The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 129


This warehouse is very large and is divided into three rooms. There is a thermometer on the glass door of the first room on the right, showing that the temperature inside is -80°. There are many barrels made of special equipment inside, which should be frozen specimens that need to be preserved at low temperatures.

Feng Chen knew that the box would not be here, so he walked to the next room.

The second room was filled with glass jars of various sizes, with various human or animal body parts soaked in them. Feng Chen glanced at them and walked directly to the third room.

These glass jars made Yan Bubu feel terrified, but he couldn't help but be curious and kept turning his head to look at them.

"Look, is that a fetal zombie? It's only as big as my palm." Wang Suizi leaned against the glass, pointed at one of the glass jars and whispered.

Yan Bubu looked at the little zombie floating in the glass jar, feeling indescribable, so he dragged her away and said, "Don't look at it anymore. Its mother must have turned into a zombie, and it became one before it was born."

The third room was very large, with rows of shelves filled with specimens from the research institute, such as some uncommon minerals, or some strange and rare tree roots, and many sealed boxes.

Seeing Feng Chen was already searching on the shelf, Yan Bubu went to another row and started looking.

"Brother Feng, what are you looking for? We can help you find it too." Cai Tao asked.

Feng Chen did not hide it: "It is a silver-white password box the size of a cigarette box. It is made of a special metal material, smooth but with a grainy feel."

"Then you guys go look for it. I'll go to the monitoring room on the second floor to delete our surveillance video." Ding Hongsheng said.

Feng Chen nodded: "Okay, do you need help?"

"No, it's very easy to operate as long as there is no one around."

Ding Hongsheng went to the monitoring room to delete the video, and everyone else began to rummage through the shelves. When they saw something unusual, they would look up at the names of the specimens labeled on the shelves.

"What kind of animal's bones are these? A mutant of the Zin Gu beast... This is the first time I've heard of such a beast."

"What's in this jar? Salt? It turns out to be powdered calcite. I thought it was salt."

Ten minutes later, the warehouse was searched thoroughly, but no one found the silver-white code box.

Yan Bubu walked around from the other end of the shelf to Feng Chen's side and said, "Brother, could it be that the box is not in here?"

"It's normal whether it's here or not." Feng Chen looked around: "The soldiers from the research institute will be back soon, let's search again before they do."

Everyone began the screening again, this time searching more carefully. Any specimen that could fit into a cryptex box would be picked up and shaken.

Yan Bubu and Feng Chen stood back to back. Yan Bubu picked up a large ore and looked at it. He suspected that the ore was hollow, and shook it left and right: "Brother, what if we can't find the box?"

"It doesn't matter if you can't find it." Feng Chen said calmly: "Finding the box will verify one of my guesses, but if you can't find it, it will verify another guess of mine."

Yan Bubu pondered for a moment and said, "You mean, it doesn't matter whether the box is here or not?"

"Yes, it doesn't matter whether it's here or not."

Yan Bubu wanted to say something else, but Feng Chen interrupted him and said, "Look for it quickly, don't waste your energy on talking. If you can find it, it would be better. You won't have to go through so much trouble in the future."