The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me

Chapter 31


"Well, yes." Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia and said.

Ji Mingxia looked at him puzzledly.

Yu Ning said: "The faceless man is the embodiment of the fear in my heart."

"Hey?" Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning in surprise and quickly covered his mouth with his hands, "Did I... did I just say something?"

Could it be that he had spoken out his true feelings without realizing it

This involves Yu Ning's inner privacy. He just had a fleeting thought and had no intention of prying.

"No." Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia and said, "You guessed Zhao Zhuoyue, you guessed yourself, and you only missed me."

Ji Mingxia's thoughts were guessed, and he said awkwardly: "I just feel that... you seem to be the same as our wife."

Whether it is Ji Mingxia or Zhao Zhuoyue, the terrifying ghosts are all based on the reality and derived from the supernatural style.

Yu Ning's faceless man looks more like the negative consciousness in his heart, which is materialized and forms a terrifying image.

Yu Ning said: "I grew up in an orphanage. Because my eyes were different from others, everyone was afraid of me and no one wanted to play with me. In order to attract other people's attention, I deliberately told a lot of supernatural stories to scare those children. They were afraid and curious, so they couldn't help but circle around me. In this way, I could be considered to have friends."

Upon hearing this, Ji Mingxia raised his head and looked at Yu Ning with some curiosity.

Yu Ning said slowly: "The child was sensible and didn't realize what that meant until the teachers heard about it. Now only the children dared not be with me. Even the adults were afraid of me. Someone suggested kicking me out of the orphanage and letting me fend for myself outside."

Yu Ning said, looking at Ji Mingxia and said, "It just so happens that at this time, a circus came to Funan County to perform. They will perform in the stadium for seven consecutive days, and their daily resting place is right next to the orphanage."

"Circus?" Ji Mingxia was stunned.

It was the first time he heard Yu Ning mention the past and he felt a little sad. Now when he heard the topic involved the circus, he couldn't help but recall the past.

He grew up in Funan County and had some vague impression of the circus performing there.

Ji Mingxia said, "Did something happen when we were in kindergarten? I remember there was a car running all over the street, using a loudspeaker to announce that there would be an animal show... I even pestered my parents to take me to see it, but as far as I can remember, there were no animals at all, and it was even quite boring."

"Yes." Yu Ning said, "There are no animals. The entire circus is full of people, and people play the animals."

Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning with some confusion.

This happened when he was very young. Although Ji Mingxia had seen the performance in person, he did not have a deep impression of it. At this moment, he did not quite understand what Yu Ning meant by this sentence.

Yu Ning whispered: "Singing dog, beautiful snake, vase girl..."

Knowing that the circus was coming to perform and would be staying next door, the entire orphanage was in an uproar.

The children had no money to buy tickets to watch the show, but they could peek through the fence and take a peek at the circus’ daily training.

There is a high fence with various green plants planted in the middle.

The children from the orphanage crawled between the vines and poked their heads through the gaps in the rusty fence, looking in with curiosity.

From a distance, it looked like a number of children's faces were growing among the lush plants.

This group of children watching the show soon attracted the attention of the circus director. When he learned that they were all orphans who were unwanted by everyone, he not only did not drive them away, but led the performers and warmly invited the children to come and visit.

Although the gap in the fence was not big, it was easy for children to pass through it.

The invited children happily entered the circus as guests, but Yu Ning was the only one who watched coldly from the sidelines.

It's not that he doesn't want to go, but he has become accustomed to being disliked, so he chooses to hide aside and not participate in anything.

A few days later, at the enthusiastic invitation of the children, the head of the circus came to visit the orphanage and met the director of the orphanage.

He took the initiative to propose to adopt some children to work in the circus.

The circus is short of people, especially children who are willing to cooperate in the performance.

Children are not fully developed yet, they are short, their bones are soft and they are very malleable. As long as they are willing to endure hardships, they can join a circus and perform with the performers, and they will not have to worry about food and clothing.

Once the child is handed over to the circus director, it can not only reduce the burden on the orphanage, but also help the circus, and the child himself can be regarded as having acquired a skill.

‌This way, we can achieve three goals at one stroke.

In that era, it was a small county town and the management procedures were not so strict. Although all the children in the orphanage were registered, it was not difficult to send a few of them away.

