The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 124


After all the quantum beasts had taken their positions, the koala appeared at Wang Suizi's feet and walked slowly towards the marked line.

The whole class stared at it, watching it take two steps and then stop. The instructor was obviously used to it, and just frowned and said nothing.

Wang Suizi saw that the koala was too slow, so she simply carried it to the right line and put it down.

"Ready—" The instructor raised his hand, and several quantum beasts half-bent over, ready to go, with nervous gurgling sounds coming from their throats.


Following the instructor's order, the quantum beasts rushed out and ran along the edge of the large training room. The originally quiet students suddenly became excited and cheered for them.

Yan Bubu's eyes moved back and forth between the quantum beast and his master.

He saw that the quantum beasts suddenly moved to the left while running, then quickly returned to their positions, and then moved to the right in unison. Their owner, wearing the glasses, stood there without moving.

He finally figured out what was going on.

Although these quantum beasts cannot see obstacles, their masters can see them and tell them through mental connection, allowing them to avoid those obstacles while running fast.


Yan Bubu glanced at Binunu next to him and saw that he was very focused, so he leaned over and whispered in his ear: "We are both going to be at the bottom of the class."

Binunu looked confused, so he explained it in detail, and finally said: "There is no spiritual connection between us. I can't tell you what I saw."

Binunu did not react after hearing this, but slowly shifted his gaze away and no longer looked at the quantum beasts.

Yan Bubu felt a little distressed when he saw its appearance, so he whispered to comfort it: "Go for a run and come back soon. It's okay if you are at the bottom. We won't lose to other quantum beasts in a fight anyway."

The black lion also gently bumped its head with Binunu, and then licked its face to comfort it.

Ding, a bell rang in the venue.

The instructor glanced at the display screen in his hand and shouted: "Lin Chenyu, eliminated!"

The student standing next to Wang Suizi took off his glasses and returned them to the box next to him. A raccoon in the field also stopped running and walked back dejectedly. When passing by the instructor, it knocked over the stool next to him with its paw.

The instructor looked at the student coldly: "Lin Chenyu, pay attention to your emotions."

The quantum beasts moved forward while dodging left and right, their movements were agile and fast. Only Wang Suizi's koala was not in a hurry, and was soon overtaken by the other quantum beasts twice.

However, although it moves slowly, it moves left and right without any ambiguity, and is as fast as lightning when avoiding invisible obstacles.

But after dodging, he slowed down again and even sat on the ground to rest. He looked very calm, which was out of tune with the current intense and tense atmosphere.

There were five laps in total, and the quantum beasts crossed the finish line one after another. Except for the one that was eliminated halfway, only Wang Suizi's koala was still walking slowly.

The students all took off their glasses and returned to the team. Only Wang Suizi remained standing. The instructor raised his wrist to check the time and said, "Two minutes left."

"Come on, Koala, you need to walk faster, the time is almost up!"