The Heavenly Doctor Fengjiu

Chapter 59: It was a dark and windy night!


She took the sword sheath, looked at it, and said, "Check out."

The shopkeeper smiled and asked her to come to the counter, saying, "Miss, the Seven-Star Sword Set is 1.2 million, and the Silver Needle Set is 35,000. I will only charge you 1.23 million for both items. The remaining 5,000 is a discount for you. I hope you will come again next time."

After Fengjiu paid the bill readily, she put the Seven-Star Sword Sheath and the silver needle into her Qiankun bag and left with Guan Xilin.

The shopkeeper was surprised when he saw her using the Qiankun bag. Qiankun bag? It seems that the girl's family background is not ordinary! Yes, otherwise how could she buy the seven-star sword set worth millions without even bargaining!

The two bought a lot of things outside and went shopping for a whole day before returning. The person who was watching them did not leave until he saw them enter a remote courtyard, and then one of them went back to report.

In an inn, a middle-aged man was sitting cross-legged practicing. When he heard a low voice calling from outside, he said, "Come in."

A man walked in quickly, bowed respectfully, and said, "Second Master, I followed those two people for a whole day and saw them enter a relatively remote courtyard. I asked around and found out that they just moved in three days ago and claimed to be brother and sister. Also, the bag that the woman in red took out in the Treasure Pavilion today was the Young Master's Qiankun bag."

The middle-aged man's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he said in a calm voice, "A pair of brothers and sisters? Describe their appearance to me in detail."

"Yes." He described the two people's figures and appearances, and finally said: "It's just that the woman in red covered her face with a veil, so I couldn't see her face clearly."

The middle-aged man had a gloomy look in his eyes, with one hand hanging down by his side, while the other hand was clenched tightly, veins showing and making crackling sounds.

"Draw a picture of the woman in red and send it to the black market mercenary task list. Tell the people in the black market where they are staying and tell them that I want to see the woman's head the next morning!"

"Yes!" the man responded respectfully and quickly retreated.

That night, the night sky was pitch black, as if covered by a dark cloud, without a single star to be seen.

Feng Jiu, dressed in red, was lying on the roof with her back, one hand resting on her head, the other hand looking at the Qiankun bag in her hand, muttering, "It turns out there is a soul imprint inside, no wonder I was still targeted even though I changed from beggar clothes to women's clothes."

After putting away the Qiankun bag, she looked at the pitch-black night sky and sighed softly: "This feeling... How can it be so good! It's a dark and windy night, a night for murder!"

The nonchalant tone carried a hint of laziness, and a barely perceptible hint of... anticipation.

As the night deepened, Fengjiu was waiting on the roof, yawning and feeling a little drowsy.

Until the second half of the night, the moon lady peeked out from behind the dark clouds like a shy girl, and sprinkled the bright moonlight on the earth...

Four black figures came quickly with long swords in their hands and a cold murderous aura. They quickly came to the gate of the courtyard, took a deep breath and jumped up. When they were about to jump into the yard, they were startled by a voice.

"I've been waiting for you for most of the day."

When the lazy voice with a hint of sleepiness came, the four black-clad mercenaries instinctively looked in the direction of the voice.