The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me

Chapter 57


It was afternoon and the weather was good. The sunlight shone on the Qingshan Spring. The gurgling spring water reflected the light of the water, and the surroundings were bright and refreshing.

A gust of wind blew, carrying the aroma of food into Bao Guangyuan's nose. He swallowed uncontrollably and took a deep breath, trying to absorb the aroma into his stomach.

Although I can’t eat delicious food, it’s worth it to take a few more bites!

He was extremely hungry, but he didn't dare to ask Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia for food.

At this point, Bao Guangyuan had completely understood everything.

Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning seemed to be willing to bully on the surface, but they actually knew everything in their hearts.

From the very beginning when they met, there was a tentative relationship of mutual distrust between them.

Bao Guangyuan and Meng Xinyi wanted to rely on the fighting power of Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia, and Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia wanted to use them to learn more about monsters;

When Bao Guangyuan and Meng Xinyi began to plan to take away Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia's resources, Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia were also using them to attract monsters to appear...

Not to mention what happened last night.

Obviously, the supplies were usually placed on Yu Ning's backpack, but last night, the backpack was suddenly filled with garbage.

I'm afraid he had already made preparations, just waiting for Bao Guangyuan and Meng Xinyi to take the bait.

When Ji Mingxia discovered that his backpack had been stolen just now, his surprise didn't seem fake. On the other hand, Yu Ning was extremely calm from the beginning to the end.

Although Yu Ning had the same expression from beginning to end, Bao Guangyuan was certain in his heart that the whole thing was within Yu Ning's expectations.

And they both lived up to expectations, one stole the garbage and ran away overnight, while the other stayed and confessed everything.

If he and Meng Xinyi had stolen something and ran away last night, what would Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia do? They were also trapped in this forest, and they should want to solve everything and get out as soon as possible.

And if, he and Meng Xinyi really had a misunderstanding last night and did nothing, what could Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia come up with today to make them confess their past

Bao Guangyuan's thoughts were flying around unconsciously and he made many assumptions.

They didn't steal anything. Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia wanted to know the truth. The best way was to tempt them with delicious food.

Thinking of this, Bao Guangyuan swallowed and savored the taste of the puffs in his heart.

If I could explain everything while eating, it wouldn't be unacceptable.

It was a pity that he had already missed this opportunity. Now he could only watch Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia eat and drink in front of him, as happy as gods.

Thinking of this, Bao Guangyuan took another deep breath, and then decided to turn his head away and stop staring at them.

Just then, a bag of sandwiches was placed in front of him.

Bao Guangyuan was stunned for a moment. Just as he raised his head, he saw Ji Mingxia walking back to his original position and talking to Yu Ning in a low voice.

And the bag of food placed in front of him was obviously left for him.

The surprise came too suddenly. Bao Guangyuan stretched out his hand hesitantly, but was afraid that Yu Ning would regret it, so he quickly took it back.

Ji Mingxia sat opposite him, noting his anxious look, and urged him, "Today is the seventh day, and we don't know when it will come back. Hurry up and finish eating and get ready."

Bao Guangyuan nodded blankly, and seeing that Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia had started eating, he also stretched out his hand, picked up the sandwich, and started to devour it.

Although Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia said harshly, in fact... they were quite soft-hearted.

At least Ji Mingxia is soft-hearted. Even though Yu Ning is cruel, he will never be a bad guy in front of Ji Mingxia.

This thought flashed through Bao Guangyuan's mind. Thinking of Meng Xinyi who had worked so hard to steal a bag of garbage in the middle of the night, he suddenly felt a little regretful for some reason.

If Meng Xinyi hadn't stolen anything and had stayed with him, she would have had a sandwich to eat now.

This feeling of regret had been spreading in Bao Guangyuan's heart since he ate the sandwich, until he saw the monster again. All his regret, pity, sorrow, relief and other emotions were completely transformed into horror under the visual impact!

Compared to yesterday, the monster's body had obviously grown a bit bigger.

Yesterday it only had three faces, today, it has five faces!

Three faces put together could still form a stable triangular skull, but five faces put together would be too much of a stretch.

Yesterday, the monster was full of broken flesh and limbs, still stuck together, wriggling forward like a mountain of flesh. Li You was hiding in the innermost part. If Yu Ning hadn't cut open the monster, no one would have discovered that she was hiding here in this way.

But now, the entire monster's flesh and blood were hanging on the ground in pieces. It was swaying as it moved, and there were holes-like gaps in its flesh and blood everywhere.

Without the strong adhesion and with the addition of two extra corpses, the monster not only did not become stronger, but instead became even more cumbersome.

Rather than thinking that it came to him on its own initiative, it would be better to think that it came to Bao Guangyuan again by accident.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon. Bao Guangyuan was washing his feet by the water downstream. Because monsters could appear at any time, he did not dare to stay too far away from Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia. There was only about twenty meters between the three of them.

At this moment, the monster suddenly appeared and stood right between Bao Guangyuan and Yu Ning.

