The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me

Chapter 82


Grandma Ji suddenly asked to meet Yu Ning, which caught Ji Mingxia off guard.

He was hesitant and didn't know how to respond. Just then, someone came outside the door looking for Grandma Ji, and Grandma Ji immediately got up to open the door.

Ji Mingxia breathed a sigh of relief and seized the opportunity to run upstairs.

He was still wearing yesterday's clothes and had slept on the sofa all night, looking a mess. After Ji Mingxia took a shower and cleaned himself up, he saw his cell phone lying quietly on the desk. He couldn't help but pick it up and called Yu Ning again.

A mysterious object appeared in Jiaoye Village. Ji Mingxia was full of questions and clues, and couldn't wait to share them with Yu Ning.

However, when there was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment and the voice message "The number you dialed is powered off" came again, the excitement on Ji Mingxia's face suddenly dropped.

There is still no news about Yu Ning.

Ji Mingxia spent half a month in worry and finally made it to the high school graduation ceremony.

At the same time, the college entrance examination results came out amid the anticipation of many teachers, students and parents.

Compared to Grandma Ji who was so nervous that she didn't sleep all night, Ji Mingxia was very calm. After all, this was his second time taking the college entrance examination.

The first time he took the college entrance examination, he got an average score in his world. This second time, his score couldn't be any worse than the first time.

The final result came out, and Ji Mingxia performed well as expected, so he was sure to be admitted to the school he wanted.

When Grandma Ji saw that Ji Mingxia had no problem going to college, she breathed a sigh of relief. As for which school Ji Mingxia wanted to go to and what major he wanted to study in the future, Grandma Ji was very open-minded. She respected Ji Mingxia's own choice and did not interfere with him at all.

After the college entrance examination scores are released, it is time to fill in the application form.

It happened to be the high school graduation ceremony, and Ji Mingxia returned to high school with some nervousness but also some anticipation.

After the senior year exams, the freshmen and sophomores had not yet gone on holiday, and the school was bustling with activity.

Now that they are back, the freshmen and sophomores have finished their final exams and gone home for the holidays, and in this huge school, only the seniors are walking around.

Although we haven't seen each other for half a month, when we were all sitting in the classroom, it felt like we had never been apart.

The hottest topics at the moment are getting high scores and filling out applications. There are chats everywhere, and the one that appears most frequently is Yu Ning, who won the provincial top scorer this year.

After Ji Mingxia greeted Zhao Zhuoyue and the others, he sat down in his seat.

Since he and Yu Ning were deskmates in the last few days before the college entrance examination, Ji Mingxia's seat was right next to Yu Ning at this moment.

Ji Mingxia looked at the empty seat at the same table and sat there somewhat stiffly. He did not take the initiative to chat with others, but held the ring in his hand, waiting for the arrival of the person next to him.

Time passed minute by minute, and as the class bell rang, everyone unconsciously shut their mouths and sat quietly in the classroom. Looking around, almost everyone was there, except Yu Ning's seat, which was still empty.

Just then, the sound of footsteps came closer and closer.

The only person missing from the class was Yu Ning, and everyone stretched their necks unconsciously, waiting for the owner of the footsteps to appear.

‌ seconds later, the head teacher appeared in everyone's sight and walked into the classroom with a briefcase.

Many people looked away in disappointment, and some looked at the head teacher with a lack of interest and said, "Teacher, we are about to graduate, and we still have to hold a class meeting."

"We are brought together because we are about to graduate. Please cherish this last class meeting. In the future, when you go to college and go your separate ways, it won't be so easy to get the whole class together." The head teacher said with a smile.

One classmate immediately asked, "They haven't gathered yet, where is the provincial champion?"

"Yes, why didn't Yu Ning come?"

"Yu Ning... is busy with something and has already asked for leave from school. He cannot attend the graduation ceremony this time." said the head teacher.

The whole class was a little disappointed when they heard this.

They have been classmates with Yu Ning for three years. All along, everyone has treated Yu Ning as a plague god and avoided him as much as possible.

