The Heavenly Doctor Fengjiu

Chapter 11: Meet uncle again


A hint of surprise flashed across Ling Mohan's deep black pupils. He was somewhat surprised to meet this little beggar again here. He thought that he would leave after encountering the potential danger of Jiufu Forest, but who would have thought that he would come to this inner circle alone.

He met him in the afternoon. He was squatting on the ground digging herbs. Those herbs that seemed to be of no use to him were collected one by one. Moreover, he was alone in the inner circle, looking leisurely and relaxed, as if he was unaware of the danger.

According to his indifferent character, he would not have paid much attention to this little beggar. However, for some reason, he did not leave, but watched secretly. He watched him pick up a piece of dead wood, make a small hole with a dagger, and then sit there drilling with another smaller dead branch. At first, he didn't know what he was doing, but when he saw the wisps of smoke coming out after he drilled for more than an hour, he was even more surprised.

How could he make fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together? He had never seen anyone use such a strange method. You know, in addition to a tinderbox, you can also use a flint. At worst, you can also make sparks by rubbing two weapons together, but this was the first time he had seen a method of making fire like that.

But it was obvious that the little beggar was not unaware of the danger. After roasting the skinned snake over a small fire to fill his stomach, he put out the fire, climbed up a big tree swiftly and found a place to sleep. He was so heartless that he could even hear her snoring from here.

If Ling Mohan knew what Feng Jiu was thinking at this moment, he probably wouldn't think that way.

Originally, Fengjiu didn't notice that someone was staring at her, because she didn't sense any murderous intent around her. However, when she squinted her eyes and fell asleep on the tree, even without opening her eyes, she could feel a pair of eyes looking at her with inquiry. Therefore, she made a snoring sound, as if she was fast asleep.

In fact, she was thinking that she didn't know when the other party had targeted her, and she didn't even know that she was being targeted.

However, since the other party did not show up and did not pose any threat to her, she naturally would not expose the person in the dark, but she became secretly alert. After all, the people in this world were cultivators, and she could not treat them as ordinary people, otherwise, she would be the only one who would suffer.

The next morning, Fengjiu woke up to the sound of birds singing in the forest. Half awake and half asleep, she stretched out her hand, yawned, and stretched, but as she stretched, she lost her balance and fell from the tree.



She screamed and fell to the ground with a thud, landing in the weeds under the tree.

"Hiss! It hurts so much." She stood up, rubbed her waist and twisted it a little before she breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I didn't break it."

Not far away, lush leaves half-hid the dark figure of Ling Mohan. His deep black pupils glanced at the figure and then looked away.

He opened his eyes when the little beggar woke up, and saw that the little beggar fell down after stretching on the tree in a daze. There were weeds and soil under the tree, so it was natural that no big problem would be caused by such a fall. Naturally, he just watched coldly without helping him.