The Highest Bounty

Chapter 55: Gooding has the upper hand


Almost at the same time that Liliat encountered a sniper attack, the Sea Emperor issued a warning in Guding's ear, "Liliat has met an opponent!"

"What?!" Gu Ding almost screamed, "Didn't your surveillance show that there were no other people?"

"It's not someone else..." Neptune was about to explain, but was interrupted by a voice behind Gu Ding.

"Are you going to continue to escape? Your partner sneaked into the shipyard and was discovered. I don't think you need to waste your time leading me further away." Kepp's voice came from not far behind Guding , he was less than ten meters away from Guding.

"You already knew?" Gu Ding felt that his plan was really wrong and was completely calculated by the other party.

"I'm just guessing. I didn't know how many of you there were at first." Kepp shook his head, "But I know one thing. You came to the shipyard for one thing, to find a usable spaceship and leave this planet. Except Other than that, I can't think of any other purpose."

"And there are usually only two ways to get that spaceship. One is to kill me, and you can drive the spaceship away at will. Of course, this method is limited to those who are stronger than me. As for the second method , is to sneak into the spaceship while I am away, and drive the spaceship away. Because I will not voluntarily leave the side of the spaceship, this kind of plan usually requires at least two people to execute. One person is responsible for leading me away, and the other person can start. Take the spaceship. Obviously, you have chosen the second method."

"In order to avoid the second situation from happening, I have two options. One is to stand by the spaceship and ignore your provocations, so that you can only enter the shipyard and fight me head-on. But ignoring other people's provocations, I I can't do it. So, I made the second choice, using a certain ability that I don't want to use..." At this point, Kepp made a fool of himself, "My special ability is called shadow clone."

"A person with the ability to make a shadow clone can create a clone to hide in the shadow. This clone has half the strength of the main body. As a side effect, the strength of the main body will also drop by half." Haihuang heard what the other party said, in Guding Ear added.

"Do you know why I didn't use my full strength just now at the gate of the shipyard for so long? Because I want to know where the bottom line of your strength is. If you are really strong, I will take back the clone as soon as possible and kill you first. But Facts have shown that I can kill you without taking back my avatar at all. That’s why, I’m catching up with confidence.” Kepp happily showed off his IQ, calculated the opponent, and then told the whole process. One couldn't be in a happier mood.

"Can I understand this? When you are at the gate of the shipyard, you can take back your shadow clone and restore your strength to its peak state. But now that you are so far away, you can no longer take back your shadow clone. Your strength will always remain at its peak Half of the state?" Guding made a guess from the other party's words. He asked this question, but he didn't want the other party to answer it, but wanted to get an answer from Neptune.

"Anyway, you and your little girlfriend will be killed by me later. It's okay to tell you. Your guess is correct. My shadow clone must touch my shadow before I can take it back. Just now, the shadow clone has been hiding in the Behind the door of the shipyard, you can sneak into my shadow and fuse with me in an instant. But now, the distance is too far, and I really can't take it back. So what? Your strength is even impossible for me now Win." Kepp smiled smugly.

"He didn't lie." The Sea Emperor's voice came again.

"I have another question. If you are killed, will your avatar disappear?" Guding probably guessed the answer to this question, but he still wanted to get confirmation from the other party.

"Of course, except for some curse abilities. Under normal circumstances, when the ability user dies, the effect of the ability will dissipate immediately. You don't even know this kind of common sense question?" Kemp felt that Guding's question was a bit naive , but he still gave an answer. Obviously, for him, showing off his higher IQ than the other party is also a kind of victory to some extent.

"All clone abilities will disappear after the body dies." Neptune also gave a definite answer.

"Then I want to tell you now that there is one thing that may disappoint you." After receiving the reply from the Sea Emperor, Gu Ding suddenly stopped fleeing, turned around and stood where he was, staring at him coldly Kepp. "You misestimated my strength!"

"The momentum is good, do you really think you can bluff me?" Kepp was taken aback when he heard Guding's words, and then smiled.

The opening of the fifth level of extreme body art only uses dark steps without physical impact, which is not a serious burden on Guding's body today.

Thinking of Liliat encountering an opponent with a sixth-order gene body, Gu Ding knew that he couldn't delay for a second, and had to do his best to kill the guy in front of him. Otherwise, Liliat has a high chance of being killed.

The fifth level of extreme physical skills was fully activated, and Guding's strength was tripled. At the same time, Guding also activated the berserk ability, which tripled the bonus. Coupled with the double bonus of armed forces, Guding's combat effectiveness at this time is comparable to that of a warrior with a comprehensive cell index of 1800 points. This state can only last for thirty minutes at most.

Gu Ding, who had turned on the berserk state, had red eyes. Seeing Guding's state, Kep suddenly felt a little uneasy. He vaguely felt that the other party's aura seemed to be stronger than his current self.

For a sixth-order gene body, the comprehensive cell index is between 1000 points and 3000 points. Kepp reached the highest point of 3000 points, but now his combat power is halved to only 1500 points, which is not as good as Guding.

Guding's knees were slightly bent, and with a sudden force, he threw forward, so fast that Kepp's eyes couldn't keep up.

When Kep saw Gu Ding, Gu Ding had already leaned close to his body, exerting the extreme physical skills of the fifth floor to the extreme, turning his body upside down, raising his hands to the ground, and hitting the opponent's chin hard with his feet. Kepp only felt a huge impact on his jaw, which almost dislocated his jaw and threw his body up at the same time. But this is not over yet, Guding turned back and squatted down, his legs suddenly exerted force again, and appeared beside the unstable Kepp, his fists were clenched into a hammer shape, and he slammed down hard. His chest, Kepu's figure instantly fell to the ground.

"Crack..." Kepp knew that at least two of his ribs were broken by this blow, and the faint pain in his chest made him finally realize how powerful Guding is now.

"This guy... hides his strength so deeply..." Kepp's back was hit hard on the ground. Fortunately, the spine on the back is one of the hardest parts of the human body, and it was not damaged much.

Gu Ding's attack hadn't stopped yet. There was no gap in his punches. He punched down one punch at a time. Every punch used his strength to the extreme without any reservation.

Kepp could only try his best to resist with his arms. If his arms hadn't borne most of the impact, he would have been crushed by Guding long ago.

But he soon realized that the bones of his arms were beginning to crack, and he might not be able to last for too long.

Gu Ding has an advantage on this battlefield, while Liliat on the other battlefield has fallen into an unprecedented bitter fight...