The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me

Chapter 2


"Ji Mingxia, Ji Mingxia!"

"Hey, Mingxia, wake up!"

Ji Mingxia turned over and muttered, "What are you doing? It's not even daybreak yet."

"You're almost late, hurry up and get up for self-study!"

Morning self-study

Ji Mingxia was stunned for a moment, then sat up slowly. It was not until he saw the dormitory full of people that he realized that he had entered the book.

It was the eve of the abominable college entrance examination. Although the school had no explicit regulations, the senior high school students who were in the final stage of the sprint had basically accepted the schedule of getting up at 5:30 and starting classes at 6:00...

Ji Mingxia was extremely sad. He had just experienced such an exciting thing last night and he had to go to school the next day. Is this something a human would do

Turning around to look across, Yu Ning's bed was neatly folded and he was nowhere to be seen. He must have gone to class in the morning.

Fighting with ghosts at night and studying hard during the day, according to the original novel, Yu Ning finally ranked first in the city and went directly to a top university to change his life.

Look at this young man, so energetic, he deserves to be the protagonist!

Ji Mingxia wailed in his heart, resigned himself to his fate, and walked towards the cafeteria with his roommates.

It's around six in the morning in summer, the sun should have risen and the sky should be bright, but today the sky is particularly gloomy.

The sky was dark and the entire campus was shrouded in gray-black clouds.

Students in black school uniforms walked quietly on the road, most of them with their heads down so their faces could not be seen clearly.

In the gusts of cold wind, looking from afar, it didn't look like the campus he was familiar with, but rather like the ghost school game he played a while ago...

"What are you looking at?" Just then, one of the roommates came over and asked curiously.

Ji Mingxia was wearing clothes that he was familiar with, both the location and the school environment.

It’s just that because of Yu Ning’s presence, there are some slight changes.

For example, the five roommates in front of him are all strangers to Ji Mingxia now.

However, when he was washing up just now, he had already memorized the names of the five people.

The person who was talking to him at the moment was named Zhao Zhuoyue. He loved playing ball on weekdays. He and Ji Mingxia sat next to each other in the desk and they had a good relationship.

"It feels like there are quite a lot of people in class today." Ji Mingxia said.

During this period of time, only senior high school boarding students will come to the morning self-study. The school has three gates in total. Generally speaking, the probability of running into classmates on the road is very low.

Zhao Zhuoyue looked around curiously when he heard this: "Are there any? Aren't there just five of us? Where are the others?"

Ji Mingxia was stunned for a moment, then looked at the group of people who were walking with their heads down. In the thick fog, they were moving forward vaguely, their figures were blurry, and they were walking in the air silently.

Ji Mingxia felt a chill on his back and almost got goose bumps!

He suddenly remembered that last night, when all his roommates were fast asleep, he was the only one who was woken up by the cold, and he also saw a ghost with his own eyes!

Damn, no way!

He is just a simple supporting character, why should he be given such perverted skills

Along the way, Ji Mingxia felt very unwell.

Fortunately, although he was panicking inside, he looked very calm. None of his roommates noticed his abnormality. At most, they were just wondering why Ji Mingxia always walked next to others.

This chilly feeling lasted for the entire journey, until the moment he walked into the classroom and saw Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia's cold hands and feet began to warm up a little.

As an online novel, what kind of mistakes would most likely cause it to be blocked by readers

Is it the watered-down plot, the bland emotional drama, and the messy, rubbish writing

No, neither.

It's about playing with the CP, it's about the magically changed ending, the protagonist doesn't have a good ending in the end, and dies in depression!

As the love mentor of the protagonists, Ji Mingxia may seem unimportant at first glance, but without his advice, Yu Ning would not recognize his own feelings, and the emotional line would be broken, which is equivalent to the story being broken.

How can this be tolerated? Even Ji Mingxia, a straight male reader, can't tolerate it, let alone the readers who are so obsessed with CP and are crying out for help!

So as long as Yu Ning is alive, he will have the opportunity to appear for the sexual happiness of Yu Ning's lower body.

Even if he had a useless skill, as long as he tried his best to hide and stay quiet until the plot officially unfolded, with the protagonist in front, who would have the time to look for a rookie supporting role like him...

At this moment, Yu Ning, who had been lowering his head, suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia was shocked, but fortunately he remained calm.

He immediately started squinting, without moving his head or body, and slightly rolled his eyeballs, focusing his gaze on the roommate sitting at the table in front of Yu Ning, who was furiously writing his homework.

"The answer to this question is wrong. It's b." Ji Mingxia said.

Upon hearing this, the roommate quickly pointed to the next question: "What about this one?"

"A." Ji Mingxia said.

"Wow, that's awesome, brother!" my roommate praised him.

"That's right." Ji Mingxia smiled, then turned around and sat down naturally. For the rest of the day, he didn't dare to look at Yu Ning again.

Dark clouds shrouded Funan County the entire day, until it finally started to rain heavily during evening study.

They are all students who are about to take the college entrance examination, and the school is more concerned about their physical condition than the students themselves.

