was swaying gently with the wind, Lu Shang lay quietly on the hospital bed and fell asleep, the oxygen mask had been taken off, revealing his thin lips. The sunlight came in from the window and imprinted on his face, making him seem serene and warm. The scene in front of him was as beautiful as an oil painting. Li Sui didn't even dare to make a sound, for fear of disturbing the person in the painting.

He walked over silently, held Lu Shang's hand, and felt the warm body temperature being transmitted into his body through his skin, and his whole body suddenly became wet like a long drought cracked ground.

Seeing that there was no movement in the ward for a long time, Liang Zirui thought he had done something, walked in with the coconut in his arms, and leaned against the door.

"Why hasn't he woken up yet?"

"How can it be so fast," Liang Zirui smiled, "I woke up once in the middle, and then I will be hospitalized for three months for observation."

Li Sui calmed down, Lu Shang's hands were unusually warm, his face was a little bloody, and the swelling of his lower extremities disappeared, everything was a sign of improvement.

"Thank you, Dr. Liang." Li Sui said sincerely.

Liang Zirui waved his hand: "He's just fighting for himself."

Leon's words are right, if a person tries his best to live, God will make way for him. It was neither him nor Leon who created the miracle, but Lu Shang himself.

Li Sui almost never left since he sat down. He stayed beside the bed, moisturizing Lu Shang's lips for a while, taking his temperature and changing his dressing. Most of the time, he just sat quietly, held Lu Shang's hand, and said something. Boundless words. Even when doing these trivial things, Li Sui's face was always soft, and it could be seen that he was really happy.

In the middle of the night, Li Sui was sweating because of the temperature difference between Lu and Dao, so he had to take a shower. As soon as he returned to the ward, he saw Lu Shang's head move slightly, then his eyelashes trembled and he opened it. eye.

Li Sui was a little nervous at that moment. He stared at Lu Shang closely. Seeing that his eyes were blank, he sighed in his heart, for fear that he would lose his memory when he woke up, just like the one shown in the TV series.

Fortunately, that dazedness flashed by, and soon it became clear and bright. When he noticed someone next to him, Lu Shang turned his head, and the two looked at each other, but with just one glance, they almost all looked into each other's hearts.

Li Sui thought of many scenes of Lu Shang waking up. He thought he would be happy, cry, or lose his temper, but when this person really opened his eyes in front of him, he only felt that he was being given to him. Choked his throat, opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Lu Shang looked at him with deep eyes, and for a moment, he stretched out his hand weakly and made a "to hug" gesture towards him.

Li Sui's eyes turned red all of a sudden, he slowly leaned over, and like countless nights before, he stretched out his hand to hug Lu Shang into his arms, afraid of touching his wound, he didn't dare to hug him too hard, only the arm's The trembling indicated his restlessness.

"… Are you ok."


"That's good… "

Li Sui hugged him for a while, released him, and touched his eyes: "Can you see it? Are there any sequelae?"

Lu Shang looked at him intently: "I can see your dark circles."

Hearing this, Li Sui laughed. The joy of the reunion made him feel at a loss. It took him a while to remember that he should call the doctor: "I'll call Doctor Liang."

Liang Zirui looked satisfied after checking.

"It's not bad, the recovery is not fast, but it is very stable. If you take care of it slowly, you will recover. There is only one point I have to emphasize. Don't do strenuous exercise for half a year, including..." He rubbed Li Sui's head. ,"You know."

The two looked at each other and smiled. When Liang Zirui left, Li Sui locked the door and asked softly, "Do you want to drink water?"

Lu Shang nodded.

Li Sui mixed a cup of warm water and fed it to him with a spoon. Only then did his body recover. Li Sui didn't dare to give him more to drink, so he put down the cup and asked eagerly, "Can you kiss?"

Lu Shang smiled lightly.

Li Sui leaned over, pinched his chin, and the two exchanged a brief kiss.

The familiar breath diffused between his lips and teeth, like long-brewed Chen Mi, Li Sui reluctantly let go of him, covered him with the quilt, supported his head and chuckled, the satisfaction almost overflowing from his eyes: "Go to sleep. , I'll be right here."

