The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me

Chapter 5


"Uh, are you coming down to boil water too?" Ji Mingxia tried to look more natural and said, "I have a big bucket of water, it will take a while... If you want to boil water, you may have to wait a little longer."

After saying that, Ji Mingxia became worried that Yu Ning would really stand here and wait for water with him, then the plan would not be able to go forward.

Ji Mingxia quickly added: "Why don't you go to the dormitory and wait. I'll call you upstairs after I'm done cooking."

Although Yu Ning did not answer, Ji Mingxia had read the novel and based on his understanding of Yu Ning's personality, he knew that if possible, Yu Ning actually did not like to get along with people he was not familiar with.

So, Ji Mingxia frantically tried to find something to say, trying to give Yu Ning a way to leave: "I don't know what happened today. It's raining so hard. It's okay in the dormitory, but it's really cold on the first floor."

"You're wearing short sleeves too? Don't you think it's not summer now, but more like winter, haha."

"If I hadn't waited for the water to boil, I would have gone back to the dormitory this morning. You see, I was so cold that I had goose bumps..."

When Yu Ning heard this, he suddenly moved, and his eyes slowly moved down and fell on Ji Mingxia's arm.

Ji Mingxia is from the south. He is about 1.78 meters tall, which is quite normal in the north, but sometimes quite tall in the south, so he was placed in the third from the bottom in the classroom.

But when standing next to Yu Ning, he still looks a little shorter.

As a boy who had just reached adulthood, Ji Mingxia still had the thinness of a teenager. His appearance was like his mother's, and he was more elegant and gentle. Although his skin was not as pale as Yu Ning's, it was fairer and more delicate than that of an average boy, so the changes in the surface of his skin were also obvious at a glance.

Originally, Ji Mingxia had made up this story casually, but when Yu Ning saw it like this, his hair stood on end and his whole hand almost became stiff.

He quickly retracted his hand unnaturally and was about to say something to ease the atmosphere when suddenly, footsteps were heard not far away.

Then, a figure rushed down and poked out a fat face: "Ming Xia, Brother Ming Xia!"

The person who came was Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning’s classmate, named Zhu Ming.

When Zhu Ming saw Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning standing together, he hesitated for a moment, but finally ran to Ji Mingxia.

He simply ignored Yu Ning's presence and said to Ji Mingxia, "Brother Mingxia, I heard from Chen Zhen and the others that you have already taken a bath. Can you lend me this bucket of hot water tonight?"

"Ah?" Ji Mingxia looked at him blankly. He didn't expect that someone could intercept him halfway for just a bucket of hot water.

"I came back late today and there is no hot water for a shower. It's so cold and I feel like my nose is about to get stuffy. I want to take a shower and go to bed early. The college entrance examination is coming soon and I'm afraid of catching a cold." Zhu Ming begged, "Lend me this bucket. I'll try to come back early tomorrow night and boil a bucket for you, okay?"

"Uh, this..."

"Zhao Zhuoyue said that this bucket of hot water is a spare. Do you want to wash again?" Zhu Ming asked again when he saw Ji Mingxia hesitated.

"That's not the case." Ji Mingxia said.

He originally wanted to secretly boil water for Yu Ning, to be a living Lei Feng without leaving his name.

But at this moment, Yu Ning was very close to him, and in order not to add drama to himself, he certainly could not tell the truth.

Seeing Zhu Ming still standing there waiting, Ji Mingxia had no choice but to say, "Then you can use it first."

"Thank you, Brother Mingxia!" Zhu Ming said happily and immediately bent down to test the water temperature.

Although the bucket of water was not boiling, there was enough water and there was no need to add cold water. The temperature was enough for him to take a bath.

Zhu Ming was so cold that he sniffed, quickly unplugged the electric heating rod, then picked up a bucket of water and went upstairs.

After taking a few steps, Zhu Ming suddenly remembered something, turned around and looked at Yu Ning, and said to Ji Mingxia meaningfully: "Brother Mingxia, let's go upstairs. Don't hang around here at night. It's bad for your luck."

