The Heavenly Doctor Fengjiu

Chapter 350: Disguise and leave the city!


On the other side, Luo Yu was looking at Feng Jiu, who was walking briskly in front of him, with a bitter face: "Master, we are just going out, why do we have to make ourselves beggars?"

He tugged at the tattered clothes on his body. There were holes here and there. He didn't know which servant's clothes these clothes came from. Looking at his messy hair, it was as tangled as a bird's nest. If someone didn't know him well, they would think he hadn't washed his hair for a long time!

And his handsome and charming face, after being smeared with dust by his master, couldn't be uglier. Look at the shoes on his feet, I don't know where they were picked up from, his toes moved, and he stretched them out to cool off.

Looking like this, he is even more pitiful than the beggars in Yunyue City.

Looking at the master in front, he was also wearing tattered clothes, but they were slightly better than his. His hair was not so messy, but his face was also covered with black dust. However, his eyes were shining and very eye-catching.

Seeing her brisk steps and humming a little tune from time to time, he couldn't help but curl his lips. He really didn't expect that his master actually liked this.

Who doesn't dress up nice and clean before going out? Only this weird master does the opposite.

"This way you won't attract attention and won't cause any trouble." She turned around and smiled at him. Her half-curved eyes were like crescent moons, which made people feel good about her. However, this expression, coupled with her bright white teeth, did not look like that of a beggar.

Seeing this, he sighed and said, "Master, you are so handsome and charming that you don't look like a beggar no matter how you pretend."

"That's right, so I didn't. I just changed my clothes a little bit. I didn't mean to pretend to be a beggar!" She raised her lips and smiled, saying, "Hurry up! Don't stay in this city for too long."

"Yes." He responded helplessly and quickly followed her.

However, after following for a while, he realized something was wrong.

Looking at the person in front of him walking leisurely, he didn't even take a breath, let alone sweat all over his face. But looking at him, he hasn't even left Yunyue City yet! He is already panting and sweating.

How did she get there? How come she looked so close, but I couldn't catch up with her

"Hoo! Master, master, please wait for me!" He raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face, shouting softly.

Feng Jiu in front of him stopped and looked back. Seeing that his breathing was a little disordered, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly: "Are you tired already? It seems that your physical strength is not that good!"

Hearing this, Luo Yu stared blankly, wanting to say, it’s not that my physical strength is bad, it’s that your physical strength is too abnormal!

But in the end, he took a few breaths to slow down before saying, "Master, shouldn't we find a carriage? How long will it take us to get there at this speed?"

It would take at least three days to get to Jiufulin from here. If we really walked on foot, it would probably take even longer. It would take quite a while to go back and forth, right

However, after hearing this, Fengjiu just curled her lips and smiled, glanced at him and said: "Just follow me." After the voice fell, she continued to move forward.

Helplessly, Luo Yu could only keep walking. He really had no idea what she was up to.

Until, after the two of them left Yunyue City, in a deserted place, Fengjiu flipped her hand, and a delicate little boat appeared in her palm. As she threw it, it grew bigger in front of the two of them, and Luo Yu, who was panting and following, was shocked and cried out...