The Heavenly Palace Master’s Counterattack

Chapter 91: An apprentice with a big brain


Yu Tianze hasn't adjusted his mood yet, but he doesn't feel that his apprentice is an illegitimate child of God, so Ming Yuan made him cannon fodder to fulfill his apprentice—just think about it, maybe if there is no fairy palace to let him see Ming Yuan's true face He will be stupid all his life, so there is a kind of weird "Anyway, it's nothing if it's given to the apprentice, but it's not given to others."

... Such a feeling.

The layout of the cave is no different from what I saw in my previous life. It can be said that the road is smooth, but the more you go inside, the narrower it becomes. Yu Tianze went straight to the cave to avoid the fire-horned python—that thing is very thick. Escaping from the depths, the road is also narrow.

If it weren't for Yu Tianze's thin and slender figure in his past and present lives, he might have been really stuck in the middle of the road.

Soon, after about a hundred steps, the light in front became brighter.

At this time, Yu Tianze stopped slightly.

Behind him, Mu Zirun followed suit.

Yu Tianze handed out his hand: "Take me as a teacher."

Mu Zirun's eyes moved slightly, and he put his hand up.

Afterwards, Yu Tianze held Mu Zirun tight and took a step forward—

Immediately, the sky spun, and a ray of light enveloped the two of them together.

And the master and apprentice also entered another world.

After Yu Tianze got down on the ground, he looked at his palm.

The apprentice who was originally held by him is not here... This is not surprising.

Of course, it is impossible for two people to go to the same place in the test of Asgard.

However, since you can accept the test as long as you find a place, you may not have to let only one person enter the test alone at a time—so he did an experiment, what would happen if he and his apprentice stepped into the depths of the cave at the same time?

Because he paid attention early, Yu Tianze could see very clearly that the light that took him away in his previous life engulfed both him and his apprentice at the same time, and the place where he is standing now is also a place of testing like in his previous life.

His apprentice, he should also be tested in another dimension.

However, he didn't know what kind of test he was going to go through.

After putting aside the matter of his apprentice, Yu Tianze focused on observing the situation at this time.

Perhaps this test really varies from person to person, and it is also possible that everyone who comes to take the test for the first time will encounter the same situation. What other possibilities are there? Who can say clearly

But no matter what, for Yu Tianze, what he meets now is indeed exactly the same as what he met in his previous life.

The first thing he met was the Bone Erosion Beauty Formation.

Well, this is a phantom formation, and what evolves is an endless stream of stunning beauties, including all types, no matter if they are weak, gorgeous, charming, enchanting, pure, or elegant and beautiful. , otherworldly, pure and good-looking to the extreme.

In short, everything you can think of can be seen here.

Moreover, there are men and women in each type, entangled one by one, the combination of those postures and phantom formations does not even have a trace of exaggeration, one is better than the other in acting, and the other is more natural than the other.

It's really dazzling, I can't wait to hug a few big quilts to sleep together.

Yu Tianze: "..."

To be honest, the Beauty Front is indeed a necessary item in many tests, but this item is often the most superficial and most effective item in the test.

Regardless of whether the monks become immortals or not, how many of them have cut off the seven emotions and six desires

As long as you are a little indulgent and see something that suits your eyes, coupled with the confusion of the formation, you will be caught in a loophole in your state of mind, and you will fall into deeper confusion, and you will forget your purpose.

However, Yu Tianze just stared blankly for three seconds.

Then with a wave of his sleeve, he dispelled the formation.

The faces of these people are ordinary, not to mention not pleasing to the eye, and the dangling looks are disgusting.

Even in his previous life, he had successfully broken through the first hurdle with just a glance.

At the same time, Mu Zirun, who was going through the same level in another dimension, also synchronized with his master's thoughts to a certain extent.

After seeing this dizzying beauty, his first thought was...

"No one looks better than my master, and dare to confuse me?"

Afterwards, naturally he waved his hand casually, and Shi Shiran walked straight ahead.

Having no time to stay here, Mu Zirun only thought to himself: This looks like a test, so let's rush through it so that we can meet the master...

The master and the apprentice went through the levels separately. There are seven levels in total. The first level is sex, the second level is wealth, the third level is wine, the fourth level is Qi, the fifth level is patience, the sixth level is will, and the seventh level is It is about understanding.

After breaking through the first hurdle, the second and third hurdles are easy to solve, but the fourth type of "qi" is a battle of will and spirit in the cultivation world.

Who doesn't pay attention to appearance these days? If you want to talk face-to-face, of course you can't speak well. If you don't speak well, then many times when someone slaps you in the face, you have to slap him back immediately.

Ever since, this "spirit" is very difficult to solve, and everyone's solution is different.

However, for Yu Tianze and Mu Zirun, their attitudes are more consistent.

If you have a grievance, hold a grievance, and have a grievance, and revenge-please be kind and enmity!

If you can't step back for a while, then you can step back when your strength is strong, so that you can understand your thoughts. After you understand, you will naturally lose your spirit.

There's absolutely nothing to fret about.

So, this hurdle actually passed.

Mu Zirun frowned.

Perhaps, this is just a test of the passer's attitude towards life? Just don't babble... Probably.

