The Highest Bounty

Chapter 80: Mysterious old man


Opening the door and entering the noisy tavern, Liliat frowned slightly. She was not used to the loud noise in the tavern and the smell of sweat mixed with alcohol and tobacco.

However, it was not the first time for her to come to the tavern. She walked to the bar and climbed onto the bench very familiarly.

Her appearance also attracted the attention of many people. After all, she was only fourteen years old, and her figure was as thin as an eleven or twelve-year-old girl.

Seeing her climbing onto the bar chair, there were a few laughs from the crowd.

Lilia turned a deaf ear, she didn't intend to cause trouble, according to what Gu Ding said, the purpose of coming to the tavern was to inquire about news. She knocked on the table of the bar, and the bartender only glanced at her, "Do you want juice or Milka?"

"A cup of sapphire, thank you." The corner of Liliat's mouth twitched slightly.

"Sapphire?" The bartender couldn't help laughing, "Little girl, do you know the price of a glass of sapphire?"

"36,000 star coins, isn't this the public price of all taverns? Are you afraid I won't be able to pay it?" Liliat frowned.

"Mix this little girl a glass of sapphire, and I'll pay for it." A tall, gray-bearded old man appeared beside Liliat at some point, and shouted at the bartender.

The old man had deep blue eyes, strong features, and a scar on his right chin. But anyone who sees his eyes will inadvertently ignore his handsome face and the conspicuous scar on his chin.

The bartender was also taken aback when he saw the old man, obviously taken by his aura, and he said after a while, "But... she's underage, right?"

"Underage? Is your tavern newly opened today? Don't you know that some people here can drink a barrel of rum when they are three years old?" The old man's words aroused the favor of many interstellar pirates in the tavern.

"That's right, when I was eight years old, I could drink three barrels in one go!"

"When I was five years old, I could drink five barrels..."

"Just blow it up. A few days ago, I don't know who drank less than half a barrel, so they took off their clothes and stood on the bar dancing..."

Although the federal law stipulates that minors under the age of sixteen cannot drink alcohol, basically only some large pubs in the city center will abide by this rule. The taverns near the interstellar port are basically engaged in the business of interstellar pirates. If they follow the rules, they will not be able to open for a long time.

The bartender didn't dare to refute anymore, picked up the ingredients and started to prepare them.

The old man smiled and nodded at Liliat, then sat aside and stopped talking. With a hook of his finger, a bottle of old liquor on the wine cabinet slowly floated up and landed firmly on the bar in front of him. . He moved his fingers again, and a clean glass floated over and stood beside the wine bottle. Afterwards, without seeing any movement from him, the cap of the wine bottle opened automatically, and the liquor was poured into the transparent glass. In a few seconds, when the liquor in the glass was just full, the wine bottle Was put down, not a trace of baijiu oozes out...

When this scene happened, everyone in the tavern was stunned, even Liliat was a little shocked.

"Those with the strong ability to read!" Liliat said silently in her heart.

Psychic ability is a special ability that can only be born when the strength of mental strength evolves to a certain level. To evolve this ability, the minimum requirement for the strength index of mental strength is 10,000 points. Even for warriors who specialize in mental strength, at least they have to evolve to the eighth-level gene body, and the mental strength index can exceed 10,000 points. The old man in front of him was undoubtedly a terrifying powerhouse.

Liliat's sapphire was finally prepared. Looking at the blue liquid in the glass, Liliat shook the bottom of the glass twice to observe the color of the wine.

"I didn't expect you to be an expert at such a young age." Seeing her actions, the old man laughed.

"Understood a little bit." Liliat could feel that the old man was not malicious, and she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

The old man picked up the wine glass, "Come, have a drink with this old man."

Liliat looked at the other party's glass that was about to overflow, and suddenly thought of playing a prank. When she hit the other party's glass, she used a little strength.

Unexpectedly, although the wine in the other party's glass was shaken a few times, it seemed to be covered by an invisible energy layer, without any overflow.

The old man who sensed Lilia's intentions only smiled faintly, and raised his glass to Liliat again, "I wish that we can all leave this planet safely."

After finishing speaking, the old man downed the glass of white wine in one gulp, knocked on the countertop of the bar, "Pay the bill!"

It wasn't until he was paying that everyone noticed that he didn't have a smart wrist, but he wore a black ring on his left ring finger, which was a smart ring. He just stretched out the ring in front of the cash register, and soon the cash register showed a prompt that the payment was successful.

"You have already paid for that cup." The old man blinked at Liliat, and disappeared in the next instant, as if he had never appeared before.

Liliat seemed a little sluggish, even with her pupil technique, she couldn't capture any movement track of the opponent at all, as if the opponent really disappeared out of thin air.

Others in the tavern were also talking about it.

"Who was that old man just now?"

"That guy is at least an eighth-level genetic body."

"His appearance and disappearance are completely without any signs. Is it some kind of special ability?"

Liliat didn't pay too much attention to the discussion among the crowd. What she cared more about was the old man's last toast—may we all leave this planet safely. This sentence obviously contains deep meaning, I am afraid that this old man knows what is happening on this planet. But Liliat also knew that even if she just asked, she might not get an answer.

"Lily." A familiar voice came suddenly.

Gu Ding reached out and shook Liliat's eyes twice, "Why are you in a daze?"

"No, I was thinking about something just now." Liliat shook her head. The appearance of the old man just now made her a little concerned. After a moment of silence, she decided to tell the story.

Gu Ding grinned after listening, "It sounds like that uncle should be very powerful, but unfortunately I didn't meet him."

"He seems to know what's going on on this planet, but unfortunately I didn't have time to ask, although he may not be able to tell if I ask."

"It's okay, let's check it ourselves. Anyway, we can't leave, and if we are idle, we are idle." Gu Ding didn't care too much.

"Have you bought everything?" Liliat asked.

"I bought it. Although there was a guy following along the way, probably from Senior, I ignored him."

"Then let's go back to the boat, it's getting late." Liliat put down the wine glass, and she took a sip.

"No hurry, finish drinking!" Gu Ding looked at the azure blue in Liliat's wine glass. He knew very well how much that glass of wine was worth, and it would be too wasteful not to drink it up. Knocking on the bar table, he shouted at the bartender, "Give me a Milka!"