After being persuaded by the circus director, the director of the orphanage was immediately interested.

The first person she thought of was Yu Ning, the most popular girl in the orphanage.

The rumors about Yu Ning spread throughout the entire county, not only affecting Yu Ning's personal reputation, but also almost dragging down the entire orphanage.

At this time, handing Yu Ning over is undoubtedly the most appropriate...

Ji Mingxia knew very well what "singing dogs" and "human-headed snakes" were, and couldn't help but take out his mobile phone to search for them.

He had just opened the webpage and finished typing, and hadn't had time to search, when he heard that the director of the orphanage was actually planning to hand Yu Ning over. His heart tightened, and he didn't even bother to look at his phone, and quickly looked at Yu Ning: "They won't really hand me over to the circus, right?!"

"The dean had this idea, but did not implement it immediately. She called me over and asked for my opinion." Yu Ning said. Seeing that Ji Mingxia's cup was empty, he refilled him a cup and bought some snacks from the hotel and put them in front of Ji Mingxia. If he wanted to eat, he could just raise his hand and take them.

"Asking for your opinion?" Ji Mingxia didn't notice Yu Ning's actions. His attention was all on Yu Ning's words. At this moment, Ji Mingxia couldn't help but frown. "You were only four or five years old at that time. You didn't understand what this meant. How could you decide this kind of thing!"

Yu Ning said: "Yes, they also thought that I would be convinced, but they forgot that I can see what normal people see."

When the director of the circus saw Yu Ning, his eyes lit up and he was extremely satisfied with him.

For a place like a circus, the worst thing is mediocrity.

Most people find Yu Ning's eyes scary, but to the circus people, they are a striking feature.

At that time, Yu Ning was only four or five years old. As long as he agreed, the person in charge of the circus could take him away from the orphanage.

It is not difficult for most adults to convince such a young child.

The person in charge of the circus brought a lot of toys and snacks, handed them to Yu Ning, and persuaded him to join the circus.

Everyone thought that Yu Ning would be impressed by the colorful toys and snacks.

However, only Yu Ning knew that all the toys were stained with blood, and behind the seemingly amiable circus director were the vengeful spirits of countless children, which could not be dispersed for a long time.

Those dead children still retained their miserable appearance before death.

Some had their eyes gouged out, some had their skulls opened, some had their limbs cut off, and some children were even sewn together.

They were like a ball of black mist, lying behind the circus director, forming a huge faceless man, reaching out to grab Yu Ning.

Yu Ning was scared away.

Although he saw through the circus's conspiracy and escaped in time, he hid outside for three days to avoid being cut alive.

A little boy of four or five years old, without any adult care, wandered outside for several days. He did not return to the orphanage until the circus left Funan County.

Originally, he was very popular in the orphanage. After this incident, Yu Ning completely became an invisible man in the orphanage.

It was not until he was admitted to the best primary school in Funan County with the highest score in the county that everyone started to treat him differently.

A weird, lonely, unlucky boy, but with very good academic performance.

This label has accompanied Yu Ning for most of his life and has not disappeared until now.

At the same time, the search page on Ji Mingxia’s phone finally popped up.

What "singing dog" and "beautiful snake"? When Ji Mingxia first heard them, he thought they were circus performances.

It was not until the news and pictures popped up online that Ji Mingxia realized that this was actually the inhumane "living organ harvesting and dismemberment."

"Cai" means to take or collect; "sheng" means raw material, usually a normally developed child; "zhe ge" means to chop or cut with a knife or an axe. (*Note 1)

Simply put, it is to capture a normal living person, and use knives, axes, and other methods to turn him into a strangely shaped and disabled monster.

Artificially create some disabled people or "monsters" and use them as a guise to gain people's sympathy, or like a circus, use curiosity to attract attention and thereby earn a lot of money from passers-by.

Since the transformation is done on living people, their adult bodies have already grown, and it is very difficult to cut or carve them. Therefore, such cruel and perverted things as living dismemberment mostly happen to young children.

The so-called singing dogs and beautiful snakes are made by chopping off the limbs of young children and artificially transforming them into monsters with human heads and dog bodies or human heads and snake bodies, in order to attract attention and defraud money.

