The Hegemonic Emperor

Chapter 40: crisis


At first glance, it is radiant and colorful, and floating nebulae can be seen everywhere, as if they have come to the land of the Milky Way vortex.

After getting a piece of celestial mother gold, Zhou Tian was quite rewarding at first, but after a closer look, there were celestial mother gold floating everywhere.

Suddenly, Zhou Tian felt a little uncomfortable, this time he was short-sighted.

The Wanling Star Stone said: "Don't be too happy at this moment. This belongs to a small galaxy world. When you get something, you are very likely to suffer the backlash of the power of the stars."

"As you can see, some nebulae contain violent energy factors. Once aroused, you will all die except me."

Zhou Tian looked carefully, and there was even a piece of star gold that had been in the nebula for many years, and it had evolved into the shape of a warrior. It was a short and powerful dagger, with stars shining brightly on it.

In the distance, there are still scrolls floating one after another. It is hard to imagine what is inside the scrolls.

Zhou Tian is about to run out of water, this terrible place, really has the treasures of heaven and earth.

But at the same time, dangers coexist.

An ice snake, swimming from a distance, looks like an ice snake, but in fact it is a concrete manifestation of the power of the starry sky, oppressing towards Zhou Tian.

Just as Zhou Tian was about to sacrifice the water of the Styx, the Wanling Star Stone reminded: "You must be presumptuous. The quality of the water of the Styx is too low to be comparable to the power of the already rich starry sky. Once the water of the Styx becomes dark If the power of evil is violent, it will only attract a greater rebound."

This is not okay, that is not okay, Zhou Tian asked in a low voice: "In your opinion, what should be done."

Wan Ling Xingshi said: "I'm coming."

Zhou Tian was stunned, thinking carefully, the power of the starry sky of the Wanling Star Stone was not weak at all.

Throw out the all-lings star stone.

With a bang, it landed on the snake head of that ice serpent, and a mass of ice fragments exploded. Then, the Wanling Star Stone emerged with the Milky Way vortex anomaly, which powerfully refined and absorbed the ice serpent.

Zhou Tian took back the All Souls Star Stone, and suddenly felt that the weight of the All Souls Star Stone was even heavier.

Curiously asked: "We don't know much about this place. I also know some good things. I can only watch it. It's not what we deserve."

"But you can screen for us, which ones are available to us?"

After the Wanling Star Stone swallowed the strong power of the starry sky, he said with a little pride: "You don't have the power of the starry sky in your body. Even if you have obtained one of the exercises here, you can't practice it."

"The key lies in how to have your starry sky power here."

Zhou Tian continued to ask: "Please also give me some suggestions."

Wanling Star Stone became even more proud, and said, "Then you beg me."

Ye Lan chuckled aside, the voice of laughter was particularly moving.

Zhou Tian's face was a little ugly, he clenched the Wanling Star Stone, and threatened: "Blood, are you afraid of it?!"

As soon as the Wanling Star Stone heard this, he was shocked. The blood of this freak had tremendous damage to the Wanling Star Stone.

Quickly respond: "You only need to practice here for a while, through meditation, subtly introduce the power of the starry sky into your body, refining and condense the source of the power of the starry sky, and that's it."

Zhou Tian touched his chin and thought about it carefully. The power of the stars here is indeed strong.

After taking a look at Ye Lan, he asked softly, "Sister, you were outside before

Breath, is the power of the stars introduced into the body? "

Ye Lan said: "A little bit, but the power of the starry sky outside is not too strong, the power of the starry sky here is quite violent, I am afraid it is not easy to refine."

This is also true.

There is no problem with Zhou Tian. As for Zhou Shu and Ye Lan, it is estimated that they are a bit hanged.

However, Zhou Tian is not in a hurry, since he is here anyway, he is afraid of not getting rich.

The Wanling Star Stone reminded: "You have to think carefully. The process of refining the power of the starry sky is painful. A little carelessness will burst your dantian, and your cultivation will be abolished. Just leave. In the Vientiane Secret Realm, if you return to the Vientiane Academy, your cultivation will be abolished."

"Risks and benefits coexist. This time it is 50-50. No one can guarantee that there is nothing wrong."

Hearing this, Zhou Tianyi was a little melancholy.

After thinking about it carefully, he said to Ye Lan: "Senior Sister, you and Zhou Shu are here to tentatively refine the power of the starry sky. I will give you two guardians."

Ye Lan said, "Or I will protect the Fa, and you two will practice."

Zhou Tian surely shook his head and said, "No, the combat power of the two of you, He Yan and Nan Yun before you are not necessarily opponents, I have the water of Styx."

"You can restrain them."

"Although He Yan and Nan Yun are in different directions from us, it is difficult for us to guarantee that those two guys will come back."

"I also regretted that I didn't kill both of them at that time."

After hearing this, Ye Lan frowned slightly, nodded and said, "Then it's hard work for the younger brother."

Zhou Shu is his own, and there is no need to explain anything extra.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Shu and Ye Lan sat on the ground and began to subtly vomit the power of the stars here.

