The Heavenly Palace Master’s Counterattack

Chapter 8: The golden thigh of crossing the attack


After laughing, Mu Zirun looked at his residence with peace of mind.

It is about 30 meters square, and it is also divided into inner and outer rooms, with an area of about one to two.

There is a stone bed in the inner room, if you touch it with your hands, it will feel warm and moist. It is a strange kind of jade, and it must not be an ordinary thing. There are futons on the ground, which also seem to be made of strange materials. There are also cabinets nearby, which are almost touching the roof. When you open it, you can see that it is divided into several layers. It can store clothes, and there are also neat storage compartments.

There are antique tables and chairs outside, exuding a faint fragrance, smelling it makes one feel clear-headed, more practice will be useful. There is also a huge screen on the right side, which divides the outer room into another third, inside which are placed desks, bookcases and a soft bed for resting and resting. Apart from this, there are no other decorations.

Speaking of the whole structure, it still doesn't look like a place where handymen live.

From Mu Zirun's point of view, he is the young master of an ordinary family outside, and that's the only way to treat him—but considering that he is now a time-traveling cultivator, it shouldn't be surprising that he lives in such a stylish and tasteful residence.

After reading it, Mu Zirun went directly to the study separated by the screen and sat on the wooden chair.

Then, he placed the storage bag, jade talisman, and token Yu Tianze gave him on the table.

Now he should clean up his stuff.

Mu Zirun opened the storage bag first, reached in, and took out one by one.

Various jade bottles, thirty-five;

Custom vestments, eight pieces;

Twenty-nine low-grade instruments;

Middle-grade magical instruments, eleven pieces;

High-grade magic weapon, three pieces;

French satin, eighteen pieces;

Five elements of silk, three rolls each;

Top-grade spirit stones, two hundred pieces.

— Huh, this news is not right

Seems like a little more...

Mu Zirun looked at the "Monthly Rule" which originally belonged to the Nascent Soul Stage monk, and spread out his palm, and there was a dark object in his palm.

One foot long and half a foot wide, the shape is close to that of an IPAD.

Speaking of this "IPAD", Mu Zirun discovered it by accident after traveling. The shape is very familiar and the function is very simple. But there is no doubt that this is Mu Zirun's golden finger, and it is also the foundation of his foothold before he knew Yu Tianze.

With a finger touch, five squares are displayed on the "IPAD".

The first one is "decomposition".

Mu Zirun tried it. He once put a low-grade spirit stone on the ground in front of the "IPAD", and then pressed the block.

Soon, a ray of light erupted from the block and shrouded the low-grade spirit stone... About three seconds later, Mu Zirun felt a burst of strong spiritual energy, which almost formed a short-term airflow impact, and then drifted away, leaving On the ground, only dull, transparent stone-like things remained.

Apparently, "IPAD" decomposes Lingshi directly into aura and used up storage.

Mu Zirun "disintegrated" the transparent stone again, and in another three seconds, the stone turned into a dust-like unknown object.

The second block is "synthesis".

At that time, Mu Zirun simply pressed the square to aim at the dust-like unknown object. After the light, it turned into a transparent stone again in three seconds. He thought about it again, tried to say "absorb spiritual energy", and then pressed the block - sure enough, there was a faint flow of air. But this time it took half an hour before the spirit stone returned to its original state. According to his speculation, this should be the influence of the concentration of aura between heaven and earth.

Afterwards, he did many experiments and basically figured out the principle of synthesis.

As long as he knows the formula, and then finds something that contains the elements of the formula, he can synthesize what he wants—this is simply cheating!

Just think about it, if he used the materials needed to refine a certain kind of elixir, and then used the synthesis function of this block, wouldn't he be able to get the elixir he wanted without alchemy at all? In addition to pills, there are also refining tools, talismans... etc. All the things he wants, as long as he can get their ingredients, there will be no problem.

Then there is the "identification" block, which allows for the most thorough analysis and is also a powerful cheating ability. For example, if Mu Zirun takes a picture of an unnamed exercise, Cube will tell him all the information about the exercise—including the cultivation method and understanding of the exercise. At this point, even an idiot should know how to practice, right? And if he takes an unknown material, the cube will give all the pros and cons of the composition of the material and so on.

After that is the "Query" block, which complements the "Synthesis" block.

Mu Zirun once tried to input "Bigudan", and then a lot of handwriting appeared on this "iPad", clearly writing the origin of Bigu Dan, the formula and refining method, and even some herbal medicine substitutes. clearly. Before that, Mu Zirun decided to find a way to find it in the woods outside the sect's gate. By that time, he would have to spend a lot of money to synthesize Bigu Pill. However, before he could find the herbal medicine, he met Yu Yu first Tianze...

But this also has limitations, that is, the things to inquire must be common sense or have records, and the names must be detailed when inquiring. At this time, it will test whether Mu Zirun's thinking is meticulous.

The final square is very user-friendly and is called "Deduction".