At this point, Ji Mingxia finally remembered that he had clearly seen the performance of this circus, so why did he have no impression of it at all

He was deceived by a false advertisement, and not only did he not see the content he wanted to see, but instead saw all kinds of weird performances.

Although he was young at that time and didn't quite understand what the singing dog represented, he instinctively felt comfortable.

It was not until he left the circus that he returned to normal. After all, he was just a young child and quickly forgot about the incident, so much so that he only barely recalled it now.

The photos of the victims of live dismemberment on the web page were right in front of him. Looking at these photos and then at Yu Ning in front of him, Ji Mingxia was filled with fear.

The impact this kind of thing brought to him was even greater than the terrifying ghost.

He and Yu Ning obviously lived in the same place and were of similar age, but their past lives were completely different.

Ji Mingxia lost his parents when he was a minor, and in the eyes of many people, he was a poor child.

He was indeed sad and depressed for a long time, but compared with Yu Ning, at least he still had a happy childhood. Even though his parents were gone, he still had his grandmother who loved him...

What made Ji Mingxia most sad was that Yu Ning's experience was, in a way, also "artificially" created.

Yu Ning's life experience is simply summarized in the novel as "grew up in an orphanage". The story begins when Yu Ning was in college, and focuses more on the adventures of Yu Ning and Pei Yuan. There is no detailed explanation of those past events.

In order to avoid wasting time and effort in portraying family members, the easiest way these days is to make the protagonist alone, with both parents dead and growing up in an orphanage. These are very common settings.

Ji Mingxia even saw quite a few Infinite Flow protagonists coming out directly from the mental hospital.

I'm used to this kind of character setting, so when I read the novel, I never think deeply about how the protagonist survived the first ten years.

It was not until he heard Yu Ning's words that Ji Mingxia realized that the Yu Ning in front of him was not just a paper man, but a living person, a person who had grown up from a child and struggled to grow up.

Of course, we can’t blame the creator for this kind of thing. Who could have thought that the world of novels would come true

For the first time, Ji Mingxia felt the heavy burden that came with being the protagonist.

Even though he was overwhelmed by the halo, everything he had to endure during his growth was far beyond what ordinary people could imagine.

Although Ji Mingxia picked up his phone to search for news and pictures related to live dissection, he was doing it on his own phone.

Out of politeness, Yu Ning did not look at his mobile phone screen.

When he talked about the past, the information about the life cutting was vague and skipped. Apart from mentioning the word "singing dog", there was no further specific description.

Therefore, I don’t know what Ji Mingxia is thinking after reading the news and pictures.

Seeing Ji Mingxia looking at him quietly, Yu Ning finished explaining the matter to the Faceless Man and then turned the topic back to the hotel.

The first time Yu Ning saw the Faceless Man in the spa, he was indeed a little surprised and took some effort to overcome his inner fear.

When the Faceless Man is able to cause him harm, this clue will become a breakthrough for Yu Ning.

Up to this point, based on the known information, Yu Ning has basically seen through the opponent's abilities and routines. The subsequent series of operations were purely to confuse the opponent's performance time.

The topic returned to the hotel. Ji Mingxia calmed down his emotions and quickly shifted his attention to Yu Ning. He thought for a moment and concluded, "That is to say, before we took action tonight, we had already fully anticipated what would happen next and were just waiting for the other party to take the bait?"

"Almost." Yu Ning said.

Ji Mingxia didn't know what to say. He felt like an idiot compared to Yu Ning.

When he still thought that all this was related to Li You and that they had to deal with the second blood-red ring tonight, Yu Ning had already prepared to deal with another mysterious object.

Well, you can't blame him for this.

This is a normal reaction. If Ji Mingxia could have Yu Ning's reverse thinking, he would not be just a simple supporting role.

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia felt a little more balanced, but soon, he couldn't help asking: "Then why was there a red light coming out of my body when you found me just now?"

"It's a ring." Yu Ning said, picked up the ring on the coffee table and held it in front of Ji Mingxia.

After Yu Ning picked up the blood-red ring, it instantly turned into a red stream of light, and wrapped around Yu Ning's fingers like a living thing, spinning back and forth.

It was the first time that Ji Mingxia saw the ring change its shape, and he was stunned.

