The Highest Bounty

Chapter 16: Deputy Warden Prison


Seeing the message from Guding, Ross couldn't believe it, and she immediately dialed Cavill's communicator.

As soon as the communicator rang, Cavill connected immediately, "Miss Rose, what's wrong?"

"Did that guy Kane escape?" Ross asked directly.

Kane took the communicator, "Sister, it's me..."

"You really escaped?" Hearing Kane's voice, Ross was taken aback.

"I don't know why, but there was a serious malfunction in the prison system, and that kid Guding took the opportunity to get me out." Kane smiled heartily.

After the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, they hung up the communicator.

Only then did Ross know that what Guding said was true. At the same time, she was also somewhat puzzled. It was too coincidental that the system failure in Seablue Prison appeared at such a time. She watched Gu Ding grow up since she was a child, and she really didn't know when Gu Ding had the ability to hack.

Ross immediately sent a message to Guding, "The Rose Tavern reopens tonight, come back to work, if you are late, your salary will be halved this month!"

When it was time for the night shift, Gu Ding returned to the Rose Tavern as if nothing had happened. At the entrance of the tavern, although there were not as many people entering and leaving as usual, the tavern was still very lively from a distance.

When Gu Ding stepped into the tavern, Aunt "Roushin" and the others had already sat in a circle, toasting to celebrate something. Seeing Guding push the door in, Ross waved at Guding, leaving a space on her left.

Gu Ding looked at it, and there was only one vacant seat, so he bit the bullet and sat down.

The bartender, Battende, hands over a glass of Milka. Usually, if Auntie "Rousi" sees someone ordering this kind of non-alcoholic drink in her tavern, she will call "sissy". But unexpectedly today, she didn't say anything, just raised her glass with a smile, "Congratulations to little Kane for successfully escaping from Seablue Star Prison, everyone can drink at ease tonight, all drinks and drinks will be recorded in Kane's account Now, let him return all the capital and interest to my old lady next year."

Everyone toasted happily, besides the guys from the Rose Tavern, there were also some outsiders in the tavern. As for what Guding has done, it is good for them to know internally. If outsiders know about it, it will only cause trouble for Guding, so no one in the tavern mentioned it.

The joyful party lasted until the early hours before all the guests were sent away. Aunt "Rousi" who drank an unknown number of barrels of wine still did not show the slightest drunkenness. She filled everyone's wine glasses again and raised them towards Gu Ding, "He told me about Kane. My Rou S Ginger thank you on behalf of my brothers!"

The other staff at the Rose Tavern also raised their glasses high.

Gu Ding just grinned, said nothing, raised his head and poured the glass of Milka down his throat.

The rest of the Rose Tavern also laughed and poured the spirits down their throats.

Without Neptune's control, the prison system in Tianhe Starfield quickly returned to normal, and the virus was brought under control a few hours later.

What Guding didn't know was that the Tianhe Prison virus invasion and system failure incident not only caused a strong reaction from the Tianhe Prison headquarters, but even the federal government paid great attention.

More than 80% of the escaped criminals were captured in less than a day, and on Seablue Star, the two escaped criminals that Guding saw before were also captured. Seablue Star counted the number of fugitives who failed to capture, and there were three more, the most famous of which was the interstellar pirate Kane who was sentenced to death and had a reward of more than 300 million.

In the afternoon of the next day, the system failures and viruses on Lanwo Star were finally dealt with completely, and Prison really had no intention of staying on this planet any longer. He already knew about the same problem in other divisions, and he also knew that his sworn enemy Kane had successfully escaped from prison on Planet Aquamarine. Unwillingly, he took the interstellar teleportation to Seablue Planet, wanting to find out what happened.

In the middle of the night, the moonlight on Seablue Star is slightly cool.

In the interrogation room of Seablue Star Prison, the painful screams and begging for mercy have been going on for most of the night. After interrogating the last prisoner who was captured, Presen pushed the door out with a face full of flesh.

