The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 122


There was no one in the room, but the quilt was rolled up. Feng Chen walked to the bed and sat down, leaning to pull the quilt, but Yan Bubu grabbed it tightly.

Feng Chen stared at the quilt for a moment, then reached out and opened a crack on the top: "Let me see—"

Yan Bubu pulled the quilt off and wrapped herself in it.

Feng Chen leaned down and said softly to the gap between the rolled quilts: "Your hair is cut very nicely, with a nice forehead and a nice back. It's very nice."

If he had praised Yan Bubu like this in the past, Yan Bubu would have immediately smiled happily, but now he was still wrapped in the quilt and had no reaction.

Feng Chen realized that this was not the reason: "What happened?" Yan Bubu didn't say anything, so he frowned and recalled: "He was fine before he went to the barber shop, but he changed his appearance a few minutes after I left..."

Yan Bubu had stopped crying. He just lay in the quilt and listened, his eyes fixed on a beam of light coming through the gap, and his ears pricked up.

"There was no barber in the barber shop at that time..." Feng Chen's face darkened, "Did those two people who were cutting your hair do something to you? No, no one left their seats... Did they say something to you? Laugh at your hairstyle? Say that your hair-"

"What's wrong with my hair? My hair looked good before, no one would think my hair was ugly." Yan Bubu's voice with a strong nasal tone sounded angrily.

Feng Chen asked: "Wasn't it bitten by a dog?"

"The ones that were bitten by dogs are also beautiful." Yan Bubu roared.

Feng Chen stared at the quilt roll: "Then come out, let's have a good chat, and tell me what happened?"

Yan Bubu remained silent again.

Feng Chen nodded: "You don't want to tell me, right? If you don't want to tell me, I'll go downstairs to watch TV. You can lie down slowly."

"You are not allowed to leave!" A hand quickly reached out from under the quilt and grabbed his trouser leg.

"You don't tell me the reason, but you won't let me leave. What's wrong with you?" Feng Chen looked down at the hand that was tightly clenched, and said helplessly.

He lay beside Yan Bubu, his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling, muttering: "You are crying so sadly for no reason..."

"Nothing happens without reason." Yan Bubu spoke again from under the quilt.

"No reason, you want me to figure it out on my own? The only reason I can think of..." Feng Chen tilted his head and looked at the quilt roll, "is that people looked at me a few more times."

There was no movement from under the quilt, so Feng Chen nudged him twice with his knee, "Is that so? You annoying guy. If you don't say anything, I'll carry you and your quilt to the classroom for your classmates to see."

Suddenly, the quilt was suddenly opened, and Yan Bubu came out with disheveled hair.

The tear marks on his face had dried, but his nose and eyes were still red. He stared at Feng Chen fiercely, "You only glanced at him once, so how do you know how many times he glanced at you? You've been looking at others with the side of your eyes!"

Feng Chen said: "I'm not blind."

"But if you don't look at others, how do you know that they are looking at you?" Yan Bubu said as he moved to the bed and started putting on his shoes.

Feng Chen was still lying down, but he raised one leg to block his chest: "Where are you going?"