Under Li Sui's meticulous care, Lu Shang recovered much better than expected. Leon flew away from the island a month later and returned to China to do research. There could be no one at the Regal Hospital, and Old Dean Liang didn't wait any longer. Finally, after checking Lu Shang again, he returned to the inland.

"What are your plans next? What about Lu Shang's identity?" Liang Zirui asked as he packed up.

"I plan to register him with a new identity in the United States, and take him back to the Lu family after things subside."

"Go back? Aren't you afraid of being recognized?"

Li Sui chuckled and looked at Lu Shang who came out of the bathroom in a wheelchair: "I'm afraid I won't recognize him."

Liang Zirui turned his head and saw that Lu Shang had a chestnut hair on his head calmly, and took two steps back in shock: " dyed your hair?!"

"Is it strange that it was dyed in the morning?" Lu Shang was puzzled.

Liang Zirui patted his chest: "I have never seen you tossing your hair in my life, Boss Lu, are you trying to rejuvenate yourself?"

Lu Shang chuckled: "There's nothing wrong with trying new things."

I have to say that this color is unexpectedly suitable for Lu Shang, and he looks a lot younger. Although he doesn't know who Lu Shang's biological mother is, Li Sui guesses that he is mostly a white man. Lu Shang's complexion is white and his nose is straight. With chestnut hair, it really has a bit of mixed-race taste.

Liang Zirui looked at Li Sui's obsessed eyes, and knew what he was thinking about, and waved his hand: "Forget it, I don't care about your business. I haven't settled myself yet, what the hell do I care about."

"Do you want me to introduce one to you? There is a girl in our company named Xiao Tang, who is very nice. I'll..."

"I'm leaving!" As soon as Liang Zirui heard the word "girl", it was as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and he hurriedly dragged the box and ran away.

The day when Lu Shang was able to move freely, just in time for the flowers on the island, Li Sui helped him walk slowly on the beach when he received a call from Uncle Yuan urging him to go back: "Something happened."


"Liu Xingtian pleaded not guilty and claimed to have evidence to appeal."

Li Sui and Lu Shang looked at each other and replied, "I see."

"Do you want to go back?" Lu Shang asked.

Li Sui was a little reluctant. If Lu Shang hadn't fully recovered and couldn't move for a long time, Li Sui really wanted to take him home to hide.

"Go back to solve a little trouble, and come to you again." Li Sui lowered his head and kissed him.

Lu Shang: "I'll go with you."

"How about that," Li Sui said, "It's very cold in the interior, can you stand it?"

Lu Shang held his hand and smiled lightly: "Isn't it with you?"

"But… "

"Let's face it together." Lu Shang clasped his fingers together.

Lu Shang finally persuaded Li Sui, and the two flew back to Lu's house together. Li Sui was afraid that he would freeze, so he wrapped it tightly in a thick down jacket and covered his face with a large scarf.

With the help of lawyer Xu, Lu Shang disguised himself as a lawyer and went to see Liu Xingtian with Li Sui. He wore a scarf, a mask, and chestnut hair, and no one recognized him along the way.

The meeting place was arranged in an interrogation room in the detention center, and the police turned off the surveillance to ensure the privacy of their conversation.

In less than three months, Liu Xingtian seemed to be old, his hair was shaved short, almost completely white, and his figure was not as tall and straight as before. He only had a pair of eyes, still as sharp as before.

"What do you want?" Li Sui went straight in.

"Keep me out," Liu Xingtian said. "Otherwise, I will shake out what you have done, and we will eat in prison together."

Li Sui: "What did I do?"

"Don't think I don't know, I have your evidence. You murdered Lu Shang, and you just want to inherit his shares."

Hearing this, Li Sui turned to look at the "lawyer" behind him, and thought for a moment, "The so-called evidence you're talking about must have been given to you by Secretary Yang, right?"

Liu Xingtian was obviously stagnant, and Li Sui was stunned: "Do you think that Fang Miao really figured out that you opened a casino to launder money?"

Li Sui sighed: "Uncle Liu, we could have avoided this step."

"Yang Yin..." Liu Xingtian gritted his teeth, and even the people next to him wanted to harm him. Now he is really a betrayal.

