The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me

Chapter 11


The woman's skin was pale blue, with black bloodstains all over her body, and her scarlet eyes were fixed on Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia felt his heart stop and he almost fainted.

The instinct for survival made him want to get up and rush out.

He turned his head quickly, not daring to look the woman in the eye.

The world reflected in the glass is hideous and terrifying, but the classroom in the real world is extremely quiet.

Ji Mingxia hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't help but change direction, avoiding the reflection in the glass, turned his head from the other side, and looked at Yu Ning behind him for help.

"Yu Ning, Yu Ning!" Ji Mingxia called out to Yu Ning in a low voice.

Yu Ning sat quietly on the table, still maintaining the same posture as before, with her head lowered, sitting motionlessly in her seat reading.

As soon as Ji Mingxia thought that the person sitting in Yu Ning's seat might be a ghost, he felt sick all over, but Yu Ning didn't even give him a single response.

There was dead silence in the huge classroom.

After being frightened, Ji Mingxia's heartbeat and breathing became noticeably louder. However, in the entire classroom, Ji Mingxia was the only one who made any noise, as if Ji Mingxia was the only living person left in the entire space.

Ji Mingxia was so upset that she wanted to just run out of the classroom.

But every time he was about to stand up, a voice in his heart kept reminding him: Don't move.

Ji Mingxia has no special abilities since he was a child, except that he has a good life and good luck in critical moments. The more scared he is, the more he can make the most correct response.

This mysterious sixth sense may pop up at any time, but it basically never goes wrong.

Thanks to it, Ji Mingxia survived the car accident in his third year of junior high school; including that day in the dormitory, after seeing the ghost, Ji Mingxia opened the door and ran away immediately, and as expected, he ran into Yu Ning who was outside the dormitory.

So now, if his subconscious mind tells him not to leave, there must be a reason why he can't leave.

The classroom was as cold as a cold storage, and the wind on the back of his neck seemed to have grown stronger. Without looking at his reflection in the glass, Ji Mingxia could imagine how the hair hanging down from the back of his head was fluttering and fanning the cold wind.

Ji Mingxia held down his slightly trembling hands and forced himself to calm down.

First of all, he could confirm that, at least when he entered the teaching building, the person standing next to him must have been Yu Ning himself.

After entering the teaching building, the temperature around us began to drop.

At that time, Ji Mingxia thought that the indoor temperature did not warm up in time after the heavy rain, which caused the teaching building to be so cold.

Looking back now, I’m afraid the ghost had already appeared at that time.

But the problem was that because he had seen a ghost on the boulevard, Ji Mingxia was very timid along the way.

From entering the teaching building to walking into the classroom, Ji Mingxia held onto Yu Ning's clothes the entire time, walked close to Yu Ning, and never let go for even a moment.

Ji Mingxia didn't separate from Yu Ning until the two of them started cleaning the classroom. Just now, Ji Mingxia noticed something wrong with Yu Ning.

"In other words, I can confirm with 100% certainty that Yu Ning himself walked into the classroom with me." Ji Mingxia concluded in his heart.

After confirming that Yu Ning was with him in the classroom, Ji Mingxia felt a sense of security in his heart.

Although he didn't know what was going on at the moment, as long as Yu Ning and he were in the same space, he believed that there would be a way!

Ji Mingxia's mind unconsciously emerged the image of Yu Ning in the dormitory yesterday, summarizing the patterns of ghosts' whereabouts in a table.

In order to force himself to calm down, Ji Mingxia immediately followed Yu Ning's example, took out his homework paper, and made a random table.

He did not have as strong a memory and analytical ability as Yu Ning, so he could only simply record what he was sure of in his mind at the moment.

1At this moment, Yu Ning and I were in the classroom.

After recording, Ji Mingxia thought about it and quickly recorded two other known pieces of information.

That was the key information that Yu Ning summarized from Ji Mingxia's experience yesterday:

2 Ghost Shadow can only attack one person so far;

3 When the ghost attacks, it is easy to be disturbed by the outside world. Whether it is me or Zhao Zhuoyue, we are all ordinary people, but we all drove away the ghost directly or indirectly.

Yu Ning's method was indeed effective. After writing down the three known pieces of information, Ji Mingxia became much more sober. He stared at the homework paper, his brain working rapidly.

“So, when Yu Ning and I were both in the classroom, the ghost could only attack him or me.

"If the ghost is attacking Yu Ning at this moment, it must not be able to attack me; if the ghost is about to attack me, then Yu Ning must be safe..."

The ghost appeared as soon as we entered the teaching building.

Although Ji Mingxia felt the coldness all around, he was not attacked from beginning to end.

In other words, it was Yu Ning who had been fighting with the ghost all along, but Ji Mingxia didn't know it.

No wonder Yu Ning's behavior became more and more strange. It turned out that without Ji Mingxia's knowledge, Yu Ning had already fallen into danger.

