The Highest Bounty

Chapter 95: Gooding's new ability


Gu Ding sat cross-legged on the ground in the corridor at the door of Liliat's room. Although the success rate of the perfect quality gene enhancer for improving the gene level is more than 90%, and even if the improvement fails, the possibility of sequelae is less than 100%. one. Although Guding didn't think that Liliat's evolution would fail, he felt that Lily might feel more at ease if he stood by.

Neptune is also monitoring Liliat's physical condition through her smart watch.

The wait of more than two hours was long, and Guding let go of his tense nerves only when he heard the Neptune say "Lily has evolved successfully".

Lilia pushed the door open and saw Gu Ding who had just stood up. She announced happily, "I have succeeded, and I have successfully evolved to a fourth-order gene body!"

"What... what?!" Gu Ding was taken aback, "Fourth level? Shouldn't it evolve to third level?"

"It's not the third level, it's the fourth level!" Liliat said proudly, "I just skipped the third level."

"The ability should also be improved, right?" Gu Ding didn't expect that the potion he refined would be so effective.

"Well, the pupil art has become stronger, and there is another powerful move. And the body has become a lot stronger. As a gunsmith, I should be able to use more powerful firearms." Liliat smiled and nodded, and immediately She seemed to think of something, and she suggested, "Do you need me to help you implant energy crystal beads? I heard that Neptune said that your genes are also very special. E-level gene enhancers may not be able to make you evolve, right?"

"My physique is indeed not suitable for conventional evolution." Gu Ding thought of the genetic shackles in his body. According to Neptune, the genetic shackles that are born with him need to be broken for every genetic evolution. Conventional ones can improve genes The layered potions actually have little effect on Gu Ding. Every evolution of Guding requires huge energy to impact and break the shackles.

The energy crystal beads of the fourth-order gene beast can only allow Guding to evolve from the first-order gene body to the second-order, which is enough to show how much energy Guding needs to evolve.

"We got a lot of loot from that virus-infected body before, but the fifth-order genetic beast doesn't have many energy crystal beads, only two." Neptune recounted the loot and reported the remaining number of energy crystal beads.

"Let's implant together! I'm afraid the energy of one is not enough." Gu Ding thought for a while, in order to ensure that he could obtain enough energy to shock the genetic shackles, it would be safer to implant two together.

"Is there no problem? After all, it is the energy crystal beads of the fifth-order genetic beast." Liliat actually asked the Sea Emperor.

"It shouldn't be a big problem." Neptune still hasn't figured out what the strange virus in Guding's body is, but he has no doubts about the devouring ability of that thing.

Hearing what the Neptune said, Liliat was finally relieved. She took two energy crystal beads from Gu Ding, sanitized her hands, and started implanting again.

It didn't take long for Liliat's implantation to be completed. She still didn't leave the slightest scar on Guding's neck. However, with Guding's current high-speed regeneration physique, it is difficult for him to leave a scar. matter.

At the moment when the wound was healed, Neptune saw the emergence of the virus again, frantically devouring the two energy crystal beads. In less than ten minutes, the two crystal beads were swallowed up. And the genetic shackles in Guding's body also began to crack again, and then completely cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye. Guding officially evolved into a third-order gene body. And this is not over yet, one of Guding's genetic chains has also begun to undergo subtle changes.

When everything was settled, Neptune re-detected Guding's body data again.

[Name: Guding]

[Sex: Male]

[Age: 15]

[Gene Level: Tier 3]

[Special Ability 1: Level 2 Berserk (evolvable)]

[Ability Description: The attack power, defense power, speed, and recovery ability are tripled, and the duration is ten minutes.]

[Side effects: enter a state of collapse for ten hours, and the combat power will be halved.]

[Special ability 2: Level 1 high-speed regeneration (evolvable)]

[Ability description: The regeneration ability of cells is increased tenfold (permanently).]

[Special ability 3: Level 3 damage superposition (curse ability) (evolvable)]

[Ability Description: Causes a curse effect on the attacked, and the damage will be superimposed. The second hit will superimpose the first hit's damage, and the third hit will superimpose the first and second damage.]

[Cell Composite Index: 300]

[Spiritual power index: 298]

[Battle Talent: B+]

[Comprehension: A]

The Emperor of the Sea projected Guding's latest body data. He felt that Guding's latest ability was too much, "It turned out to be the superposition of damage from the curse system... Can this kind of heaven-defying ability appear?"

"The comprehensive cell index has reached 300 points..." Liliat was envious of another statistic, "My fourth-order gene body is only 300 points now, and the cell comprehensive index of 300 points is obviously only when the fourth-order gene body reaches the limit state. data, and you are only a third-order gene body... "

"My physique has always been different from ordinary people, and it's not the first day you guys know about it. By the way, is the ability to stack damage very strong?"

"It's not very strong, but it's against the sky. Your cell's composite index is 300 points, regardless of any other additional status, assuming that your first hit will cause 300 points of damage, the second hit will be 600 points, and the third hit will be 300 points." It has become 1200 points. This is still when you have not turned on the limit body technique, used the berserk, and have not used the weapon. And this kind of strengthening superposition ability can be evolved. In the later stage of evolution, as long as you do not encounter the ability to restrain the curse The people who are here are almost invincible." Neptune's explanation was very detailed.

Hearing Neptune's explanation, Gu Ding is quite satisfied with his new ability, "This time my genetic level has improved, and Neptune's authority should be improved again? Have you opened any new authority?"

"The unlocking authority has been opened to the intermediate level. Now I can lift some energy-related seals and restrictions. In addition, my detection range has also increased tenfold, and the radius has increased from 100 meters to 1,000 meters." Neptune His ability has also been significantly improved, "Wait, I saw some good news. Guding, you and Liliat have become famous."

"What is it?" Gu Ding asked curiously, and Liliat also brought her head closer.

"On the Dark World's network, there is a ranking of the newcomers who have risen in the Dragon Universe this year. Guding, you and Liliat are ranked third and fifth respectively." The Sea Emperor said, releasing the projection of the ranking.