That is to say, if Mu Zirun wants to learn a sword technique, he can first get the moves of the sword technique through "query", and then through the "deduction" box, he can get several or even more monks with different cultivation levels. A rehearsal of moves.

There are also limitations, in that the interpreter can only be dead or immortal, and cannot still live in the same world as Mu Zirun.

To sum up, if Mu Zirun got this "IPAD", unless he is a hopeless idiot, otherwise, no matter what, he can make his own way—the golden fingers are almost turning into golden thighs, so let him find a It's just the material, it's easy enough.

So at that time, after figuring out the usefulness of this... artifact, or switch, or simply called "system", Mu Zirun only felt that he had been hit by a big piece of pie, and he began to have some hope for future cultivation. a series of plans.

But now Yu Tianze has taken him in as a handyman, and he has generously delegated power to resources... Mu Zirun feels that his planning can be made more comprehensive, and his goal can be achieved faster.

Therefore, Mu Zirun has already known the monthly schedules of all monks of different levels in the whole sect through "inquiry" for the convenience of planning. Of course, he also knows the monthly schedules of Master Yuanying very well.

Lingshi, silk, dharma satin, and custom-made robes have not changed, but there are more pills and magic tools than the reference given by the system.

But if it is from the past, it seems that there are not enough

After Mu Zirun thought about it, he still guessed that there were not enough of them, probably because Yu Tianze used them to pay respects to Immortal Ming Yuan. Even he, when he heard about Yu Tianze's prestige, he also heard that Master Ming Yuan is the only person who can control Yu Tianze, and Master Ming Yuan's reputation of pure kindness... It's not easy to think about it. Strange.

But at this time, I figured it out, Mu Zirun's original feelings for Master Mingyuan became a little subtle.

Although it is said that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to endure... But the things in the storage bag, after deducting this month's monthly allowance, there are not many things left at all. , and the rest were handed over to Ming Yuan.

Moreover, I heard that Daoist Ming Yuan is very generous to his juniors and often rewards him... After seeing this simple, rude and innocent peak master, and then thinking of the not-so-good reputation of the peak master and Daoist Ming Yuan's good reputation, I always feel that What's wrong.

The good things in the hands of Daoist Jindan must not be so divergent. It is conceivable that Daoist Mingyuan is generous, and most of the generous ones belong to Yu Tianze. At the same time, Yu Tianze is still considered a "moody" Leaving aside whether Yu Tianze is really that bad-tempered or not, at least Mu Zirun himself only saw that it was funny.

In particular, as a master, Master Ming Yuan is not capable enough to give more to his disciples. It is fine to receive filial respect from his disciples, but he has almost empty his storage bags. I have built a good reputation, but I didn't see him being able to help my apprentice to rectify his name... Is he treating this apprentice Yu Tianze sincerely

Mu Zirun's expression was a little weird.

He was thinking that Yu Tianze had never moved out before, but recently he moved out, and this month's monthly bills were all given to him as a handyman, and he also declared that future monthly bills would be collected by him... Did he also notice something

if it is like this…

After coughing lightly, Mu Zirun smiled gently.

After that, he only needs to test a little bit, and he can know how he should deal with that real Ming Yuan in the future.

Then, Mu Zirun packed all the things in the storage bag in the cabinet, and picked out four or five items that were not very useful in the low-grade magical artifacts, and prepared to take them out in exchange for some spirit stones—it was nothing else, high-grade spirit stones He can't use it now, the amount of spiritual energy inside is too large, and if he is not careful, his meridians may be ruptured.

To draw Qi into his body, he always needs spirit stones.

In addition, Mu Zirun is going to get some ingredients, the boss pays him a lot, so he has to please the boss, right? At present, there is almost nothing he can do in this place, even if he wants to clean the palace. He has observed just now that there is no dust at all in this place. The so-called care is just a word, and there is no need to really do anything.

After thinking about it, he stood up and walked to the study that Yu Tianze had told him about.

The study room was very big, and the formulas for controlling demon spirits were placed on the desk, which seemed to be very simple formulas.

Mu Zirun doesn't have spiritual power yet, so he can only read these formulas. When he has spiritual power, those demon spirits will listen to his orders at any time as long as he has a thought.

But at this time, he still had to go to the mountainside to summon them.

After Mu Zirun's body soaked in the spiritual spring, his quality improved slightly, and he wasn't too tired when he went down the mountain. He just hung up the token, and slowly came to the mountainside, just about to call out the magic formula to gather the demon spirits.

Unexpectedly, before he could say anything, three short shadows had already rushed over quickly, just stopping at the lower part of the mountainside.


"Master Mingyuan has a message."

"Little slave... please see the master."

Mu Zirun raised his eyebrows, becoming a little interested.

This is really "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives"

...Why don't you just take this opportunity and test it out

The author has something to say: I really think that some Gu Liang didn't know about it before... The one who helped Tianze in the previous life is also Mu Zirun now. His name before time travel was Mu Zirun, and the child paper possessed by him was originally called Goudan or something easy to feed...