Until the eve of the college entrance examination, with the help of Ji Mingxia, many people finally came out of their prejudice and took Yu Ning seriously.

Not only did they completely change their impression of him, but many people also felt grateful to Yu Ning because he was willing to explain the questions to everyone.

Knowing that he had won the provincial championship, everyone felt excited, proud, and ashamed. In short, it was a very complicated feeling.

Many rumors about Yu Ning have spread on the Internet. Compared with their group of short-sighted classmates, netizens not only did not despise Yu Ning's past, but instead sympathized with him and admired him even more.

Those dark times eventually became Yu Ning's medals, and he himself became a legend.

After finally arriving at the high school graduation ceremony, everyone was looking forward to seeing Yu Ning again, but to their surprise, he didn't show up?!

"What are you so busy about? You didn't even attend the graduation ceremony."

"Is it the matter of Peking University and Tsinghua University competing for talents? I see it has become a hot topic."

"Which school did Yu Ning go to in the end?"

"Teacher, have you contacted Yu Ning? Do you have any first-hand information? Which university does Yu Ning plan to go to?" A classmate couldn't help but ask the head teacher.

Yu Ning himself was not at the scene, and this matter involved his privacy, so the class teacher naturally did not want to disclose it.

Many people sighed and looked at Yu Ning's seat with regret. Then, they quickly noticed Ji Mingxia who was sitting stiffly in his seat in a daze.

"Ji Mingxia, Mingxia?" Ji Mingxia called softly from the table.

Ji Mingxia came back to his senses all of a sudden: "Huh?"

"Are you okay?" the waiter asked.

"I'm fine, what's wrong?" Ji Mingxia said.

Desk mate looked at Ji Mingxia's pale face and was about to say something, but when he saw that Ji Mingxia's expression had returned to normal and was looking at him with a smile, Desk mate said nothing more.

The purpose of the class teacher holding a class meeting is to tell everyone about the things to pay attention to when filling in the application form. These things have been mentioned many times before the college entrance examination, but after all, they are related to the students' lifelong career, so they still need to be repeatedly reminded.

After the class meeting, teachers and students of the entire grade held another next grade meeting. In the afternoon, the school arranged for everyone to take various graduation photos.

Throughout the entire senior year of high school, only Ji Mingxia's class was missing Yu Ning.

When taking pictures, I heard the teacher calling the roll one by one and saw people from other classes peeking over. Even those who didn't want to interact with Yu Ning the most couldn't help feeling a little regretful at this moment.

Ji Mingxia stood woodenly in the crowd. When the photographer gestured to start, he pulled the corners of his mouth stiffly.

With a "click", the graduation photo was taken.

It was not until this moment that Ji Mingxia suddenly remembered that he had never taken a photo with Yu Ning.

They are all boys and don't have a hobby of taking selfies on a daily basis. They thought they could take as many selfies as possible when they went out traveling, but supernatural events happened one after another and their lives were almost in danger. How could they have time to take pictures

Now, even the only graduation photo we can take together is gone...

‌After everything was done, it was already afternoon, and the teachers and students said goodbye to each other and prepared to leave school.

Ji Mingxia reluctantly said goodbye to Zhao Zhuoyue and the others. Only after all the students in the same dormitory had left the dormitory with their suitcases did Ji Mingxia slowly lower his head and no longer hide the expression on his face.

At this moment, he was standing in the middle of the dormitory, with his bed on the left and Yu Ning on the right.

Ji Mingxia put all the remaining luggage in the dormitory into the suitcase, and the bed and desk were empty.

Not only him, but everyone in the dormitory except Yu Ning had their belongings moved out.

Only Yu Ning's bed remained in the same condition as it was on the day they set out for Quanzhuang.

It has been only a little over a month since that day, but earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Ever since Yu Ning's scores were exposed, there have been a lot of news about him on the Internet. Although he has not become an Internet celebrity that has been all over the screen, at least all the students in Ji Mingxia's class in the province know him.

Since Ji Mingxia couldn't contact Yu Ning, he couldn't help but read all kinds of gossip about Yu Ning on the Internet, looking forward to the day of returning to school.