Zhou Tian asked secretly: "I know you have a way to protect the two of them, please."

This time, he didn't threaten the Wanling Star Stone, but made a serious request.

The Wanling Star Stone was also a little surprised, but the tone was still very rigorous, saying: "How can I protect the two of them?"

The existence of the power of the starry sky naturally knows how to restrain the power of the starry sky.

The Wanling Star Stone was reluctant to say more at this moment, and Zhou Tian did not force the Wanling Star Stone. If the Wanling Star Stone was not threatened, it would be no fun if a fish died and the net broke.

Moreover, this chaotic star pile is almost the home of the Wan Ling Xing Stone. If the Wan Ling Xing Stone suddenly awakens the ability to take the initiative to attack, mobilize the power of the stars here to attack Zhou Tian and the others, that would be bad. It's over.

Zhou Tian waited hard to prevent He Yan and Nan Yun from coming back.

On the right side of the Xingchen Cave.

After He Yan and Nan Yun came here, they first got a piece of mother gold, and they felt that the harvest was pretty good.

However, as he continued to explore, he either encountered ice serpents and beasts transformed by the power of the stars, or encountered obstacles from various formations.

This makes it difficult for these two people to move here, their personal strength is indeed good, but this chaotic pile of stars is coming, and they can't guarantee that they will be able to retreat.

He Yan said, "Otherwise, let's look at it in another direction. This road is a little unworkable."

At a glance, the nebula is floating, the stars are shining, and the pressure of the stars is filled with one after another, which makes people can't help but doubt. In the depths, there is a powerful beast waiting for them.

Maybe there is a treasure in it, but the treasure has not been seen yet, but the danger here, the two of them can see clearly.


I saw a black mountain tiger, solidified in the nebula, as if solidified into eternity.

Nan Yun said: "I don't know where that stinky boy has gone, or whether he will live."

He Yan said: "The stars here are so rich, and his Styx water may not be able to suppress the environment here."

"Let's go back. If we meet that stinky boy, we will choose the opportunity to kill him and avenge the old guy."

Nan Yun thought slightly, nodded and said: "Go, kill and go back."

The two immediately returned the same way.

After leaving for a while, I met another person.

He Yan asked, "Why is Fairy Yun here?"

Yunhua, from the fourth dojo, one of the top ten masters.

I like to wear a white long skirt, and the clothes are fluttering, showing a demure and spiritual beauty.

In terms of beauty, Yunhua is naturally one of the ten most beautiful women in Vientiane Academy.

Is the love of many people's dreams.

Unlike Chongyue, Yunhua is a nice and approachable woman. She already has a beautiful face with melon seeds, with a straight nose, picturesque eyebrows, and tenderness like water everywhere.

Yunhua's reputation is very good, and he will not bully the underachievers, and even often warns some second generation ancestors not to bully those underachievers.

On weekdays, he often goes to the Vientiane Academy to help the poor and help the poor.

Some people, if they have trouble with contacts or resources, Yunhua thinks that person is good, and he will act out of justice and give generously.

Therefore, it has the reputation of Yun Fairy.

Upon seeing this, Yunhua smiled sweetly and said, "I thought that I was the only one who came to this chaotic star pile. I didn't expect you two to also come. You both got some treasures."

He Yan said truthfully: "A piece of star mother gold, but it seems that there is no further value in the future. Nan Yun and I plan to change our direction and take revenge on the old section by the way."

Yun Hua frowned slightly and said: "Duan Chunsheng is out? Who did it? Chongyue, or Muronghua, Ye Liufeng?"

Only the top ten high-handed people can get Duan Chunsheng out of the game.

He Yan shook his head bitterly, and said, "No, the old man died in the hands of an unknown person. That person and Chongyue have some personal education, and they have the water of the Styx, which is extremely difficult for me and Nan Yun also suffered a lot from him."

Yunhua knew who it was. Recently, it was spreading wildly everywhere. Chongyue recognized a godfather, and that godfather was doing harm everywhere.

He said: "Since you have colluded with Chongyue, you must not be a good person. I will go with you and see how cruel that person is."

He Yan and Nan Yun were secretly happy.

Yunhua looks harmless to humans and animals, but his strength is extremely strong. At least half of the top ten masters are not Yunhua's opponents.

With such a help, even if the unknown person has the water of the Styx, once a three-on-one situation is formed, he will be out.

As for his two companions, He Yan and Nan Yun, they never put Zhou Shu and Ye Lan in their eyes.

In the heap of chaotic stars, three of the top ten masters appeared.

This time, if Zhou Tian can pass this hurdle, he is destined to become famous in the Vientiane Academy and become a key object of care.

In the Galaxy Small World, Zhou Tian also sat cross-legged, recharging his energy, and always paying attention to the situation of Zhou Shu and Ye Lan.

At the moment, Zhou Shu and Ye Lan have not recovered for the time being, and the power of the starry sky pouring into their bodies is not refining, but after a long time, it is suspected that they have discovered some patterns...

(End of this chapter)