Later, patience and will were actually tested together. Yu Tianze was firm in his will, but his patience was not very good, but even though his patience was not very good, when he needed patience, he could rely on his will to get it done, so he passed the test smoothly. As for Mu Zirun, he became a business tycoon from scratch in his previous life, and he has experienced countless setbacks. There is no problem in willpower, but in terms of patience... the most important thing he lacks is patience.

Comprehension until the last level.

Yu Tianze, who has been able to rely on his comprehension since he was a child with three spiritual roots, can make his own cultivation speed comparable to that of double spiritual roots or even a single spiritual root: "..."

Mu Zirun, who broke through to the Nascent Soul in decades with the help of the system and without the guidance of a master in his previous life: "..."

What they are facing is the chaotic pattern that is almost a wall, which dazzles the eyes, and what they need to do is to extract at least three sets of exercises from this pattern.

Limited to three hours.


Three hours later, Yu Tianze opened a door, and Mu Zirun also opened a door, and the two met in front of a light curtain.

Yu Tianze comprehended three sets of thunder and fire attributes, including the hammer method and two supernatural powers.

Mu Zirun comprehended three sets of ice-water attribute exercises, including three supernatural powers.

This time, both of them passed through the level smoothly, and they couldn't tell who was up.

—Here, one's own realm cultivation is irrelevant, and one can only rely on one's own consciousness to break through the level, which is generally fair.

But it was also because of this kind of fairness that neither of the two people after the test could get the treatment Yu Tianze received in his previous life.

Yu Tianze glanced at his apprentice.

In his previous life, after passing through the seven levels, what appeared in front of him was not a light curtain but a light ball, and farther away stood an extremely majestic and gorgeous fairy palace. ball, you can smoothly integrate Asgard into your body.

After that, the light ball will rush over automatically. Straight into his forehead.

This time, there is no such treatment.

Mu Zirun didn't know what his master was thinking, so he just walked over quickly and quickly grabbed Yu Tianze's hand: "Where did the master go? This disciple is so worried!"

Yu Tianze: "... how did you pass the seven levels as a teacher?"

Mu Zirun's heart moved slightly, and he also said with a smile: "The disciple has also passed the seven levels, thanks to Master's daily teaching."

Yu Tianze was quite satisfied.

Although most of the things that the apprentice encountered during the pass were just for his personal test and had nothing to do with him as a master, but what the apprentice said was enough to prove that he was a person who never forgot the kindness of the teacher, and it really, really made him very happy. happy.

Mu Zirun saw that his master's expression was relaxed, and he was going to continue to say a few "sweet words". Isn't the atmosphere just right in such a closed space in the world of two people

Only the next moment, his expression changed.

At the same time, Yu Tianze's expression also moved slightly.

It turned out that before the two masters and apprentices had spoken a few words, a strong consciousness had entered their minds respectively. The implication was that both of them had excellent aptitude, good comprehension, and their aspirations met the regulations, but there was only one in the Immortal Palace. But there are two heirs, so another screening has to be done.

Plan 1, two people fight after suppressing their strength to the same level, and whoever wins will inherit.

Option 2, two people negotiate on their own who will inherit.

Of course, that consciousness also said that everyone should not be afraid. After being recognized as the master of the Immortal Palace, you can rely on the defensive ability of this thing to escape thousands of miles. Ordinary people can't break through at all, so you don't have to worry about killing people and killing people. Moreover, Asgard has many attack methods, if...

The unfinished words behind are simply revealed.

According to the normal situation, something coveted by Asgard is of great help to any monk. Even if the aptitude is excellent, he can use it to reduce the time of cultivation and improve his own strength as soon as possible without any hidden danger. .

Although the monk is not confused by foreign things, he is definitely unwilling to let go of things that are about to be obtained in a dignified manner.

Therefore, a big fight is inevitable. If a person is good in all aspects but has a low character, it is impossible to kill each other—otherwise the other will directly leak the news of Asgard after going out, so what should we do

Option one is the best option.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Mu Zirun took a step back and directly chose the second option: "The disciple's cultivation base is weak, and the fairy palace is more useful in the master's hands. Naturally, it is best for the master to recognize the master."

Yu Tianze's mood became complicated again.

He could see that his apprentice's intentions were sincere, but it was precisely because of this that the contrast between the two lives was so sharp that he was a little speechless for a while.

Mu Zirun didn't have so many thoughts, his mind was full of only one thought.

Let Master live in the house he gave...

Live in the house he sent...

The house he gave...

The Immortal Palace is much better than the Thunder Fire Palace. Although the Immortal Palace is now divided equally between two people, it can be regarded as his gift for such a renunciation. If he is lucky, he will catch up with the master in the future. If you get married in this house, maybe you can stay in the best room inside, hehehe.

Then he remembered what the master would look like in red at that time, what he could decorate the new house of the master, maybe there would be a better bath in the fairy palace

The consciousness in his head suddenly ran eight hundred miles, becoming more unrestrained.

After thinking about it, Mu Zirun didn't forget the business, he directly raised his head and said, "I, Mu Zirun, give up the inheritance of the fairy palace! Please send this inheritance to the young master!"

Having said that, there is no doubt about it.

A ball of light, just like the one Yu Tianze had seen in his previous life, got into the center of his brow.

Mu Zirun looked at Master's refinement with his eyes closed, and thought secretly: Is it considered a "betrothal gift"...