The Heavenly Doctor Fengjiu

Chapter 359: King's dominance!


The cold and sharp sword energy seemed to emit the sound of gold and jade in an instant. The sharp sword energy was released at this moment along with the pressure of the ancient beast in her body. The powerful ancient pressure was released along with her innate kingly domineering. The breath surging in the air suddenly became different.

Even the peak Jindan pressure released from the skinny old man's laughter was suppressed. It was this strong and frightening pressure that made the ghost claws that stretched out from the ground couldn't help but be startled and shrink back.

"This, this is the ancient pressure and kingly dominance!"

The four Jindan cultivators were suddenly shocked when they felt the captivating pressure and looked at the thin figure in disbelief.

Ancient pressure! King's dominance!

What is the origin of this little girl? Ancient coercion usually comes from ancient contracted beasts. Under the contract, they share the same fate, life, and coercion!

This little girl should have an ancient mythical beast!

As for the king's domineering aura, that is simply the aura of a king that only appears in legends. It is the innate aura of a king that comes from the bones and blood and cannot be cultivated later. Looking at the entire continent, only the few strong men standing at the top of the pyramid have such aura. But they didn't expect that in this Jiufu Forest, they would actually meet one who has both ancient pressure and king's domineering aura!

In an instant, it seemed as if there were countless ghost howls in the air. Those were the howlings of ghosts that could not bear the pressure of the ancient gods and the shock of the king's arrogance. They were shrill and sharp, piercing people's eardrums.

"Stand back! Just protect yourself!"

Feng Jiu gave the instructions in a cold voice, and in an instant, she flashed and faced the blood-clothed female ghost who was rushing towards her with a sharp cry, holding the Qingfeng sword.

She was extremely fast, flashing by like lightning. The Jindan cultivators could not catch sight of her movement. They only saw the dazzling light of the green sword containing a sharp aura, slashing towards the blood-clothed female ghost at a speed that was faster than one could catch a glimpse of.

The momentum was so fierce and the speed was so fast that the blood-clothed female ghost with the strength of building a foundation did not even have a chance to dodge. She let out a shrill scream and her body was split into two. It instantly turned into a dark green flame that swallowed the bloody body, as if merging into the surrounding ghost fire and disappeared without a trace.

"How dare you kill my ghost cultivator! I want you to die! Die! Die! Die!"

The skinny old man's eyes bulged open, and an angry voice came out of his mouth with a powerful pressure. Each word of "die" seemed to be magnified and condensed by the spiritual energy in his body, pressing down on her.

Shocked by the ancient pressure and kingly aura she emanated, he was stunned for a moment. However, he did not expect that during this moment of distraction, he would watch the ghost cultivator under his command, who had the equivalent of foundation-building cultivation, being split in half by the sword of that little girl, and reduced to ashes!


Under the powerful pressure from the old man, Luo Yu, who only had the strength of a great martial artist, could not withstand the pressure and murderous aura. He felt the blood in his body surging up like a flood that broke through the dam, hitting his heart and rushing towards his throat. He wanted to suppress it but failed and instead vomited a mouthful of blood.