The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 127


Seeing Yan Bubu calmed down a bit, Feng Chen let him go and said to the two sentries standing outside the house, "No need to look for them, just lure the zombies here."

He pulled Yan Bubu towards a wall on the left and stood with his back against it. The two sentinels immediately understood what he meant and followed him to stand.

Feng Chen raised his gun towards the sky and pulled the trigger. The sound of the gun echoed in the area.

"Zombies are coming out!" a sentry suddenly shouted.

In the shadows behind the houses in the distance, behind the concrete walls, several zombies flew out, howling and rushing towards this direction. In places not illuminated by the beam, some swaying figures also appeared.

Several quantum beasts rushed out, and the three sentinels also fired at them, while at the same time they mobilized their mental power to kill the zombies that were invisible in the darkness.

It was Yan Bubu's first time to sort out the spiritual domains for other sentinels, and also his first time to sort out the spiritual domains for three sentinels at the same time, so he felt a little nervous.

Feng Chen was so familiar with his spiritual realm that he didn't need to mobilize it, and his spiritual power began to sort it out on its own. However, when he entered the spiritual realms of the other two sentinels, he was slightly surprised.

He originally thought that the spiritual domains of all the sentinels were the same, but the spiritual domains of these two sentinels were somewhat different from Feng Chen's.

He had long discovered that Feng Chen's spiritual realm was constantly expanding. When he was a child playing in it, he would often encounter a transparent wall that prevented his spiritual power from moving forward. That should be the boundary of the spiritual realm. As he grew up, Feng Chen's spiritual realm was like an ever-expanding universe, and he never encountered that situation again.

But the spiritual domain of these two sentinels was similar to that of Feng Chen when he was thirteen or fourteen years old. Although it was vast, when he ran far away to sort out the chaotic spiritual power, he could actually touch the boundary.

When Yan Bubu was surprised, the two sentinels were also secretly surprised.

When the little guide followed their team, they were actually reluctant in their hearts. Although the little guide was very beautiful and pleasing to the eye, they would rather choose experienced guides in battle.

A guide without combat experience would run around in the sentinel's mental domain and fail to sort it out after a long time. However, a guide with combat experience would be different. They would sort it out for the sentinel in the shortest time and with the highest efficiency.

The young guide looked only about 16 or 17 years old, and he kept holding onto the captain's shirt tightly, which showed that he had little combat experience. Therefore, the two sentinels held back when they entered the battle, and released their mental power in a rush, fearing that the young guide would not be able to keep up.

Unexpectedly, he was so skilled and quick in combing the hair, without any omissions, and even those tiny strands of mental hair that were not noticed were smoothed out one by one by him.

This is not a novice guide with no combat experience. He is clearly more professional than those soldier guides who have been on missions in the army for many years.

With Yan Bubu's guidance, the two sentinels no longer held back and boldly released their mental power to stab the zombies in the darkness.

Because they had their backs against the wall, they didn't have to worry about being attacked from behind, and only had to attack from the front. So after ten minutes or so, no new zombies appeared.

The last gunshot stopped, and a sentry said, "Captain, no new zombies have appeared."