If it was Zhao Zhuoyue who was attacked at this moment, Ji Mingxia would have no doubt that Zhao Zhuoyue had been killed. After the ghost killed Zhao Zhuoyue, it set its next target on Ji Mingxia.

However, the person being attacked at this moment was Yu Ning.

Will Yu Ning die? Impossible.

Even if Ji Mingxia died, Yu Ning would not be able to die.

He is the protagonist of this book!

After confirming this, Ji Mingxia relaxed completely. Even the ghost staring at him in the reflection at the side seemed less scary and annoying.

However, at this moment, the ghost who was lying on the table and staring at Ji Mingxia suddenly moved.

Ji Mingxia shuddered all over.

Although he didn't look at the reflection directly, he was actually paying close attention from the corner of his eyes.

It's not that he is curious, but that people have an instinctive focus on crises.

As the ghost moved, Ji Mingxia's originally relaxed mood instantly became tense.

What made Ji Mingxia even more terrified was that the ghost not only moved, but even slowly climbed onto Yu Ning's desk and crawled along the table top towards Ji Mingxia!

Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning were seated in the same group, Yu Ning was at the last table and Ji Mingxia was at the third to last table.

In other words, at this moment, there was only a table between Ji Mingxia and the ghost!

Ji Mingxia caught a glimpse of the scene reflected in the glass, his scalp went numb, and he almost jumped up from his seat!

What's going on? Why is he crawling towards him

Could it be that Yu Ning has already...? ! !

The ghost's limbs were thin and pale, and its bones moved in the opposite direction as it crawled. Blood flowed down its limbs, leaving sticky traces of blood on the tables and the ground in the reflection.

The ghost was sitting in Yu Ning's seat, staring at Ji Mingxia, and it looked very scary. Now it was crawling towards him little by little, getting closer, as if it would climb onto Ji Mingxia's back in a minute...

This increases the psychological pressure on people exponentially.

Ji Mingxia was not a brave person to begin with. He finally managed to sober up by relying on his reason. However, the ghost's actions at this moment undoubtedly made Ji Mingxia lose his composure again.

The heartbeat that had just calmed down began beating uncontrollably, "boom, boom, boom."

He is not the protagonist, and he does not have the aura of a protagonist. If this ghost really crawls onto him, Ji Mingxia can be sure that he will absolutely not be a match for the ghost!

Ji Mingxia broke out in cold sweat and he couldn't help but look towards Yu Ning for help again.

But Yu Ning still sat quietly, his posture had not changed as before.

In this case, there are only two possibilities.

First, Yu Ning had been killed by the ghost, and Ji Mingxia was the only living person left in the classroom, and the ghost was now attacking Ji Mingxia.

The second is... Yu Ning is too strong, so Guiying decides to give up and turns to attack Ji Mingxia, the weak target.

If it is the second possibility, although the ghost is closing in at this moment, Yu Ning must be by Ji Mingxia's side!

On the left is the calm and eerie real world, and on the right is the horrible and bloody ghost classroom.

Should I stand up and run away immediately, or stay in the classroom and take a chance

This kind of dilemma simply leaves no way for ordinary people to survive!

Ji Mingxia was about to cry as he saw the ghost getting closer and closer to him. Finally, Ji Mingxia closed his eyes tightly and sat in his seat like a quail, not moving at all.

He didn't know what Yu Ning's current situation was, but if Yu Ning was fighting a desperate battle with the ghost, Ji Mingxia should not cause trouble for him even if he couldn't help him.

Thinking of this, the content of the original work emerged in Ji Mingxia's mind.

Under normal circumstances, Ji Mingxia would definitely avoid it.

It was a matter of life and death at this moment, and Ji Mingxia couldn't care less.

Ji Mingxia closed his eyes tightly and said in a trembling voice: "Yu Ning, the law of attraction means that when a person's thoughts are focused on a certain area, the people, things and objects related to this area will be attracted to it.

"In this world, there are countless mysterious objects that we don't know about, with unknown energies. Human thoughts can become a medium, interacting with mysterious objects, amplifying people's thoughts and eventually forming terrifying mysterious events...

As Ji Mingxia was speaking, a ghost shadow crawled towards him little by little.

Although he couldn't see the ghost with his eyes closed, as the ghost got closer and closer to Ji Mingxia, Ji Mingxia could even smell a faint stench in his nose.

Ji Mingxia gritted his teeth and quickly finished the rest of his words: "This ghost must be the resentment of someone before his death, formed by the accidental combination of the mysterious object. The source of its power is its most fatal flaw.

"The mysterious object must use special power to peel off the seal. We can't control it, but if we can destroy it, the ghost will definitely die!"

This passage is the core of the entire copy of the original work.

Mysterious objects magnify human anger, ignorance and resentment. When people's thoughts are combined with mysterious objects, they turn into tangible ghosts, causing various supernatural events.

The protagonist Gong Pei Yuan's job is to recover mysterious objects.