"Whether it's money or equity, there are always people who think it's a good thing." Li Sui couldn't feel sympathy for him, so he got up and left, the air was not circulating, he was afraid that Lu Shang would be uncomfortable, and he didn't want to stay longer, "The company will entrust him with it. Someone take care of your wife and children."

"Li Sui! Don't make yourself so lofty, I don't believe it, you have never coveted the power in the hands of Lu Shang!"

"You're really wrong, I've always coveted only Lu Shang." After speaking, he raised his head and exchanged glances with the people around him.

Liu Xingtian's eyes finally fell on the person next to him. The two people's eyes collided. It was just a pair of eyes. Liu Xingtian was shocked, as if he had seen a ghost, and let out a howl, and then reacted: "Lu... You are not dead?"

"Let's go." Li Sui and Lu Shang left together.

"Lu Shang! Nephew Lu!" Liu Xingtian yelled behind them, "I and your father are sworn brothers, and the wound on my face was left when I blocked the knife for your father!"

There was a gust of cold wind blowing from the door, Lu Shang coughed lightly, and Li Sui held his hand nervously: "Are you alright?"

There was continuous shouting behind him, Lu Shang shook his head, took Li Sui's hand and went out together, without looking back.

A month later, Liu Xingtian's verdict came down. He was directly sentenced to life imprisonment for several crimes such as smuggling illegal drugs, setting up a casino without permission, and intentional homicide, and he could only stay in prison for the rest of his life.

Li Sui didn't pay much attention to the follow-up. It was all about Xu Weilan. It was only after hearing people talk about it that Liu Xingtian told people in prison that Lu Shang wasn't dead yet, but no one believed him. He couldn't stand the blow and had mental problems.

The ancients said that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will have evil consequences. This is probably the case. If you do a lot of evil, you will only suffer the consequences in the end.

It was the cool autumn weather, Li Sui was busy with his work and took Lu Shang to the tropical islands for a trip. This trip, which was almost a year late, finally kicked off in the sultry night.

"Boss Lu... Boss Lu, are you satisfied with this speed?"

"Will you let me go next time, eh?"

"Do you know how hard it is for me to come back and hear the news that you are critically ill?"

"… "

Lu Shang was lying on the big bed, and he was so manipulated that he couldn't speak completely, and the continuous pleasure forced him to tears. This child Li Sui is really getting more and more presumptuous, Lu Shang thought in his chaotic love, how could he not complain at that time, and when he got better, he would start complaining, and the tone of it sounded like a spoiled child.

For Lu Shang, the previous sex was more of a kind of spiritual comfort. Thinking of doing the most intimate things with the person he loved deeply, possessing each other, and being alone with each other always made him feel from the bottom of his heart. Satisfy. Since his physical recovery, Li Sui was completely unscrupulous, and it was also the first time he realized what it was like to have physical pleasure overwhelmed by psychological pleasure from the other person's sweaty movements. At the moment when the climax came, he couldn't think of anything. He only felt that his mind was blank. When his primordial spirit returned, Li Sui was panting and hugging him, leaning over a little and kissing the tears from the corner of his eyes.

"I'm worried to death." Li Sui buried his head around his neck and added carelessly.

Lu Shang couldn't do anything about him: "Sorry."

"If you don't make it through, what do you tell me to do?"

"Isn't it all right?"

Li Sui slowly inserted it to the deepest point and bit his ear: "You are so disobedient, I really want to lock you up, like this every day."

Lu Shang smiled, a slight tremor in his chest.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Just like that?"

Li Sui kissed him on the lips: "For you, just give it a shot."

The hard object reached a certain position, and the two sighed at the same time.

Li Sui took advantage of the situation to vigorously thrust, and asked out of breath, "Is it bad?"

Lu Shang raised his head, sweat dripping down the blue veins on his neck: "...Okay."

In the past two days, they haven't gone anywhere. Except for sleeping and eating, they spend almost all the rest of the time making love frantically. In the bathroom, in the study, on the table, on the balcony, and on the floor, Lu Shang's pitiful hole has never been closed. The last few times, Li Sui didn't even do any expansion, so Li Sui went in just by lubricating it.

