The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 123


Yan Bubu took a nap after Feng Chen left. When he went downstairs, he saw Feng Chen sitting on the sofa, sewing a piece of cloth. Binunu was standing next to him, staring at his hands without blinking.

"Making new clothes for Binunu?" Yan Bubu moved to sit next to Feng Chen and looked at the strip of cloth he was sewing. "Is this a tie for him?"


On the coffee table was a dark blue military uniform and a helmet-shaped cloth cap. Yan Bubu put the cap on his head and found that he could wear it, so he deliberately asked, "Is it made for Binunu or for me? It must be made for me."

Binunu immediately tried to grab the hat on his head.

"Don't worry, this is yours, it's yours, let me try it on." Yan Bubu protected the cloth hat on his head and smiled, "Binu is not very tall, but his head is quite big."

Feng Chen chuckled: "I originally wanted to use the sleeves of old clothes to make a hat for it, but I ended up using the entire front to make it."

Yan Bubu curled up his feet on the sofa, leaned his head on Feng Chen's shoulder, and slowly twisted the fluff on his sweater with his fingers.

"Your information has been deleted, right?"

"It hasn't been deleted yet—"

Yan Bubu suddenly looked up and stared at him.

"—That's impossible." Feng Chen said slowly again.

Yan Bubu leaned back on his shoulder and twisted a small ball of fluff: "Do you know what the medical officer told me today?"

"Sit further away. Your big head is blocking my view. Be careful of the needle sticking into your eyes." Feng Chen pushed Binunu, whose eyes were almost stuck to his tie, further away and asked Yan Bubu, "What did I tell you?"

Yan Bubu raised his mouth a little higher and whispered in his ear: "The medical officer said that the match is because I have binding heat. Do you know what the binding heat of the guide is?"

After Yan Bubu asked, he stared at the piece of cloth in Feng Chen's hand, but his eyes were stealing glances at his face.

Feng Chen pulled the needle and thread and asked casually, "What is it?"

Yan Bubu thought about it for a moment and said implicitly, "It's those things."

"What are they?"

"… something like that between two people."

"That kind of thing between two people." Feng Chen repeated meaningfully, and then asked: "What is that thing between two people? Now I'm sewing a tie, and you're watching from the side. We're also doing something between two people."

"It's not that kind of thing." Yan Bubu said vaguely: "It's the kind of thing in the movies. You know? The kind in the movies."

"Which movie?" Feng Chen's tone still couldn't tell any emotion.

Yan Bubu turned his head to look at his handsome profile and swallowed loudly: "Secret love."

Feng Chen looked over slowly, squinting his eyes as he looked Yan Bubu up and down, looking a little dangerous.

Yan Bubu shuddered, and immediately put away his erotic thoughts. He sat up straight and said, "I haven't watched the movie. I'm just guessing."

Feng Chen retracted his gaze, tore the string in his hand, picked up the tie and said to Bi Nunu: "Come and try it."

Binunu quickly jumped off the sofa and stood straight in front of Feng Chen. Feng Chen then tied the small tie around its neck and began to tie a knot.

Yan Bubu was unwilling to give up, so he moved closer and said, "The medical officer said that if I combine heat, I will be matched with a sentinel, so that's how the matching is done. When I combine heat, I will do that with you."