The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 126


Half a month had passed, and Shaoxiang Academy began its monthly exams. The first day was a theory test, and after the theory test, there was a combat capability assessment.

"I don't expect you to pass the first and second classes, but can you pass the fourth class and not be the last in the guide class?" The instructor of the third guide class slapped the desk and shouted, "Answer me now, do you have confidence in getting a good grade?"

"have… "

“I think so.”

“There is still a little bit.”

There were sporadic responses, with some uncertainty and hesitation.

"Your answers were so weak, how can you call that confidence?" The instructor shouted, "Raise your hands if you are confident that you will get good grades."

The whole class fell silent, except for Binunu who suddenly stood up and raised his paw high.

The instructor looked around and spoke slowly, "Are Quantum Beast the only one in the class who has confidence? You guys have such a negative attitude before the exam even starts?"

The first and second place students raised their hands one after another, and then other students also raised their hands.

The instructor shook his head and sighed, "Forget it, just do your best in the exam. Even if you don't know how to do the questions, you have to sit for the full time. Zhao Cui, especially you, you have to have a good attitude during the exam. You can sleep on your stomach, but don't knit a sweater in the exam room, can you do that?"

"I can do it, instructor." Zhao Cui responded.

During the exam, two instructors supervised the exam, and the deputy instructor in charge of distributing the exam papers handed the exam papers to everyone. When he passed by Binunu, he saw it sitting upright and staring at him, with stationery on the desk, so he gave it a paper as well.

After a ding sound, everyone started answering questions.

Yan Bubu looked through the test paper and was pleasantly surprised to find that he had memorized several questions very well and knew the correct answers. There were also some questions that he could not remember clearly, but he had seen them before and had a vague impression of them. Even guessing was better than being completely confused.

As for those that he really couldn't do, he also took them seriously and never relaxed. The words had to be filled in completely, including the blank spaces on the edge of the paper.

The entire academy was taking exams, and it was very quiet. The instructors in the corridors walked very quietly. The only sound in the exam room was the rustling of pens hitting the test papers, mixed with Zhao Cui's thunderous snoring.

Yan Bubu finished half of the test paper before looking up at the other students, then turned to look at Binunu.

Binunu was also very serious. He frowned slightly, held a pen in his little paws, and scribbled in the blank spaces.

I don't know if it was dissatisfied with the black smear, so it picked up the rewriting fluid and wiped it off.

"Don't look around. Time is running out."

After the instructor's reminder, Yan Bubu stopped looking at Binunu and focused on answering the remaining questions.

When the bell rang to signal the end of the exam, Yan Bubu quickly handed in his paper. Binunu also stood up, but seeing that some students were still taking the last minute to revise their answers, he also picked up his pen and continued to scribble.

"Okay, time's up, all students put down their pens and leave the classroom." The deputy instructor collected the papers of the students directly. When he took out Binunu's paper, he drew two more strokes in a hurry.

Black Lion had been waiting outside the classroom. After Yan Bubu and Binunu left the classroom, he went over and rubbed against Yan Bubu, then gently touched Binunu's head.