The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 135


During class the next day, Yan Bubu calculated the days and found that it was August 10th, which was only seven days away from Feng Chen's birthday, so he started thinking about preparing a birthday present for him.

"Wang Suizi, do you know where the trading ground is?" he asked Wang Suizi.

He had free food and lodging, and planned to use the 200 credit points he had saved to buy Feng Chen a birthday present.

Wang Suizi was doing her homework and said without even looking up: "What do you want to buy? There are shops on the second floor, selling daily necessities. If you want to buy other things, you have to go to the trading floor on the first floor."

Yan Bubu sat next to her: "My brother's birthday is coming soon, I want to buy him a present."

"As for a birthday present... I have to go to the trading floor on the first floor to choose one. I can't just buy some soap and toothpaste for him in the store." Wang Suizi thought.

"The trading floor? Okay, I'll go to the first floor then."

Wang Suizi said, "Why don't we go this afternoon? I also want to go to the trading floor to buy some things. There are theory classes in the afternoon, so it doesn't matter whether I go or not."

"Okay, but do I need to ask the instructor for leave?"

Wang Suizi put her mouth close to his ear and said: "There are so many people missing in the classroom. If we were missing two more, the instructor wouldn't know."

The two hit it off immediately and quickly packed up their things.

Feng Chen had a sentinel training class in the afternoon, so the black lion followed him, and Binunu sat alone at the back of the classroom. When Yan Bubu quietly asked it if it wanted to go to the first floor with him, it immediately jumped off its seat and followed.

"Where are you two going?" I met Chen Wenchao at the classroom door. He asked in confusion, holding a cup of hot water.

Wang Suizi hushed, "We want to go to the trading floor. Do you want to go? Come with us."

Chen Wenchao frowned: "What are you going to do at the trading floor?"

Yan Bubu immediately leaned in and whispered, "My brother's birthday is coming up, and I want to go to the trading floor to buy him a birthday present. Let's go together."

Chen Wenchao put the cup back into the classroom and followed the two of them.

After leaving the college, there was still a long way to the first-floor checkpoint, and there was no bus for this section of the road. The three of them walked for a full twenty minutes before they reached the entrance of the welfare home.

There were many children playing on the lawn, and Yan Bubu was afraid that they would cry and ask their brothers and sisters to take them to the first floor. Fortunately, the children saw that there were only three of them, so they did not drive and just glanced at Yan Bubu and turned their heads away.

The three of them felt relieved and stopped to stand outside the fence to watch them play.

"They are so cute." Wang Suizi looked at a little boy with curly hair and bumped into Yan Bubu. "Look, that child looks like you when you were a child."

Upon hearing this, Binunu kept staring at the little boy and kept looking up at Yan Bubu's face.

When Yan Bubu saw the little boy looking at him, he smiled and waved to him.

"Puff!" The little boy stuck his butt out to him and made some sounds.

Chen Wenchao, who had been silent at first, saw his action and immediately nodded affirmatively: "This annoying look looks exactly like him!"

The three of them continued to walk forward. Yan Bubu saw that the little boy was looking at him again, so he also took the opportunity to stick out his butt: "Poof!"

The little boy rolled his eyes unhappily, and Yan Bubu burst into laughter.

After leaving the welfare home, they walked for another forty minutes before the three people and the quantum beast finally got down to the first floor and got on the bus to the trading field.