The Hegemonic Emperor

Chapter 16: A big fist is the last word


Gradually, Zhou Tian entered the depths of the sunset forest.

The dark fragrance is rich, and at a glance, in the night, empty and ****, desolate and gloomy.

Occasionally there are three or five fireflies flying, but the halo is blurred, and you can't look closely, and there is a tingling in your eyes. This halo can confuse the nerves.

As the emperor's Eucharist, Zhou Tian took a closer look and felt a sting in his eyes.

Zhou Tian is the first person who dares to enter the depths of the sunset forest.

After searching in the forest for a long time, I saw a few black boa constrictors and a few black spiders the size of a house, but I never encountered a mount that I liked.

After a long time, Zhou Tian's body began to get hot, and the Emperor's Eucharist resisted the environment here.

After searching carefully for half an hour, Zhou Tian finally encountered a beast like a beast, a lion with first horns and a one-eyed abdomen.

The eyes are crimson, the fangs are dense, and they are fierce and powerful.

After seeing Zhou Tian, this earth-eyed lion rushed over involuntarily, opened its blood basin, and intended to swallow Zhou Tian.

Compared with the earth dragon in the marshland before, this earth-eyed lion is equally dangerous. Not many fierce beasts in the sunset forest are weak to deceive.

Zhou Tian smiled angrily: "I won't trouble you, you dare to trouble me."

He took the initiative to rush, his punch was gleaming, the thunder arc was flashing, and the speed was extremely fast, carrying the mighty force, and his punch landed on the bridge of the nose of the lion's nose.


The earth-eyed lion suddenly felt that the sky was spinning, and the six gods had no masters, and the entire huge body building would be dumped and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

Comparing with the power of the flesh, a fierce beast like the earth-eyed lion can ignore the human race, but it is a pity that he has encountered an emperor's Eucharist like Zhou Tian.

Kicked this huge ground-eyed lion with one kick, like kicking a larger ball, knocking over many towering old trees in the forest.

In this area, the mountains shook.

Zhou Tian didn't kill a killer, leaving the life of this earth-eyed lion, because he didn't know whether there would be people from the rest of the dojo coming to this sunset forest in the future.

If it comes, this earth-eyed lion should be able to eliminate some of its competitors for Zhou Tian.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Zhou Tian felt that if he attacked the disciples who ranked higher in the other dojos of Vientiane Academy, it would undoubtedly be a very hateful thing.

You can use the hand of the fierce beast in the Secret Realm of Vientiane to solve some of the competitors, so why not do it.

Tang Hua was also afraid that after the scourge of Zhou Tian came to Vientiane Secret Realm, he would annoy himself, but Tang Hua didn't say anything.

Once these words were said, it kind of shocked the enthusiasm of the entire Qingfeng Daochang.

Zhou Tian continued to explore.

After a while, he encountered another weird-looking bronze bull. After he solved the bronze bull with a punch, Zhou Tian decisively left the place where the crime was committed.

He wants to find a wing tiger, or a fierce beast like Qingpeng, a fierce beast with wings, and it will be more convenient to drive in this mysterious land of Vientiane, and control the air.

When you encounter a hard idea, you can run faster.

After wandering in the depths for a long time, Zhou Tian never found the wing tiger and Qingpeng.

Muttered in his mouth: "It seems to be the same as the little princess said. This map is not so effective in some cases. It's not that there are wing tigers and Qingpengs in the sunset forest.

As a result, none of them were seen. "

As he walked, Zhou Tian suddenly felt his horror, feeling like he was staring at him by a giant.

The pores all over his body shrank, Zhou Tian leaped lightly, and quickly left this place of right and wrong.

He whispered in his heart to the Wuming finger, "Is it possible, I accidentally entered the Beastmaster's domain just now."

Just like that swamp, the earth dragon is the beast king there.

No matter which mountain top, there is always a handle-level existence.

The nameless pull finger said: "It's good if you know, the blood level of the beast king is not low, and it has a good sense of wisdom. If you didn't have the ground-eyed lion and the bronze bull, I am afraid that you will be out of the game just now."

Zhou Tian asked helplessly: "Why didn't you talk about such an important thing earlier?"

The nameless puller pointed: "If I need me to give some advice, what use is it for you? You came here to look for a mount, and I didn't come here to look for a mount."

Sunday: "..."

After a period of search to no avail, Zhou Tian could only choose to leave this sunset forest.

But before leaving, he accidentally found a weird dragon with two wings.

It has a dragon head, dragon tail, and dragon claws, but it's slightly fat, like a large lizard, with golden eyes, a pair of wings that are jet black, and the entire dragon body is jet black.

The size is not that huge, with its wings spread out, it is almost three feet in area.

But this weird dragon showed the coercion of the peak of Yingxu.

Zhou Tian was also under great pressure.

I wanted to find a soft persimmon and squeeze it, but I came across a hard persimmon. In terms of appearance, this winged dragon is the best choice for a mount.

