The Hegemonic Emperor

Chapter 61: measure


After a while, Xiao Er started serving food.

There are 17 or 8 meat dishes, more than 20 vegetarian dishes, and 8 dishes of soup.

On the table, Wan Ziyan was red, wine and meat fragrant, and Xie Chu ordered two jars of good fruit wine.

Qin Feng looked at the sumptuous delicacies on the table, and he had already started to fuck, and said, "I haven't eaten so many delicious foods in a long time."

Tang Hua smiled helplessly: "It's delicious, just eat more."

The food in the Vientiane Academy is also treated differently. The top-ranked dojo, in terms of food, is basically a height that the Qingfeng Dojo can’t reach.

Almost all of the lower-ranked dojos are based on rough tea and light meals. In fact, the strength of the Vientiane Academy can completely balance the food for each dojo.

But the reason for the difference in treatment is to divide the class. After class is divided, those backward dojos and backward students will be more aggressive.

Sometimes, people just sigh, and when I'm not on the table, see who of you dares to move the chopsticks.

Many people think that things like status and status are empty-headed and unsympathetic.

But in fact, people who have this kind of thinking are often those who have no status or status.

A lot of manpower competes for the top, not for other reasons, but to have more choices.

It's like a poor person. If you are just a poor person, you will be destined to be poor and not choose your wife or food.

But the rich are different. They don't like this woman. The big deal is just to spend some money.

Only by fighting hard can there be a way out.

The hierarchical order in the Vientiane Academy is strict. People in the lower-ranking dojo will make way for others when they meet people in the higher-ranking dojo.

Regardless of dignity or human rights, when there is no strength, everything is in vain.

Therefore, it has caused all living beings to fight and fight.

In the same environment, people eat meat and drink, but they can only eat chaffy vegetables. This is not for no reason.

If your family situation is not good, let your family situation get better.

If the strength is not strong, let your strength become tyrannical.

You are weak, the whole world is right.

You are strong, the whole world is wrong.

The food at Qingfeng Taoist Temple is really hard to describe in a word. Therefore, Qin Feng was quite moved when he saw the wind and delicacies on a table today.

After Tang Hua moved the chopsticks, Qin Feng, Zhou Tian and others moved the chopsticks one after another.

Today, Qin Feng and Xie Chu are taking the path of devouring them. Although their family background is above the Zhou Tian, today they really forgot what it means to be gentle.

Tang Hua said at this moment: "You eat slowly, can't you? Tell me what you did in the Sun Moon Cave Mansion."

Xie Chu grabbed a purple spirit lobster and was about to eat it. Hearing Teacher Tang Hua's question, he raised his head and said: "Teacher, this time Junior Brother Zhou Tian is the protagonist in our dojo. Just ask Zhou Tian. "

"My words are just two people with Feng Wei, occupying the mountain as the king, living the life of the autumn wind, and knocking the sap on the back."

Tang Hua was very curious about what Xie Chu and Feng Wei had gone through, but after looking at Xie Chu's gorging appearance, he knew that this was intentional. Some things are more convenient when they are one-on-one. some.

Zhou Tian's food is very gentle. He didn't come to Vientiane Academy for a long time, and he didn't realize the oppression from the Vientiane Academy class.

Instinctively maintains the demeanor of the Zhou family.

Softly said: "It's true that I didn't hide it. When I first entered the Secret Realm of Vientiane, I went straight to the Styx. As a result, a thousand-year-old fire ganoderma grew by the side of the Styx, and I ate it."

"Probably the Thousand-Year Fire Ganoderma is near the Styx. It has already produced a counterbalance to the power of the Styx's Yin and evil. Therefore, I swim across the Styx.

"After that, my skill increased greatly, and I met Gong Yuer again, and went with Gong Yuer, and defeated the evil evil scorpion and an earth dragon."

"Following, Gong Yuer gave me a map of the Mysterious Realm of Vientiane, and I went to Sun Moon Cave Mansion enthusiastically, and surrendered a feather dragon as a mount on the way."

"At Broken Soul Mountain again, I came across a fire ganoderma, which is Wannian fire ganoderma, but Muronghua and Zhang Zhi met."

"At that time, I was carrying the water of the Styx, which made Murong Hua retreat."

