The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me

Chapter 89


After brushing his teeth, Ji Mingxia looked up at himself in the mirror.

He stayed in the village for two months during the summer vacation. He maintained a regular schedule and ate a light diet. Although he got a little darker, he had made great progress in both energy and physical strength compared to before.

I thought it would take some time to adapt to the new school, but last night, Ji Mingxia not only did not suffer from insomnia, but also slept very deeply and soundly.

After waking up, he looked even better than yesterday.

After putting away the toothbrush and the toothbrush cup, Ji Mingxia slowly straightened his back and was about to leave, but when he found that Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan were still making the bed, Ji Mingxia stopped. While the two were still there, he turned sideways, faced the mirror, lifted his clothes, and secretly took a look at his injured area.

His waist was injured yesterday afternoon. Although there is no visible mark on the surface, the internal ligament was strained. Especially after nightfall, whenever he exerted the slightest force on his waist, he would feel a dull pain in his tendons.

According to Ji Mingxia's experience, if this kind of sprain is not treated before going to bed, it will often be more serious when waking up. But the magical thing is that from waking up until now, not only has he not felt any pain, but his waist muscles are even more relaxed than when he sprained it yesterday.

Although the soreness was still there, the tightness and pressure had eased a lot. It was obvious that his injury had healed a lot after a night of recovery.

Ji Mingxia hasn't seen Yu Ning since he woke up in the morning. He has no idea whether everything that happened last night really happened or he was imagining it.

The back injury recovered so quickly, either due to medication, or Yu Ning really came to his bed last night and gave him a massage.

Ji Mingxia had massage before, but his skin was relatively fair and had a thin stratum corneum. After being massaged by the doctor at the Chinese medicine clinic, he would have all kinds of sha and red marks on his body the next day.

So Ji Mingxia wanted to check if there were any marks on his body from being pressed by Yu Ning.

However, the next moment, Ji Mingxia was quickly disappointed. His lower back was smooth, and because of the clothes he was wearing, his skin was several shades whiter than his hands. Not to mention sha and red marks, there was not even a trace of the sprain from yesterday.

There were some bruises on his shoulders and back, which were marks left from the fight with Ye Chen.

There was a slight noise coming from the dormitory. When Ji Mingxia heard it, he quickly pulled down his clothes and turned on the faucet to wash his hands in a disguised manner.

After a while, seeing Luo Zixuan coming out, Ji Mingxia wiped his hands naturally, exchanged places with him, and slowly walked back to his desk.

He suddenly noticed that there was an exquisite lunch box on his desk. Although the packaging was careful and exquisite, the aroma of food was still wafting out.

Ji Mingxia was stunned for a moment. The packaging of the lunch box and paper bag was definitely not at the standard of their school cafeteria.

He turned around and looked around, and was surprised to find that there was a lunch box on everyone's desk, with the words "Butterfly Zhai" printed on the packaging bag, which showed that they were obviously ordered together.

But compared with others, Ji Mingxia's lunch box had a pot of soup next to it, which made it seem more elaborate.

Lin Cheng had just gotten off the bed and saw Ji Mingxia's puzzled expression. Lin Cheng asked curiously, "The room manager just brought it up. It was reported with your name. Didn't you order it?"

"It's not me. I just woke up. How could I decide this?" Ji Mingxia looked puzzled.

His name was on the application, and there were four people in the dormitory with it, and his was particularly exquisite and elaborate...

A name popped up in Ji Mingxia's mind.

"Could it be that Yu Ning ordered it?" Ji Mingxia guessed.

Lin Cheng was sitting opposite Ji Mingxia. When he heard Ji Mingxia's whispered guess, he immediately said, "Impossible. Yu Ning just came back and said it wasn't him who ordered it."

"Yu Ning is back?" Ji Mingxia's eyes widened. "Where is he now?"

"He left." Lin Cheng said, "When you were washing up, Yu Ning came back with the dormitory manager. After the dormitory manager handed us the lunch box, he left..."

Before Lin Cheng finished speaking, Ji Mingxia's cell phone vibrated slightly.

Ji Mingxia lowered his head and found that it was a new message from Ye Chen.

Ji Mingxia unpacked his new phone last night. He placed Ye Chen's business card and the new phone together. Thinking of his last words before leaving, Ji Mingxia added Ye Chen as a friend on WeChat while browsing the gossip.

Ye Chen passed by quickly and greeted Ji Mingxia briefly.

Ji Mingxia and Ye Chen had just met, and there was nothing much to talk about between them. After sending an emoticon package in return, they couldn't wait to follow the news about Yu Ning.