As long as it is a dragon, no matter what kind of dragon it is, for most fierce beasts, there is a sense of oppression from the depths of the bloodline.

This feather dragon looked at Zhou Tian indifferently, and was able to speak, "Boy, what kind of physique you are, in this sunset forest, you can move freely."

The fierce beasts that can speak are very unusual.

Zhou Tian subconsciously urged the true essence, and the Secret Snake was all over his body.

The thunder light illuminates the entire sky.

Zhou Tiandao: "You don't care what physique I am. I came here just looking for a mount."

"If you are willing to be a mount for me, let's stop fighting, and you don't need to be injured."

When he said this, Zhou Tian had no bottom in his heart.

The feather dragon grinned, and its fangs were three feet long. No matter what kind of fierce beast, a bite by such a feather dragon would bring a large piece of meat away even if it didn't die.

He rushed towards Zhou Tian with a thunderous force.

Zhou Tian hardened his scalp and urged the thunder hand. In the night, many lightning bolts were born for no reason, and they crackled down towards the body of this feather dragon.

It just hit countless electric flints, and didn't hurt the opponent at all.

The dragon claw slapped, and Zhou Tian fisted to meet him.


There was a loud noise, and a strong wind blasted out, which uprooted many towering trees around, and floated above the sky of night, like duckweed in the wind.

A huge force fell on Zhou Tian, and Zhou Tian grinned in pain.

This feather dragon was also uncomfortable, its huge body retreated again and again, and the dragon's claws froze.

Opening the mouth of the blood basin, there was a blazing fire in the mouth, and the flame expanded, forming a dragon shape.


, The dragon-shaped fire wave bursting out of the mouth of Yulong, rolling towards Zhou Tian.

The collision between thunder and fire does not take advantage. It requires water attribute techniques to restrain this feather dragon's innate supernatural powers.

Zhou Tian didn't stand up front, teleporting left and right, avoiding this sinister move. He had a plan in his heart.

Looking back, the woods, flowers and trees behind him became a sea of fire, with no life left.

Zhou Tian touched the cold sweat on his forehead and said with a smile: "Yes, such a powerful trick, as my mount, on the contrary, it can solve a lot of competitors for me."

Yulong scorned and shouted, "Human race boy, just because you want me to be your mount, I'm afraid it's really crazy."

Under the anger, another wave of fire came.

Zhou Tian hit the ground with a palm.

Then, a wide range of lightning flashed across the ground, and then countless lightning flashes rose from the ground to disperse the impact of the fire waves.

A sturdy thunder and lightning crashed into Yulong's throat.

At this moment, Yulong felt that his breathing was unstable and his true essence was disordered.

Unexpectedly, when Zhou Tian was avoiding just now, and secretly figured out his tactics, while weighing Yulong's lethality, he looked for opportunities to counterattack.

Zhou Tian's lightning hand has been practicing for a long time, and he has been able to control the lightning form anytime and anywhere, and attack his opponent by surprise.

Only one step away, Zhou Tian can cultivate into a lightning trigger, and once he has cultivated into a lightning trigger, he can summon the sky thunder and crush his opponents strongly.

However, judging from the current state of Zhou Tian, it will take a while to cultivate into a lightning striker.

After Yulong was caught off guard, how could Zhou Tian let go of such an opportunity, a teleport, and rode on Yulong's neck.

Toward the back of Yulong's head, a round of chaotic fists fell like raindrops, and every fist was full of thunder and strength.

"I let you be my mount because I can look down on you. As a result, you don't know how to lift up. I can only educate you so well."

Bang bang bang!

A punch is more powerful than a punch.

The dragon scales born from the feather dragon's head are extremely strong, not suffering from swords, spears, swords, and halberds, but Zhou Tian's punch came over and penetrated into the feather dragon's body with sheer strength.

After dozens of punches in a row, even this feather dragon couldn't bear it.

The dragon's body lay weakly on the ground.

Zhou Tian said, "Are you convinced?"

After suffering a round of chaotic punches, Yulongyan pretended to be a gold star, and he had to be convinced if he refused.

Replied: "I take it, I am willing to be your mount."

Zhou Tian smiled triumphantly and said, "Yes, I know the current affairs very well. If you started this way early, you don't have to suffer from this flesh and blood."

"The map is inaccurate. There are not only wing tigers, Qingpeng, but also strange dragons like you in the sunset forest."

Yulong said, "I also just entered this sunset forest. I am not from the sunset forest."

Zhou Tian was puzzled and asked: "Why is this?"

Yulong said: "This is a long story."

Zhou Tian landed another punch on Yulong's forehead, and said angrily: "Since it's a long story, let's keep it short."

Yulong had a terrible rage in his heart, but he couldn't vent it. For no reason, he received another heavy punch. After Lao Tzu came over, he would have to pay you back ten times.

If it hadn’t been suppressed by the sunset forest, it would never end up in such a field...

(End of this chapter)