"This... can it be like this?"

As soon as Ji Mingxia finished speaking, the next moment, the red light turned into two rays, one flew to Ji Mingxia's hand, and the other remained on Yu Ning's fingertips.

After this blood-red ring recognized Yu Ning as its master, it unlocked various abilities, one of which was differentiation.

Although the ring's ability will be weakened after differentiation, it can still protect Ji Mingxia at the critical moment.

The ability of the bronze mirror is to use illusions to inspire fear in people's hearts, thereby achieving the goal of defeating their hearts.

This was the main reason why Yu Ning did not reveal all the information to Ji Mingxia when they set out.

The more you know, the more distracting thoughts you have in your mind.

For Ji Mingxia, the second blood-red ring vs. a brand new mysterious item, the former is obviously easier to deal with.

As long as Ji Mingxia is not defeated by fear, he will be safe.

Of course, just in case, Yu Ning still left half of the ring with Ji Mingxia.

If Ji Mingxia is unexpectedly defeated by his own inner fear, this will become the last barrier to ensure Ji Mingxia's safety.

"So that's how it is..." Ji Mingxia said, "When did you put it on me? I didn't feel it at all."

"When we entered the Lake Chinese Restaurant." Yu Ning said.

Ji Mingxia thought about it carefully and then he remembered that when they entered the Lake Restaurant, Ji Mingxia's clothes were accidentally hooked and Yu Ning helped him tidy up his clothes at that time.

Ji Mingxia just thought that Yu Ning was considerate, but he didn't expect that Yu Ning had already arranged everything at that time.

"Then... just relying on half a ring, Tong Jing was defeated. Didn't she suspect anything?" Ji Mingxia asked in surprise.

Yu Ning said patiently: "Tong Jing's principle of killing people is to use illusions to deceive people's hearts. The best way is to overcome fear and create fear in her heart."

"Give someone a taste of their own medicine." Ji Mingxia murmured.

He understood that these days, it was no longer popular to rely on physical strength to catch ghosts, and using the brain was the key.

Look at Yu Ning. Although he doesn’t have the skills of the protagonist Pei Yuan, he has brains.

Looking at the whole process, it can be said that all the participants are like puppets.

At the beginning, Tong Jing was controlling the overall situation. However, unknowingly, Yu Ning, the person in the game, relied on his IQ to turn the tables and become the trader.

At first glance, Yu Ning was at a disadvantage in every way and Tong Jing lost unfairly. But if you think about it carefully, it would be a miracle for Tong Jing to win under such an IQ crush.

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for Tong Jing.

It would have been a good idea to meet someone like him, but he had to meet Yu Ning. He only recognized Yu Ning as his master and even handed over all his belongings to him.

Suddenly, Ji Mingxia had an inexplicable flash of inspiration in his mind, and he caught something that he almost overlooked just now.

"I remembered it now. I was wondering why this bronze mirror looked so familiar!" said Ji Mingxia.

Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia in confusion: "Have you seen it before?"

"Well, not really." Ji Mingxia shook his head.

He had just come to this world not long ago, how could he have seen this bronze mirror before.

But Ji Mingxia had seen similar descriptions in novels.

In the later part of the article, the protagonist Pei Yuan has a mysterious item in his hand. It is a very rare evolved mysterious item, a bronze mirror.

The bronze mirror in the novel is a special item that the special department has gone to great lengths to obtain. It can only be used at critical moments. Even if the protagonist Pei Yuan wants to use it, he needs special approval before getting it.

Logically speaking, this is a rather special plot, and Ji Mingxia should remember it immediately.

But the problem is that to Ji Mingxia at that time, this was just a novel.

In the later part, when the main character and the bottom were together, he was already feeling unhappy, so he didn't bother to read the content carefully.

I barely look at it carefully, let alone remember it and turn the text description into a physical object.

So when he first saw the bronze mirror, Ji Mingxia felt that it looked familiar, but for a moment he couldn't remember what made it look familiar.

At this moment, an idea flashed in his mind. The bronze mirror in front of him matched the content of the novel. The more he thought about it, the more Ji Mingxia felt that this bronze mirror might be the special bronze mirror in Pei Yuan's hand in the novel.

First of all, according to the driver, a few years ago, this area was just a ghost town.