He thought that his interactions with Ye Chen ended here, but he unexpectedly received a text message from Ye Chen. First, he greeted Ji Mingxia good morning and asked about his recovery from his back injury. Then he told Ji Mingxia that he had sent four breakfasts to Ji Mingxia's dormitory, hoping that they would suit his taste.

After reading the text message, Ji Mingxia said to Lin Cheng: "This breakfast was sent by my friend."

"I told you it was related to you. The dorm manager brought it up personally. That was a great honor." Luo Zixuan, who was still washing up, heard Ji Mingxia's words and couldn't wait to run out and say, "Hudiezhai, I saw a rich man share it on Xiaohongshu. He said it's a private kitchen business. It's super expensive... Four servings at once. Mingxia, your friend is rich enough."

Ji Mingxia laughed dryly, not knowing what to say in response.

The food was indeed very fragrant and one could smell the aroma through the packaging, but Ji Mingxia felt a little weird that Ye Chen delivered the food without any prior notice and even bothered the dormitory manager.

He politely expressed his gratitude on WeChat. Seeing that Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan were looking at the lunch box curiously, Ji Mingxia said, "My friend gave it to everyone in the dormitory. If you don't mind, you can eat together."

Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan had slept all night without eating. They kept smelling the aroma of food early in the morning and were already hungry. After hearing what Ji Mingxia said, they didn't hesitate and opened their lunch boxes immediately.

As Luo Zixuan was unpacking the box, he couldn't help but say, "It smells so good... It's a pity that Yu Ning got up too early. I just bought breakfast, otherwise he could have sat down and eaten with us."

"Did you go to Yu Ning to buy breakfast?" Ji Mingxia asked.

"Yes, when he came back just now, I saw Yu Ning holding breakfast for two, but after the dormitory manager brought up four lunch boxes, he left." After Luo Zixuan finished speaking, he was suddenly stunned.

Breakfast for two

Why did Yu Ning buy breakfast for two

Ji Mingxia's expression also changed. He had just changed his clothes, so without thinking, he opened the door and walked out quickly.

The door opened with a click and quickly closed with a snap, leaving only Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan in the dormitory.

Lin Cheng had just opened his lunch box and when he looked up, Ji Mingxia was gone. He asked in confusion, "What's going on?"

"Something's happening." Luo Zixuan stared at the closed dormitory door and said deeply.

There was still an hour before class started and most of the boys' dormitory hadn't gotten up yet. The corridor was empty and one could see the whole corridor at a glance.

There was no sign of Yu Ning, so Ji Mingxia must have gone downstairs. He quickly crossed the corridor and stopped when he reached the stairs.

Under normal circumstances, Ji Mingxia could rush down this simple dormitory staircase in two steps at a time in less than a minute.

But he had just been injured yesterday, and the dull pain from the cramps was still vivid in his mind. Ji Mingxia felt a little scared when he saw the stairs now.

He held the handrail tightly with one hand and slightly raised the other hand with the palm facing down, trying hard to maintain his body balance and try not to overuse his waist muscles, moving down the stairs step by step.

Ji Mingxia’s dormitory is on the fifth floor. Normally, I don’t feel anything, but at this time, it’s like a life-threatening situation. Going up the stairs is okay, but going down the stairs is too tiring.

He held his breath and walked down carefully. He finally reached the first floor. Seeing the flat ground in front of him, Ji Mingxia breathed a sigh of relief. Just when he was about to go down, someone walked around the corner towards him.

Ji Mingxia raised his head casually and glanced at him. The next second, his gaze suddenly stopped: "Yu Ning—Hey hey!"

He was not careful and his foot slipped. Before he could finish his words, he staggered and fell forward.

Yu Ning hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed Ji Mingxia's hand that was scrabbling in the air, and supported him: "Be careful."

Ji Mingxia was held by Yu Ning and stood firm. He raised his head and smiled at Yu Ning. Seeing that there was no one around and Yu Ning was supporting him, he would not leave in a short time. Ji Mingxia took the time to say to Yu Ning: "Yu Ning, I just met Ye Tian and Ye Chen yesterday. Something happened at that time..."

Ji Mingxia had already prepared a speech in his mind. Without exposing Ye Tian's privacy, he briefly recounted what happened yesterday. The main point was that Ye Tian encountered a ghost in the library, which was the initial point of contact between the three of them.

Ji Mingxia was talking excitedly, and he thought Yu Ning would be happy to talk to him after listening, but the strange thing was that the more Yu Ning listened, the colder his expression became.

The gloomy look on his face at this moment looked even more terrifying than yesterday.

Ji Mingxia quickly reflected in his mind, wondering what he had said wrongly to make Yu Ning unhappy.