"That's it, I entered the Sun Moon Cave Mansion, conquered a golden thread dancing snake, met Chongyue, and then met Muronghua again."


Zhou Tian said a lot, close to the truth, but not entirely true.

Tang Hua and several people can be said to be in a mess.

Especially when it was heard that Zhou Tian ate a frosting grass near the Vermillion Bird Pool and entered the Vermillion Bird Pool to harden the body and enter Dao Chong, several people couldn't believe it.

Seriously suspect that Zhou Tian is the legendary son of the Chosen.

Fire ganoderma near the river Styx, ice ling grass near Suzakuchi, the product of yin and yang, also conform to the law of the road.

People like Tang Hua and Xie Chu can be said to be stunned.

Whether it's true or not, at least it sounds like that.

It is of course impossible for Zhou Tian to reveal directly that he is the Emperor's Eucharist here, and that would be a big trouble.

At present, Zhou Tian has entered Dao Chong and has entered the ranks of the strong, but still needs to be low-key and does not want to be the focus of Zhongxing Pengyue.

Qin Feng, Ye Lan, and Zhou Shu all gave a general overview of their affairs in the Mysterious Realm of Vientiane, but they couldn't get around Zhou Tian.

After Tang Hua heard it, a thousand waves shook up in his heart. If Zhou Tian's luck was good, that would be wrong.

There was some regret in my heart. When Zhou Tian and Zhou Shu first entered the Vientiane Academy, they should take a good look at the strength of the two brothers.

Now that Zhou Tian has entered Dao Chong, Tang Hua estimates that he is not necessarily Zhou Tian's opponent. In fact, Tang Hua's current ability to be Zhou Tian's teacher is already very reluctant.

Unconsciously thinking of Duan Mujin.

Tang Hua said: "Soon, you will be in the Vientiane Arena to choose the top ten new masters. Now that you have entered the realm of Dao Chong, Zhou Tian, you might as well go and compete for us. In the Qingfeng Daochang, if there are any A member of the top ten masters will be even more different."

In the bottom-to-last dojo, a member of the top ten masters appeared. If it had been in the past, it would be tantamount to dreaming and whimsical.

But now because of the sun, this has become a reality within reach.

Zhou Tian shook his head and said, "Teacher, it's true that we could have obtained the Yin-Yang Scriptures in Sun Moon Cave Mansion this time. I control the Vermillion Bird Fire and the Styx Water."

"But when these two completely different substances are hedged together, they are beyond our control and we are out."

"Also, this time I suffered internal injuries. The water of the Styx and the fire of the Vermillion Bird combine together, as if they can penetrate the boundary wall."

After hearing this, several people in Tang Hua showed caring eyes to Zhou Tian.

Ye Lan and Qin Feng had seen such a grand event with their own eyes, and none of the six heavenly masters could stand the fire of Vermillion Bird and the water of Styx.

It is not so strange that Junior Brother controls such energy and suffers backlash.

Tang Hua was a little bit disappointed in his heart, and he still hoped that Zhou Tian could make it into the top ten masters this time.

However, Zhou Tian is still the mainstay. Even if Zhou Tian is not one of the top ten masters, but has reached the realm of Daochong, no one dares to deny Zhou Tian's strength.

Tang Hua said softly: "In this case, you will adjust your breath for a while, and I will go to the dean to get you some medicine back."

Zhou Tian thought for a while, and said like this: "Teacher, this matter is unnecessary. I really have made too many enemies in the Secret Realm of Vientiane. At this time, I don't know how many people hate me."

"Once others know that I am injured, they will definitely find ways to find me trouble in the Qingfeng Dojo."

"In fact, after we have finished this meal and go back, someone will be waiting for my trouble."

"People will have completely different attitudes towards tigers that are injured and tigers that are not injured."

"As long as the news of my injury is not known to outsiders, then I am an uninjured tiger."

After Tang Hua heard this, he didn't even know how to refute it, because Zhou Tian thought of these things carefully.

In a daze, Tang Hua felt that his teacher was not as smart as Zhou Tian in his calculations.

I can only nod and replied: "Okay, how can you do it yourself? If others come to trouble you, I will block some for you."

Zhou Tian's heart was a little moved, and it was the first time he entered

When entering Vientiane College, Teacher Tang Hua took the initiative to take care of things, this time it was rare to take the initiative to take care of things.

