The Heavenly Doctor Fengjiu

Chapter 280: Spiritual wood!


Fengjiu wiped the Qingfeng sword in her hand clean, put it back into the sword pin with a whoosh, walked forward, and looted all the things on the Taoist priest, and finally even took the Fu Chen, because it was a magic weapon, even if she couldn't use it, she could still sell it for money.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir!"

The sound of thanks coming from behind made Fengjiu turn around and see the four ghosts kneeling on the ground with excited expressions.

"Get up! I have something else to ask you." A cluster of flames popped out from her hand and burned the Taoist's body.

"Yes, I wonder what you want to ask?" They stood up together, their bodies slightly transparent, and they seemed a little unstable.

Feng Jiu glanced at them and said, "Ghosts are ghosts. I want to know how you guys keep your souls from flying away. It makes sense that one of you turned into a ghost because of hatred and worries, but you are a family of four, right? How can you all keep your ghosts?"

"Young master, please follow us." The four men said, and took her to the back of another house and dug out a piece of reddish brown wood from the ground.

"To be honest, sir, we can gather our souls and prevent them from flying apart because two years ago a master asked for a glass of water and we made him a vegetarian meal. He said that we had no evil in our hearts and had good thoughts. He also thought of my grandson Yangyang who was still in his infancy, so he gave us a piece of sacred soul wood so that we could live and nourish our souls. He repeatedly told us not to harm others. In the past two years, we have kept this in mind day and night, and we are grateful and dare not do evil. But we didn't expect to be targeted by that Taoist priest. If it weren't for you tonight, I'm afraid we wouldn't even be able to be ghosts."

After hearing this and looking at the Soul Tree again, she suddenly realized that there was such a thing going on.

However, she asked again: "Since the master had a kind heart and you were ghosts, why didn't you hand Yang Yang over to him at that time?"


This time it was the young man who spoke. He looked at Feng Jiu and said, "We asked the master to take Yang Yang away. After all, as ghosts, we are inevitably tainted with Yin energy and we were afraid that it would be bad for the child to follow us. However, the master declined and said that when the time comes, there will be a noble person to help us. After tonight, we know that the noble person the master mentioned is actually the young master."

Fengjiu touched her chin and thought to herself: Is there such a hermit in this world who is good at fortune-telling

"The Taoist priest is dead. What are your plans next?" she asked them.

"Sir, please take Yangyang away! We, we are ghosts and cannot stay with him." The woman sobbed softly. Even though she was reluctant, there was nothing she could do.

“Sir, please take our grandson away! Sir, you are so kind, we will repay you in our next life.” The old man and the old woman bowed to Fengjiu.

The young man hugged the woman and said, "As long as Yangyang is alive, that's better than anything else. Sir, we leave Yangyang in your care. We don't have anything to give you. The Soul Wood is a top-notch spiritual object. Please take it with you!"

Hearing this, Feng Jiu raised her eyebrows slightly and glanced at them. The Soul Wood was indeed a good thing. It was an ancient sacred tree. The master who left it behind was quite generous, leaving them such a piece of Soul Wood.

However, she is a principled person and she doesn't accept everything or want everything.