He wanted to talk to Yu Ning about the college entrance examination and Jiaoye Village, and wanted to ask Yu Ning about the ring returning to the capital. Ji Mingxia prepared countless opening remarks and speeches in his mind, and he finally waited for this day. Unexpectedly, Yu Ning did not show up in the end.

Both the online news and the teacher's testimony have proved that Yu Ning should be safe.

He just had something else to do and couldn't come back.

As for this "matter", Ji Mingxia could more or less guess it.

It should be related to the mysterious object and Pei Yuan.

The only thing is that it has nothing to do with him, Ji Mingxia...

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia raised his hand and took a look at the ring.

When they parted at the airport that day, he had already prepared himself mentally to go separate ways with Yu Ning.

It's just that the mysterious events in Jiaoye Village and the ring in his hand gave Ji Mingxia too many surprises.

Since he had not yet graduated from high school, Ji Mingxia had been waiting for the day to return to school. Unexpectedly, in the end, he would not even be able to see the graduation.

The sun sets and before we know it, it is already evening. Teachers and students leave school one after another and the entire high school campus becomes deserted.

Ji Mingxia stood in the dormitory for a long time, finally sighed softly, took slow steps, and walked out of the dormitory dragging his suitcase.

When closing the door, Ji Mingxia took one last look at the dormitory.

Although Yu Ning's things had not been completely taken away, with his graduation from high school and the beginning of a new life in college, he and Yu Ning were no longer classmates, and they could never go back to the past.

Yu Ning got the first place in the province and became the student that teachers from two famous schools competed for. He and Pei Yuan will gradually get on the right track, and a bright future is waiting for him. Ji Mingxia will also return to his own life and go to where he should go.

After graduating from high school, they will go their separate ways.

"Goodbye, Yu Ning."

Ji Mingxia whispered in his heart, and then with a creaky sound, the dormitory door closed completely, blocking the last ray of sunset outside the door.

Ji Mingxia left school with his suitcase and returned to Jiaoye Village alone.

After completing their college application forms, students have finally entered the most relaxing summer vacation of their lives.

Most students would choose to work during the summer or travel. Zhao Zhuoyue and his group also formed a group to ride a bicycle to Tibet. Ji Mingxia, who always loved to join in the fun, rarely participated, but stayed at home in Jiaoye Village for two months.

Although he lives in the countryside, Ji Mingxia is not idle every day.

After Zhou Tao broke into a private house and was taken away by the police, Zhou Mei suddenly died in the hospital that night. Then, Zhou Tao, who was originally in good health, suddenly fell ill.

Although he is a cancer patient, he has created a medical miracle over the years. Apart from his distorted facial features, he looks healthier than ordinary people.

When he was taken away by the police that day, although his face was pale and his body was twitching, he was still within the normal range.

Unexpectedly, after being put into the detention center, Zhou Tao started to behave abnormally.

First, his whole body twitched like a madman, and then, his originally healthy, plump, and youthful skin suddenly became old and shriveled.

His hair turned white and fell out at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his body was like a deflated balloon, completely lifeless.

In just a few minutes of growing old, Zhou Tao experienced countless illnesses. Malignant tumors and cancer cells spread throughout his body, and the entire detention center was filled with his screams.

Countless amounts of dark red blood oozed out of his body, and he spat out large mouthfuls of minced meat and bones. It could be said that he had "bloodbathed" the detention center.

Finally, under the dual supervision of several police officers and surveillance cameras, Zhou Tao turned into an old man on the spot at an extremely unscientific and completely unreasonable speed, and died of old age and torture.

In order to control Jiaoye Village, Zhou Tao and Zhou Mei drove away the villagers from the vegetable market and forced the entire village to shop in their small supermarket on a daily basis.

Now that the small supermarket has relocated and Zhou Tao and Zhou Mei have died suddenly, the entire Jiaoye Village has emerged from the haze, but it is still in ruins.

Grandma Ji is old, and Ji Mingxia is a newly-adult man, so naturally he has to participate in the construction of Jiaoye Village.