But what happened yesterday was very simple to sum up. If you remove Ye Tian’s privacy, there is nothing complicated. Ji Mingxia thought about it over and over again, but didn’t feel that there was anything wrong.

Seeing that Yu Ning was not very happy, he spoke in a lower and lower voice, and finally became silent.

Yu Ning saw Ji Mingxia stop and look at him quietly. After a long while, he said, "So the injury on your waist was caused by Ye Chen."

Ji Mingxia: “???”

Ye Chen hated him because he mistakenly thought Ji Mingxia was a stalker.

This involved Ye Tian's privacy, so Ji Mingxia only said that they met in the woods, and didn't go into details. After hearing this, most people would think that Ji Mingxia accidentally fell and injured herself. How did Yu Ning judge that it was Ye Chen's fault? !

Ji Mingxia was shocked and couldn't hide the expression on his face.

For a moment, he wanted to deny it.

But thinking that even if he didn't say it, Yu Ning would be able to guess it, lying in front of Yu Ning was tantamount to seeking death.

Ji Mingxia could only laugh dryly: "He... didn't mean it... He apologized to me right away, took me to the hospital for a checkup, and gave me the lunch box today. He just wanted to apologize!"

Ji Mingxia tried hard to explain, but no matter how he tried to make amends, Yu Ning kept a sullen face and showed no emotion.

Seeing that Ji Mingxia had stood firm, Yu Ning slowly let go of his hand.

As soon as Ji Mingxia felt Yu Ning let go of his hand, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

He felt that Yu Ning was very angry, a hundred times angrier than last night. If he didn't do something to make up for it, he would not be able to get over this matter!

At that moment, Ji Mingxia exerted force on his waist muscles without even thinking.

The sudden force on the injured part of his waist caused Ji Mingxia to lose his balance and he fell down the stairs.

Although Yu Ning let go of his hand, he stood beside Ji Mingxia. Seeing Ji Mingxia was about to fall, his face changed and he quickly reached out to support Ji Mingxia.

This time, not only did he hold his arm, Yu Ning also put his shoulder directly against Ji Mingxia's chest, blocking Ji Mingxia's way with his body to prevent any possibility of him falling.

Ji Mingxia leaned on Yu Ning, and before Yu Ning could speak, he immediately shouted: "Hey, there is one more thing, there is one more thing I need to tell you..."

As Ji Mingxia spoke, he quickly told Yu Ning about what happened in Jiaoye Village.

The affairs of Jiaoye Village are much more complicated than Ye Tian's, and cannot be explained in a few words.

There was still an hour before class. Although there were not many people in the corridors and on the stairs, there were faint noises coming from every dormitory, and many people had gotten up.

Yu Ning supported Ji Mingxia, and the two found a place to sit down. Then Yu Ning put the breakfast for two in his hand on the table so that Ji Mingxia could eat breakfast while talking about his experience in Jiaoye Village.

After talking for another ten minutes, Ji Mingxia finally finished explaining the affairs of Jiaoye Village to Yu Ning.

His prediction turned out to be correct. After listening to the story of Jiaoye Village, Yu Ning's face became calm and his attention was completely diverted. He didn't care about Ye Tian or Ye Chen at all.

Ji Mingxia was a little proud at first, but when he saw Yu Ning's face becoming more and more serious as he pondered, he gradually became uneasy: "Yu Ning... is there something wrong...

"Why did a mysterious object appear in Jiaoye Village? The villagers of the whole village were in trouble. Also, why did the mysterious object, that copper coin, disappear..."

This incident revealed many strange things, and Ji Mingxia was puzzled.

All along, he thought that he would just tell Yu Ning about the matter after meeting him. With Yu Ning's intelligence, he would definitely be able to analyze the result.

But seeing Yu Ning's serious expression at this moment, Ji Mingxia realized belatedly and felt a little scared.

After all, Jiaoye Village is his hometown. This involves not only Ji Mingxia, but also Grandma Ji and others. Ji Mingxia doesn't want anything to happen to them.

Seeing Ji Mingxia's worried expression, Yu Ning restrained his expression and said to Ji Mingxia, "You said that when you left, the situation of the people in Jiaoye Village was getting better?"

"Yeah." Ji Mingxia said.

"Then there's no problem." Yu Ning said, "Don't worry."

"But… "

"There are some doubts, and I'm not too sure, but I suspect it may be related to it." Yu Ning said, pointing to the ring on Ji Mingxia's hand.

"It?" Ji Mingxia was stunned, then suddenly realized, "You mean, the copper coins disappeared because of it?"

Yu Ning: "You know something about mysterious objects. Have you heard of this pair of rings before?"