Especially in a big environment like Vientiane College.

Zhou Tian was still retorting, saying: "No, you are our teacher. It is inconvenient to intervene in the struggle between students. Once the teacher has done such a thing, the teachers in the rest of the dojo will also find ways to embarrass. You will even find a way to take away the Vientiane Order from your hand."

"In my opinion, it's good to leave it to us. Besides, the current Qingfeng Dojo is not in the previous Qingfeng Dojo. The overall strength must have entered the top fifty."

"When most people come over, Zhou Shu can easily solve it."

"If you want to embarrass us, unless Yunhua and Ye Liufeng come here in person, otherwise the rest will come, which is in vain."

"As for the people under the Dao Chong, the four of Brother Qin Feng, Senior Sister Ye Lan, Senior Brother Xie Chu, and Senior Sister Feng Wei, I am afraid they can also defeat one. After all, we won the title of the leader of the Vientiane Secret Realm Trial this time. ."

"The leader, of course, has the corresponding strength and foundation."

Tang Hua was speechless. She didn't expect that Zhou Tian's judgment of the situation was so clear and sharp that she herself was a little ashamed.

Zhou Tian seriously thought about things in the Vientiane ring.

This is not a secret place in Vientiane anymore. If someone is killed, the killed can be resurrected.

In the Vientiane Academy, Zhou Tian planned to keep a low profile for a period of time, contacting the hands of Chongyue and Huayang, and subtly solving many troublesome things for Zhou Tian.

Furthermore, Zhou Tian's other status in Vientiane College now is Chongyue's god-brother.

As Chongyue's god-brother, presumably, not many people would take the initiative to provoke Zhou Tian.

If there is really no way, Zhou Tian will get it.

Qin Feng and Xie Chu gorged themselves for a while, and were full. They drank two sips of fruit wine, which was particularly comfortable.

Xie Chu took the initiative to say: "Teacher, anyone in the Vientiane arena can have a chance to show up and make a ranking. It's not as good as this time, except for Zhou Tian, and the five of us will go up and fight."

"Now, the only people who enter Daochong are Ye Liufeng, Yunhua, Sister Song, Muronghua, Nangongwu, Chongyue, Huayang, a total of eight people, they will definitely lock the front spot, and the rest. Two places, we may not have no chance."

Tang Hua changed his mind. This is also reasonable. If it had been in the past, Tang Hua really didn't dare to imagine in that direction.

But now, Qingfeng Dojo is really different from before.

Xie Chu and Feng Wei came out last and won the top spot. They can enter the Buddhist scripture pavilion first and choose the exercises they like.

In addition, no one knows what fortune Xie Chu and Feng Wei have gotten in the Mysterious Realm of Vientiane.

Even Zhou Tian didn't know, after all, Zhou Tian was the first person to see them with his eyes open.

Holding a magic wand in hand, hitting each one exactly is a nightmare for most people who are full of emptiness.

The cultivation bases of Xie Chu, Qin Feng, Ye Lan, and Feng Wei have all reached the peak of Yingxu. Their strength should not be underestimated. The good fortune they have obtained is enough for them to attack Dao Chong in the Vientiane Academy.

However, it is not so easy to enter Dao Chong.

It is necessary to maintain an understanding of thoughts and a clear mind, but also an opportunity for enlightenment or the blessing of the cultivation environment.

In this world, many people have spent their entire lives at the peak of Yingxu, and have never entered the aisle rush.

Some things really cannot be forced.

Tang Hua took a bite of the fish and said slightly, "It's okay. Even if Zhou Tian doesn't participate in this Vientiane Arena, our Qingfeng Academy still has a chance. If under such an environment, one of you would have entered. Within the ten major areas, that’s even more remarkable."

The Dao Chong powerhouse must have locked up the first eight places. If Zhou Tian participated in it, it would be equal to entering the top ten.

Not participating, but suspense repeatedly.

After eating, Tang Hua returned to Vientiane College with Zhou Tian and his team. On the way, Zhou Tian and Zhou Shu stopped, said hello to Tang Hua, and the two brothers entered the unnamed inn.

It’s a good name to buy some wine...

The female shopkeeper inside is really beautiful, and I haven't seen it for a long time. It's time to visit that beautiful female shopkeeper.

(End of this chapter)