In Zhu Ming's opinion, he was reminding Ji Mingxia with good intentions.

Anyway, the news of Yu Ning being a jinx spread all over the county, and everyone treated him that way. With the college entrance examination approaching, no one wanted to run into bad luck.

Zhu Ming brought Ji Mingxia a bucket of hot water. It was his duty to help Ji Mingxia escape from the sea of suffering.

I don’t know if it was Ji Mingxia’s illusion, but after Zhu Ming said this, the temperature around them seemed to become colder.

Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning somewhat awkwardly, and saw that Yu Ning was still standing there, without any change from beginning to end, as if he didn't care about his and Zhu Ming's presence at all.

Ji Mingxia felt relieved a little, and in order to maintain his supporting role, he stopped talking to Yu Ning and quickly followed Zhu Ming's pace.

As they walked, Zhu Ming whispered to Ji Mingxia to stay away from Yu Ning in the future, and also told Ji Mingxia about the various rumors about Yu Ning.

Ji Mingxia had read all this in novels a long time ago. Although he knew Zhu Ming meant well, he still didn't want to hear it.

However, in order to maintain his character, Ji Mingxia did not interrupt Zhu Ming.

While agreeing with Zhu Ming with "Yeah, I understand, I see", Ji Mingxia walked while trying hard to think of a solution in his mind.

Yu Ning didn't have a bucket, he only had a basin. Even if he boiled the water in the basin, it would only be enough for a warm bath.

He had just come back from the rain and his hair was all wet, so to be on the safe side, he had to use hot water.

The bucket of water that Ji Mingxia had worked so hard to boil was now being held in Zhu Ming's arms, so the only way was to use the campus card to buy hot water.

Zhu Ming's dormitory was at the end of the corner on the first floor, and the two soon parted ways.

While waiting for Zhu Ming to open the dormitory door, Ji Mingxia suddenly noticed the light coming from the dormitory aunt's kitchen window in another direction.

By going around the corridor, you can come to the kitchen window of the dormitory aunt. At the same time, this position is a blind spot for the water boiler, and Yu Ning can't see what he is doing at all.

Ji Mingxia had an idea in mind.


Yu Ning stood there, listening to Zhu Ming telling Ji Mingxia about his "past", as the footsteps of the two gradually faded away.

Although they were delayed for a while due to something, they soon returned to their respective dormitories.

Every minute and every second of high school students is extremely precious. It is late at night and most people have fallen into a deep sleep.

With the departure of Ji Mingxia and Zhu Ming, the entire corridor returned to silence, leaving only Yu Ning standing alone under the light.

He gripped the edge of the basin with his knuckles and unconsciously tightened them, leaving blue marks, but soon Yu Ning restrained himself and let go, his face gradually returning to an indifferent expression.

Yu Ning didn't turn around until he was sure that there was no one around.

He had long been accustomed to being rejected by others, and in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, he had always been a loner.

Never actively look for people, never speak actively, and never look people in the eye.

Today is an exception.

Unfortunately, the result was not unexpected, and everything was no different from usual.

At this time, the dormitory manager who was washing dishes in the kitchen came out.

Seeing that the corridor was deserted and only Yu Ning was left, the dormitory manager said to Yu Ning: "It's so late, don't boil water for a bath, I'm ready to go to bed, and you, a senior student, are still not going to sleep, are you trying to save your life?"

Yu Ning nodded, packed up and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, the dormitory manager said, "Hey, wait a minute, it's so cold, taking a cold shower can kill you. Take this card, take a shower and go to bed."

As the dormitory manager said this, she took out a campus card and stuffed it into Yu Ning's hand without any explanation.

Yu Ning didn't expect the dormitory manager to do this. He was stunned when he saw the campus card in front of him: "No, thank you, Auntie."

"Just take it if I give it to you. Go away, I'm going to close the door." The dormitory manager said as she put away the electric heating rod to avoid any accidents late at night.