"No." Ji Mingxia shook his head.

"Do you know what the power of the two mysterious objects is after they are combined?" Yu Ning asked again.

Ji Mingxia shook his head: "Neither."

"Maybe it's a special mysterious object, so it caused a special result." Yu Ning said to Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia thought about it and felt that this answer was vague, but barely acceptable.

The blood-red ring is a mysterious item that has not been mentioned in the original book. It is the only new item that is a perfect fusion of two mysterious items into one.

That copper coin was also not mentioned in the original book.

It is normal for two special objects to collide with each other and produce unpredictable consequences.

Besides, Yu Ning’s knowledge of mysterious objects is not as good as his. In this regard, Ji Mingxia does not expect to get more answers from Yu Ning.

"As long as the result is good, the process is not important." Yu Ning said to Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia was convinced and nodded in agreement.

Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia's silly appearance and sighed helplessly yet dotingly.

As early as in the forest, in order to deal with the monster, Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning had discussed the matter, but he didn't know about this pair of rings.

Yu Ning was now asking him back the same question that Ji Mingxia had said, but Ji Mingxia was convinced so quickly.

It was because Ji Mingxia was relatively simple-minded and also because Ji Mingxia fully trusted him. As long as he said something, Ji Mingxia would subconsciously choose to believe it.

After being persuaded by Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia temporarily put those supernatural events behind him. He turned to Yu Ning and asked curiously: "Yu Ning, how come you didn't..."

"—Yu Ning, is it Yu Ning?"

"It seems so?"

"Who is that person next to you? They are having breakfast together. Are they roommates?"

Ji Mingxia had just said half of his words when, by chance, someone who had gotten up early to go to class saw Yu Ning and whispered to him as they passed by.

Ji Mingxia quickly shut his mouth.

"Pei Yuan and the others took me to get my eyes treated." Yu Ning said to Ji Mingxia, pointing at his own eyes, "Now both eyes can maintain normal pupil color."

"Is that so? How have you been doing during this time..."

"—Hey, Yu Ning."

"Where is it?"

"Sitting there and having breakfast."

Groups of people passed by again, discussing in low voices, interrupting Ji Mingxia's words.

As the class time got closer, more and more people gathered around. Even if Yu Ning was sitting in a corner, he seemed to glow, always attracting people to look at him.

Yu Ning glanced around and said to Ji Mingxia, "It's almost time for class. Let's talk while we walk."

"Yeah, okay." Ji Mingxia nodded and stood up with Yu Ning.

The two of them walked along a small path with few people. Yu Ning asked: "Ming Xia, what did you want to say just now?"

Ji Mingxia is looking at Yu Ning.

He originally wanted to ask how Yu Ning had been doing in the past two months, why his phone had been turned off and he hadn't contacted him, and why he was now in H University, in the same school and even in the same dormitory as him...

During the summer vacation, Ji Mingxia wanted to know the answer every moment, but now that Yu Ning was right in front of him, looking into Yu Ning's black eyes, Ji Mingxia suddenly didn't want to explore it so much.

If Yu Ning has a hard time...

Anyway, Yu Ning returned to normal, had a large group of fans, and they became classmates again...

Ji Mingxia is very satisfied with the current situation.

As long as the result is good, the not that important.

Just like he couldn't wait today to tell everything, and when Yu Ning wanted to say it, he would tell him naturally without him asking.

"It's nothing. I've grown a little taller during this period of time, but I found that you are still taller than me. Did you also grow taller secretly without my knowledge?" Ji Mingxia asked.

Seeing him stretch out his hand, Yu Ning gestured the height difference between them, smiled softly, and pressed Ji Mingxia's hand down: "Don't compare, you can't surpass me."

Ji Mingxia's eyes widened: "What do you mean by that? Are you so confident?"

"Yeah." Yu Ning nodded firmly.

Ji Mingxia immediately refused to do it.

Although this was a topic he mentioned casually, it involved height, which is what men care about most. Yu Ning's annoying expression immediately hit the little self-esteem that Ji Mingxia had left.

The two of them left the boys' dormitory, laughing and arguing all the way. When they were leaving the door, they met the dormitory manager.

Although the dormitory manager sent a lunch box to Ji Mingxia, he didn't know Ji Mingxia at all, but he recognized Yu Ning right away.

"Yu Ning, you've been running back and forth several times early in the morning. What are you busy with?" the dormitory manager couldn't help but ask.

Yu Ning picked up the breakfast in his hand and said, "I just bought soy milk and forgot to bring a straw, so I went out and got two."

"Didn't Ji Mingxia from your dormitory have several breakfasts from Butterfly House? How come she didn't share any with you?" the dormitory supervisor said.

