The Highest Bounty

Chapter 50: 1V5 game


100-point cell comprehensive index, under normal circumstances, is the limit that the body of the third-order gene body can reach, and it is also the starting point of the fourth-order gene body.

The five virus-infected beasts wandering in the square of the shipyard are all physiques comparable to peak fourth-order genetic warriors, with a comprehensive cell index of 300 points. Coupled with the infection of the virus, they lost most of their sanity, and once they entered the battle, they would completely go into a state of madness, which would slightly increase their combat power, but this improvement was also limited. It's not so much a fight, it's better to say that they are completely in a state of killing. In this state, they don't care about their injuries, and only attack the enemy frantically. To this extent, Guding has an advantage.

Gu Ding took Liliat out of the spaceship where he was hiding before, summoned him armed and rushed towards the five giant beasts. After Guding attracted the attention of the five behemoths, Liliat hid on a nearby spaceship and watched the battle from afar. In this position, she will not be affected by the battle, and she can use the pupil technique to help Gu Ding in time.

Seeing Gu Ding rushing over, the five giant beasts surrounded them frantically, roaring excitedly. They haven't encountered an enemy invasion for a long time. In their eyes, the thin Guding is not a very good snack, but it is better than nothing.

Seeing the five giant beasts frantically crowding around, Gu Ding grinned.

His speed was already several times faster than before, and he took dark steps one after another, easily escaping the claws of those giant beasts. Gu Ding jumped up high, and with a ghostly kick, he stepped on the head of the giant beast violently. The heavy body of the giant beast fell to the ground, and the head hit the ground fiercely, causing waves of dust. After a while Only then shook his dizzy head and stood up again.

Afterwards, Guding's moves of the third level of extreme body art were blasted out with all his strength, rigid fist, ghost foot, thunder elbow, flaming knee, absolute finger... Every attack hit the bodies of these giant beasts fiercely. These big guys are simply giant meat targets, they only know how to attack, they don't know how to dodge at all.

Guding is also quickly familiarizing himself with his new body.

As early as in the virtual arena, Guding has fought several times with a body with a 100-point cell composite index. Now that his cell composite index has really reached 100 points, he is familiar with it very quickly.

In less than five minutes, the five behemoths didn't hit Guding even once, but each of them was attacked by Guding several times, and every time they were hit, they wailed in pain. Gu Ding finally fully mastered this new body, and he felt full of strength.

With the blessing of the third layer of armed and extreme physical skills, Gu Ding's attack power is comparable to that of a warrior with a comprehensive cell index of 300 points. Even so, the damage he caused to those five giant beasts was extremely limited. Although every blow can make them feel pain, but there is no way to cause substantial damage to them with strong defense.

"It seems that if you want to kill them, you need at least the fourth level of extreme physical skills." Gu Ding stopped attacking, and the five behemoths still rushed forward frantically. The fighting power was not weakened at all compared with before, but it was caused by being attacked. The pain became more and more crazy.

Seeing that Gu Ding no longer attacked, but dodged around, Liliat, who was watching from a distance, became a little worried. She also saw that after Guding's previous full attack, those monsters did not suffer any substantial damage at all. She began to secretly accumulate her pupil power, preparing to create an opportunity at the moment Gu Ding escaped.

Neptune knew very well why Gu Ding stopped attacking, "The fourth level of extreme physical skills, although there will be a load on your current body, as long as you don't use it for too long, there should be no big problem."

"Just tested the defensive power of these guys, and the fourth level of extreme physical skills may not be able to kill them." After some testing, Gu Ding probably found out. The defensive power of these five behemoths is probably comparable to 400 The warrior of the Point Cell Composite Index.

"They are indeed very defensive, but don't forget that you are a warrior. Finding the opponent's weaknesses and attacking them is a very important practice for a warrior. Those who only know how to crush their opponents by strength are not excellent warriors. "When Neptune said this, his tone was indifferent, and then he stopped talking. It knew how Guding would choose.

"Weak point attack..." Gu Ding's eyes lit up when he heard this.

It's not that he doesn't know how to attack weak points. In the previous battles in the virtual arena, Guding actually encountered some difficult opponents. Although most of the time he relies on strength to crush, he has also done it by looking for the opponent's weakness to attack.

"The opponent's weakness..." Gu Ding dodged and looked up and down a few giant beasts, and suddenly his eyes fell on the eyes of those giant beasts. A thing about the eyes of a behemoth.

"By the way, eyes!" Gu Ding thought of this, and immediately made a move. He took another dark step, jumped up, and appeared on top of one of the giant beasts. The fourth layer of Ultimate Body Technique was activated, and instantly hit three extreme fingers, bombarding the three eyes of the giant beast.

"Roar..." After the behemoth, which completely lost its eyesight, let out a wailing cry, it began to attack everything around it frantically. Even the two giant beasts next to it were attacked by it, but it didn't stop, but continued to attack wildly.

When the two giant beasts were attacked, they immediately became annoyed, and these mindless guys also fought back frantically. The scene suddenly entered a state of chaos.

Gu Ding grinned, "It seems that the effect is not bad."

In the next two minutes, Gu Ding smashed the eyes of the other four monsters with his absolute finger, making the five monsters completely lose their eyesight and unable to chase him.

Liliat in the distance saw this scene and knew that Guding should not be in any danger.

Gu Ding was interspersed within the fighting range of the five behemoths, and he was not hit by these flustered attacks once with dark steps, and he knew that this was not the end. He must find the Achilles' heel of the five behemoths and kill them completely.

While wandering, he occasionally found that although several giant beasts fell into a state of madness, their left hands did not attack frequently, but were often in a state of vigilance and defense.

"This is..." He observed carefully for a while, and came to a surprising conclusion, "They are protecting their hearts! When they have eyesight, they can see the opponent's actions, so they can make timely defenses. But losing After seeing their eyesight, they instinctively protect their vital position, fearing a sneak attack."

"You finally found it..." the voice of the Sea Emperor came again, "In battle, it is very important to find the opponent's weakness at the first time, and you will gradually become proficient."

Knowing the Achilles' heel of the five behemoths, Guding's next job will be much easier. The fourth level of extreme body art explodes with full force, appearing in front of the five behemoths one after another. On the left chest of the five behemoths, the five behemoths fell to the ground one after another, unable to get up again.

Seeing Gu Ding's victory, Liliat appeared next to Gu Ding in a few flashes. Before she could speak, the Sea Emperor suddenly shouted, "Run away, that guy in the shipyard is rushing over here."

Guding made a decisive decision and grabbed Liliat's wrist, "Let's go!"

Lilia was stunned for a moment, and only had time to put the corpse of the giant beast closest to her into her storage space before being dragged away by Guding.

After two dodges, Gu Ding appeared on the shielded spaceship before, and the two hid in quickly, and Neptune also activated the shielding function of the spaceship.

At this moment, through Neptune's fire monitoring, Gu Ding saw a figure rushing out of the gate of the shipyard.