The Highest Bounty

Chapter 70: Terr must die!


In Onassis' mansion, Ricky is struggling to deal with the family's high-level questioning.

The video of the battle between Guding and Tell on the Skynet was deliberately taken out by some media, but what they paid attention to was not Guding’s combat power, but the last sentence that Tell said when Liliat forced a confession—his name is Ricky Onassis.

The fact that the power holders of the top ten richest families have a cooperative relationship with a notorious person like Tell is undoubtedly an excellent gossip subject that can be used for hype, and various other topics can be derived.

For example: Is there anyone from other families who has had a relationship with Tell? Did these so-called socialites have dirty dealings with other, more notorious people, and what was it

This matter not only affected the Onassis family, several other families also kept a low profile, worried that some shameful things they had done before would be caught and exposed by the media.

And because of this incident, many of Ricky's collections have also been questioned by the media. Some media even directly asked him how many of his collections were obtained through similar unclean methods.

Hundreds of media kept dialing Ricky's communication number and the communication numbers of other high-level members of the Onassis family. This was also the reason why other high-level members of the family were furious. Although he is the one in power in name, in fact he has been in power for less than two years. The big decisions are made by his father and some family elders together. He only plays the role of announcing the results.

"Master, Guding and Liliat didn't have any unusual actions. They have been shopping all afternoon. They probably know that we have a large number of people here, so they don't plan to pester them." The butler came over and whispered to him, " Also, the old man dialed my communicator just now, and he said that your line has been busy. He sounds very angry, and he also has something to tell you—no matter what method you use, you must get this matter done .Otherwise, the next family meeting will be your last day as Patriarch."

Hearing this, Ricky picked up the communicator and was about to dial his father's communication number, but was stopped by the housekeeper.

"Master, it's useless. You will only make the old man more unhappy." The butler knew the personalities of everyone in the Onassis family very well. "No matter how you explain, the old man won't listen."

"What should I do?" Ricky also knew that what the butler said was true.

"Concentrate on solving this matter, and don't think about anything else." The housekeeper still looked calm, after all, this matter has nothing to do with him, and he can completely stay out of it.

"I'm in a mess right now, tell me what to do, Butler. I know I should have listened to you in the first place and shouldn't be dealing with a guy like Tell, but now that things have gotten to the point where I'm really I need your help." Ricky looked a little helpless holding his head.

"If you want to end the topic, you have to solve the problem from the source of the topic." The butler Butler was silent for a moment before giving the answer.

"You mean to kill Ter and Guding?"

"Tell must die!" Butler didn't blink his eyes when he said this, "However, Guding and Liliat can't move, Guding is a pharmacist, and there is the Alliance of Medicine Gods behind him, killing him will only make things worse." The trouble is getting bigger. The two of them are the problem that the federal government needs to worry about, not us. Besides, there is no need to worry about what things they can do with two children who have not grown hair. Instead, it is Tel, you It is not once or twice to cooperate with him. If this matter is revealed, you may lose not only the position of Patriarch, but also the surname Onassis. Only when he dies, this matter will not be exposed dig it out."

"But if we kill Tell now, the media will easily think that we did it." Ricky frowned. He felt that Butler's suggestion was a bit risky.

"What we have to do is not to kill Tell, but to create death for Tell." Butler raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Didn't he just fight Guding? After the battle, people are prone to internal bleeding and other symptoms And, I happened to know a forensic doctor who did an autopsy. You don’t have to worry about this matter, just let me handle it, I believe that tomorrow morning the news in the media will become "Star Hunter Terr died of internal internal hemorrhage after defeating the battle."

"Even so, some media will suspect us, right? Tell must have injected himself with cell repair agents, and the possibility of internal bleeding is very low. Besides, if an ordinary civilian smart watch detects Physical abnormalities will be displayed, reminding the host to seek medical treatment as soon as possible." Ricky still feels that this method has loopholes.

"His watch may also be damaged in the battle with Guding, resulting in incomplete function." Butler still kept smiling, "If the internal injury is serious, the cell repair agent may not be able to repair it all at once, and he himself is a person who likes to drink too much." For a guy who eats too much, the probability of internal bleeding is much higher than that of ordinary people."

"Don't worry, I will do this without any flaws. As for what the media say at that time, it doesn't matter, as long as they have no evidence, it is enough for us to firmly deny it." Butler's expression was indifferent, obviously this kind of This is not the first time he has dealt with the matter.

When night fell, Liliat and Gu Ding finally finished their day of shopping in the mall.

"I want to eat the lamb chops from that shop again, what do you think?" Liliat put a leather bag she just bought into the storage space, and asked Gu Ding looking up.

"I think so too." Guding's taste is similar to Lilia's, and he also thinks that the lamb chops in the tavern at noon taste really good. "I think we should find a chef as soon as possible."

"I have a request, the lamb chops must be at least this level." Liliat also nodded in agreement.


"I protest, are you two bullying me, a member who has no sense of taste?" Sea Emperor's voice rang in their ears, but his protest was ignored.

When the two arrived at the tavern, the seats were almost full, but the guy was very enthusiastic when he saw Guding and Liliat, because the two helped him get back the meal that Tel owed him, and asked Tel to compensate the tavern. Damaged tables and chairs.

Under the guidance of the store clerk, the two quickly found a place to sit down, and just after ordering the lamb chops, the voice of the sea emperor came. "Tell died on the side of the road after eating dinner just now. The forensic doctor conducted an autopsy on the spot. The result of the examination was that he was bleeding internally due to an old injury. His watch was artificially damaged and he could not monitor his physical condition."

"Ricky's movements are really fast." Liliat knew what was going on without even thinking about it.

"It should be the butler who can easily kill Ter, right? The eighth-order gene body is so powerful!" Gu Ding frowned slightly.

"They won't do anything to you two." The Sea Emperor already knew what happened in that mansion. "Using their words, you two little brats can't cause any trouble."

"I hope they will still think so tomorrow." Gu Ding grinned, and he saw that the shop assistant had come over with lamb chops.