The Highest Bounty

Chapter 121: Gooding VS Military Colonel


Guding made the decision to challenge Senior, not on a whim. When he was defeated on Construk, he made up his mind that he must defeat the opponent next time they meet. Unexpectedly, the opportunity came so quickly.

Facing Senior, Guding did not dare to slack off in the slightest. After all, the last time he teamed up with Liliat, he was suppressed by the other party. If the other party hadn't stopped in time, he might have been imprisoned in the federal prison at this time.

The seventh level of extreme physical skills and the second level of rage were activated at the same time. Gu Ding stepped out secretly, and instantly bullied himself up, appearing in front of Senior, and punched out with all his strength without holding back his hand.

In front of Senior, who was nearly two meters tall, Guding's figure was a little thin, but no one dared to doubt his combat effectiveness, including Senior himself. Senior has seen Guding's strange physical skills countless times in the video, and he knows the horror of Guding's punch. For this kind of powerful attack, defense is not the best choice. Senior chose to attack. He turned his palm into a knife, and swung his palm twice the size of Guding like a sharp blade.

Fist to palm!

When Senior's palm turned into a blade collided with Guding's fist, there was a sound of gold and iron fighting. A huge force came from above the palm of his hand, and his figure immediately retreated, but he was a little terrified in his heart. Generally speaking, his special ability "Blade" can cause damage to the opponent even when the opponent's strength exceeds his own, but the collision with Guding just now made him discover that Guding's physical skills not only have a powerful boosting effect on offense , It also has a terrifying effect in defense, making Guding's body look like gold and iron.

This special effect is naturally brought about by the gang body. Under the seventh-level limit body technique, the gang body has a ten-fold increase in defense power, and has the special effect of hardening the skin. Extreme body art is a comprehensive skill that has no flaws in attack and defense.

Senior retreated with a blow, and Guding naturally would not give up the pursuit of victory. He stepped out again in a dark step, and his figure flickered, and he appeared in front of Senior again. In both shots, he took a frontal attack, completely trying to suppress the opponent with strong force.

Senior's second-level defense was also activated strongly, and the hand knife was swung out again, straight for Guding's neck. He was planning to exchange injuries for injuries. His cell comprehensive index has surpassed the limit of the seventh-order gene body, a full 13,000 points. After opening the secondary defense, one's own defense will be doubled. The collision between the two just now made him judge that Guding's attack was close to the strength of the 20,000-point cell composite index, but it did not exceed 20,000 points, so it was not enough to pose a threat to his secondary defense in a short time.

Guding was also a little surprised by Senior's way of playing with injuries. However, he is not afraid, whether it is extreme physical skills, berserk, or armed, the increase in defense and attack power are the same. With Guding's current cell composite index of 320 points, plus the ten-fold increase in extreme physical skills, the three-fold increase in berserk, and the two-fold increase in armed forces, his defense and attack power are comparable to 19,200 points of cells A martial artist with a comprehensive index. There is still a certain distance from the 26,000 points that Senior needs to activate the secondary defense, but Senior's attack power is not as good as his own.

However, the neck is the vital position of the human body. Although Gu Ding did not intend to defend, he still staggered his steps and avoided it a little. The original Gangquan also instantly turned into an absolute finger because of the attack angle, and it hit the heart of Senior's left chest.

Senior's moves were not as flexible as Guding's. Due to Guding's avoidance, his knife fell on Guding's left shoulder blade, leaving only a shallow scratch on Guding's body. But Gu Ding's last finger actually hit his heart. Although the defense was strong enough to block Gu Ding's attack, the impact from his chest still caused his heart to stop suddenly. A sense of dizziness comes. He retreated immediately, worried that Gu Ding would attack continuously, and he would be powerless to fight back when his head was dizzy.

Gu Ding was a little surprised to see that Senior was still able to move freely after being hit by his absolute finger. Absolute Finger is a point-to-point attack. Under the same attack power, it is more destructive than other moves. And just now he attacked the opponent's heart, the purpose was to make the opponent lose his fighting power, but he didn't expect Senior to be so tenacious that he forcibly endured this blow, and he didn't seem to suffer much damage. For the seventh-order gene body, the blow just now was almost fatal.

"Don't forget, his own cell comprehensive index has surpassed the limit of ordinary seventh-order gene bodies, and he also has a second-level defense ability, which can double his own defense power. If you don't use damage superposition, your attack will have no effect on you." The damage he can cause will be very limited." At this time, the Sea Emperor reminded.

Only then did Guding suddenly realize that he had read Senior's information before, but the opponent did not show his full strength in the last battle, which made Guding ignore this point. He didn't use damage superposition before, because he was worried that he would kill the opponent by mistake. After all, the ordinary seventh-order gene body only has 10,000 points of cell composite index at most, and his attack with nearly 20,000 points is already powerful enough. If he uses damage superposition , the possibility of accidentally killing the opponent is very high.

After knowing that Senior has a second-level defense ability, Gu Ding was relieved a little. He immediately activated the damage superposition ability and chased after Senior.

For the third time, he still chose to attack head-on, and the Gang Fist slammed out violently with the force of breaking the wind.

The turmoil of the beating heart in Senior's chest hadn't subsided. Seeing Gu Ding rushing up, he didn't dare to fight recklessly, but his figure was not as flexible as Gu Ding, so he couldn't dodge it. In desperation, he could only superimpose his arms, and forcibly took down Guding's punch to prevent Guding's attack from hurting his internal organs.

With a successful punch, the curse effect of superimposed damage was also planted. Senior was blasted out by this punch. Although his arms were numb, his body was not greatly affected. With the help of the counter-shock force of this punch, he burst out again, and adjusted his breathing as soon as possible, trying to restore the beating of his heart to normal as soon as possible.

But Gu Ding obviously didn't intend to give up. His legs suddenly exerted force, and the bricks under his feet shattered instantly. His figure was like a swift cheetah, and he sprang out at high speed, and appeared in front of Senior again in just a moment.

He punched out again, and it was still firm, without any fancy at all. This is the simplest attack, but also the most violent.

Senior, who hadn't stabilized his figure, folded his arms again, trying to defend against the blow again, and buy more time for his heart to beat wildly. But this time, he made a very wrong decision.

After the damage was superimposed, Guding's fist strength was terrifying to the point of outrageous. The moment he collided with Senior's arms, he shattered the bones of the opponent's arms. It hit the opponent's chest and broke eight of his ribs. Senior's internal organs were also strongly shocked, and his heart stopped beating again at that moment, a stream of bright red blood spurted out from his mouth, his body flew upside down weakly, and then fell heavily to the ground, completely Lost consciousness.

The onlookers originally thought that this battle would last longer, because judging from the previous confrontation between the two, neither of them could break the opponent's defense, and the damage they caused to the opponent was very limited. But what happened just now was unexpected by everyone except Liliat and Bigger.

Checking Senior's injury, he found that Senior's heartbeat was already very weak. Gu Ding immediately asked Neptune to dial the emergency number.

"Hello, is this the emergency center? A senior colonel of the military department was severely injured at the port. Come over as soon as possible, he won't last long." Hanging up the call, Guding took out another bottle of E-grade cell repair agent , Pinch open the opponent's mouth and pour it in.

This scene was once again recorded on video and spread to Skynet.

It was not until Senior was carried into the ambulance that Guding left the port with Liliat and Bigger, rented a car and rushed towards the auction venue.