The Highest Bounty

Chapter 45: Mental potion


Carrying Liliat on their backs and escaping from the battle range just now, the two found a big tree to hide again.

After using the pupil technique, Liliat looked very weak. However, a move like that would normally have some after-effects, and it would take some time to recover.

Gu Ding didn't ask what the pupil technique does or why the giant beast had such a strange reaction. Although he was a little curious, after all, this kind of life-saving trick is an absolute privacy of the individual.

Looking at the wound on Guding's body, Liliat took out a bottle of potion from the storage space and handed it to Guding. "Bones are injured, you need to heal as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very troublesome in the future."

Gu Ding took it and saw that the whole body of the medicine was blue. It was a bottle of E-grade good-quality cell repair agent. This bottle cost at least 200,000 star coins.

"You really are not very good at financial management." Gu Ding grinned.

"Woman, you just need to know how to spend money." Liliat pouted.

Guding secretly slandered in his heart, "Father is right, women are indeed incomprehensible creatures."

In addition to some bruises on Guding's body, there are several fractures, and some internal organs in the body also have some problems. If it is delayed for too long, it will cause serious sequelae. He injected the bottle of cell repair agent directly into his own vein.

In just a moment, I felt that the body cells began to be active and entered the process of rapid repair.

About ten minutes later, the external injuries have all healed, the bones have also entered the preliminary healing stage, and the internal injuries in the body have also been relieved to a certain extent.

"One bottle per day, at least three consecutive injections." Liliat said and handed over two bottles of medicine.

"No, I can refine the cell repair agent myself when I find a suitable safe place." Although Gu Ding said so, in fact, he didn't have enough ingredients for the drug. He just felt a little embarrassed to take Liliat's things . I accepted the first bottle because my body urgently needed to be repaired, otherwise something would really go wrong. As for the second bottle and the third bottle, there is no need for this. His own repair ability is stronger than normal people. As long as he pays more attention, he should be able to recover in a few days.

"Are you an E-class pharmacist?" Liliat didn't expect Guding to have this identity.

"The current certification is F-level." Gu Ding corrected, "But I should be able to make E-level medicines."

"A pharmacist is indeed a lucrative profession. You can afford to buy weapons at such a young age." Liliat looked up and down Guding pretending to be old-fashioned.

"This weapon was given by someone else. One piece of weapon costs hundreds of millions of stars. How can I afford it?" Gu Ding explained with a wry smile.

"Is it a woman who gave you the weapons?" Liliat asked.

"Yeah." Guding didn't deny it.

"I knew it!" Liliat pouted.

"I've almost recovered, how about you?" The two had rested for almost half an hour, and Guding's body had initially recovered under the action of the cell repair agent.

"What I consume is mental strength, so my body will be weak and unable to fight. At least five hours of sleep is required for the body to recover its basic functions. To restore full combat strength, at least twenty hours of sleep is required." Lily Yate's explanation means that the next journey can only rely on Guding. "Pharmaceuticals for restoring mental strength are too expensive, and there is no market for them. Basically, as soon as they appear in the auction, they will be auctioned off at a high price."

"Is the price of the medicine to restore mental power high?" This is the first time Guding heard such a thing.

"Well, a bottle of D-level mental power recovery potion, I saw 1.6 billion star coins auctioned at the auction." Liliat clearly remembered that auction, "I didn't participate in the auction at the time, one was Because the price is inflated, and another reason is because the D-level medicine is used by the strong of the sixth-level and seventh-level genetic bodies, and I am only a second-level genetic body, which is too wasteful."

"Ordinary D-grade genetic medicine, the qualified quality is about 1 million to 3 million stars, and the good quality is between 5 million and 8 million stars. Even if it is of perfect quality, the price should be 60 million to 80 million In between, it will not exceed 100 million star coins at most. From this point of view, the price premium of mental power medicine is really very serious." Gu Ding felt more and more that the pharmacist's money was easy to make.

"The spiritual power potion that was auctioned at that time was of high quality." Liliat added, "It's normal for the premium to be so high. There are less than ten people who have the formula for the mental power potion in the entire Medicine God Alliance. Pharmacy Factory Even a slightly special medicine formula has to be purchased from the God of Medicine Alliance at a high price, let alone such a seriously scarce formula, it is impossible for the God of Medicine Alliance to sell it."

The so-called pharmacy factories refer to companies that purchase pharmacy formulas from the God of Medicine Alliance, and then use machines to mass-produce and sell them. There are actually quite a few such enterprises, and there are more than 30,000 in Longteng Universe alone.

Since potion refining is a very delicate matter, even for the same potion, different pharmacists will have slightly different refining processes. Therefore, the refining process provided by the God of Medicine Alliance to the pharmaceutical factory has been simplified to a certain extent and can be easily operated by machines. In this way, to a certain extent, it saves the operating cost for the pharmaceutical factory, but it also causes the disadvantage of low quality pharmaceuticals. Usually, the medicines produced in the assembly line are basically qualified quality medicines. As for the production of good quality medicines, a separate production line is required to make them.

The formulas provided by the God of Medicine Alliance to the pharmacy factory are also common and commonly used pharmacies, which are of low value although they are in great demand. Pharmacy factories make money and don't complain too much.

As for those special formulas, they are basically only circulated within the God of Medicine Alliance, or are privately owned by pharmacists, and it is impossible for pharmacy factories to obtain them. The pharmacy factory will not take the risk of offending the Medicine God Alliance to steal the pharmacy formula. That would only be blocked by the God of Medicine Alliance, and it would also be squeezed out by other pharmaceutical factories.

"There are hundreds of formulas for spiritual potions in my database." The voice of the Sea Emperor quickly reached Guding's ears, "Now I find that the civilization of your era really lacks too many things. The inheritance of civilization, people in your era have only scratched the surface, and even regarded it as a treasure."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go, try our best to get there before dark, I hope we won't encounter that kind of monster on the road again." Gu Ding said, carrying Liliat on his back again, from the tree Jump up and down, and then run all the way towards the shipyard.