Li Sui didn't seem to be able to see him in his clothes, so as soon as he put it on, he stripped him naked. He pressed him on the bed to have sex, and he used words to stimulate him. What's more, when he was happy at night, he just put his genitals away. Sleeping in Lu Shang's back hole, as if taking an oath of ownership, he would never pull it out.

Lu Shang expressed his protest weakly, but unfortunately he was ignored directly, and instead he was penetrated deeper. His body lacked exercise all the year round, and his physical strength was not on the same level as Li Sui. Only then did Lu Shang know that Li Sui had been restrained in love affairs before, and he had endured hard for the past few years.

When the initial madness subsided, he couldn't even stand, and his whole body seemed to fall apart. He was even more tired than the operation. He lay on the bed for two days before recovering.

In the evening, Li Sui opened the door refreshed and came in. Seeing that he was awake, he was about to grab his hand. Lu Shang was frightened by his excessive energy, so he subconsciously ducked back. Li Sui couldn't help laughing. Now, pull him up: "Don't do it, go, I'll take you to see something."

Outside the house was a white sandy beach with a small boat parked by the sea. Li Sui jumped on it first and reached out to Lu Shang.

The moonlight quietly sprinkled on the sea, and the surroundings seemed to be covered with a layer of veil. There was no wind tonight, the sea was very calm, and only the faint sound of waves came from the water from time to time.

As we rowed farther, the coast gradually faded out of sight, the water and sky were the same color all around, as if there were only the two of them in the world.

"Is it beautiful?" Li Sui put down the oars and asked him in the moonlight.

Lu Shang chuckled: "People are more beautiful than Jing."

"Is this kind of scenery enough to propose marriage?" Li Sui asked him again.

Lu Shang was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile, "Enough scenery and enough people, but there's still a ring left."

"Wait for me for a while." Li Sui leaned over and kissed him, walked to the bow, took off his vest, revealing his beautiful muscles, and then jumped into the sea with a "pop".

Lu Shang was stunned for a while, got up and walked to the position where he sneaked in, only to see the splash, but he didn't see anything.

The sea was very quiet, like a sparkling mirror. In the distance, unknown seabirds made a few solitary calls. Lu Shang waited for a while and no one came up, so he couldn't help but start to worry: "Li Sui?"

The water surface was still calm, not even a single bubble appeared, Lu Shang increased the decibel again: "Li Sui!"

"Whoa", a splash of water suddenly appeared in front of him, a head appeared, splashing water all over him, Li Sui touched the seawater on his face, and smiled at him while lying on the boat, Lu Shang saw clearly, his mouth Inside was a pure white heart-shaped shell.

"Heart cockles."

Li Sui nodded, stretched out his chin, and motioned for him to take it.

Lu Shang took the shell with a chuckle and raised it, "You picked it? Are there pearls in it?"

"open to take a look."

Lu Shang was amused by him. When he opened the shell, his smile faded, and he gradually became surprised. There were actually two pairs of rings inside. The shape was simple but unique. Through the moonlight, you could see two letters engraved on the inside. - "LS". The shells were well sealed and no water got in, apparently pre-placed.

"Marry me." Li Sui raised his head and smiled at him.

Lu Shang looked at his pure and bright eyes, his expression moved, his heart throbbed, and even a little incoherent: "You... you come up first."

"I won't come up if you don't promise me." Li Sui swam a few meters away, stepping on the water on the moonlit sea.

"Lu Shang, I can't wait for a year, I want to marry you now," Li Sui said earnestly across a short distance, "I want to share the property with you, share the responsibilities, and advance and retreat together. Inseparable."

Lu Shang stared at him for a long time, his eyes gradually became wet, suddenly stood up, and simply jumped into the water.

He wasn't very good at water, so Li Sui hurriedly swam over to hug him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "I'm proposing to you, what are you jumping down for?"

Lu Shang grabbed his finger in the water and put a metal object on it: "Wear a ring."

Li Sui: "You agree?"

Lu Shang laughed: "What do you think?"

"No regrets?" Li Sui was overjoyed.

"I don't regret it." Lu Shang smiled and kissed him. The two embraced each other and dived into the bottom of the water together in the moonlight.

He used to have only a barren rock in his heart, but someone came in and carved out a heart for him.