The teacher specifically notified the parents to come and pick up the children. As for the students living in the dormitory, the school distributed umbrellas, one for every two students. After returning to the dormitory, taking a hot shower and drinking ginger soup, basically nothing will happen.

"Mingxia, let's go. The lights in the classroom are about to be turned off. Do your homework in the dormitory."

The evening self-study class for boarding students ends later than that for day students. Finally, when the last bell rings, the students rush out of the classroom.

Seeing Ji Mingxia still scribbling in his seat, Zhao Zhuoyue shouted.

"I finished it a long time ago. Now I'm coming." Ji Mingxia had just stuffed the notebook into the drawer when the lights in the classroom went dim. He didn't have time to tidy up and quickly followed his roommates.

In just two minutes, the entire teaching building became deserted.

There were no energetic voices of students, only the sound of heavy rain beating against the buildings. The already gloomy campus seemed to have entered autumn and winter early.

A gust of wind blew, and the chill almost penetrated into people's bones.

Ji Mingxia came out late. Just as he reached the classroom door, he was greeted by a wind carrying raindrops, which hit him head-on. He was already very cold and shivered all over.

"Are you okay?" Zhao Zhuoyue asked hurriedly when he saw Ji Mingxia looked unwell.

The other roommates also turned around and saw that Ji Mingxia's face was a little pale, obviously he had caught a cold. After discussing with each other, they gave an umbrella to Ji Mingxia, allowing him to walk alone with the umbrella so that he would not get wet easily in the rain.

"Didn't they say that two people share one? Why is there a separate umbrella for me?" Ji Mingxia asked curiously.

"Just take it if I give it to you. Consider it as a reward for teaching me how to do the questions today." Zhao Zhuoyue said.

"Take it. If you catch a cold, we brothers will have to take care of you. It will affect our college entrance examination." said another roommate, Chen Zhen.

Ji Mingxia twitched his lips: "Are you sure you have taken care of me?"

"Why, you've grown bolder and dare to talk back, right?"

"Did you forget who woke us up last night?"

"If you don't bring an umbrella, I'll let you go!"

Several roommates spoke in fierce voices. Ji Mingxia felt everyone's concern and for the first time felt that this world might be a little better than he had imagined.

He said helplessly: "I'm serious, this umbrella is so small, how can three people walk together? Zhuoyue, you and I should hold the umbrella together."

"No, I want to go with Brother Chen." Zhao Zhuoyue said quickly.

Ji Mingxia looked carefully and found that there were four roommates in front of him, with two people sharing one umbrella, which was just the right allocation.

Then this extra umbrella...

He suddenly thought of something, turned around quickly and glanced at the classroom behind him.

The lights in the classroom had been turned off, leaving only the dim lights in the corridor, barely illuminating the surroundings.

In the dim classroom, Yu Ning stood in his seat with his head down, not knowing what he was doing, and did not move.

Zhao Zhuoyue noticed Ji Mingxia's actions and quickly said, "Why are you looking at him? He has an umbrella. I saw him carrying one today."

Another roommate said, "You don't want to go back with him, do you?"

"The college entrance exam is coming up soon, Ji Mingxia, calm down. Whoever gets involved with this guy will be in trouble."

Most high school students are already adults and are not as impulsive as junior high school students.

Everyone hates Yu Ning and is afraid of Yu Ning, but few people have direct conflicts with him.

Most people chose to avoid him.

Don't look at him, don't communicate with him, treat him as air, and at the same time avoid him as much as possible.

Although cold violence is not as bloody as pushing and beating, it is more lethal to mentally mature people.

Everyone was silently telling Yu Ning through their actions that he was an alien, a monster that everyone hated.

"I… "

Reason told Ji Mingxia that as a qualified supporting role, he should obey everyone's wishes, remain isolated from Yu Ning, and return to the dormitory with everyone alone holding an umbrella.

But emotionally, Ji Mingxia couldn't bear to have the umbrella, which originally belonged to him and Yu Ning, all by himself.

I didn’t realize it when I read the novel before, but now that I’ve traveled through time and space, I realize that not everyone can play such a vicious supporting role!

A raise, he strongly demands that the world give him a raise!

In response to Ji Mingxia's inner cry, there was a gust of cold wind that was colder than the winter.

A black shadow appeared on the glass in the classroom, with long nails sticking out and crawling onto Yu Ning's back.

At first glance, Yu Ning looked like he was carrying a large, unclear object on his back.

And that thing was still drilling into his body little by little.

Yu Ning lowered his head, clenched his fists, and stood motionless. No one knew what he was thinking...

Ji Mingxia's pupils shrank and he almost jumped out of fright!

I'm so mad!!

What you fear will come true.

He was wondering why it was so cold tonight. It turned out that it was not because of the rain, but because of this scary black shadow. It came again!

"Mingxia, Mingxia, the teaching building is about to close."

"Don't worry about him, just go."

Several roommates urged.

Ji Mingxia felt like crying but had no tears.

Now even if I really want to leave, I can’t.