The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 132


The next afternoon during class, cheers continued to be heard from the playground, and female voices could be heard from the loudspeaker from time to time, making it sound very lively.

The guide trainees were all distracted and began to talk in low voices after the instructor turned his back.

"The Sentinel Class is having a physical exam again. I was busy and didn't go to see the last exam. I really want to go this time."

"The last physical test was a battle, but I heard it won't be this time."

"How long until get out of class ends? Who has a watch?"

"There are still thirty minutes left. This is so hard to bear."

Yan Bubu also began to get restless when he heard their discussion. Since the sentry squad was taking a physical test, Feng Chen must be there too, and he really wanted to go and take a look.

"Now open the book and turn to page 16. We will continue what we didn't finish in the last lesson, the information war in military warfare..."

The instructor began to lecture. Except for Binunu who was still sitting upright, the other students were distracted. Listening to the cheers coming from the playground, they were all itching to get excited.

"Please ask the third group of students to prepare to go on stage, Jin Qiaoru, Wu Yuankuan, Wang Quanzhang..."

When the sound of the broadcast from the playground came into the classroom, the students turned their heads to a girl sitting on the right, regardless of the fact that they were still in class.

"Li Ruisi, your sentinels will start the competition soon."

"Li Ruisi, I heard Jin Qiaoru was getting ready to go on stage."

"Li Ruisi..."

Yan Bubu saw the girl looking at the instructor with a red face, her eyes full of pleading.

The instructor stopped teaching, threw the book in his hand onto the desk, waved his hand and said, "Forget it, go watch the game, I'll give you a day off this afternoon."

"Oh!" The whole class cheered and packed up their books and left the classroom.

Yan Bubu stuffed the book into the desk and immediately called Wang Suizi and Chen Wenchao: "Let's go to the playground to watch the sentinel competition."

Wang Suizi said, "I won't go. I have a day off this afternoon, so I can go home."

Wang Suizi's parents were gone, leaving only her aunt who had not yet survived the mutation period and lived in a rental place on the ground floor. Wang Suizi lived in the college, and her food and accommodation were free. She did not use up all her credit points every month, so she would go to her aunt from time to time to transfer some credit points to help her.

"Okay, then you go. What about Chen Wenchao?" Yan Bubu asked Chen Wenchao.

Chen Wenchao put his books down and said, "I didn't go home this weekend. My dad thought something happened to me and he stood outside the checkpoint every day asking people for information. I have no classes in the afternoon, so I have to go back."

Chen Wenchao's mother was gone, but his father was still alive, and he had survived the mutation period and became an ordinary person, living in the second-floor residential area. His father treated him like a traitor, and would run to the academy whenever there was any sign of trouble. Since he was not allowed to enter this area, he would stand guard outside the checkpoint and became familiar with the soldiers on duty there.

Since Wang Suizi and Chen Wenchao were not going to watch the game, Yan Bubu led Hei Shi and Binunu out of the classroom. Their class made too much noise when they went on holiday, so the other guide classes had to follow suit, and the guides all rushed to the playground.

I don't know when a circle of stepped stands was built on the playground downstairs, forming a large area in the middle, which was brightly lit by lights.

There are many winding corridors separated by partitions in the middle of the venue, like a large maze. A huge clock hangs above the head, and bright red numbers are ticking in the countdown, indicating that there are nine minutes and fifteen seconds left.