It is also a method of using illusions to induce people's inner thoughts. Let's see how the bronze mirror deals with Ji Mingxia and the others this time.

This attack method has improved rapidly and is completely in line with the "growth" attribute of the mysterious item.

Before, Ji Mingxia always thought that Tong Jing was a ghost like Lin Siyun.

But what if Tong Jing is not a ghost, but the wisdom derived from the bronze mirror

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia suddenly perked up and excitedly told Yu Ning his guess.

"If this bronze mirror is an evolutionary mysterious item, then its value is simply unpredictable." Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning and said, "If Tong Jing is the wisdom derived from the bronze mirror, it means that it is growing very fast. Now it already has the special ability to use illusions and change people's memories. If given a few more years, it is speculated that it may even have the ability to control time..."

Ji Mingxia said, of course, this guess was not just his guess, but the original content was written like this.

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia couldn't help but get excited.

Although the plot has shifted a lot, the mysterious item that originally belonged to the protagonist Pei Yuan a few years later has now become Yu Ning's property.

But anyway, the top and the bottom are one family, so it’s the same for Pei Yuan and Yu Ning.

Moreover, Yu Ning relied on his own wisdom to escape danger and obtain the treasure, so it is naturally what he deserves.

Ji Mingxia couldn't help but admire and said, "Yu Ning, the evolutionary mysterious items are very rare. Whether it's the blood-red ring or this Quanzhuang Resort, they are far more valuable than it. You relied on your own strength to make it recognize you as its master. It's really amazing. You are worthy of being the top student in our school. Nothing can stump you..."

As Ji Mingxia spoke, he couldn't help but lower his head and carefully observed the bronze mirror.

After looking at it for a few seconds, Ji Mingxia quickly realized that something was wrong and said curiously, "Hey, all evolved mysterious items have transparent edges. Why does this bronze mirror look like an ordinary mysterious item like the blood-red ring?"

Upon hearing this, Yu Ning's face flashed with a natural look, and he whispered: "Maybe it is just an ordinary mysterious item."

"That's right... bronze mirror. There may be only two bronze mirrors in this world." Ji Mingxia said curiously. He couldn't help but turn it over and over and study it carefully.

However, the bronze mirror could not generate intelligence, and Tong Jing had been killed by Yu Ning a long time ago. No matter how much Ji Mingxia studied it, it was impossible for it to return to its previous appearance.

For a moment, Yu Ning didn't know how to explain to Ji Mingxia. He was angry because of Tong Jing's behavior and didn't care whether it was priceless or not. He directly killed Tong Jing.

Seeing that Ji Mingxia finally figured it out, Yu Ning thought for a moment and said to Ji Mingxia, "Actually, there is one thing I have been thinking about for a long time, but I still can't figure it out."

"Ah?" Ji Mingxia looked up at Yu Ning in surprise when he heard that.

In this world, is there anything that Yu Ning cannot figure out

Ji Mingxia was indeed aroused by Yu Ning. He looked at Yu Ning curiously and asked, "What can stump our Yu Ning?"

Yu Ning said: "That day in the spa, I heard you talking to the technician for a long time."

"Hmm..." Ji Mingxia took a sip of tea, thought about it, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

The technician was quite talkative and chatted with Ji Mingxia for a long time, saying some incomprehensible things.

Ji Mingxia's attention was completely attracted by the technician, so he didn't notice that Yu Ning was unusually silent. Only later did he find out that while he was chatting, Yu Ning was struggling to deal with the faceless man.

Even though it was something that had already happened in the past, Ji Mingxia still felt a little embarrassed when he thought about it now.

Yu Ning always took his safety into consideration before doing anything, but when Yu Ning was in danger, he was totally unaware of it.

Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning and said, "Is there something wrong with that technician?"

Yu Ning turned his head slightly, looked at Ji Mingxia intently, and said, "He said a lot of things. I thought about it for a long time but still couldn't figure it out. What is a top and what is a bottom?"

"Cough—" Ji Mingxia was startled and almost choked on the tea in his mouth.

Not to mention the bronze mirror, Ji Mingxia had already prepared that the technician was also a ghost, but he never expected that after much thought, Yu Ning finally figured out the answer, which turned out to be this question!