For readers, this passage is just a setting in the original work and is completely irrelevant.

But for the protagonists, it is a crucial secret clue.

So in the original book, this passage was told to Yu Ning by Pei Yuan. Ordinary people have never even seen a ghost, let alone know about the mysterious objects.

Ji Mingxia was originally hesitating whether to tell Yu Ning this core clue in advance.

But considering that, first, Yu Ning is the protagonist, he will definitely survive the disaster;

Second, Yu Ning told Ji Mingxia that he had found the flaw of the ghost;

Third, even if Yu Ning knew the existence of the mysterious object, he did not have Pei Yuan’s ability and could not get the mysterious object at all.

Adhering to the principle of less trouble is worse than more, Ji Mingxia naturally concealed it.

But now it has come to a life-and-death situation, and there is nothing to hide.

He was not sure whether his words would be of any use to Yu Ning, but he had said everything he should say. The final outcome would depend entirely on God's will.

As soon as Ji Mingxia finished speaking, the ghost came behind Ji Mingxia and stretched out his hand towards him.

The next moment, Ji Mingxia felt a pain in his left wrist.

A shrill cry that was not like that of a human came from behind Ji Mingxia, piercing his eardrums.

About two seconds later, the screaming stopped abruptly.

There was a "ding" sound, and it seemed that some jade jewelry fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

Then, the whole classroom returned to silence.

A warm current surged from all around, and the temperature of the entire classroom suddenly rose.

"Mingxia." At this time, Yu Ning's voice came from beside Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia was shrinking his neck, closing his eyes tightly, and covering his aching left wrist, not daring to move.

Ji Mingxia was stunned for a moment until he heard Yu Ning's voice. After making sure that he had not heard wrong, he suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head quickly.

It was already bright outside, and the morning sun shone through the classroom windows, casting a slightly blue morning glow.

Yu Ning was standing beside Ji Mingxia, looking at him with his head slightly lowered.

The sunlight fell on his face, reflecting a soft curve. Whether it was the heterochromatic eyes under the long eyelashes or the slightly raised curve of the corners of his mouth, they were all exceptionally gentle.

Seeing Ji Mingxia staring at him blankly, Yu Ning called out again, "Mingxia."

Ji Mingxia suddenly came back to his senses. He looked at Yu Ning and then looked around.

The temperature in the classroom rose, and with the dawn, the chirping of insects, the singing of birds, and the voices of people appeared one by one. Everywhere was filled with the warmth of summer and the vitality of the early morning.

Everything around was quiet, and there were no more ghosts in the reflection of the glass.

Everything that had just happened seemed like a horrible nightmare. At this moment, the cold and darkness faded away, and they returned to the world again.

After confirming that the ghost had disappeared, Ji Mingxia even forgot the pain in his hand. He jumped up almost instantly and hugged Yu Ning: "Yu Ning, you are finally back to normal, not sitting there lifelessly!"

Although the ghost appeared for a short time, it left a huge psychological shadow on Ji Mingxia.

Especially when Yu Ning sat in his seat motionless, as if Ji Mingxia was the only one left in the classroom, the feeling of facing a ghost alone was really scary!

Seeing Yu Ning finally return to normal, Ji Mingxia howled, tears welling up in his eyes: "You have no idea how scary that ghost was just now... I have never seen anything more terrifying than it in my life!"

Yu Ning was caught off guard and hugged by Ji Mingxia. He froze for a moment, and almost instantly, his ears turned red.

Every time Ji Mingxia hugged him, Yu Ning's heart beat faster. He didn't know whether Ji Mingxia could hear it, but Yu Ning could hear it himself. The sound of his heartbeat was like the beating of a drum and could not be concealed at all.

Yu Ning stretched out his hand somewhat unnaturally, trying to push Ji Mingxia away, but hearing Ji Mingxia's wailing voice, he felt Ji Mingxia's forehead and hands were all wet with cold sweat. Yu Ning's hand was raised in the air for a long time, and finally fell gently on Ji Mingxia's back.

"I'm sorry, it's okay now." Yu Ning said in a low voice.

"Fortunately, you are reliable and finally drove the ghost away, saving my life..." Ji Mingxia couldn't help but mutter, "By the way, are you not hurt?"

Ji Mingxia said this as he was about to check on Yu Ning's condition.

At this moment, suddenly, the door of the classroom was opened with a bang.

It's dawn at 5:30 and the senior high school morning self-study begins at 6:00.

It is almost time for students to go to class. The group of students who got up first, after eating in the cafeteria, rushed into the classroom on time to prepare for class as usual.

However, when everyone saw the two people being intimate in the classroom, they were shocked and stunned for a moment.

This is... Ji Mingxia and... Yu Ning? !

Everyone: “What’s going on (; ̄o ̄)?!!”

Ji Mingxia, who was caught hugging Yu Ning, said: “?!! w (* Д *) w!”