Yu Ning felt a warm feeling in his heart, but he still stubbornly returned the card.

The dormitory manager was about to close the door, but Yu Ning refused to take the card, and the two of them came to a stalemate.

The corridor was quiet, with only the dormitory manager and Yu Ning left.

Although Yu Ning is good-looking, her appearance is too weird. The dormitory manager is quite old and is very taboo about those things. At this moment, she wants to close the door and completely isolate herself from Yu Ning.

In desperation, the dormitory manager said, "It's useless for you to return it to me now. This is not my card. I'll tell you the truth. This is something your classmate asked me to lend you to wash."

"Classmate?" Yu Ning looked at the dormitory manager in surprise.

It was fine when he lowered his head, but when he raised his head, the pair of heterochromatic eyes were clearly reflected under the light.

The dormitory manager's hair stood on end: "Yes, yes, yes, go upstairs and take a hot shower, and return the card to him tomorrow."

Thinking of Ji Mingxia's well-behaved and bright appearance, the dormitory manager couldn't help but remind her, "Don't take too long to shower. It's not easy for your classmates either. They come down to boil water for showers and take care of you. It's late at night. Don't disturb others. Take a shower and go to bed quickly. You still have classes tomorrow."

After saying that, while Yu Ning was distracted, the dormitory manager quickly closed the door.

Yu Ning was left standing there alone, holding a campus card in his hand.

There is slight wear on both sides of the campus card, indicating that its owner uses it frequently. There are no special marks or names on the front and back.

Yu Ning returned to the dormitory holding the campus card.

It was almost twelve o'clock, the lights in the dormitory had been turned off long ago, and the dormitory was quiet. Everyone was wearing headphones, listening to words while falling asleep.

Yu Ning walked into the dormitory in the dark and took a quick cold shower.

When he came out, most people were already asleep, and some, such as Zhao Zhuoyue, were even snoring.

Yu Ning walked to his bed and looked to the side. Ji Mingxia was indeed asleep.

If Yu Ning had not seen some of Ji Mingxia's actions with his own eyes, he would never have suspected Ji Mingxia at this moment.

Because Ji Mingxia acted so calm.

He has seen it since he was a child and has gradually become immune to those mysterious events, but Ji Mingxia is different. According to the plan, he should have suddenly acquired this ability recently.

But whether it was last night or this evening, Ji Mingxia acted as if nothing had happened afterwards.

Eat when you are hungry, sleep when you are tired, and don't waste your time at all.

With the campus card still in his hand, Yu Ning felt a little curious about Ji Mingxia.

A ray of light came in from the street lamp outside the window, making it just possible to see things in the dim boys' dormitory.

Faintly, Yu Ning saw Ji Mingxia lying flat on the bed, with the corners of her pajamas rolled up because of her sleeping position, revealing a piece of skin on her waist and abdomen.

The area on the side of the waist is darker than other places. At first glance, it looks like a shadow, but upon closer inspection, it is actually a faint scar.

Yu Ning thought of the time Ji Mingxia fell in the classroom today.

The fall was indeed very heavy, which not only woke him up but also scared away the ghost.

Is he injured and bleeding

The temperature at night was lower than during the day. Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia's exposed waist and abdomen, and hesitantly stretched out his hand, wanting to help him cover the quilt.

When his hand was about to touch the quilt, Yu Ning suddenly thought of something and his hand stopped in mid-air again.

He clenched his campus card, and after a moment, raised his hand again.

Just when he was about to touch Ji Mingxia's quilt, suddenly, a cool breeze blew in from the window.

Ji Mingxia, who was sleeping soundly, felt a chill. He suddenly turned over, hugged the quilt tightly and continued to sleep.

Yu Ning quickly retracted his hand and turned his back to Ji Mingxia.

The campus was filled with a chill in the middle of the night under a rainstorm. The sounds of rain, falling leaves, and my roommate's snoring were all intertwined.

In Yu Ning's ears, everything disappeared at that moment. Only the clear sound of his own heartbeat in his chest was beating violently again and again.