The Highest Bounty

Chapter 99: Treat your best friends with the best ingredients


Lake Lake is the largest lake on Diris, with an area of more than 800,000 square kilometers, shaped like a broad leaf.

For the annual food festival, it is always necessary to choose a place that is rich in ingredients and convenient for crowds to gather. Lake Lake is undoubtedly an excellent choice.

Gu Ding and his party also arrived at the food festival early. The price of admission tickets is not cheap, and it costs 300 star coins per person.

"Big, Lily and I probably won't be able to get back the 300 star coins. You can eat more, so that we can lose less." Guding looked at Liliat who was eating ice cream slowly, and hated it. shook his head.

At this moment, a beautiful woman in bikini walked towards the three of them, and her eyes clearly fell on the ice cream machine not far behind the three of them.

Seeing the other person's chest visibly shaking every time he took a step, Liliat curled her lips and turned her head to the side with disdain, "What's the use of being so big? It can't be used as a pillow."

"That size should be fine, right?" Gu Ding paid special attention to the beauty's chest after hearing what Liliat said, and gave a very honest answer.

Liliat gave Gu Ding a supercilious look, "Stay away from me, don't eavesdrop on my speech!"

"Did I say something wrong?" Gu Ding looked at Big beside him.

Big shook his head, "There are always people in the tavern who say that women's minds are difficult to understand, and that's probably what they're talking about."

"Big, let's go eat steak. That kind of big steak costs 20 star coins, and you only need to eat 15 to earn back your money." Gooding pointed to a steak the size of a washbasin on a stall not far away and grinned. road.

When Bigger watched the crystal-clear fat oozing from the grilled meat steak above the coal fire, his saliva almost flowed out. It had been a long time since he had a hearty meal of meat.

"Hey, isn't this our Bigger?" At this moment, a discordant voice came from behind the two of them.

Gu Ding also heard that it was the voice of the previous shop owner.

"I haven't seen you for a day, and you put on a suit? It's almost unrecognizable."

At this time, Big was wearing a black suit with a dark blue bow around his neck. This outfit was chosen by Liliat for him, a black suit, low-key but not eye-catching, yet dignified. Moreover, black itself has a slimming effect visually, which can make a body like Bigger Hill look smaller. As for the dark blue bow, Liliat felt that Bigger looked too serious in a suit, so she added a little embellishment to him. As for his beard, he also shaved it off at Liliat's strong request. At this time, he looked much cleaner and fresher, his forty-year-old appearance suddenly dropped to his early thirties, and he was a bit tough and handsome.

"He is no longer your employee, don't forget this." Guding turned around and stared at him coldly.

"Are you yesterday's guest?" The store owner had seen Guding and Liliat from the kitchen window before, and had an impression of them, "Young man, I advise you, don't look at him as a pity, just take him in , he is a lazy guy who eats more than he does. You will know in a few days, and it will be too late to kick him off by then."

Gu Ding stepped out secretly, and appeared in front of the shop owner in an instant, with a threatening look in his eyes, "I also warn you, don't slander my partner, or I will beat you!"

The shop owner was frightened for a moment. Although he is a fifth-order gene body, he didn't see how Guding moved at all just now. He snorted coldly with a little confidence, then turned and left.

"Big, you don't have to be polite to this kind of person. The more polite you are, the more arrogant he will be." Turning back, Gu Ding patted Big's thigh. With his current height, he could only take pictures of Big thigh.

"Hehe." Bigger just smirked. He was very moved by Guding's stand for him just now. But he also had a vague worry in his heart, not that his appetite would be a burden to the two of them, but another thing.

"Guding, I have something to tell you." As soon as Guding reached out to get a steak, he was pushed to a corner by Bigra.

"Oh..." It was the first time Guding saw Bigger so serious, and he guessed it should be something important.

"Although my physique is like this, I can't participate in the battle with humans. If it was a beast, I could easily knock down the seventh-order gene body when I was ten years old, but I can't do it against humans." Bigger said My own secret, "I don't know why, whenever I want to do something to someone, a bloody and terrifying picture will appear in my mind... My body can't help shaking."

"It's okay. Liliat and I decided to find a chef very early on, because although egg fried rice tastes good, it's really unbearable to eat it for many days. You are a chef, just do your job well, and the rest Leave everything to us." Gu Ding grinned, and Big told his own secret, which showed that he had a lot of trust in himself, and he would never let others trust him.

"Trust is like a bare heart. When others are willing to give their heart to you, you should find an unbreakable box to put it in properly and keep it well." This sentence is also what the old man told Guding's, Guding has always kept it firmly in his heart.

"Guding, I want to take advantage of this food festival to make a dish for you and Lily. Although I haven't figured out how to do it, I have already selected the ingredients, and they are the best in this lake!" Bigger smiled, In fact, before he came to the food festival, he was a little vacillating whether to do this or not. Until he told his secret just now, Guding's reaction made him make up his mind to do it, or he would regret it.

After Bigge finished speaking, he squatted down slightly with his legs, and then exerted his strength suddenly, and his figure rushed out at a speed that exceeded Guding's visual capture speed. In his eyes, he only saw Bigger's squatting and exertion movements, and he even noticed the strange air flow in the air, but Bigger disappeared completely in the next moment.

"He's a martial artist with elemental power?!" Gu Ding suddenly realized something. He still clearly remembered the man in the mask who used a single bullet to cause a volcanic eruption on the planet Constellac. Although Bigger is not that strong, he is also a warrior with elemental power just like the opponent.

"That's right!" Neptune gave an affirmative answer, "It's not surprising that people with the ability to comprehend Yuanli."

Within a few minutes, an ear-splitting roar came from the lake. The sound obviously came from some giant beast, but the roar sounded a bit tragic.

Not long after, a giant figure was thrown out of the water and landed firmly on the shore.

The occurrence of this scene was simply shocking.

"Oh my god, this is that giant golden crocodile! Look at the lines on its back, it has already evolved to the eighth level!" Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

At this moment, Bigger also jumped out of the water. He was soaked, but his clothes were intact, dragging the tail of the giant beast, and he walked towards Guding.

"I want to treat my best friend with the best ingredients from this food festival!"