Two prison guards lifted out a prisoner inside, who had been tortured until he was out of shape. The fingers of both hands had been broken into more than 20 knots, and none of the nails were intact. On his bare upper body, there were more than a dozen burn marks on the surface of the skin left by the strong electric shock. And there was a fishy smell coming from the trousers, and there were faint wet marks, obviously incontinent due to torture.

After leaving the interrogation room, Prison dialed the communicator of the warden of Seablue Star. As the deputy warden of the headquarters, he has direct jurisdiction over the wardens of the branch.

At 3:30 in the morning, old Henry, who was in a deep sleep, was awakened by the sound of the communicator. As the warden of Star Aquamarine Prison, he was also a prominent figure on Star Aquamarine. The prison system was attacked by a virus and the system completely failed. He had been tossing him all day, and he didn't get home until early in the morning.

He had only been lying down for a few hours when someone came to disturb his dream, and he picked up the communicator impatiently. He pressed the answer button, and was about to start cursing, but when he heard Prison's voice from the opposite side, he quickly covered his mouth, and a little cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

Prison is the deputy warden of the headquarters, the immediate boss of the branch, and most importantly, he holds a lot of grudges.

Old Henry has been in Tianhe Prison for more than 30 years, and he knows a little about Prison. When I went to the headquarters for a meeting seven or eight years ago, the new warden of a branch couldn't help laughing when he saw Prison's funny appearance for the first time. In less than a month later, the warden was not only dismissed, but also collected a lot of criminal evidence, and was sent to the sex crime division of Tianhe Prison headquarters by Presen under the pretext of corruption and bribery. The warden couldn't stand being abused in prison and committed suicide within a week.

"I heard that you recruited an intern named Gu Ding the day before yesterday?" Prison's voice was a little cold.

"Intern?" Old Henry was taken aback when he heard that, but immediately remembered that there was such a thing, "Oh, I remembered, he is a graduate student of a basic military cadet. I have seen his resume, and it is excellent."

"I want all his information." Prison's voice was still cold.

"Now... Now?" Looking at the time displayed on the wall clock in the room, it was three forty-one in the morning, and he asked reluctantly.

"Are you going to make me wait another five hours and nineteen minutes?" The questioning tone made Prison's voice even colder.

Old Henry shuddered, "I'll come right over!"

"Who is it? It's so late?" Old Henry woke up his wife when he woke up.

"I've got something to do at the prison, I'll go out for a while." Old Henry squeezed out a smile, quickly got dressed, bent down and kissed his wife's forehead, and left quickly.

When Old Henry arrived at his office, Prison was already sitting in his seat with his legs resting on the desk. What he held in his hand was a group photo of old Henry and his wife.

Old Henry frowned, "I put my resume in the bottom drawer."

He walked to the desk and pressed his fingerprint on the identification system on the desk. After the system confirmed, the drawer was automatically unlocked. He took Guding's resume out of the drawer and handed it to Prison, "Is there anything wrong with this kid?"

Prison ignored Old Henry's question, put down the photo frame, and picked up Guding's resume to read it. After a while, Wei Wei narrowed her eyes, which were originally only the size of mung beans, "Rose Tavern? Who opened it?"

"It's Ross Ginger and her men." Old Henry didn't hide it.

"Rose Ginger of the Rose Pirates? The former boss of Kane?" A cold light flashed in Prison's eyes.

"Yes." Old Henry nodded, "Reus's reward order was more than 30 years ago. Since their pirate group was disbanded more than 20 years ago, the federal government has also withdrawn their reward. This is They have been staying at Planet Aquamarine for more than 20 years, and the military department of the federal government has never troubled them."

"Pirates will always be pirates, that's something that's imprinted in your bones." Prison slammed Guding's resume on the table, "Notify the Tianhe branch of the federal government that I have found the guy who let Kane go, let him After they had breakfast, they sent someone to arrest this kid named Gu Ding and sent him directly to the federal court for interrogation."