And because he was going to college soon and could only stay at home for two months, in order to prevent Grandma Ji from being looked down upon in the future, Ji Mingxia worked extra hard.

Ji Mingxia has worked with the villagers to purchase goods, raise livestock, and plan a new vegetable market. In the past two months, he has been extremely hard-working, but he has also learned a lot of life knowledge.

According to the official statement of the police, Zhou Mei and Zhou Tao died one after another from cancer, but everyone in Jiaoye Village knew what exactly happened.

When Ji Mingxia wanted to participate in the construction of Jiaoye Village at first, the villagers did not agree.

Ji Mingxia has now become the benefactor of Jiaoye Village. Everyone is grateful to him so much that there is no reason to ask him to work.

Besides, Ji Mingxia looks delicate and tender, and he is still a student who has just reached adulthood. He is going to go to university and live in the city. He is definitely not capable of doing the rough work in the countryside.

But Ji Mingxia insisted strongly that he must participate.

Although he was not good at many things, he worked hard and was popular with everyone. He got along well with everyone. After two months, the Ji family became the most popular family in the village.

As soon as everyone saw Ji Mingxia, they were extremely happy and liked him from the bottom of their hearts. Little did they know that Ji Mingxia was also extremely happy when he saw the villagers.

Ever since Zhou Tao's copper coin disappeared, the next day, Ji Mingxia felt that Grandma Ji looked younger than usual.

The changes were not very obvious. Although Ji Mingxia observed it, he was not sure.

Until time goes by day by day.

Ji Mingxia discovered that not only Grandma Ji, but also Aunt Cheng and all the villagers in Jiaoye Village were actually moving in a good direction.

In just two months, everyone in the entire Banana Leaf Village looked at least ten years younger.

Except for the gray hair that cannot be turned back, the villagers' facial features and body shapes have undergone great changes.

This transformation from old age to youth did not happen overnight, but rather gradually, bit by bit, just like a dead tree sprouting new buds. The entire Jiaoye Village was shrouded in a new hope.

Although Ji Mingxia was surprised about this, after thinking it over, he could only attribute it to the blood-red ring.

September came in a blink of an eye, and the university started.

Ji Mingxia entered the university in his previous life as he wished. Although it was not a top university, Ji Mingxia had studied there for half a year in his previous life and made many friends. He liked the university atmosphere very much and wanted to go back there again.

The night before leaving, Grandma Ji helped Ji Mingxia pack her luggage. She had a stern face the whole time. She was usually a silent old lady, and tonight she didn't say a word.

When Ji Mingxia looked at Grandma Ji's expression, he knew that the old lady was reluctant to let him go again.

But he couldn't expose Grandma Ji, so he could only keep counting the holidays for her: Although she went to a new school in September, she still had seven days off for National Day, three days for New Year's Day, and the winter break for the Spring Festival was just around the corner...

"As soon as the holiday comes, I will go home immediately and promise not to go anywhere. I will just farm for our family." Ji Mingxia said.

When Grandma Ji heard the word "farming", she immediately said, "Uncle Zhang said that most of the vegetables he planted didn't sprout. Looking across a field, there were only a few sparse green seedlings, fewer than the hair on his head."

"No way, I am strictly following Uncle Zhang's instructions. If other people's seeds can germinate, ours can certainly germinate as well. It's just that they are late bloomers and germinate slower than others. But they will surely all grow out by the time I come back next time!" Ji Mingxia said with a righteous indignation when he heard this.

Grandma Ji couldn't help laughing when she saw Ji Mingxia like this. She reached out and touched Ji Mingxia's palm.

The Ji family had considerable assets, and even if Ji Mingxia's parents passed away, the two generations of grandparents and grandchildren had no worries about food and clothing. Ji Mingxia had been used to a good life since he was a child. Although he lived in the village, he had never grown onions, let alone farming.

During this period of time, she worked in the fields with the villagers. Her usually fair skin was tanned a lot, and her delicate palms were also covered with thin calluses.

