The Highest Bounty

Chapter 108: A forbidden power that makes the gods afraid


Time passed minute by minute, and every second was a torment for Sea Emperor.

The treasury of the Wu Clan had been swept away long ago. Except for the bottle of black potion, he did not find anything that would allow Guding and others to escape here. He re-simulated thousands of times with the current situation, and the result of each simulation ended with three deaths of Guding, without exception.

"Neptune..." Gu Ding looked down at the time displayed on his watch, "It's already noon."

Although Neptune was reluctant, he also knew that this was the only way. He took the bottle of black potion out of the storage space. The colorless sealed energy invisible to the naked eye outside the potion bottle gradually dissipated under his unlocking.

Gu Ding picked up the potion, took a deep breath, uncorked the cork and poured the bottle of black potion into his mouth.

During the few seconds when the black potion was poured into his throat, Gu Ding didn't feel any abnormality, but when the potion fell into his stomach, Gu Ding felt as if someone had placed a bomb in his body, the madness of that energy The impact put Guding into a short state of shock.

His brain seemed to go blank for a few seconds. During the few seconds when Gu Ding was on the verge of death, Neptune discovered that the viruses in Gu Ding's body reappeared, and they began to crazily devour the forbidden power.

When Guding regained consciousness for the first moment, he felt severe pain, and every cell in his body seemed to be crying in pain. Guding didn't feel anything other than pain. He insisted on keeping his consciousness clear, and he didn't want to let himself pass out, because he guessed that if he couldn't make it through, he might never wake up again.

Gu Ding didn't know how long he persisted. Under that kind of pain, one second was more difficult than ten thousand years.

Under Neptune's observation, the virus in Guding's body had been devoured for nearly half an hour before the taboo energy completely disappeared, and Guding's pain didn't completely disappear until then.

Neptune silently observed the changes in Guding's body, and soon, he also saw the changes in one of Guding's gene chains. That tiny gene chain unexpectedly quickly turned black, and then the black, like ink on a white canvas, began to quickly soak into nearby gene chains and spread out.

Seeing the terrifying speed of infiltration and the momentum that seemed not to stop, the Sea Emperor became a little worried. In just a few seconds, two-thirds of the two complete double-helix gene chains in Guding's body have been dyed black, but the black dye is still going on, and there is no trace of it. slow down.

"What exactly happened?" There is no record of taboo power in the sea emperor's database. After all, his current authority is still limited, and he cannot view some special information. Seeing this change in Guding's body, he became a little anxious.

Guding was lying on the ground, unable to move at all. He felt that after the pain just now, his body seemed to no longer belong to him. He couldn't even control his blinking, let alone speak.

It wasn't until the entire gene chain turned completely black that the ink color dipping ended, and the Neptune also noticed that this black gene chain was very different from the original Guding's gene chain.

At this moment, Guding regained control of his body.

"Neptune, help me look at the body data."

Neptune immediately called up Guding's latest body data projection:

[Name: Guding]

[Sex: Male]

[Age: 15]

[Gene Level: Tier 3]

[Special Ability 1: Level 2 Berserk (evolvable)]

[Ability Description: The attack power, defense power, speed, and recovery ability are tripled, and the duration is ten minutes.]

[Side effects: enter a state of collapse for ten hours, and the combat power will be halved.]

[Special ability 2: Level 1 high-speed regeneration (evolvable)]

[Ability description: The regeneration ability of cells is increased tenfold (permanently).]

[Special ability 3: Level 3 damage superposition (curse ability) (evolvable)]

[Ability Description: Causes a curse effect on the attacked, and the damage will be superimposed. The second hit will superimpose the first hit's damage, and the third hit will superimpose the first and second damage.]

[Special Ability 4: Absolute Seal (Level 1 Taboo Power) (Evolvable)]

[Ability description: By touching, it can cause an absolute seal effect on any living body. Seal all the energy of the opponent, including Yuanli, special abilities, cellular energy, spiritual power, and other energy that exists in any form.]

[Ability Limit 1: Sealing time: ten hours.]

[Ability limitation 2: Each use must be at least 30 days apart.]

[Ability limitation 3: Ineffective against non-living bodies.]

[Ability Restriction 4: Only valid for a single target.]

[Cell Composite Index: 300]

[Spiritual power index: 298]

[Battle Talent: B+]

[Comprehension: A]

Looking at this new ability, Gu Ding was stunned. This ability is really an ability that even the gods are afraid of. If the gods are sealed with energy by themselves, then they are no different from ordinary people, and they can even be killed by ordinary people. And the most terrifying thing is that it can be evolved. If the sealing time is lengthened, or the interval is shortened, it is possible for a single seal to evolve into a range seal.

Neptune is also a little surprised by Guding's ability. As a super intelligent life, he knows very well how terrifying it is to seal any life without distinction. This means that Guding can not only seal the gods, but even seal himself and Skynet. This kind of unconventional super life form.

"It seems that we are saved!" Gu Ding immediately had a new plan in his mind.

"As long as Oldman is sealed, Bigger is fully capable of blocking other people." Sea Emperor's biggest concern has finally been resolved, "Except for Oldman, there is only one tenth-order gene in this Wu Clan group." body, two ninth-level gene bodies, but in the cursed state, the fighting power of these people is less than half of the normal state."

"What I'm worried about now is whether Bigger can do it..." Gooding knew that Bigger was the key figure in this escape plan. "You should also know about this. He can't fight humans at all. He has psychological barriers."

"If you don't fight, just take you to escape, he should be able to do it?" Haihuang heard Guding mention it, and then remembered that there is still such a thing. When Bigger and Guding talked about it, he also heard it.

"I don't know..." Guding didn't know how serious Bigger's psychological barrier was, but he knew very well that Bigger was the key to whether the three of them could escape successfully this time.

"Let me talk to him." After a moment of silence, Neptune made a suggestion.