The Human Cub’s Guide to Wasteland Survival

Chapter 136


After paying the stall owner the credit points, the three of them took the bus back to the checkpoint. Before they reached the checkpoint, they heard continuous gunfire.

"What happened?" The bus didn't stop, so they stood in front of the bus to look. Binunu also came over and stood next to Yan Bubu.

There were no pedestrians running around in the street, nor were there any shouting or crying, so Chen Wenchao said, "Don't panic, nothing serious should have happened."

A few minutes later, the bus arrived at the station. The three jumped off and ran towards the sound of gunfire. They saw a group of soldiers on the left side of the checkpoint, shooting down. A large metal mesh in front of them was lifted up, and a machine stood in the middle, making a rumbling sound.

Binunu heard the zombies howling from the gunshots and was about to rush forward, but Yan Bubu hugged him and said, "Don't worry about them. You are wearing such a beautiful hairpin. There is no need to bother with these ugly monsters."

The three of them stood there and watched for a while, and after confirming that there was no zombie bite incident, they went to the inspection entrance with peace of mind.

Yan Bubu scanned his ID chip and looked back. The soldier next to him shouted, "It's okay. You can go up. There is a pillar that has fallen down. The military is re-welding it."

Chen Wenchao also shouted loudly: "How did it fall?"

"I don't know. Seven or eight of them have fallen down in the past two days. They were completely broken. I can't find the reason for now. I think they were broken by zombies."

When they reached the second floor, they found that there was no bus route leading to the college and the welfare home, so the three people and the quantum beast could only walk back slowly.

Binunu put on the new hairpin, and every time he passed a place where he could reflect his own reflection, such as smooth slate or tiles, he would stop to admire it.

Although its body could not be seen in the photo and only a floating hairpin could be seen, it did not dampen its interest at all.

Yan Bubu would occasionally take out the necklace box from his trouser pocket, open the lid to take a look, and then happily close it.

This was not enough. He would run to a distance of more than ten meters ahead, put the box on the ground, then turn around and pull Wang Suizi forward as if taking a walk, and ask in surprise as if he had suddenly discovered the box: "Hey, look over there, what is that?"

"I don't know, could it be a treasure?" Wang Suizi was also very cooperative.

Yan Bubu went to pick up the box and opened it. The two of them covered their mouths in exaggeration: "It's so beautiful, my God, wow, we found a good thing, it really is a treasure..."

Chen Wenchao was rarely impatient with the childish behavior of the two. He just walked with a heavy heart. When Yan Bubu opened the box again and exclaimed with Wang Suizi, he stared at the necklace and said, "I always feel something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Yan Bubu immediately put the box into his pocket and said vigilantly, "You said it yourself, as long as he can engrave the words, you will add 200 credit points. Now even if you regret it, I won't recognize it."

"I didn't say I didn't recognize the credit point." Chen Wenchao said.

Hearing him say this, Yan Bubu felt relieved and took out the necklace again to examine it carefully: "Why do you feel something is wrong? Is the word engraved wrong?"

"The words are correct, but the beetle that can soften huge metals is too incredible." Chen Wenchao stopped and said, "I was thinking about what the soldier said just now. He said that several huge metal pillars broke inexplicably in the past few days, and he couldn't find the reason."