He tried so hard just to make her feel more comfortable in the village. How could Grandma Ji not know about Ji Mingxia's little thoughts

Grandma Ji glanced at the ring on Ji Mingxia's hand and said to him, "You looked happy on the surface these past two months, but you were actually worried about something. Grandma knows it all."

Ji Mingxia was stunned and was about to deny it, but when he looked up and saw Grandma Ji's eyes, Ji Mingxia was suddenly speechless.

"It's a good thing to go to a new place, a new school, and meet more friends." Grandma Ji said slowly, "I'm not reluctant to leave you. I just hope that you can be happier when you come back next time."

After Grandma Ji finished speaking, she touched Ji Mingxia's head like she did when they were little.

Ji Mingxia stared at Grandma Ji blankly, and felt a soreness in the tip of his nose.

But he was not a child after all, and he quickly suppressed this emotion. He nodded, and finally gave Grandma Ji a gentle hug.

After two months of peaceful days in Jiaoye Village, everyone in the village gradually recovered, and Ji Mingxia's physical condition was better than before after some exercise and training.

His fate is connected with Yu Ning's. There are no wounds on his body, which means Yu Ning must be healthy.

Everything is moving in a good direction, and it is time for him to move on from the past and embrace a new tomorrow.

The next day, after saying goodbye to Grandma Ji, Ji Mingxia dragged his suitcase and went to his new school, H University, to report.

For ordinary freshmen, college life is undoubtedly fresh and mysterious.

But for Ji Mingxia, it was just returning to the familiar campus.

Standing at the gate of H again, at that moment, Ji Mingxia felt as if he had never traveled through a book and everything had returned to real life.

He took a deep breath, and walked into the campus with his suitcase calmly and expectantly. However, the next moment, he was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

H University is just an ordinary university. Today is the registration day for freshmen. The campus is bustling, which was within Ji Mingxia's expectations.

But why... besides the freshmen, there are so many media reporters and cameras

Countless young people were walking around the campus, men and women gathered in twos and threes, and occasionally burst into screams while looking at their mobile phones.

Ji Mingxia looked at the scene in front of him and had the illusion that he was not entering a university, but rather coming to a star-chasing scene.

But after all, they were on campus, and although everyone was excited, they did not lose their composure. It was just that the overly lively atmosphere made Ji Mingxia feel a little strange.

Ji Mingxia followed his memory and came to the registration point for freshmen in their department.

During the summer vacation, Ji Mingxia grew a little taller. He was about 1.78 meters tall before, but when he was measured last week, he was almost 1.8 meters tall.

He has a good body proportion and is quite eye-catching standing in the crowd. Although his skin is a little tanned, it still looks delicate and white compared to people with ordinary skin color.

Seeing Ji Mingxia coming to register, the senior sisters who were originally sitting in the umbrella canopy stood up, looked at him excitedly and asked: "Junior brother, are you a freshman in our department?"

"Yes." Ji Mingxia nodded and submitted the information according to the procedure.

A group of senior schoolmates gathered nearby, looked at Ji Mingxia and whispered "so handsome", and then started praising Ji Mingxia from his nose bridge to his jaw line, all the way down.

After the summer vacation, Ji Mingxia had excellent hearing ability. The voices of the senior students were not loud, but he could hear them clearly.

Being praised by four girls in front of him, Ji Mingxia blushed suddenly.

As soon as he lowered his head shyly, the senior students became even more excited and started chattering with Ji Mingxia.

Although Ji Mingxia was a little reserved, he was good at communicating with people, and he was also very familiar with H University, so they had a pretty good chat.

After Ji Mingxia completed the admission procedures, the senior students looked at him and couldn't help but sigh: "The quality of our freshmen this year is too good. I really want to be your classmates. There are academic geniuses, celebrities, and handsome boys..."

Upon hearing this, Ji Mingxia looked at the senior schoolmate with some confusion, then looked at the reporters and cameras around him, and suddenly realized: "So they are here to film..." Celebrities

"Yes, everyone is here to take pictures of the academic god." The senior student laughed, "But the academic god has not yet appeared, and no one has seen him in person. I also want to see what he looks like in person, and whether he is as good-looking as the rumors on the Internet..."