Yu Ning glanced at Ji Mingxia meaningfully: "I was delayed by something and didn't have time to eat."

The dormitory manager had a look of regret on his face: "The person who ordered the meal also ordered one for me. It was delicious. It would be a pity if I didn't eat it. Don't miss it next time."

"Okay." Yu Ning smiled and pulled Ji Mingxia out.

Ji Mingxia didn't react until he was about to separate from Yu Ning: "So you went downstairs to get a straw? I thought..."

"Why?" Yu Ning asked.

Thinking that Yu Ning came back from buying breakfast and got angry when he saw the lunch box sent by Ye Chen... So Ji Mingxia chased after him in a hurry, and as soon as he met Yu Ning, he told him everything in one breath.

After fiddling with it for a long time, the truth turned out to be that Yu Ning went downstairs to get a soy milk straw? !

Seeing that Yu Ning was still looking at him, Ji Mingxia would never tell Yu Ning about this guess, wouldn't that make him seem very narcissistic, as if Yu Ning was jealous of Ye Chen? !

Ji Mingxia shook his head repeatedly: "Nothing, nothing..."

Yu Ning noticed Ji Mingxia's stubborn look, and curled the corners of his lips, but didn't continue to expose him.

Although Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning are from the same school, they are in different departments. Yu Ning originally wanted to take Ji Mingxia to class, but was quickly rejected by Ji Mingxia.

The two people's school buildings were in opposite directions, and it took Yu Ning a long time to go back and forth even if he took the car.

Although he was injured, he was not unable to take care of himself. After saying goodbye to Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia walked towards the school building with satisfaction.

On the first day of freshman year, everyone walked into the classroom with a sense of strangeness and curiosity, except Ji Mingxia who was very calm.

He had been a freshman in his previous life, and he remembered the procedures for the start of school clearly. It was nothing more than introducing each other, holding class meetings, appointing class committee members, and so on.

Everyone looked around curiously. Ji Mingxia could have skipped the step of making friends because he had known most of his classmates in his previous life...

The only difference from the previous life was that there were two more influential figures on campus. The teacher had not arrived yet and the whole class was chattering.

At the beginning, Ji Mingxia heard most voices discussing Ye Tian.

After all, H University is not a top university or a film school. For many people, Ye Tian’s choice is simply too unexpected.

Everyone was surprised that he could be classmates with a female star, and couldn't help but guess the reason.

People sitting around Ji Mingxia in front, behind, and to his left were all participating in the discussion. Everyone expressed their own opinions and made all kinds of guesses, but no one could guess the real reason.

Ji Mingxia, who knew the truth very well, was afraid that he would accidentally let it slip, so he could only keep his mouth shut and be one of the crowd nodding in agreement.

Ye Tian's past can be found on the Internet. Because of her well-off family background, many negative news about her have been clarified and deleted. There is no other gossip about her except that she came to H University to study.

After discussing it for a while but failing to reach a conclusion, they gradually changed the topic and talked about Yu Ning.

Ji Mingxia initially thought that everyone would talk about gossip related to Yu Ning's summer vacation, but unexpectedly, as soon as they opened their mouths, they started condemning Yu Ning's former classmates.

He was an orphan since childhood and was ostracized by the whole school after he went to school. The educational resources in the county town were quite backward, and Yu Ning was not liked by the people in the city. He was bullied and subjected to cold violence wherever he went.

It is full of drama that a provincial top scholar emerged in such an extreme environment. Coupled with Yu Ning's unique appearance, there are many things to discuss about him.

"He was abandoned by his parents at birth and became an orphan. Is that his fault? Why do you look down on orphans?"

"It is said that he has been the top student in the school since elementary school, but he is still bullied. Even the teachers don't like him and never arrange for him to participate in various competitions. The school has always treated him coldly. Otherwise, with his grades, he would have been recommended for admission a long time ago..."

"It's just heterochromia, a bunch of country bumpkins who have never seen the world. Others can't even ask for eyes like this."

"But his eyes have turned black now. Is he wearing cosmetic contact lenses?"

"Yu Ning is so miserable. He grew up in a county town and has never seen the outside world. It is said that all the mobile phones he has are old-fashioned ones. If he hadn't won the provincial top scorer and received a bonus, he probably wouldn't have had the money to buy cosmetic contact lenses..."

"After thinking about it, I think his classmates are the most abominable. It's okay for the older generation to be superstitious, but it's unreasonable for young people to be like this too."

"I'd better not meet such people, or I will teach them a lesson!"

Mixed in the crowd, Ji Mingxia, who was condemned by the whole class: "..."