The mountain of flesh formed by the corpses of five people suddenly appeared at the Love Spring. It was difficult to ignore it even if one wanted to.

Bao Guangyuan was caught off guard by the appearance of the monster and almost fainted from fright.

There are five faces, each corresponding to a direction, so the visual blind spots are reduced, and the distance is so close that there is basically no possibility of escape.

After being frightened, Bao Guangyuan was ready to be killed. The last thought in his mind was to be thankful that he did not steal Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia's bags and run away.

Song Yuelin and Meng Xinyi didn't know what happened, but in just a short while, both of them lost their lives.

According to Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia, Song Yuelin had nothing to eat and could only survive by eating Zhou Li's dead flesh. Later, in order to save his own life, he exposed Zhou Li's corpse to the monster and ran away on his own.

In other words, since then, Song Yuelin has lost his stable food source. He must have lived on an empty stomach and was found by the monster when he was hungry.

Meng Xinyi doesn't need to be told. She stole a bag of garbage and went down the mountain. It's been less than twelve hours now. She must have been starved to death...

He was different, at least he ate a sandwich before he died.

Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning didn't know where they bought the sandwiches. One sandwich was as big as half his face, with vegetables, ham, salted egg yolk and other delicious ingredients inside, and a thick layer of butter. After eating the whole sandwich, Bao Guangyuan still felt full.

Seeing the monster's eyes locked on him and moving the mountain of flesh shakily towards him, Bao Guangyuan touched his stomach, closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

However, he waited with his eyes closed for a long time, but there was no movement.

When Bao Guangyuan opened his eyes again, Ji Mingxia was already standing beside him, looking nervously at a place not far away.

Bao Guangyuan was stunned for a moment, and followed Ji Mingxia's gaze, only to see that Yu Ning had already started fighting with the monster at some point.

The red light moved like a sharp blade inside the monster's already tattered fleshy body. After a while, Li You, who was hiding inside, appeared again.

Compared to yesterday, Li You is even more embarrassed today.

The golden triangular emblem was pasted on the top of her head. The golden light reflected on Li You's gray face, which looked dishevelled, yet also bloody and hideous.

Yu Ning was able to gain the upper hand yesterday, and now that the monster is in this state, it is extremely difficult for Yu Ning to deal with it.

Bao Guangyuan was no longer threatening, and gradually came to his senses, saying: "I'm not dead... Why am I not dead?? :"

Ji Mingxia was relieved to know that Yu Ning was fine. He glanced at Bao Guangyuan and asked, "Do you want to accompany Meng Xinyi and the others?"

Bao Guangyuan shook his head frantically, but still couldn't help but said: "I saw it coming towards me, and facing me were Xinyi and Yuelin's faces... Could it be that after they died, they remembered the friendship between us and specially let me go?"

After hearing this, Ji Mingxia decided to tell him the truth: "If they were alive, it would be possible. But after death, they were influenced by the ring and there is no way they would have good intentions."

"That's why."

He had no good intentions. He was the last one left among the seven people, so why did they still let him go

Bao Guangyuan was puzzled.

Ji Mingxia didn't understand either.

This monster appeared suddenly, and stood right between Yu Ning and Bao Guangyuan. Logically, it should either go for the ring or Bao Guangyuan. If that didn't work, Ji Mingxia was not far away. After all, the monster also wanted to attack Ji Mingxia yesterday.

But today this monster is like a buzzing fly.

Although his target was clearly locked on Bao Guangyuan, when he was right in front of him, he seemed to be invisible and simply avoided him.

It was not until Yu Ning took out the blood-red ring that the monster seemed to come alive and ran towards the ring with a purpose.

Thinking about this, Ji Mingxia said: "What we can't figure out, Yu Ning must know. After the monster dies, we just need to follow Yu Ning."

Just as Ji Mingxia finished his words, the monster not far away was completely torn into pieces by Yu Ning's attack.

The bodies of Lv Liang, Shi Wei, Zhou Li, Song Yuelin, and Meng Xinyi were completely peeled off from the monster.

Broken pieces of flesh and limbs were scattered all over the ground. Even though he had prepared himself mentally, Ji Mingxia still felt uncomfortable when he touched those pieces of flesh.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the blood from these bodies seemed to have been sucked dry. Although it was scattered all over the ground, at least there was no scene of blood flowing everywhere or a bloody mess.

Li You, who had lost all of this, was finally completely separated from the monster's body, restored her normal appearance, and lay quietly on the ground.

Compared with the five dismembered people, Li You's body was intact and looked slender and petite.

If one had not witnessed it with one's own eyes, who would have imagined that the horrific, wriggling mountain of flesh was actually controlled by such a weak and beautiful woman.

However, Li You’s appearance at the moment is not that pretty.

Her face was pale, her eyes were wide open, her body was withered, her skin was as white as firewood, and she looked like neither human nor ghost.

On her head, the golden triangular emblem was still shining. In addition, there was a blood-red ring hanging around her neck, emitting a faint scarlet glow.

This ring is exactly the same as the one in Yu Ning's pocket. The two rings were originally supposed to be a pair of rings.